blob: 7c474576fa45e1e57940e7b2c0f1e458d1df8b0a [file] [log] [blame]
# These tests currently fail when run with --enable-features=BackForwardCache
# FrameService expects the old document to be deleted, but it isn't, because of
# the BackForwardCache.
# Expects the process used by the previous document to exit.
# Check failed: is_waiting_for_swapout_ack_.
# The swap out mechanism isn't used with the BackForwardCache.
# WebSerial:
# WebContentsImpl::IsConnectedToSerialPort() returns true, because the previous
# document uses the WebSerial and continue to do so after entering the
# BackForwardCache.
# See
# Test:
# 1) Normal navigation to a non-webui URL.
# 2) Add the webui capability to the RenderFrameHost.
# 3) Navigate away.
# 4) Navigate back. Hit a CHECK. RenderFrameHost with the webui capability can't
# have non-webUI URL.
#] Check failed: state_ <= READY_TO_COMMIT
# NavigationSimulator.CommitErrorPage() is not supported.
# Test expect a proxy for the old RFH's SiteInstance after a normal navigation
# to exist.
# Tests below are failing on android only.
# Need to be triaged, see
# Numerous tests from these suites are crashing with:
# [] Check failed: !target_task_runner_