blob: ee5d191e5a615e54221122a2e90512725576565b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
enum ContentType {
enum SampleFormat {
// Interleaved formats:
// Planar formats:
message OutputStreamParams {
enum StreamType {
optional StreamType stream_type = 1;
optional ContentType content_type = 2;
optional SampleFormat sample_format = 3;
optional string device_id = 4;
optional int32 sample_rate = 5;
optional int32 num_channels = 6;
optional sint32 channel_selection = 7 [default = -1];
optional int32 fill_size_frames = 8;
optional int32 start_threshold_frames = 9;
optional int32 max_buffered_frames = 10;
optional bool use_fader = 11;
optional int32 fade_frames = 12;
// If |true|, playback will not start until a start timestamp has been
// provided via a SetStartTimestamp message.
optional bool use_start_timestamp = 13;
// Indicates that we want to start playing the sample with PTS |start_pts|
// at audio clock timestamp |start_timestamp| in microseconds. May be sent
// multiple times to restart playback at a new timestamp (ie for hard
// corrections).
message SetStartTimestamp {
optional int64 start_timestamp = 1;
optional int64 start_pts = 2;
// Informs the mixer how fast the PTS increases per frame. For example if the
// playback rate is 2.0, then each frame increases the PTS by 2.0 / sample_rate
// seconds.
message SetPlaybackRate {
optional float playback_rate = 1;
// Changes the volume multiplier for an audio output stream.
message StreamVolume {
optional float volume = 1;
// Immediately pauses/resumes playback for an audio output stream.
message SetPaused {
optional bool paused = 1;
// Indicates that previously pushed audio data has been queued for playback,
// and the next audio data that is pushed to the mixer will start playing at
// |next_playback_timestamp|.
message BufferPushResult {
optional fixed64 next_playback_timestamp = 1;
// Indicates that EOS for an audio output stream has been played out.
message EosPlayedOut {}
// Indicates that an audio output stream is ready for playback (ie, has enough
// audio data to exceed the start threshold, and has output delay information).
message ReadyForPlayback {
optional fixed64 delay_microseconds = 1;
// Indicates current stream config for a loopback / redirected audio stream.
// Sent whenever the config changes; will be sent at least once before any audio
// data is sent.
message StreamConfig {
optional SampleFormat sample_format = 1;
optional int32 sample_rate = 2;
optional int32 num_channels = 3;
// Sent to indicate that the mixer should stream loopback audio data back over
// this connection.
message LoopbackDataRequest {}
// Sent to indicate that the mixer should redirect specific audio output
// stream data back over this connection.
message RedirectionRequest {
optional int32 order = 1;
optional int32 num_channels = 2;
optional bool apply_volume = 4;
optional int64 extra_delay_microseconds = 5;
// Sets the patterns to determine which audio output streams should be
// redirected.
message RedirectedStreamPatterns {
message Pattern {
optional ContentType content_type = 1;
optional string device_id_pattern = 2;
repeated Pattern patterns = 1;
// Sets volume multiplier for all streams of a given content type.
message SetDeviceVolume {
optional ContentType content_type = 1;
optional float volume_multiplier = 2;
// Sets mute state all streams of a given content type.
message SetDeviceMuted {
optional ContentType content_type = 1;
optional bool muted = 2;
// Sets the maximum effective volume multiplier for a given content type.
message SetVolumeLimit {
optional ContentType content_type = 1;
optional float max_volume_multiplier = 2;
// Sends arbitrary config data to a specific postprocessor.
message ConfigurePostprocessor {
optional string name = 1;
optional bytes config = 2;
// Instructs the mixer to reload postprocessors based on the config file.
message ReloadPostprocessors {}
// Asks the mixer to send / stop sending stream count updates.
message RequestStreamCount {
optional bool subscribe = 1;
// Indicates how many output streams are currently being handled by the mixer.
message StreamCount {
optional int32 primary = 1;
optional int32 sfx = 2;
// Indicates an error on an audio stream.
message Error {
enum Type {
XRUN_ERROR = 1; // Underrun or overrun.
optional Type type = 1;
optional string message = 2;
message Generic {
optional OutputStreamParams output_stream_params = 1;
optional SetStartTimestamp set_start_timestamp = 2;
optional SetPlaybackRate set_playback_rate = 3;
optional StreamVolume set_stream_volume = 4;
optional SetPaused set_paused = 5;
optional BufferPushResult push_result = 6;
optional EosPlayedOut eos_played_out = 7;
optional ReadyForPlayback ready_for_playback = 8;
optional StreamConfig stream_config = 9;
optional LoopbackDataRequest loopback_request = 10;
optional RedirectionRequest redirection_request = 11;
optional RedirectedStreamPatterns redirected_stream_patterns = 12;
optional SetDeviceVolume set_device_volume = 13;
optional SetDeviceMuted set_device_muted = 14;
optional SetVolumeLimit set_volume_limit = 15;
optional ConfigurePostprocessor configure_postprocessor = 16;
optional ReloadPostprocessors reload_postprocessors = 17;
optional RequestStreamCount request_stream_count = 18;
optional StreamCount stream_count = 19;
optional Error error = 20;