blob: 73dfb5ed59d360673e1e99b67ced43d0224f88a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace ukm {
namespace builders {
class TabManager_LifecycleStateChange;
} // namespace ukm
namespace resource_coordinator {
// An enumeration of reasons why a particular intervention or lifecycle state
// changes can be denied. This is a superset of all failure reasons that can
// apply for any particular intervention. New reasons can freely be added to
// this enum as necessary, but UKM plumbing and string conversion needs to be
// maintained as well.
enum class DecisionFailureReason : int32_t {
// An invalid failure reason. This must remain first.
// The browser was opted out of the intervention via enterprise policy.
// A frame on the page opted itself out of the intervention via origin trial.
// A frame on the page did not report its origin trial opt-in/opt-out yet.
// The origin was opted out of the intervention in the global blacklist.
// The local heuristic opted the origin out of the intervention due to its use
// of audio while in the background.
// The local heuristic opted the origin out of the intervention due to its use
// of favicon updates while in the background.
// The local heuristic is temporarily opting the origin out of the
// intervention due to a lack of sufficient observation time.
// The local heuristic opted the origin out of the intervention due to its use
// of notifications while in the background.
// The local heuristic opted the origin out of the intervention due to its use
// of title updates while in the background.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it is currently capturing user
// media (webcam, microphone, etc).
// The tab is opted out of the intervention by an extension.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it contains text form entry.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it is currently hosting a PDF.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it is currently being mirrored
// (casting, etc).
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it is currently playing audio.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it is currently using
// WebSockets.
// NOTE: This heuristic isn't used in the freezing/discarding interventions.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it is currently WebUSB.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it is currently visible.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it's currently using DevTools.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it's currently capturing a
// window or screen.
// This tab is sharing its BrowsingInstance with another tab, and so could
// want to communicate with it.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it's currently connected to a
// bluetooth device.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it's currently holding at least
// one WebLock.
// The tab is opted out of the intervention as it's currently holding at least
// one IndexedDB lock.
// This must remain last.
// An enumeration of reasons why a particular intervention or lifecycle state
// change can be approved. The fact that no "live state" failures are blocking
// the intervention is implicit, and doesn't need to be explicitly encoded.
enum class DecisionSuccessReason : int32_t {
// An invalid failure reason. This must remain first.
// A frame on the page opted itself in the intervention via origin trial.
// The origin was opted into the intervention via the global whitelist.
// The origin has been observed to be safe for the intervention using local
// database observations.
// This must remain last.
// Helper function for converting a reason to a string representation.
const char* ToString(DecisionFailureReason failure_reason);
const char* ToString(DecisionSuccessReason success_reason);
// Describes the detailed reasons why a particular intervention decision was
// made. This is populated by the various policy bits of policy logic that
// decide whether a particular intervention or lifecycle state transition can be
// performed. It can populate various related UKM builders and also be converted
// to a collection of user readable strings for the purposes of displaying in
// in web UI.
// A decision can contain multiple reasons for success or failure, and policy
// allows some success reasons to override some failure reasons and vice versa.
// The first reason posted to this object determines whether or not the overall
// outcome is positive or negative. It is assumed that reasons are posted in
// order of decreasing priority.
// For logging and inspection it is useful to know of all possible failure
// reasons blocking a success. Similarly, it is interesting to know of all of
// the possible success reasons blocking a failure. To this end, policy logic
// should continue populating the decision with details until is has "toggled".
// That is, a success reason has followed a chain of failures or vice versa.
// The "toggling" of the decision chain is indicated by the return value from
// AddReason. This allows writing code like the following:
// bool DecideIfCanDoSomething(DecisionDetails* details) {
// if (some_condition_is_false) {
// if (details->AddReason(kSomeFailureReason))
// return details->IsPositive();
// }
// if (some_other_condition) {
// if (details->AddReason(kSomeOtherFailureReason))
// return details->IsPositive();
// }
// ...
// }
class DecisionDetails {
// A union of success/failure reasons. This is allowed to be copied in order
// to be compatible with STL containers.
class Reason {
explicit Reason(DecisionSuccessReason success_reason);
explicit Reason(DecisionFailureReason failure_reason);
Reason(const Reason& rhs);
Reason& operator=(const Reason& rhs);
bool IsValid() const;
bool IsSuccess() const;
bool IsFailure() const;
DecisionSuccessReason success_reason() const;
DecisionFailureReason failure_reason() const;
const char* ToString() const;
bool operator==(const Reason& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const Reason& rhs) const;
DecisionSuccessReason success_reason_;
DecisionFailureReason failure_reason_;
// Allow move assignment.
DecisionDetails& operator=(DecisionDetails&& rhs);
// Adds a success or failure reason. Returns true if the chain of reasons has
// "toggled", false otherwise.
bool AddReason(const Reason& reason);
bool AddReason(DecisionFailureReason failure_reason);
bool AddReason(DecisionSuccessReason success_reason);
// Returns the outcome of the decision. This is implicit from the reasons that
// have been posted to this object.
bool IsPositive() const;
// Returns the main success reason. This is only valid to call if IsPositive
// is true.
DecisionSuccessReason SuccessReason() const;
// Returns the main failure reason. This is only valid to call if IsPositive
// is false.
DecisionFailureReason FailureReason() const;
// Returns the full vector of reasons.
const std::vector<Reason>& reasons() const { return reasons_; }
// Returns whether or not the chain of reasons has toggled.
bool toggled() const { return toggled_; }
// Populates the provided "TabManager.LifecycleStateChange" UKM builder with
// information from this object.
void Populate(ukm::builders::TabManager_LifecycleStateChange* ukm) const;
// Returns a collection of failure reason strings, from most important failure
// reason to least important. This is empty if the outcome is positive, and
// will only be populated with failure reasons that are not overridden by any
// success reasons.
std::vector<std::string> GetFailureReasonStrings() const;
void Clear();
bool CheckIfToggled();
// This is true if the vector of success reasons has "toggled" from all
// failures to some successes, or vice versa. Continuing to collect additional
// reasons after this toggle isn't very informative.
bool toggled_;
std::vector<Reason> reasons_;
} // namespace resource_coordinator