blob: 0ae66308706e1616dfcfacf0c03c5b4cf62646da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGInlineItem_h
#define NGInlineItem_h
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_inline.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_item_segment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_offset_mapping.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_style_variant.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/run_segmenter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_direction.h"
#include <unicode/ubidi.h>
#include <unicode/uscript.h>
namespace blink {
class LayoutObject;
// Class representing a single text node or styled inline element with text
// content segmented by style, text direction, sideways rotation, font fallback
// priority (text, symbol, emoji, etc), and script (but not by font).
// In this representation TextNodes are merged up into their parent inline
// element where possible.
class CORE_EXPORT NGInlineItem {
enum NGInlineItemType {
// Whether pre- and post-context should be used for shaping.
enum NGLayoutInlineShapeOptions {
kNoContext = 0,
kPreContext = 1,
kPostContext = 2
enum NGCollapseType {
// No collapsible spaces.
// This item is opaque to whitespace collapsing.
// This item ends with collapsible spaces.
// Collapsible spaces at the end of this item were collapsed.
// The constructor and destructor can't be implicit or inlined, because they
// require full definition of ComputedStyle.
NGInlineItem(NGInlineItemType type,
unsigned start,
unsigned end,
LayoutObject* layout_object = nullptr);
// Copy constructor adjusting start/end and shape results.
NGInlineItem(const NGInlineItem&,
unsigned adjusted_start,
unsigned adjusted_end,
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResult>);
NGInlineItemType Type() const { return type_; }
const char* NGInlineItemTypeToString(int val) const;
const ShapeResult* TextShapeResult() const { return shape_result_.get(); }
NGLayoutInlineShapeOptions ShapeOptions() const {
return static_cast<NGLayoutInlineShapeOptions>(shape_options_);
// If this item is "empty" for the purpose of empty block calculation.
bool IsEmptyItem() const { return is_empty_item_; }
void SetIsEmptyItem(bool value) { is_empty_item_ = value; }
// If this item is either a float or OOF-positioned node. If an inline
// formatting-context *only* contains these types of nodes we consider it
// block-level, and run the |NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm| instead of the
// |NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm|.
bool IsBlockLevel() const { return is_block_level_; }
void SetIsBlockLevel(bool value) { is_block_level_ = value; }
// If this item should create a box fragment. Box fragments can be omitted for
// optimization if this is false.
bool ShouldCreateBoxFragment() const {
if (Type() == kOpenTag || Type() == kCloseTag)
return ToLayoutInline(layout_object_)->ShouldCreateBoxFragment();
DCHECK_EQ(Type(), kAtomicInline);
return false;
void SetShouldCreateBoxFragment() {
DCHECK(Type() == kOpenTag || Type() == kCloseTag);
unsigned StartOffset() const { return start_offset_; }
unsigned EndOffset() const { return end_offset_; }
unsigned Length() const { return end_offset_ - start_offset_; }
TextDirection Direction() const { return DirectionFromLevel(BidiLevel()); }
UBiDiLevel BidiLevel() const { return static_cast<UBiDiLevel>(bidi_level_); }
// Resolved bidi level for the reordering algorithm. Certain items have
// artificial bidi level for the reordering algorithm without affecting its
// direction.
UBiDiLevel BidiLevelForReorder() const {
// List markers should not be reordered to protect it from being included
// into unclosed inline boxes.
return Type() != NGInlineItem::kListMarker ? BidiLevel() : 0;
LayoutObject* GetLayoutObject() const { return layout_object_; }
bool IsImage() const {
return GetLayoutObject() && GetLayoutObject()->IsLayoutImage();
void SetOffset(unsigned start, unsigned end) {
DCHECK_GE(end, start);
start_offset_ = start;
end_offset_ = end;
// Any modification to the offset will invalidate the shape result.
shape_result_ = nullptr;
void SetEndOffset(unsigned end_offset) {
DCHECK_GE(end_offset, start_offset_);
end_offset_ = end_offset;
// Any modification to the offset will invalidate the shape result.
shape_result_ = nullptr;
bool HasStartEdge() const {
DCHECK(Type() == kOpenTag || Type() == kCloseTag);
// TODO(kojii): Should use break token when NG has its own tree building.
return !GetLayoutObject()->IsInlineElementContinuation();
bool HasEndEdge() const {
DCHECK(Type() == kOpenTag || Type() == kCloseTag);
// TODO(kojii): Should use break token when NG has its own tree building.
return !GetLayoutObject()->IsLayoutInline() ||
void SetStyleVariant(NGStyleVariant style_variant) {
style_variant_ = static_cast<unsigned>(style_variant);
NGStyleVariant StyleVariant() const {
return static_cast<NGStyleVariant>(style_variant_);
const ComputedStyle* Style() const {
// Use the |ComputedStyle| in |LayoutObject|, because not all style changes
// re-run |CollectInlines()|.
NGStyleVariant variant = StyleVariant();
if (variant == NGStyleVariant::kStandard)
return layout_object_->Style();
DCHECK_EQ(variant, NGStyleVariant::kFirstLine);
return layout_object_->FirstLineStyle();
// Get or set the whitespace collapse type at the end of this item.
NGCollapseType EndCollapseType() const {
return static_cast<NGCollapseType>(end_collapse_type_);
void SetEndCollapseType(NGCollapseType type) {
DCHECK(Type() == NGInlineItem::kText || type == kOpaqueToCollapsing ||
(Type() == NGInlineItem::kControl && type == kCollapsible));
end_collapse_type_ = type;
// True if this item was generated (not in DOM).
// NGInlineItemsBuilder may generate break opportunitites to express the
// context that are lost during the whitespace collapsing. This item is used
// during the line breaking and layout, but is not supposed to generate
// fragments.
bool IsGeneratedForLineBreak() const { return is_generated_for_line_break_; }
void SetIsGeneratedForLineBreak() { is_generated_for_line_break_ = true; }
// Whether the end collapsible space run contains a newline.
// Valid only when kCollapsible or kCollapsed.
bool IsEndCollapsibleNewline() const { return is_end_collapsible_newline_; }
void SetEndCollapseType(NGCollapseType type, bool is_newline) {
is_end_collapsible_newline_ = is_newline;
static void Split(Vector<NGInlineItem>&, unsigned index, unsigned offset);
// RunSegmenter properties.
unsigned SegmentData() const { return segment_data_; }
static void SetSegmentData(const RunSegmenter::RunSegmenterRange& range,
Vector<NGInlineItem>* items);
RunSegmenter::RunSegmenterRange CreateRunSegmenterRange() const {
return NGInlineItemSegment::UnpackSegmentData(start_offset_, end_offset_,
// Whether the other item has the same RunSegmenter properties or not.
bool EqualsRunSegment(const NGInlineItem& other) const {
return segment_data_ == other.segment_data_;
void SetBidiLevel(UBiDiLevel level) {
// Invalidate ShapeResult because it depends on the resolved direction.
if (DirectionFromLevel(level) != DirectionFromLevel(bidi_level_))
shape_result_ = nullptr;
bidi_level_ = level;
static unsigned SetBidiLevel(Vector<NGInlineItem>&,
unsigned index,
unsigned end_offset,
void AssertOffset(unsigned offset) const;
void AssertEndOffset(unsigned offset) const;
bool IsSymbolMarker() const { return is_symbol_marker_; }
void SetIsSymbolMarker(bool b) { is_symbol_marker_ = b; }
String ToString() const;
void ComputeBoxProperties();
unsigned start_offset_;
unsigned end_offset_;
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResult> shape_result_;
LayoutObject* layout_object_;
NGInlineItemType type_;
// |segment_data_| is valid only for |type_ == NGInlineItem::kText|.
unsigned segment_data_ : NGInlineItemSegment::kSegmentDataBits;
unsigned bidi_level_ : 8; // UBiDiLevel is defined as uint8_t.
unsigned shape_options_ : 2;
unsigned is_empty_item_ : 1;
unsigned is_block_level_ : 1;
unsigned style_variant_ : 2;
unsigned end_collapse_type_ : 2; // NGCollapseType
unsigned is_end_collapsible_newline_ : 1;
unsigned is_symbol_marker_ : 1;
unsigned is_generated_for_line_break_ : 1;
friend class NGInlineNode;
friend class NGInlineNodeDataEditor;
inline void NGInlineItem::AssertOffset(unsigned offset) const {
DCHECK((offset >= start_offset_ && offset < end_offset_) ||
(offset == start_offset_ && start_offset_ == end_offset_));
inline void NGInlineItem::AssertEndOffset(unsigned offset) const {
DCHECK_GE(offset, start_offset_);
DCHECK_LE(offset, end_offset_);
// Represents a text content with a list of NGInlineItem. A node may have an
// additional NGInlineItemsData for ::first-line pseudo element.
struct CORE_EXPORT NGInlineItemsData {
// Text content for all inline items represented by a single NGInlineNode.
// Encoded either as UTF-16 or latin-1 depending on the content.
String text_content;
Vector<NGInlineItem> items;
// Cache RunSegmenter segments when at least one item has multiple runs.
// Set to nullptr when all items has only single run, which is common case for
// most writing systems. However, in multi-script writing systems such as
// Japanese, almost every item has multiple runs.
std::unique_ptr<NGInlineItemSegments> segments;
// The DOM to text content offset mapping of this inline node.
std::unique_ptr<NGOffsetMapping> offset_mapping;
void AssertOffset(unsigned index, unsigned offset) const {
void AssertEndOffset(unsigned index, unsigned offset) const {
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGInlineItem_h