blob: 253b12e19148b98ac7a43ad28da3a725b629315f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.ui.resources.ResourceManager;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Abstract representation of an OpenGL layout tailored to draw tabs. It is a framework used as an
* alternative to the Android UI for lower level hardware accelerated rendering.
* This layout also pass through all the events that may happen.
public abstract class Layout implements TabContentManager.ThumbnailChangeListener {
* The orientation of the device.
@IntDef({Orientation.UNSET, Orientation.PORTRAIT, Orientation.LANDSCAPE})
public @interface Orientation {
int UNSET = 0;
int PORTRAIT = 1;
int LANDSCAPE = 2;
/** The possible variations of the visible viewport that different layouts may need. */
public @interface ViewportMode {
/** The viewport is assumed to be always fullscreen. */
/** The viewport is assuming that browser controls are permanently shown. */
/** The viewport will account for animating browser controls (both shown and hidden). */
/** Use a viewport that accounts for the browser controls state in the previous layout. */
// Defines to make the code easier to read.
public static final boolean NEED_TITLE = true;
public static final boolean NO_TITLE = false;
public static final boolean SHOW_CLOSE_BUTTON = true;
public static final boolean NO_CLOSE_BUTTON = false;
/** Length of the unstalling animation. **/
public static final long UNSTALLED_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 500;
private static final float SNAP_SPEED = 1.0f; // dp per second
// Drawing area properties.
private float mWidthDp;
private float mHeightDp;
private float mTopBrowserControlsHeightDp;
private float mBottomBrowserControlsHeightDp;
/** A {@link Context} instance. */
private Context mContext;
/** The current {@link Orientation} of the layout. */
private @Orientation int mCurrentOrientation;
// Tabs
protected TabModelSelector mTabModelSelector;
protected TabContentManager mTabContentManager;
// Tablet tab strip managers.
private final List<SceneOverlay> mSceneOverlays = new ArrayList<SceneOverlay>();
// Helpers
private final LayoutUpdateHost mUpdateHost;
protected final LayoutRenderHost mRenderHost;
/** The tabs currently being rendered as part of this layout. The tabs are
* drawn using the same ordering as this array. */
protected LayoutTab[] mLayoutTabs;
// True means that the layout is going to hide as soon as the animation finishes.
private boolean mIsHiding;
// The next id to show when the layout is hidden, or TabBase#INVALID_TAB_ID if no change.
protected int mNextTabId = Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID;
// The ratio of dp to px.
protected final float mDpToPx;
protected final float mPxToDp;
* The {@link Layout} is not usable until sizeChanged is called.
* This is convenient this way so we can pre-create the layout before the host is fully defined.
* @param context The current Android's context.
* @param updateHost The parent {@link LayoutUpdateHost}.
* @param renderHost The parent {@link LayoutRenderHost}.
public Layout(Context context, LayoutUpdateHost updateHost, LayoutRenderHost renderHost) {
mContext = context;
mUpdateHost = updateHost;
mRenderHost = renderHost;
// Invalid sizes
mWidthDp = -1;
mHeightDp = -1;
mTopBrowserControlsHeightDp = -1;
mBottomBrowserControlsHeightDp = -1;
mCurrentOrientation = Orientation.UNSET;
mDpToPx = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
mPxToDp = 1 / mDpToPx;
* @return The handler responsible for running compositor animations.
public CompositorAnimationHandler getAnimationHandler() {
return mUpdateHost.getAnimationHandler();
* Called when native initialization is completed.
public void onFinishNativeInitialization() {}
* Adds a {@link SceneOverlay} that can be shown in this layout to the first position in the
* scene overlay list, meaning it will be drawn behind all other overlays.
* @param overlay The {@link SceneOverlay} to be added.
void addSceneOverlayToBack(SceneOverlay overlay) {
assert !mSceneOverlays.contains(overlay);
mSceneOverlays.add(0, overlay);
* Adds a {@link SceneOverlay} that can potentially be shown on top of this {@link Layout}. The
* {@link SceneOverlay}s added to this {@link Layout} will be cascaded in the order they are
* added. The {@link SceneOverlay} added first will become the content of the
* {@link SceneOverlay} added second, and so on.
* @param helper A {@link SceneOverlay} to add as a potential overlay for this {@link Layout}.
public void addSceneOverlay(SceneOverlay helper) {
assert !mSceneOverlays.contains(helper);
* Cleans up any internal state. This object should not be used after this call.
public void destroy() {
* @return The current {@link Context} instance associated with this {@link Layout}.
public Context getContext() {
return mContext;
* @return Whether the {@link Layout} is currently active.
public boolean isActive() {
return mUpdateHost.isActiveLayout(this);
* Get a list of virtual views for accessibility.
* @param views A List to populate with virtual views.
public void getVirtualViews(List<VirtualView> views) {
// TODO(dtrainor): Investigate order.
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
* Creates a {@link LayoutTab}.
* @param id The id of the reference {@link Tab} in the {@link TabModel}.
* @param isIncognito Whether the new tab is incognito.
* @param showCloseButton True to show and activate a close button on the border.
* @param isTitleNeeded Whether a title will be shown.
* @return The newly created {@link LayoutTab}.
public LayoutTab createLayoutTab(
int id, boolean isIncognito, boolean showCloseButton, boolean isTitleNeeded) {
return createLayoutTab(id, isIncognito, showCloseButton, isTitleNeeded, -1.f, -1.f);
* Creates a {@link LayoutTab}.
* @param id The id of the reference {@link Tab} in the {@link TabModel}.
* @param isIncognito Whether the new tab is incognito.
* @param showCloseButton True to show and activate a close button on the border.
* @param isTitleNeeded Whether a title will be shown.
* @param maxContentWidth The max content width of the tab. Negative numbers will use the
* original content width.
* @param maxContentHeight The max content height of the tab. Negative numbers will use the
* original content height.
* @return The newly created {@link LayoutTab}.
public LayoutTab createLayoutTab(int id, boolean isIncognito, boolean showCloseButton,
boolean isTitleNeeded, float maxContentWidth, float maxContentHeight) {
LayoutTab layoutTab = mUpdateHost.createLayoutTab(
id, isIncognito, showCloseButton, isTitleNeeded, maxContentWidth, maxContentHeight);
return layoutTab;
* Releases the data we keep for that {@link LayoutTab}.
* @param layoutTab The {@link LayoutTab} to release.
public void releaseTabLayout(LayoutTab layoutTab) {
* Releases cached title texture resources for the {@link LayoutTab}.
* @param layoutTab The {@link LayoutTab} to release resources for.
public void releaseResourcesForTab(LayoutTab layoutTab) {
* Update the animation and give chance to cascade the changes.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param dt The delta time between update frames in ms.
* @return Whether the layout is done updating.
public final boolean onUpdate(long time, long dt) {
final boolean doneAnimating = onUpdateAnimation(time, false);
// Don't update the layout if onUpdateAnimation ended up making a new layout active.
if (mUpdateHost.isActiveLayout(this)) updateLayout(time, dt);
return doneAnimating;
* Layout-specific updates. Cascades the values updated by the animations.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param dt The delta time between update frames in ms.
protected void updateLayout(long time, long dt) {
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
mSceneOverlays.get(i).updateOverlay(time, dt);
* Update snapping to pixel. To be called once every frame.
* TODO( Temporary placement. This is some Mediator logic and should move to
* the appropriate location when doing MVC.
* @param dt The delta time between update frames in ms.
* @param layoutTab The {@link LayoutTab} that needs to be updating.
* @return True if the snapping requests to render at least one more frame.
protected boolean updateSnap(long dt, LayoutTab layoutTab) {
final float step = dt * SNAP_SPEED / 1000.0f;
final float renderX = layoutTab.get(LayoutTab.RENDER_X);
final float renderY = layoutTab.get(LayoutTab.RENDER_Y);
final float x = updateSnap(step, renderX, layoutTab.get(LayoutTab.X));
final float y = updateSnap(step, renderY, layoutTab.get(LayoutTab.Y));
final boolean change = x != renderX || y != renderY;
layoutTab.set(LayoutTab.RENDER_X, x);
layoutTab.set(LayoutTab.RENDER_Y, y);
return change;
private float updateSnap(float step, float current, float ref) {
if (Math.abs(current - ref) > mPxToDp) return ref;
final float refRounded = Math.round(ref * mDpToPx) * mPxToDp;
if (refRounded < ref) {
current -= step;
current = Math.max(refRounded, current);
} else {
current += step;
current = Math.min(refRounded, current);
return current;
* Request that the renderer render a frame (after the current frame). This
* should be called whenever a new frame should be rendered.
public void requestRender() {
* Requests one more frame of refresh for the transforms and changing properties. Primarily,
* this is so animations can continue to animate.
public void requestUpdate() {
* Called when the context and size of the view has changed.
* @param context The current Android's context.
public void contextChanged(Context context) {
mContext = context;
* Called when the size of the viewport has changed.
* @param visibleViewport The visible viewport that represents the area on the screen
* this {@link Layout} gets to draw to in px (potentially takes
* into account browser controls).
* @param screenViewport The viewport of the screen in px.
* @param heightMinusBrowserControls The height the {@link Layout} gets excluding the height of
* the browser controls in px. TODO(dtrainor): Look at getting rid
* of this.
* @param orientation The new orientation. Valid values are defined by
* {@link Orientation}.
public final void sizeChanged(RectF visibleViewportPx, RectF screenViewportPx,
float topBrowserControlsHeightPx, float bottomBrowserControlsHeightPx,
@Orientation int orientation) {
// 1. Pull out this Layout's width and height properties based on the viewport.
float width = screenViewportPx.width() / mDpToPx;
float height = screenViewportPx.height() / mDpToPx;
float topBrowserControlsHeightDp = topBrowserControlsHeightPx / mDpToPx;
float bottomBrowserControlsHeightDp = bottomBrowserControlsHeightPx / mDpToPx;
// 2. Check if any Layout-specific properties have changed.
boolean layoutPropertiesChanged =, width) != 0
||, height) != 0
||, topBrowserControlsHeightDp) != 0
||, bottomBrowserControlsHeightDp) != 0
|| mCurrentOrientation != orientation;
// 3. Update the internal sizing properties.
mWidthDp = width;
mHeightDp = height;
mTopBrowserControlsHeightDp = topBrowserControlsHeightDp;
mBottomBrowserControlsHeightDp = bottomBrowserControlsHeightDp;
mCurrentOrientation = orientation;
// 4. Notify the actual Layout if necessary.
if (layoutPropertiesChanged) {
notifySizeChanged(width, height, orientation);
// 5. TODO(dtrainor): Notify the overlay objects.
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
mSceneOverlays.get(i).onSizeChanged(width, height,, orientation);
* Notifies when the size or the orientation of the view has actually changed.
* @param width The new width in dp.
* @param height The new height in dp.
* @param orientation The new orientation.
protected void notifySizeChanged(float width, float height, @Orientation int orientation) {}
* Notify the a title has changed.
* @param tabId The id of the tab that has changed.
* @param title The new title.
public void tabTitleChanged(int tabId, String title) {
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
mSceneOverlays.get(i).tabTitleChanged(tabId, title);
* Sets the managers needed to for the layout to get information from outside. The managers
* are tailored to be called from the GL thread.
* @param modelSelector The {@link TabModelSelector} to be set on the layout.
* @param manager The {@link TabContentManager} to get tab display content.
public void setTabModelSelector(TabModelSelector modelSelector, TabContentManager manager) {
if (mTabContentManager != null) mTabContentManager.removeThumbnailChangeListener(this);
mTabModelSelector = modelSelector;
mTabContentManager = manager;
if (mTabContentManager != null) mTabContentManager.addThumbnailChangeListener(this);
* @return The sizing mode for the layout.
public @ViewportMode int getViewportMode() {
* Informs this cache of the visible {@link Tab} {@code id}s, as well as the
* primary screen-filling tab.
protected void updateCacheVisibleIdsAndPrimary(List<Integer> visible, int primaryTabId) {
if (mTabContentManager != null) mTabContentManager.updateVisibleIds(visible, primaryTabId);
* Informs this cache of the visible {@link Tab} {@code id}s, in cases where there
* is no primary screen-filling tab.
protected void updateCacheVisibleIds(List<Integer> visible) {
if (mTabContentManager != null) mTabContentManager.updateVisibleIds(visible, -1);
* To be called when the layout is starting a transition out of the view mode.
* @param nextTabId The id of the next tab.
* @param hintAtTabSelection Whether or not the new tab selection should be broadcast as a hint
* potentially before this {@link Layout} is done hiding and the
* selection occurs.
public void startHiding(int nextTabId, boolean hintAtTabSelection) {
mUpdateHost.startHiding(nextTabId, hintAtTabSelection);
mIsHiding = true;
mNextTabId = nextTabId;
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
* @return True is the layout is in the process of hiding itself.
public boolean isHiding() {
return mIsHiding;
* @return The incognito state of the layout.
public boolean isIncognito() {
return mTabModelSelector.isIncognitoSelected();
* To be called when the transition into the layout is done.
public void doneShowing() {
* To be called when the transition out of the view mode is done.
* This is currently called by the renderer when all the animation are done while hiding.
public void doneHiding() {
mIsHiding = false;
if (mNextTabId != Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID) {
TabModel model = mTabModelSelector.getModelForTabId(mNextTabId);
if (model != null) {
TabModelUtils.setIndex(model, TabModelUtils.getTabIndexById(model, mNextTabId));
mNextTabId = Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID;
if (mRenderHost != null && mRenderHost.getResourceManager() != null) {
* Called when a tab is getting selected. Typically when exiting the overview mode.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param tabId The id of the selected tab.
public void onTabSelecting(long time, int tabId) {
startHiding(tabId, true);
* Initialize the layout to be shown.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param animate Whether to play an entry animation.
public void show(long time, boolean animate) {
mIsHiding = false;
mNextTabId = Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID;
* Hands the layout an Android view to attach it's views to.
* @param container The Android View to attach the layout's views to.
public void attachViews(ViewGroup container) { }
* Signal to the Layout to detach it's views from the container.
public void detachViews() { }
* Forces the current animation to finish and broadcasts the proper event.
protected void forceAnimationToFinish() {}
* @return The width of the drawing area in dp.
public float getWidth() {
return mWidthDp;
* @return The height of the drawing area in dp.
public float getHeight() {
return mHeightDp;
* @return The height of the top browser controls in dp.
public float getTopBrowserControlsHeight() {
return mTopBrowserControlsHeightDp;
* @return The height of the bottom browser controls in dp.
public float getBottomBrowserControlsHeight() {
return mBottomBrowserControlsHeightDp;
* @return The height of the drawing area minus the browser controls in dp.
public float getHeightMinusBrowserControls() {
return getHeight() - (getTopBrowserControlsHeight() + getBottomBrowserControlsHeight());
* @see Orientation
* @return The orientation of the screen (portrait or landscape). Values are defined by
* {@link Orientation}.
public @Orientation int getOrientation() {
return mCurrentOrientation;
* Initializes a {@link LayoutTab} with data from the {@link LayoutUpdateHost}. This function
* eventually needs to be called but may be overridden to manage the posting traffic.
* @param layoutTab The {@link LayoutTab} To initialize from a
* {@link Tab} on the UI thread.
* @return Whether the asynchronous initialization of the {@link LayoutTab} has really
* been posted.
protected boolean initLayoutTabFromHost(LayoutTab layoutTab) {
if (layoutTab.isInitFromHostNeeded()) {
return true;
return false;
* Called by the LayoutManager when an animation should be killed.
public void unstallImmediately() { }
* Called by the LayoutManager when an animation should be killed.
* @param tabId The tab that the kill signal is associated with
public void unstallImmediately(int tabId) { }
* Called by the LayoutManager when they system back button is pressed.
* @return Whether or not the layout consumed the event.
public boolean onBackPressed() {
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
// If the back button was consumed by any overlays, return true.
if (mSceneOverlays.get(i).onBackPressed()) return true;
return false;
* Called when a tab get selected. Typically when a tab get closed and the new current tab get
* selected.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param tabId The id of the selected tab.
* @param prevId The id of the previously selected tab.
* @param incognito Whether or not the affected model was incognito.
public void onTabSelected(long time, int tabId, int prevId, boolean incognito) {
* Called when a tab is about to be closed. When called, the closing tab will still
* be part of the model.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param tabId The id of the tab being closed
public void onTabClosing(long time, int tabId) {
* Called when a tab is being closed. When called, the closing tab will not
* be part of the model.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param tabId The id of the tab being closed.
* @param nextTabId The id if the tab that is being switched to.
* @param incognito Whether or not the affected model was incognito.
public void onTabClosed(long time, int tabId, int nextTabId, boolean incognito) {
* Called when all the tabs in the current stack need to be closed.
* When called, the tabs will still be part of the model.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param incognito True if this the incognito tab model should close all tabs, false otherwise.
public void onTabsAllClosing(long time, boolean incognito) {
* Called before a tab is created from the top left button.
* @param sourceTabId The id of the source tab.
public void onTabCreating(int sourceTabId) { }
* Called when a tab is created from the top left button.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param tabId The id of the newly created tab.
* @param tabIndex The index of the newly created tab.
* @param sourceTabId The id of the source tab.
* @param newIsIncognito Whether the new tab is incognito.
* @param background Whether the tab is created in the background.
* @param originX The X screen coordinate in dp of the last touch down event that spawned
* this tab.
* @param originY The Y screen coordinate in dp of the last touch down event that spawned
* this tab.
public void onTabCreated(long time, int tabId, int tabIndex, int sourceTabId,
boolean newIsIncognito, boolean background, float originX, float originY) {
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
mSceneOverlays.get(i).tabCreated(time, newIsIncognito, tabId, sourceTabId, !background);
* Called when a tab is restored (created FROM_RESTORE).
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param tabId The id of the restored tab.
public void onTabRestored(long time, int tabId) { }
* Called when the TabModelSelector has been initialized with an accurate tab count.
public void onTabStateInitialized() {
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
* Called when the current tabModel switched (e.g. standard -> incognito).
* @param incognito True if the new model is incognito.
public void onTabModelSwitched(boolean incognito) {
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
* Called when a tab is finally closed if the action was previously undoable.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param id The id of the Tab.
* @param incognito True if the tab is incognito
public void onTabClosureCommitted(long time, int id, boolean incognito) { }
public void onThumbnailChange(int id) {
* Steps the animation forward and updates all the animated values.
* @param time The current time of the app in ms.
* @param jumpToEnd Whether to finish the animation.
* @return Whether the animation was finished.
protected boolean onUpdateAnimation(long time, boolean jumpToEnd) {
return true;
* @return Whether or not there is an animation currently being driven by this {@link Layout}.
public boolean isLayoutAnimating() {
return false;
* @return The {@link LayoutTab}s to be drawn.
public LayoutTab[] getLayoutTabsToRender() {
return mLayoutTabs;
* @param id The id of the {@link LayoutTab} to search for.
* @return A {@link LayoutTab} represented by a {@link Tab} with an id of {@code id}.
public LayoutTab getLayoutTab(int id) {
if (mLayoutTabs != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mLayoutTabs.length; i++) {
if (mLayoutTabs[i].getId() == id) return mLayoutTabs[i];
return null;
* @return Whether the layout is handling the model updates when a tab is closing.
public boolean handlesTabClosing() {
return false;
* @return Whether the layout is handling the model updates when a tab is creating.
public boolean handlesTabCreating() {
if (mLayoutTabs == null || mLayoutTabs.length != 1) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
if (mSceneOverlays.get(i).handlesTabCreating()) {
// Prevent animation from happening if the overlay handles creation.
startHiding(mLayoutTabs[0].getId(), false);
return true;
return false;
* @return Whether the layout is handling the model updates when closing all the tabs.
public boolean handlesCloseAll() {
return false;
* Whether or not the toolbar IncognitoToggleButton (if present) should be enabled. E.g., it can
* be disabled while animating a tab selection to avoid odd behavior.
public boolean shouldAllowIncognitoSwitching() {
return true;
* @return True if the content decoration layer should be shown.
public boolean shouldDisplayContentOverlay() {
return false;
* @return True if the host container can set itself as focusable e.g. for accessibility.
* Subclasses can override e.g. to provide a different default focused view.
public boolean canHostBeFocusable() {
return true;
* @param e The {@link MotionEvent} to consider.
* @param offsets The current touch offsets that should be applied to the
* {@link EventFilter}s.
* @param isKeyboardShowing Whether or not the keyboard is showing.
* @return The {@link EventFilter} the {@link Layout} is listening to.
public EventFilter findInterceptingEventFilter(
MotionEvent e, PointF offsets, boolean isKeyboardShowing) {
// The last added overlay will be drawn on top of everything else, therefore the last
// filter added should have the first chance to intercept any touch events.
for (int i = mSceneOverlays.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
EventFilter eventFilter = mSceneOverlays.get(i).getEventFilter();
if (eventFilter == null) continue;
if (offsets != null) eventFilter.setCurrentMotionEventOffsets(offsets.x, offsets.y);
if (eventFilter.onInterceptTouchEvent(e, isKeyboardShowing)) return eventFilter;
EventFilter layoutEventFilter = getEventFilter();
if (layoutEventFilter != null) {
if (offsets != null) {
layoutEventFilter.setCurrentMotionEventOffsets(offsets.x, offsets.y);
if (layoutEventFilter.onInterceptTouchEvent(e, isKeyboardShowing)) {
return layoutEventFilter;
return null;
* Build a {@link SceneLayer} if it hasn't already been built, and update it and return it.
* @param viewport A viewport in which to display content in px.
* @param visibleViewport The visible section of the viewport in px.
* @param layerTitleCache A layer title cache.
* @param tabContentManager A tab content manager.
* @param resourceManager A resource manager.
* @param browserControls A browser controls state provider.
* @return A {@link SceneLayer} that represents the content for this
* {@link Layout}.
public final SceneLayer getUpdatedSceneLayer(RectF viewport, RectF visibleViewport,
LayerTitleCache layerTitleCache, TabContentManager tabContentManager,
ResourceManager resourceManager, BrowserControlsStateProvider browserControls) {
updateSceneLayer(viewport, visibleViewport, layerTitleCache, tabContentManager,
resourceManager, browserControls);
float offsetPx = browserControls != null ? browserControls.getTopControlOffset() : 0.f;
float dpToPx = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
float offsetDp = offsetPx / dpToPx;
SceneLayer content = getSceneLayer();
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
// If the SceneOverlay is not showing, don't bother adding it to the tree.
if (!mSceneOverlays.get(i).isSceneOverlayTreeShowing()) continue;
SceneOverlayLayer overlayLayer = mSceneOverlays.get(i).getUpdatedSceneOverlayTree(
viewport, visibleViewport, layerTitleCache, resourceManager, offsetDp);
content = overlayLayer;
return content;
* @return Whether or not to force the browser controls Android view to hide.
public boolean forceHideBrowserControlsAndroidView() {
for (int i = 0; i < mSceneOverlays.size(); i++) {
// If any overlay wants to hide tha Android version of the browser controls, hide them.
if (mSceneOverlays.get(i).shouldHideAndroidBrowserControls()) return true;
return false;
* @return Whether or not the layout should permanently show the browser controls.
public boolean forceShowBrowserControlsAndroidView() {
return false;
* @return The EventFilter to use for processing events for this Layout.
protected abstract EventFilter getEventFilter();
* Get an instance of {@link SceneLayer}. Any class inheriting {@link Layout}
* should override this function in order for other functions to work.
* @return The scene layer for this {@link Layout}.
protected abstract SceneLayer getSceneLayer();
* Update {@link SceneLayer} instance this layout holds. Any class inheriting {@link Layout}
* should override this function in order for other functions to work.
protected void updateSceneLayer(RectF viewport, RectF contentViewport,
LayerTitleCache layerTitleCache, TabContentManager tabContentManager,
ResourceManager resourceManager, BrowserControlsStateProvider browserControls) {}