blob: 5f2f91d292dcd0037bdfee71d931cbba77097dd8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This tool rolls:
# - The latest webgpu-cts master branch into external/wpt/
# (which is auto-upstreamed to WPT)
# - The latest webgpu-cts glsl-dependent branch into wpt_internal/
# It does the following for each branch:
# - Updates Chromium's DEPS to the latest origin/{master,glsl-dependent}.
# - Runs gclient sync.
# - Builds the CTS (requires a local installation of node/npm + yarn).
# - Copies the built out-wpt/ directory into
# {external/wpt,wpt_internal}/webgpu/.
# - Adds {external/wpt,wpt_internal}/webgpu/ to the git index
# (so that it doesn't drown out other changes).
# It does NOT regenerate the wpt_internal/webgpu/cts.html file, which is used
# by Chromium's automated testing. Note the alert at the end of this script.
set -e
cd "$(dirname "$0")"/../../../.. # cd to [chromium]/src/
roll_cts_to() {
pushd third_party/webgpu-cts/src > /dev/null
if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD ; then
echo 'third_party/webgpu-cts/src must be clean'
exit 1
git fetch origin
hash=$(git show-ref --hash "$target_ref")
echo "** Rolling to ${target_ref}: **"
git log -1 "${target_ref}"
popd > /dev/null
perl -pi -e "s:gpuweb/cts.git' \+ '\@' \+ '[0-9a-f]{40}',$:gpuweb/cts.git' + '\@' + '${hash}',:" DEPS
gclient sync
pushd third_party/webgpu-cts/src > /dev/null
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
npx grunt wpt # build third_party/webgpu-cts/src/out-wpt/
popd > /dev/null
roll_cts_to origin/master
rsync -au --del \
third_party/webgpu-cts/src/out-wpt/{common,webgpu,cts.html} \
git add third_party/blink/web_tests/external/wpt/webgpu/
roll_cts_to origin/glsl-dependent
rsync -au --del \
third_party/webgpu-cts/src/out-wpt/{common,webgpu} \
git add third_party/blink/web_tests/wpt_internal/webgpu/
cat << EOF
Roll complete!
Remember to run ./
Updates to WebGPUExpectations may be necessary to make it succeed.
Further updates to WebGPUExpectations may be needed to pass the
Chromium CQ. Note: If a small part of a large test file is failing,
consider suppressing just that part and rerunning
./, which will break down the tests
into small enough chunks to allow the expectations to be applied.