blob: 78f690bd8149235c50dc3f3afb3040e8d974138a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
* This is the minimal interface of the host view from the layout side.
* Any of these functions may be called on the GL thread.
public interface LayoutManagerHost {
* If set to true, the time it takes for ContentView to become ready will be
* logged to the screen.
static final boolean LOG_CHROME_VIEW_SHOW_TIME = false;
* Requests a refresh of the visuals.
void requestRender();
* Requests a refresh of the visuals.
* @param onUpdateEffective Callback that will be called when there is a buffer swap for the
* requested update. The rendered frame for this request won't be
* visible until a buffer swap occurs. Note that there is no guarantee
* the updated buffer is the one currently being displayed for pre-Q.
default void requestRender(Runnable onUpdateEffective) {}
* @return The Android context of the host view.
Context getContext();
* @see View#getWidth()
* @return The width of the host view.
int getWidth();
* @see View#getHeight()
* @return The height of the host view.
int getHeight();
* Get the window's viewport.
* @param outRect The RectF object to write the result to.
void getWindowViewport(RectF outRect);
* Get the visible viewport. This viewport accounts for the height of the browser controls.
* @param outRect The RectF object to write the result to.
void getVisibleViewport(RectF outRect);
* Get the viewport assuming the browser controls are completely shown.
* @param outRect The RectF object to write the result to.
void getViewportFullControls(RectF outRect);
* @return The height of the screen minus the height of the top and bottom browser controls
* when not hidden.
float getHeightMinusBrowserControls();
* @return The height of the top browser controls in pixels.
int getTopControlsHeightPixels();
* @return The height of the bottom browsers controls in pixels.
int getBottomControlsHeightPixels();
* @return The associated {@link LayoutRenderHost} to be used from the GL Thread.
LayoutRenderHost getLayoutRenderHost();
* Sets the visibility of the content overlays.
* @param show True if the content overlays should be shown.
* @param canBeFocusable Whether the host view can make itself focusable e.g. for accessibility.
void setContentOverlayVisibility(boolean show, boolean canBeFocusable);
* @return The {@link TitleCache} to use to store title bitmaps.
TitleCache getTitleCache();
* @return The manager providing browser control state.
BrowserControlsManager getBrowserControlsManager();
* @return The manager in charge of handling fullscreen changes.
FullscreenManager getFullscreenManager();
* Called when the currently visible content has been changed.
void onContentChanged();
* Hides the the keyboard if it was opened for the ContentView.
* @param postHideTask A task to run after the keyboard is done hiding and the view's
* layout has been updated. If the keyboard was not shown, the task will run
* immediately.
void hideKeyboard(Runnable postHideTask);