blob: 77eb09fae6acde22e8185f18868f67f986e75452 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "chrome/updater/registration_data.h"
#include "chrome/updater/update_service.h"
@class CRUUpdateStateObserver;
@class CRUUpdateStateWrapper;
@class CRUPriorityWrapper;
// Protocol which observes the state of the XPC update checking service.
@protocol CRUUpdateStateObserving <NSObject>
// Checks for updates and returns the result in the reply block.
- (void)observeUpdateState:(CRUUpdateStateWrapper* _Nonnull)updateState;
// Protocol for the XPC update checking service.
@protocol CRUUpdateChecking <NSObject>
// Checks for the version of the Updater. Returns the result in the reply block.
- (void)getUpdaterVersionWithReply:
(void (^_Nonnull)(NSString* _Nonnull version))reply;
// Checks for updates and returns the result in the reply block.
- (void)checkForUpdatesWithUpdateState:
(CRUUpdateStateObserver* _Nonnull)updateState
reply:(void (^_Nonnull)(int rc))reply;
// Checks for update of a given app, with specified priority. Sends repeated
// updates of progress and returns the result in the reply block.
- (void)checkForUpdateWithAppID:(NSString* _Nonnull)appID
priority:(CRUPriorityWrapper* _Nonnull)priority
updateState:(CRUUpdateStateObserver* _Nonnull)updateState
reply:(void (^_Nonnull)(int rc))reply;
// Registers app and returns the result in the reply block.
- (void)registerForUpdatesWithAppId:(NSString* _Nullable)appId
brandCode:(NSString* _Nullable)brandCode
tag:(NSString* _Nullable)tag
version:(NSString* _Nullable)version
existenceCheckerPath:(NSString* _Nullable)existenceCheckerPath
reply:(void (^_Nonnull)(int rc))reply;
// Checks if |version| is newer. Returns the result in the reply block.
- (void)haltForUpdateToVersion:(NSString* _Nonnull)version
reply:(void (^_Nonnull)(BOOL shouldUpdate))reply;
// Protocol for the XPC administration tasks of the Updater.
@protocol CRUAdministering <NSObject>
// Performs the admin task (activate service, uninstall service, or no opp) that
// is relevant to the state of the Updater.
- (void)performAdminTasks;
namespace updater {
// Constructs an NSXPCInterface for a connection using CRUUpdateChecking and
// CRUUpdateStateObserving protocols.
NSXPCInterface* _Nonnull GetXPCUpdateCheckingInterface();
// Constructs an NSXPCInterface for a connection using CRUAdministering
// protocol.
NSXPCInterface* _Nonnull GetXPCAdministeringInterface();
} // namespace updater