blob: 695f18320b61dc926b91d3424411461da22706d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/common/frame.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/frame_proxy.mojom.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_listener.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_receiver.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/focus_type.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/messaging/transferable_message.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/scroll/scroll_into_view_params.mojom-forward.h"
namespace blink {
class AssociatedInterfaceProvider;
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
namespace content {
class CrossProcessFrameConnector;
class FrameTreeNode;
class RenderProcessHost;
class RenderViewHostImpl;
class RenderWidgetHostView;
// When a page's frames are rendered by multiple processes, each renderer has a
// full copy of the frame tree. It has full RenderFrames for the frames it is
// responsible for rendering and placeholder objects (i.e., RenderFrameProxies)
// for frames rendered by other processes.
// This class is the browser-side host object for the placeholder. Each node in
// the frame tree has a RenderFrameHost for the active SiteInstance and a set
// of RenderFrameProxyHost objects - one for all other SiteInstances with
// references to this frame. The proxies allow us to keep existing window
// references valid over cross-process navigations and route cross-site
// asynchronous JavaScript calls, such as postMessage.
// RenderFrameProxyHost is created whenever a cross-site
// navigation occurs and a reference to the frame navigating needs to be kept
// alive. A RenderFrameProxyHost and a RenderFrameHost for the same SiteInstance
// can exist at the same time, but only one will be "active" at a time.
// There are two cases where the two objects will coexist:
// * When navigating cross-process and there is already a RenderFrameProxyHost
// for the new SiteInstance. A pending RenderFrameHost is created, but it is
// not used until it commits. At that point, RenderFrameHostManager transitions
// the pending RenderFrameHost to the active one and deletes the proxy.
// * When navigating cross-process and the existing document has an unload
// event handler. When the new navigation commits, RenderFrameHostManager
// creates a RenderFrameProxyHost for the old SiteInstance and uses it going
// forward. It also instructs the RenderFrameHost to run the unload event
// handler and is kept alive for the duration. Once the event handling is
// complete, the RenderFrameHost is deleted.
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderFrameProxyHost
: public IPC::Listener,
public IPC::Sender,
public mojom::RenderFrameProxyHost,
public blink::mojom::RemoteFrameHost,
public blink::mojom::RemoteMainFrameHost {
using CreatedCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(RenderFrameProxyHost*)>;
static RenderFrameProxyHost* FromID(int process_id, int routing_id);
static RenderFrameProxyHost* FromFrameToken(
int process_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& frame_token);
// Sets a callback to be called whenever any RenderFrameProxyHost is created.
static void SetCreatedCallbackForTesting(
const CreatedCallback& created_callback);
RenderFrameProxyHost(SiteInstance* site_instance,
scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl> render_view_host,
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node);
~RenderFrameProxyHost() override;
RenderProcessHost* GetProcess() { return process_; }
// Initializes the object and creates the RenderFrameProxy in the process
// for the SiteInstance.
bool InitRenderFrameProxy();
int GetRoutingID() { return routing_id_; }
SiteInstance* GetSiteInstance() { return site_instance_.get(); }
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node() const { return frame_tree_node_; }
// Associates the RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame |view| with this
// RenderFrameProxyHost. If |initial_frame_size| isn't specified at this time,
// the child frame will wait until the CrossProcessFrameConnector
// receives its size from the parent via FrameHostMsg_UpdateResizeParams
// before it begins parsing the content.
void SetChildRWHView(RenderWidgetHostView* view,
const gfx::Size* initial_frame_size);
RenderViewHostImpl* GetRenderViewHost();
RenderWidgetHostView* GetRenderWidgetHostView();
// IPC::Sender
bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) override;
// IPC::Listener
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) override;
CrossProcessFrameConnector* cross_process_frame_connector() {
return cross_process_frame_connector_.get();
// Update the frame's opener in the renderer process in response to the
// opener being modified (e.g., with or being set to null) in
// another renderer process.
void UpdateOpener();
// Set this proxy as the focused frame in the renderer process. This is
// called to replicate the focused frame when a frame in a different process
// becomes focused.
void SetFocusedFrame();
// Scroll |rect_to_scroll| into view, starting from this proxy's FrameOwner
// element in the frame's parent. Calling this continues a scroll started in
// the frame's current process. |rect_to_scroll| is with respect to the
// coordinates of the originating frame in OOPIF process.
void ScrollRectToVisible(const gfx::Rect& rect_to_scroll,
blink::mojom::ScrollIntoViewParamsPtr params);
// Sets render frame proxy created state. If |created| is false, any existing
// mojo connections to RenderFrameProxyHost will be closed.
void SetRenderFrameProxyCreated(bool created);
// Returns if the RenderFrameProxy for this host is alive.
bool is_render_frame_proxy_live() { return render_frame_proxy_created_; }
// Returns associated remote for the blink::mojom::RemoteFrame Mojo interface.
const mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::RemoteFrame>&
// blink::mojom::RemoteFrameHost
void SetInheritedEffectiveTouchAction(cc::TouchAction touch_action) override;
void UpdateRenderThrottlingStatus(bool is_throttled,
bool subtree_throttled) override;
void VisibilityChanged(blink::mojom::FrameVisibility visibility) override;
void DidFocusFrame() override;
void CheckCompleted() override;
void CapturePaintPreviewOfCrossProcessSubframe(
const gfx::Rect& clip_rect,
const base::UnguessableToken& guid) override;
void SetIsInert(bool inert) override;
void DidChangeOpener(const base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken>&
opener_frame_token) override;
void AdvanceFocus(blink::mojom::FocusType focus_type,
const base::UnguessableToken& source_frame_token) override;
void RouteMessageEvent(
const base::Optional<base::UnguessableToken>& source_frame_token,
const base::string16& source_origin,
const base::string16& target_origin,
blink::TransferableMessage message) override;
// blink::mojom::RemoteMainFrameHost overrides:
void FocusPage() override;
// mojom::RenderFrameProxyHost:
void OpenURL(mojom::OpenURLParamsPtr params) override;
// Returns associated remote for the content::mojom::RenderFrameProxy Mojo
// interface.
const mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::RenderFrameProxy>&
// Requests a viz::LocalSurfaceId to enable auto-resize mode from the parent
// renderer.
void EnableAutoResize(const gfx::Size& min_size, const gfx::Size& max_size);
// Requests a viz::LocalSurfaceId to disable auto-resize mode from the parent
// renderer.
void DisableAutoResize();
void DidUpdateVisualProperties(const cc::RenderFrameMetadata& metadata);
void ChildProcessGone();
blink::AssociatedInterfaceProvider* GetRemoteAssociatedInterfacesTesting();
bool IsInertForTesting();
const base::UnguessableToken& GetFrameToken() const { return frame_token_; }
// The interceptor needs access to frame_host_receiver_for_testing().
friend class RouteMessageEventInterceptor;
// IPC Message handlers.
void OnDetach();
void OnPrintCrossProcessSubframe(const gfx::Rect& rect, int document_cookie);
// IPC::Listener
void OnAssociatedInterfaceRequest(
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle handle) override;
blink::AssociatedInterfaceProvider* GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces();
// Needed for tests to be able to swap the implementation and intercept calls.
frame_host_receiver_for_testing() {
return remote_frame_host_receiver_;
// This RenderFrameProxyHost's routing id.
int routing_id_;
// The SiteInstance this proxy is associated with.
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> site_instance_;
// The renderer process this RenderFrameHostProxy is associated with. It is
// equivalent to the result of site_instance_->GetProcess(), but that
// method has the side effect of creating the process if it doesn't exist.
// Cache a pointer to avoid unnecessary process creation.
RenderProcessHost* process_;
// The node in the frame tree where this proxy is located.
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node_;
// True if we have a live RenderFrameProxy for this host.
bool render_frame_proxy_created_;
// When a RenderFrameHost is in a different process from its parent in the
// frame tree, this class connects its associated RenderWidgetHostView
// to this RenderFrameProxyHost, which corresponds to the same frame in the
// parent's renderer process.
std::unique_ptr<CrossProcessFrameConnector> cross_process_frame_connector_;
// The RenderViewHost that this RenderFrameProxyHost is associated with.
// It is kept alive as long as any RenderFrameHosts or RenderFrameProxyHosts
// are using it.
// TODO(creis): RenderViewHost will eventually go away and be replaced with
// some form of page context.
scoped_refptr<RenderViewHostImpl> render_view_host_;
// Mojo receiver to this RenderFrameProxyHost.
// Holder of Mojo connection with the Frame service in Blink.
mojo::AssociatedRemote<blink::mojom::RemoteFrame> remote_frame_;
// Holder of Mojo connection with the content::mojom::RenderFrameProxy.
mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::RenderFrameProxy> render_frame_proxy_;
base::UnguessableToken frame_token_ = base::UnguessableToken::Create();
} // namespace content