blob: 6485d1b78763b33d17ec88b71c4364932369c6be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/printing/zeroconf_printer_detector.h"
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/hash/md5.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "chrome/browser/local_discovery/service_discovery_device_lister.h"
#include "chrome/browser/local_discovery/service_discovery_shared_client.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
namespace chromeos {
// Supported service names for printers.
const char ZeroconfPrinterDetector::kIppServiceName[] = "_ipp._tcp.local";
const char ZeroconfPrinterDetector::kIppsServiceName[] = "_ipps._tcp.local";
const char ZeroconfPrinterDetector::kSocketServiceName[] =
// IppEverywhere printers are also required to advertise these services.
const char ZeroconfPrinterDetector::kIppEverywhereServiceName[] =
const char ZeroconfPrinterDetector::kIppsEverywhereServiceName[] =
// These service names are ordered in priority. In other words, earlier
// service types in this list will be used preferentially over later ones.
constexpr std::array<const char*, 5> kServiceNames = {
namespace {
using local_discovery::ServiceDescription;
using local_discovery::ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister;
using local_discovery::ServiceDiscoverySharedClient;
// These (including the default values) come from section 9.2 of the Bonjour
// Printing Spec v1.2, and the field names follow the spec definitions instead
// of the canonical Chromium style.
// Not all of these will necessarily be specified for a given printer. Also, we
// only define the fields that we care about, others not listed here we just
// ignore.
class ParsedMetadata {
std::string adminurl;
std::string air = "none";
std::string note;
std::string pdl = "application/postscript";
// We stray slightly from the spec for product. In the bonjour spec, product
// is always enclosed in parentheses because...reasons. We strip out parens.
std::string product;
std::string rp;
std::string ty;
std::string usb_MDL;
std::string usb_MFG;
std::string UUID;
// Parse out metadata from sd to fill this structure.
explicit ParsedMetadata(const ServiceDescription& sd) {
for (const std::string& m : sd.metadata) {
size_t equal_pos = m.find('=');
if (equal_pos == std::string::npos) {
// Malformed, skip it.
base::StringPiece key(, equal_pos);
base::StringPiece value( + equal_pos + 1,
m.length() - (equal_pos + 1));
if (key == "note") {
note = value.as_string();
} else if (key == "pdl") {
pdl = value.as_string();
} else if (key == "product") {
// Strip parens; ignore anything not enclosed in parens as malformed.
if (value.starts_with("(") && value.ends_with(")")) {
product = value.substr(1, value.size() - 2).as_string();
} else if (key == "rp") {
rp = value.as_string();
} else if (key == "ty") {
ty = value.as_string();
} else if (key == "usb_MDL") {
usb_MDL = value.as_string();
} else if (key == "usb_MFG") {
usb_MFG = value.as_string();
} else if (key == "UUID") {
UUID = value.as_string();
ParsedMetadata(const ParsedMetadata& other) = delete;
// Create a unique identifier for this printer based on the ServiceDescription.
// This is what is used to determine whether or not this is the same printer
// when seen again later. We use an MD5 hash of fields we expect to be
// immutable.
// These ids are persistent in synced storage; if you change this function
// carelessly, you will create mismatches between users' stored printer
// configurations and the printers themselves.
// Note we explicitly *don't* use the service type in this hash, because the
// same printer may export multiple services (ipp and ipps), and we want them
// all to be considered the same printer.
std::string ZeroconfPrinterId(const ServiceDescription& service,
const ParsedMetadata& metadata) {
base::MD5Context ctx;
base::MD5Update(&ctx, service.instance_name());
base::MD5Update(&ctx, metadata.product);
base::MD5Update(&ctx, metadata.UUID);
base::MD5Update(&ctx, metadata.usb_MFG);
base::MD5Update(&ctx, metadata.usb_MDL);
base::MD5Update(&ctx, metadata.ty);
base::MD5Update(&ctx, metadata.rp);
base::MD5Digest digest;
base::MD5Final(&digest, &ctx);
return base::StringPrintf("zeroconf-%s",
// Attempt to fill |detected_printer| using the information in
// |service_description| and |metadata|. Return true on success, false on
// failure.
bool ConvertToPrinter(const std::string& service_type,
const ServiceDescription& service_description,
const ParsedMetadata& metadata,
PrinterDetector::DetectedPrinter* detected_printer) {
// If we don't have the minimum information needed to attempt a setup, fail.
// Also fail on a port of 0, as this is used to indicate that the service
// doesn't *actually* exist, the device just wants to guard the name.
if (service_description.service_name.empty() ||
service_description.ip_address.empty() ||
(service_description.address.port() == 0)) {
return false;
Printer& printer = detected_printer->printer;
printer.set_id(ZeroconfPrinterId(service_description, metadata));
const char* uri_protocol;
std::string rp = metadata.rp;
if (service_type == ZeroconfPrinterDetector::kIppServiceName ||
service_type == ZeroconfPrinterDetector::kIppEverywhereServiceName) {
uri_protocol = "ipp";
} else if (service_type == ZeroconfPrinterDetector::kIppsServiceName ||
service_type ==
ZeroconfPrinterDetector::kIppsEverywhereServiceName) {
uri_protocol = "ipps";
} else if (service_type == ZeroconfPrinterDetector::kSocketServiceName) {
uri_protocol = "socket";
// Bonjour Printing Specification v1.2.1 section 9.2.2:
// If the "rp" key is present in a Socket TXT record, the key/value MUST
// be ignored.
} else {
// Since we only register for these services, we should never get back
// a service other than the ones above.
NOTREACHED() << "Zeroconf printer with unknown service type"
<< service_description.service_type();
return false;
"%s://%s/%s", uri_protocol,
service_description.address.ToString().c_str(), rp.c_str()));
// Per the IPP Everywhere Standard 5100.14-2013, section 4.2.1, IPP
// everywhere-capable printers advertise services prefixed with "_print"
// (possibly in addition to prefix-free versions). If we get a printer from a
// _print service type, it should be auto-configurable with IPP Everywhere.
printer.mutable_ppd_reference()->autoconf =
// Gather ppd identification candidates.
detected_printer->ppd_search_data.discovery_type =
if (!metadata.ty.empty()) {
if (!metadata.product.empty()) {
if (!metadata.usb_MFG.empty() && !metadata.usb_MDL.empty()) {
base::StringPrintf("%s %s", metadata.usb_MFG.c_str(),
if (!metadata.pdl.empty()) {
// Per Bonjour Printer Spec v1.2 section 9.2.8, it is invalid for the pdl to
// end with a comma.
auto media_types = base::SplitString(
metadata.pdl, ",", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
if (!media_types.empty() && !media_types.back().empty()) {
// Prune any empty splits.
base::EraseIf(media_types, [](base::StringPiece s) { return s.empty(); });
media_types.begin(), media_types.end(),
[](base::StringPiece s) { return base::ToLowerASCII(s); });
return true;
class ZeroconfPrinterDetectorImpl : public ZeroconfPrinterDetector {
// Normal constructor, connects to service discovery.
: discovery_client_(ServiceDiscoverySharedClient::GetInstance()) {
for (const char* service_type : kServiceNames) {
// Testing constructor, uses injected backends.
explicit ZeroconfPrinterDetectorImpl(
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister>>*
device_listers) {
for (auto& entry : device_listers_) {
~ZeroconfPrinterDetectorImpl() override {}
// PrinterDetector override.
void RegisterPrintersFoundCallback(OnPrintersFoundCallback cb) override {
on_printers_found_callback_ = std::move(cb);
// PrinterDetector override.
std::vector<DetectedPrinter> GetPrinters() override {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(printers_lock_);
return GetPrintersLocked();
// ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister::Delegate implementation
void OnDeviceChanged(const std::string& service_type,
bool added,
const ServiceDescription& service_description) override {
// We don't care if it was added or not; we generate an update either way.
ParsedMetadata metadata(service_description);
DetectedPrinter printer;
if (!ConvertToPrinter(service_type, service_description, metadata,
&printer)) {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(printers_lock_);
printers_[service_type][service_description.instance_name()] = printer;
if (on_printers_found_callback_) {
// ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister::Delegate implementation. Remove the
// given device if we know about it.
void OnDeviceRemoved(const std::string& service_type,
const std::string& service_name) override {
// Leverage ServiceDescription parsing to pull out the instance name.
ServiceDescription service_description;
service_description.service_name = service_name;
base::AutoLock auto_lock(printers_lock_);
auto& service_type_map = printers_[service_type];
auto it = service_type_map.find(service_description.instance_name());
if (it != service_type_map.end()) {
if (on_printers_found_callback_) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Device removal requested for unknown '" << service_name
<< "'";
// Remove all devices that originated on all services types, and request
// a new round of discovery. We clear all printers to prevent
// |on_printers_found_callback| from returning stale cached printers.
void OnDeviceCacheFlushed(const std::string& service_type) override {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(printers_lock_);
if (!IsPrintersEmpty()) {
if (on_printers_found_callback_) {
// Request a new round of discovery from the lister.
auto lister_entry = device_listers_.find(service_type);
DCHECK(lister_entry != device_listers_.end());
// Create a new device lister for the given |service_type| and add it
// to the ones managed by this object.
void CreateDeviceLister(const std::string& service_type) {
auto lister = ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister::Create(
this, discovery_client_.get(), service_type);
DCHECK(!base::Contains(device_listers_, service_type));
device_listers_[service_type] = std::move(lister);
// Requires that printers_lock_ be held.
std::vector<DetectedPrinter> GetPrintersLocked() {
std::map<std::string, DetectedPrinter> unified;
// The order in which we look through these maps defines priority -- earlier
// service types in this list will be used preferentially over later ones.
// This depends on the fact that map::insert will fail if the entry already
// exists.
for (const char* service_type : kServiceNames) {
for (const auto& entry : printers_[service_type]) {
unified.insert({entry.first, entry.second});
std::vector<DetectedPrinter> ret;
for (const auto& entry : unified) {
return ret;
// Clear all printers for every service type.
void ClearPrinters() {
for (const char* service_type : kServiceNames) {
// Returns true if all the service names in |printers_| are empty.
bool IsPrintersEmpty() const {
for (const char* service_type : kServiceNames) {
DCHECK(base::Contains(printers_, service_type));
if (! {
return false;
return true;
// Map from service type to map from instance name to associated known
// printer, and associated lock.
std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, DetectedPrinter>> printers_;
base::Lock printers_lock_;
// Keep a reference to the shared device client around for the lifetime of
// this object.
scoped_refptr<ServiceDiscoverySharedClient> discovery_client_;
// Map from service_type to associated lister.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister>>
OnPrintersFoundCallback on_printers_found_callback_;
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<ZeroconfPrinterDetector> ZeroconfPrinterDetector::Create() {
return std::make_unique<ZeroconfPrinterDetectorImpl>();
// static
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ServiceDiscoveryDeviceLister>>*
device_listers) {
return std::make_unique<ZeroconfPrinterDetectorImpl>(device_listers);
} // namespace chromeos