blob: ba2f86cedc3381fd38c1938de1ff286aad73188f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/modules/mediastream/secure_display_link_tracker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/modules/mediastream/web_media_stream_sink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/modules/mediastream/web_media_stream_track.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/modules/mediastream/web_platform_media_stream_track.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/modules/mediastream/encoded_video_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/modules/mediastream/media_stream_video_source.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
namespace blink {
class VideoTrackAdapterSettings;
// MediaStreamVideoTrack is a video-specific representation of a
// WebPlatformMediaStreamTrack. It is owned by a MediaStreamComponent
// and can be retrieved using MediaStreamComponent::GetPlatformTrack().
class MODULES_EXPORT MediaStreamVideoTrack
: public WebPlatformMediaStreamTrack {
// Help method to create a WebMediaStreamTrack and a
// MediaStreamVideoTrack instance. The MediaStreamVideoTrack object is owned
// by the blink object in its WebMediaStreamTrack::GetPlatformTrack() member.
// |callback| is triggered if the track is added to the source
// successfully and will receive video frames that match the given settings
// or if the source fails to provide video frames.
// If |enabled| is true, sinks added to the track will
// receive video frames when the source delivers frames to the track.
static WebMediaStreamTrack CreateVideoTrack(
MediaStreamVideoSource* source,
MediaStreamVideoSource::ConstraintsOnceCallback callback,
bool enabled);
static WebMediaStreamTrack CreateVideoTrack(
MediaStreamVideoSource* source,
const VideoTrackAdapterSettings& adapter_settings,
const base::Optional<bool>& noise_reduction,
bool is_screencast,
const base::Optional<double>& min_frame_rate,
const base::Optional<double>& pan,
const base::Optional<double>& tilt,
const base::Optional<double>& zoom,
bool pan_tilt_zoom_allowed,
MediaStreamVideoSource::ConstraintsOnceCallback callback,
bool enabled);
static MediaStreamVideoTrack* GetVideoTrack(const WebMediaStreamTrack& track);
// Constructors for video tracks.
MediaStreamVideoSource* source,
MediaStreamVideoSource::ConstraintsOnceCallback callback,
bool enabled);
MediaStreamVideoSource* source,
const VideoTrackAdapterSettings& adapter_settings,
const base::Optional<bool>& noise_reduction,
bool is_screen_cast,
const base::Optional<double>& min_frame_rate,
const base::Optional<double>& pan,
const base::Optional<double>& tilt,
const base::Optional<double>& zoom,
bool pan_tilt_zoom_allowed,
MediaStreamVideoSource::ConstraintsOnceCallback callback,
bool enabled);
~MediaStreamVideoTrack() override;
// MediaStreamTrack overrides.
void SetEnabled(bool enabled) override;
void SetContentHint(
WebMediaStreamTrack::ContentHintType content_hint) override;
void StopAndNotify(base::OnceClosure callback) override;
void GetSettings(WebMediaStreamTrack::Settings& settings) override;
// Add |sink| to receive state changes on the main render thread and video
// frames in the |callback| method on the IO-thread.
// |callback| will be reset on the render thread.
void AddSink(WebMediaStreamSink* sink,
const VideoCaptureDeliverFrameCB& callback,
bool is_sink_secure);
void RemoveSink(WebMediaStreamSink* sink);
// Adds |callback| for encoded frame output on the IO thread. The function
// will cause generation of a keyframe from the source.
// Encoded sinks are not secure.
void AddEncodedSink(WebMediaStreamSink* sink, EncodedVideoFrameCB callback);
// Removes encoded callbacks associated with |sink|.
void RemoveEncodedSink(WebMediaStreamSink* sink);
// Returns the number of currently present encoded sinks.
size_t CountEncodedSinks() const;
void OnReadyStateChanged(WebMediaStreamSource::ReadyState state);
const base::Optional<bool>& noise_reduction() const {
return noise_reduction_;
bool is_screencast() const { return is_screencast_; }
const base::Optional<double>& min_frame_rate() const {
return min_frame_rate_;
const base::Optional<double>& max_frame_rate() const {
return max_frame_rate_;
const VideoTrackAdapterSettings& adapter_settings() const {
return *adapter_settings_;
const base::Optional<double>& pan() const { return pan_; }
const base::Optional<double>& tilt() const { return tilt_; }
const base::Optional<double>& zoom() const { return zoom_; }
bool pan_tilt_zoom_allowed() const { return pan_tilt_zoom_allowed_; }
// Setting information about the track size.
// Called from MediaStreamVideoSource at track initialization.
void SetTargetSizeAndFrameRate(int width, int height, double frame_rate) {
width_ = width;
height_ = height;
frame_rate_ = frame_rate;
// Setting information about the track size.
// Passed as callback on MediaStreamVideoTrack::AddTrack, and run from
// VideoFrameResolutionAdapter on frame delivery to update track settings.
void SetSizeAndComputedFrameRate(gfx::Size frame_size, double frame_rate) {
width_ = frame_size.width();
height_ = frame_size.height();
computed_frame_rate_ = frame_rate;
// Setting information about the source format. The format is computed based
// on incoming frames and it's used for applying constraints for remote video
// tracks. Passed as callback on MediaStreamVideoTrack::AddTrack, and run from
// VideoFrameResolutionAdapter on frame delivery.
void set_computed_source_format(const media::VideoCaptureFormat& format) {
computed_source_format_ = format;
void SetTrackAdapterSettings(const VideoTrackAdapterSettings& settings);
media::VideoCaptureFormat GetComputedSourceFormat();
MediaStreamVideoSource* source() const { return source_.get(); }
void OnFrameDropped(media::VideoCaptureFrameDropReason reason);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MediaStreamRemoteVideoSourceTest, StartTrack);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MediaStreamRemoteVideoSourceTest, RemoteTrackStop);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PepperToVideoTrackAdapterTest, PutFrame);
void UpdateSourceCapturingSecure();
void UpdateSourceHasConsumers();
// In debug builds, check that all methods that could cause object graph
// or data flow changes are being called on the main thread.
std::vector<WebMediaStreamSink*> sinks_;
std::vector<WebMediaStreamSink*> encoded_sinks_;
// |FrameDeliverer| is an internal helper object used for delivering video
// frames on the IO-thread using callbacks to all registered tracks.
class FrameDeliverer;
scoped_refptr<FrameDeliverer> frame_deliverer_;
// TODO(guidou): Make this field a regular field instead of a unique_ptr.
std::unique_ptr<VideoTrackAdapterSettings> adapter_settings_;
base::Optional<bool> noise_reduction_;
bool is_screencast_;
base::Optional<double> min_frame_rate_;
base::Optional<double> max_frame_rate_;
base::Optional<double> pan_;
base::Optional<double> tilt_;
base::Optional<double> zoom_;
bool pan_tilt_zoom_allowed_ = false;
// Weak ref to the source this tracks is connected to.
base::WeakPtr<MediaStreamVideoSource> source_;
// This is used for tracking if all connected video sinks are secure.
SecureDisplayLinkTracker<WebMediaStreamSink> secure_tracker_;
// Remembering our desired video size and frame rate.
int width_ = 0;
int height_ = 0;
double frame_rate_ = 0.0;
base::Optional<double> computed_frame_rate_;
media::VideoCaptureFormat computed_source_format_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MediaStreamVideoTrack> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace blink