blob: c3aa3bde67e248d93bc381579a1191d99bcd8d38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.View;
import androidx.annotation.ColorRes;
import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes;
import androidx.annotation.StringRes;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryProcessType;
import org.chromium.components.security_state.ConnectionSecurityLevel;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.BrowserStartupController;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
* Contains the controller logic of the Status component.
class StatusMediator {
class StatusMediatorDelegate {
/** @see {@link AutocompleteCoordinatorFactory#qualifyPartialURLQuery} */
boolean isUrlValid(String partialUrl) {
return BrowserStartupController.get(LibraryProcessType.PROCESS_BROWSER)
&& AutocompleteCoordinatorFactory.qualifyPartialURLQuery(partialUrl) != null;
/** @see {@link SearchEngineLogoUtils#getSearchEngineLogoFavicon} */
void getSearchEngineLogoFavicon(Resources res, Callback<Bitmap> callback) {
Profile.getLastUsedProfile().getOriginalProfile(), res, callback);
/** @see {@link SearchEngineLogoUtils#shouldShowSearchEngineLogo} */
boolean shouldShowSearchEngineLogo(boolean isIncognito) {
return SearchEngineLogoUtils.shouldShowSearchEngineLogo(isIncognito);
/** @see {@link SearchEngineLogoUtils#shouldShowSearchLoupeEverywhere} */
boolean shouldShowSearchLoupeEverywhere(boolean isIncognito) {
return SearchEngineLogoUtils.shouldShowSearchLoupeEverywhere(isIncognito);
/** @see {@link SearchEngineLogoUtils#doesUrlMatchDefaultSearchEngine} */
boolean doesUrlMatchDefaultSearchEngine(String url) {
return SearchEngineLogoUtils.doesUrlMatchDefaultSearchEngine(url);
private final PropertyModel mModel;
private boolean mDarkTheme;
private boolean mUrlHasFocus;
private boolean mFirstSuggestionIsSearchQuery;
private boolean mVerboseStatusSpaceAvailable;
private boolean mPageIsPreview;
private boolean mPageIsOffline;
private boolean mShowStatusIconWhenUrlFocused;
private boolean mIsSecurityButtonShown;
private boolean mIsSearchEngineStateSetup;
private boolean mIsSearchEngineGoogle;
private boolean mShouldCancelCustomFavicon;
private int mUrlMinWidth;
private int mSeparatorMinWidth;
private int mVerboseStatusTextMinWidth;
private @ConnectionSecurityLevel int mPageSecurityLevel;
private @DrawableRes int mSecurityIconRes;
private @DrawableRes int mSecurityIconTintRes;
private @StringRes int mSecurityIconDescriptionRes;
private @DrawableRes int mNavigationIconTintRes;
private StatusMediatorDelegate mDelegate;
private Resources mResources;
private ToolbarCommonPropertiesModel mToolbarCommonPropertiesModel;
private UrlBarEditingTextStateProvider mUrlBarEditingTextStateProvider;
private String mUrlBarTextWithAutocomplete = "";
private boolean mUrlBarTextIsValidUrl;
StatusMediator(PropertyModel model, Resources resources,
UrlBarEditingTextStateProvider urlBarEditingTextStateProvider) {
mModel = model;
mDelegate = new StatusMediatorDelegate();
mResources = resources;
mUrlBarEditingTextStateProvider = urlBarEditingTextStateProvider;
* Set the ToolbarDataProvider for this class.
void setToolbarCommonPropertiesModel(
ToolbarCommonPropertiesModel toolbarCommonPropertiesModel) {
mToolbarCommonPropertiesModel = toolbarCommonPropertiesModel;
* Toggle animations of icon changes.
void setAnimationsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mModel.set(StatusProperties.ANIMATIONS_ENABLED, enabled);
* Specify whether displayed page is an offline page.
void setPageIsOffline(boolean pageIsOffline) {
if (mPageIsOffline != pageIsOffline) {
mPageIsOffline = pageIsOffline;
* Specify whether displayed page is a preview page.
void setPageIsPreview(boolean pageIsPreview) {
if (mPageIsPreview != pageIsPreview) {
mPageIsPreview = pageIsPreview;
* Specify displayed page's security level.
void setPageSecurityLevel(@ConnectionSecurityLevel int level) {
if (mPageSecurityLevel == level) return;
mPageSecurityLevel = level;
* Specify icon displayed by the security chip.
void setSecurityIconResource(@DrawableRes int securityIcon) {
mSecurityIconRes = securityIcon;
* Specify tint of icon displayed by the security chip.
void setSecurityIconTint(@ColorRes int tintList) {
mSecurityIconTintRes = tintList;
* Specify tint of icon displayed by the security chip.
void setSecurityIconDescription(@StringRes int desc) {
mSecurityIconDescriptionRes = desc;
* Specify minimum width of the separator field.
void setSeparatorFieldMinWidth(int width) {
mSeparatorMinWidth = width;
* Specify whether status icon should be shown when URL is focused.
void setShowIconsWhenUrlFocused(boolean showIconWhenFocused) {
mShowStatusIconWhenUrlFocused = showIconWhenFocused;
* Specify object to receive status click events.
* @param listener Specifies target object to receive events.
void setStatusClickListener(View.OnClickListener listener) {
mModel.set(StatusProperties.STATUS_CLICK_LISTENER, listener);
* Update unfocused location bar width to determine shape and content of the
* Status view.
void setUnfocusedLocationBarWidth(int width) {
// This unfocused width is used rather than observing #onMeasure() to avoid showing the
// verbose status when the animation to unfocus the URL bar has finished. There is a call to
// LocationBarLayout#onMeasure() after the URL focus animation has finished and before the
// location bar has received its updated width layout param.
int computedSpace = width - mUrlMinWidth - mSeparatorMinWidth;
boolean hasSpaceForStatus = width >= mVerboseStatusTextMinWidth;
if (hasSpaceForStatus) {
mModel.set(StatusProperties.VERBOSE_STATUS_TEXT_WIDTH, computedSpace);
if (hasSpaceForStatus != mVerboseStatusSpaceAvailable) {
mVerboseStatusSpaceAvailable = hasSpaceForStatus;
* Report URL focus change.
void setUrlHasFocus(boolean urlHasFocus) {
if (mUrlHasFocus == urlHasFocus) return;
mUrlHasFocus = urlHasFocus;
* Reports whether the first omnibox suggestion is a search query.
void setFirstSuggestionIsSearchType(boolean firstSuggestionIsSearchQuery) {
mFirstSuggestionIsSearchQuery = firstSuggestionIsSearchQuery;
* Specify minimum width of an URL field.
void setUrlMinWidth(int width) {
mUrlMinWidth = width;
* Toggle between dark and light UI color theme.
void setUseDarkColors(boolean useDarkColors) {
if (mDarkTheme != useDarkColors) {
mDarkTheme = useDarkColors;
* @param incognitoBadgeVisible Whether or not the incognito badge is visible.
void setIncognitoBadgeVisibility(boolean incognitoBadgeVisible) {
mModel.set(StatusProperties.INCOGNITO_BADGE_VISIBLE, incognitoBadgeVisible);
* Specify minimum width of the verbose status text field.
void setVerboseStatusTextMinWidth(int width) {
mVerboseStatusTextMinWidth = width;
* Update visibility of the verbose status text field.
private void updateStatusVisibility() {
int statusText = 0;
if (mPageIsPreview) {
statusText = R.string.location_bar_preview_lite_page_status;
} else if (mPageIsOffline) {
statusText = R.string.location_bar_verbose_status_offline;
// Decide whether presenting verbose status text makes sense.
boolean newVisibility = shouldShowVerboseStatusText() && mVerboseStatusSpaceAvailable
&& (!mUrlHasFocus) && (statusText != 0);
// Update status content only if it is visible.
// Note: PropertyModel will help us avoid duplicate updates with the
// same value.
if (newVisibility) {
mModel.set(StatusProperties.VERBOSE_STATUS_TEXT_STRING_RES, statusText);
mModel.set(StatusProperties.VERBOSE_STATUS_TEXT_VISIBLE, newVisibility);
* Update color theme for all status components.
private void updateColorTheme() {
int separatorColor =
mDarkTheme ? R.color.divider_bg_color_dark : R.color.divider_bg_color_light;
int textColor = 0;
if (mPageIsPreview) {
textColor = mDarkTheme ? R.color.locationbar_status_preview_color
: R.color.locationbar_status_preview_color_light;
} else if (mPageIsOffline) {
textColor = mDarkTheme ? R.color.locationbar_status_offline_color
: R.color.locationbar_status_offline_color_light;
int tintColor = ColorUtils.getThemedToolbarIconTintRes(!mDarkTheme);
mModel.set(StatusProperties.SEPARATOR_COLOR_RES, separatorColor);
mNavigationIconTintRes = tintColor;
if (textColor != 0) mModel.set(StatusProperties.VERBOSE_STATUS_TEXT_COLOR_RES, textColor);
* Reports whether security icon is shown.
boolean isSecurityButtonShown() {
return mIsSecurityButtonShown;
* Compute verbose status text for the current page.
private boolean shouldShowVerboseStatusText() {
return (mPageIsPreview && mPageSecurityLevel != ConnectionSecurityLevel.DANGEROUS)
|| mPageIsOffline;
* Called when the search engine status icon needs updating.
* @param shouldShowSearchEngineLogo True if the search engine icon should be shown.
* @param isSearchEngineGoogle True if the default search engine is google.
* @param searchEngineUrl The URL for the search engine icon.
public void updateSearchEngineStatusIcon(boolean shouldShowSearchEngineLogo,
boolean isSearchEngineGoogle, String searchEngineUrl) {
mIsSearchEngineStateSetup = true;
mIsSearchEngineGoogle = isSearchEngineGoogle;
* Update selection of icon presented on the location bar.
* - Navigation button is:
* - shown only on large form factor devices (tablets and up),
* - shown only if URL is focused.
* - Security icon is:
* - shown only if specified,
* - not shown if URL is focused.
private void updateLocationBarIcon() {
// Update the accessibility description before continuing since we need it either way.
mModel.set(StatusProperties.STATUS_ICON_DESCRIPTION_RES, getAccessibilityDescriptionRes());
// No need to proceed further if we've already updated it for the search engine icon.
if (maybeUpdateStatusIconForSearchEngineIcon()) return;
int icon = 0;
int tint = 0;
int toast = 0;
mIsSecurityButtonShown = false;
if (mUrlHasFocus) {
if (mShowStatusIconWhenUrlFocused) {
icon = mFirstSuggestionIsSearchQuery ? R.drawable.omnibox_search
: R.drawable.ic_omnibox_page;
tint = mNavigationIconTintRes;
} else if (mSecurityIconRes != 0) {
mIsSecurityButtonShown = true;
icon = mSecurityIconRes;
tint = mSecurityIconTintRes;
toast = R.string.menu_page_info;
if (mPageIsPreview) {
tint = mDarkTheme ? R.color.locationbar_status_preview_color
: R.color.locationbar_status_preview_color_light;
mModel.set(StatusProperties.STATUS_ICON_RES, icon);
mModel.set(StatusProperties.STATUS_ICON_TINT_RES, tint);
mModel.set(StatusProperties.STATUS_ICON_ACCESSIBILITY_TOAST_RES, toast);
/** @return True if the security icon has been set for the search engine icon. */
boolean maybeUpdateStatusIconForSearchEngineIcon() {
// When the search engine logo should be shown, but the engine isn't Google. In this case,
// we download the icon on the fly.
boolean showFocused = mUrlHasFocus && mShowStatusIconWhenUrlFocused;
// Show the logo unfocused if "Query in the omnibox" is active or we're on the NTP. Current
// "Query in the omnibox" behavior makes it active for non-dse searches if you've just
// changed your default search engine.The included workaround below
// (doesUrlMatchDefaultSearchEngine) can be removed once this is fixed.
// TODO( Remove doesUrlMatchDefaultSearchEngine when "Query in the
// omnibox" properly reacts to dse changes.
boolean showUnfocusedSearchResultsPage = !mUrlHasFocus
&& mToolbarCommonPropertiesModel != null
&& mToolbarCommonPropertiesModel.getDisplaySearchTerms() != null
&& mDelegate.doesUrlMatchDefaultSearchEngine(
boolean isIncognito = mToolbarCommonPropertiesModel != null
&& mToolbarCommonPropertiesModel.isIncognito();
if (mDelegate.shouldShowSearchEngineLogo(isIncognito) && mIsSearchEngineStateSetup
&& (showFocused || showUnfocusedSearchResultsPage)) {
setSecurityIconResourceForSearchEngineIcon(isIncognito, (icon) -> {
return true;
} else {
mShouldCancelCustomFavicon = true;
return false;
* Set the security icon resource for the search engine icon and invoke the callback to inform
* the caller which resource has been set.
* @param isIncognito True if the user is incognito.
* @param callback Called when the final value is set for the security icon resource. Meant to
* give the caller a chance to set the tint for the given resource.
private void setSecurityIconResourceForSearchEngineIcon(
boolean isIncognito, Callback<Integer> callback) {
mShouldCancelCustomFavicon = false;
// If the current url text is a valid url, then swap the dse icon for a globe.
if (mUrlBarTextIsValidUrl) {
mModel.set(StatusProperties.STATUS_ICON_RES, R.drawable.ic_globe_24dp);
} else if (mIsSearchEngineGoogle) {
int icon = mDelegate.shouldShowSearchLoupeEverywhere(isIncognito)
? R.drawable.ic_search
: R.drawable.ic_logo_googleg_24dp;
mModel.set(StatusProperties.STATUS_ICON_RES, icon);
} else {
mModel.set(StatusProperties.STATUS_ICON_RES, R.drawable.ic_search);
if (!mDelegate.shouldShowSearchLoupeEverywhere(isIncognito)) {
mDelegate.getSearchEngineLogoFavicon(mResources, (favicon) -> {
if (favicon == null || mShouldCancelCustomFavicon) return;
mModel.set(StatusProperties.STATUS_ICON, favicon);
* Get the icon tint for the given search engine icon resource.
* @param icon The icon resource for the search engine icon.
* @return The tint resource for the given parameters.
int getSecurityIconTintForSearchEngineIcon(int icon) {
int tint;
if (icon == 0 || icon == R.drawable.ic_logo_googleg_24dp) {
tint = 0;
} else {
tint = mDarkTheme ? R.color.default_icon_color_secondary_list
: ColorUtils.getThemedToolbarIconTintRes(!mDarkTheme);
return tint;
/** Return the resource id for the accessibility description or 0 if none apply. */
private int getAccessibilityDescriptionRes() {
if (mUrlHasFocus) {
if (SearchEngineLogoUtils.shouldShowSearchEngineLogo(
mToolbarCommonPropertiesModel.isIncognito())) {
return 0;
} else if (mShowStatusIconWhenUrlFocused) {
return R.string.accessibility_toolbar_btn_site_info;
} else if (mSecurityIconRes != 0) {
return mSecurityIconDescriptionRes;
return 0;
/** @see android.text.TextWatcher#onTextChanged */
void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence) {
// TODO ( This is a workaround for the linked bug. Once the bug is fixed,
// it should be removed.
String urlTextWithAutocomplete = TextUtils.isEmpty(charSequence)
? ""
: mUrlBarEditingTextStateProvider.getTextWithAutocomplete();
if (TextUtils.equals(mUrlBarTextWithAutocomplete, urlTextWithAutocomplete)) {
mUrlBarTextWithAutocomplete = urlTextWithAutocomplete;
boolean isValid = mDelegate.isUrlValid(mUrlBarTextWithAutocomplete);
if (isValid != mUrlBarTextIsValidUrl) {
mUrlBarTextIsValidUrl = isValid;
void setDelegateForTesting(StatusMediatorDelegate delegate) {
mDelegate = delegate;