blob: 1ca122b48b3e0cead6d3418671c6d918204949b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ScriptPromiseResolver_h
#define ScriptPromiseResolver_h
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScopedPersistent.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptPromise.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptState.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ToV8.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/dom/ActiveDOMObject.h"
#include "core/dom/ExecutionContext.h"
#include "platform/Timer.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/heap/SelfKeepAlive.h"
#include <v8.h>
namespace blink {
// This class wraps v8::Promise::Resolver and provides the following
// functionalities.
// - A ScriptPromiseResolver retains a ScriptState. A caller
// can call resolve or reject from outside of a V8 context.
// - This class is an ActiveDOMObject and keeps track of the associated
// ExecutionContext state. When the ExecutionContext is suspended,
// resolve or reject will be delayed. When it is stopped, resolve or reject
// will be ignored.
class CORE_EXPORT ScriptPromiseResolver : public GarbageCollectedFinalized<ScriptPromiseResolver>, public ActiveDOMObject {
static ScriptPromiseResolver* create(ScriptState* scriptState)
ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver = new ScriptPromiseResolver(scriptState);
return resolver;
// Eagerly finalized so as to ensure valid access to getExecutionContext()
// from the destructor's assert.
~ScriptPromiseResolver() override
// This assertion fails if:
// - promise() is called at least once and
// - this resolver is destructed before it is resolved, rejected,
// detached, the V8 isolate is terminated or the associated
// ExecutionContext is stopped.
ASSERT(m_state == Detached || !m_isPromiseCalled || !getScriptState()->contextIsValid() || !getExecutionContext() || getExecutionContext()->activeDOMObjectsAreStopped());
// Anything that can be passed to toV8 can be passed to this function.
template<typename T>
void resolve(T value)
resolveOrReject(value, Resolving);
// Anything that can be passed to toV8 can be passed to this function.
template<typename T>
void reject(T value)
resolveOrReject(value, Rejecting);
void resolve() { resolve(ToV8UndefinedGenerator()); }
void reject() { reject(ToV8UndefinedGenerator()); }
ScriptState* getScriptState() { return m_scriptState.get(); }
// Note that an empty ScriptPromise will be returned after resolve or
// reject is called.
ScriptPromise promise()
m_isPromiseCalled = true;
return m_resolver.promise();
ScriptState* getScriptState() const { return m_scriptState.get(); }
// ActiveDOMObject implementation.
void suspend() override;
void resume() override;
void stop() override { detach(); }
// Calling this function makes the resolver release its internal resources.
// That means the associated promise will never be resolved or rejected
// unless it's already been resolved or rejected.
// Do not call this function unless you truly need the behavior.
void detach();
// Once this function is called this resolver stays alive while the
// promise is pending and the associated ExecutionContext isn't stopped.
void keepAliveWhilePending();
// You need to call suspendIfNeeded after the construction because
// this is an ActiveDOMObject.
explicit ScriptPromiseResolver(ScriptState*);
typedef ScriptPromise::InternalResolver Resolver;
enum ResolutionState {
template<typename T>
void resolveOrReject(T value, ResolutionState newState)
if (m_state != Pending || !getScriptState()->contextIsValid() || !getExecutionContext() || getExecutionContext()->activeDOMObjectsAreStopped())
ASSERT(newState == Resolving || newState == Rejecting);
m_state = newState;
ScriptState::Scope scope(m_scriptState.get());
toV8(value, m_scriptState->context()->Global(), m_scriptState->isolate()));
if (getExecutionContext()->activeDOMObjectsAreSuspended()) {
// Retain this object until it is actually resolved or rejected.
void resolveOrRejectImmediately();
void onTimerFired(Timer<ScriptPromiseResolver>*);
ResolutionState m_state;
const RefPtr<ScriptState> m_scriptState;
Timer<ScriptPromiseResolver> m_timer;
Resolver m_resolver;
ScopedPersistent<v8::Value> m_value;
// To support keepAliveWhilePending(), this object needs to keep itself
// alive while in that state.
SelfKeepAlive<ScriptPromiseResolver> m_keepAlive;
// True if promise() is called.
bool m_isPromiseCalled;
} // namespace blink
#endif // ScriptPromiseResolver_h