blob: 959d82e4cf7da1965efa908616e180bedf75e17c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/page_load_metrics/browser/page_load_metrics_observer.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace network {
class NetworkQualityTracker;
namespace ukm {
namespace builders {
class PageLoad;
} // namespace ukm
// If URL-Keyed-Metrics (UKM) is enabled in the system, this is used to
// populate it with top-level page-load metrics.
class UkmPageLoadMetricsObserver
: public page_load_metrics::PageLoadMetricsObserver {
// Returns a UkmPageLoadMetricsObserver, or nullptr if it is not needed.
static std::unique_ptr<page_load_metrics::PageLoadMetricsObserver>
explicit UkmPageLoadMetricsObserver(
network::NetworkQualityTracker* network_quality_tracker);
~UkmPageLoadMetricsObserver() override;
// page_load_metrics::PageLoadMetricsObserver implementation:
ObservePolicy OnStart(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
const GURL& currently_committed_url,
bool started_in_foreground) override;
ObservePolicy OnRedirect(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
ObservePolicy OnCommit(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
ukm::SourceId source_id) override;
ObservePolicy ShouldObserveMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type) const override;
ObservePolicy FlushMetricsOnAppEnterBackground(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing) override;
ObservePolicy OnHidden(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing) override;
void OnFailedProvisionalLoad(
const page_load_metrics::FailedProvisionalLoadInfo& failed_load_info)
void OnComplete(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing) override;
void OnResourceDataUseObserved(
content::RenderFrameHost* content,
const std::vector<page_load_metrics::mojom::ResourceDataUpdatePtr>&
resources) override;
void OnLoadedResource(const page_load_metrics::ExtraRequestCompleteInfo&
extra_request_complete_info) override;
void OnTimingUpdate(
content::RenderFrameHost* subframe_rfh,
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing) override;
void OnThroughputUpdate(const page_load_metrics::mojom::ThroughputUkmDataPtr&
throughput_data) override;
void OnCpuTimingUpdate(
content::RenderFrameHost* subframe_rfh,
const page_load_metrics::mojom::CpuTiming& timing) override;
void OnLoadingBehaviorObserved(content::RenderFrameHost* rfh,
int behavior_flags) override;
void DidActivatePortal(base::TimeTicks activation_time) override;
// Whether the current page load is an Offline Preview. Must be called from
// OnCommit. Virtual for testing.
virtual bool IsOfflinePreview(content::WebContents* web_contents) const;
void RecordNavigationTimingMetrics();
// Records page load timing related metrics available in PageLoadTiming, such
// as first contentful paint.
void RecordTimingMetrics(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing);
// Records page load internal timing metrics, which are used for debugging.
void RecordInternalTimingMetrics(
const page_load_metrics::ContentfulPaintTimingInfo&
const page_load_metrics::ContentfulPaintTimingInfo&
// Records metrics based on the page load information exposed by the observer
// delegate, as well as updating the URL. |app_background_time| should be set
// to a timestamp if the app was backgrounded, otherwise it should be set to
// a null TimeTicks. |became_hidden| should be set when this method callback
// was caused by the page becoming backgrounded but not closed.
void RecordPageLoadMetrics(base::TimeTicks app_background_time,
bool became_hidden);
// Adds main resource timing metrics to |builder|.
void ReportMainResourceTimingMetrics(
const page_load_metrics::mojom::PageLoadTiming& timing,
ukm::builders::PageLoad* builder);
void ReportLayoutStability();
void RecordInputTimingMetrics();
// Report throughput to Ukm.
void ReportThroughputUkm();
// Captures the site engagement score for the committed URL and
// returns the score rounded to the nearest 10.
base::Optional<int64_t> GetRoundedSiteEngagementScore() const;
// Returns whether third party cookie blocking is enabled for the committed
// URL. This is only recorded for users who have prefs::kCookieControlsEnabled
// set to true.
base::Optional<bool> GetThirdPartyCookieBlockingEnabled() const;
// Records the metrics for the nostate prefetch to an event with UKM source ID
// |source_id|.
void RecordNoStatePrefetchMetrics(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
ukm::SourceId source_id);
// Records the metrics related to Generate URLs (Home page, default search
// engine) for starting URL and committed URL.
void RecordGeneratedNavigationUKM(ukm::SourceId source_id,
const GURL& committed_url);
// Guaranteed to be non-null during the lifetime of |this|.
network::NetworkQualityTracker* network_quality_tracker_;
// The number of body (not header) prefilter bytes consumed by requests for
// the page.
int64_t cache_bytes_ = 0;
int64_t network_bytes_ = 0;
// Sum of decoded body lengths of JS resources in bytes.
int64_t js_decoded_bytes_ = 0;
// Max decoded body length of JS resources in bytes.
int64_t js_max_decoded_bytes_ = 0;
// Network data use broken down by resource type.
int64_t image_total_bytes_ = 0;
int64_t image_subframe_bytes_ = 0;
int64_t media_bytes_ = 0;
// Network quality estimates.
net::EffectiveConnectionType effective_connection_type_ =
base::Optional<int32_t> http_response_code_;
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> http_rtt_estimate_;
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> transport_rtt_estimate_;
base::Optional<int32_t> downstream_kbps_estimate_;
// Total CPU wall time used by the page while in the foreground.
base::TimeDelta total_foreground_cpu_time_;
// Load timing metrics of the main frame resource request.
content::NavigationHandleTiming navigation_handle_timing_;
base::Optional<net::LoadTimingInfo> main_frame_timing_;
// PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK is the default PageTransition value.
ui::PageTransition page_transition_ = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK;
// True if the page started hidden, or ever became hidden.
bool was_hidden_ = false;
// True if the page main resource was served from disk cache.
bool was_cached_ = false;
// Whether the first URL in the redirect chain matches the default search
// engine template.
bool start_url_is_default_search_ = false;
// Whether the first URL in the redirect chain matches the user's home page
// URL.
bool start_url_is_home_page_ = false;
// The number of main frame redirects that occurred before commit.
uint32_t main_frame_request_redirect_count_ = 0;
// The browser context this navigation is operating in.
content::BrowserContext* browser_context_ = nullptr;
// Whether the navigation resulted in the main frame being hosted in
// a different process.
bool navigation_is_cross_process_ = false;
// True if this page was loaded in a portal and never activated. UKMs are
// not recorded for this page unless the portal is activated.
bool is_portal_ = false;
// Difference between indices of the previous and current navigation entries
// (i.e. item history for the current tab).
// Typically -1/0/1 for back navigations / reloads / forward navigations.
// 0 for most of navigations with replacement (e.g. location.replace).
// 1 for regular navigations (link click / omnibox / etc).
int navigation_entry_offset_ = 0;
// Id for the main document, which persists across history navigations to the
// same document.
// Unique across the lifetime of the browser process.
int main_document_sequence_number_ = -1;
bool font_preload_started_before_rendering_observed_ = false;
// The connection info for the committed URL.
base::Optional<net::HttpResponseInfo::ConnectionInfo> connection_info_;
// The ukm source id for throughput, sent from the renderer.
ukm::SourceId throughput_source_id_ = ukm::kInvalidSourceId;
// Record the throughput. The key is in the range of [0, 100], which is all
// the possible values of throughput (percent). The value is how many times
// this throughput value has been reported so far.
base::flat_map<int8_t, int> aggregated_throughput_data_;
base::flat_map<int8_t, int> impl_throughput_data_;
base::flat_map<int8_t, int> main_throughput_data_;