blob: 07abca2e18bc34a7081ed0b1ef3205987dc08425 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGInlineItemsBuilder_h
#define NGInlineItemsBuilder_h
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/empty_offset_mapping_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_item.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_line_height_metrics.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_offset_mapping_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
class ComputedStyle;
class LayoutInline;
class LayoutObject;
class LayoutText;
struct NGInlineNodeData;
class NGDirtyLines;
// NGInlineItemsBuilder builds a string and a list of NGInlineItem from inlines.
// When appending, spaces are collapsed according to CSS Text, The white space
// processing rules
// By calling EnterInline/ExitInline, it inserts bidirectional control
// characters as defined in:
// NGInlineItemsBuilder may optionally take an NGOffsetMappingBuilder template
// parameter to construct the white-space collapsed offset mapping, which maps
// offsets in the concatenation of all appended strings and characters to
// offsets in |text_|.
// See for more details about offset mapping.
template <typename OffsetMappingBuilder>
class NGInlineItemsBuilderTemplate {
// Create a builder that appends items to |items|.
// If |dirty_lines| is given, this builder calls its functions to mark lines
// dirty.
explicit NGInlineItemsBuilderTemplate(Vector<NGInlineItem>* items,
NGDirtyLines* dirty_lines = nullptr)
: items_(items), dirty_lines_(dirty_lines) {}
String ToString();
// Returns whether the items contain any Bidi controls.
bool HasBidiControls() const { return has_bidi_controls_; }
// Returns if the inline node has no content. For example:
// <span></span> or <span><float></float></span>.
bool IsEmptyInline() const { return is_empty_inline_; }
bool IsBlockLevel() const { return is_block_level_; }
// True if changes to an item may affect different layout of earlier lines.
// May not be able to use line caches even when the line or earlier lines are
// not dirty.
bool ChangesMayAffectEarlierLines() const {
return changes_may_affect_earlier_lines_;
// Append a string from |LayoutText|.
// If |previous_data| is given, reuse existing items if they exist and are
// reusable. Otherwise appends new items.
void AppendText(LayoutText* layout_text,
const NGInlineNodeData* previous_data);
// Append existing items from an unchanged LayoutObject.
// Returns whether the existing items could be reused.
// NOTE: The state of the builder remains unchanged if the append operation
// fails (i.e. if it returns false).
bool AppendTextReusing(const NGInlineNodeData& previous_data,
LayoutText* layout_text);
// Append a string.
// When appending, spaces are collapsed according to CSS Text, The white space
// processing rules
// @param style The style for the string.
// If a nullptr, it should skip shaping. Atomic inlines and bidi controls use
// this.
// @param LayoutText The LayoutText for the string.
// If a nullptr, it does not generate BidiRun. Bidi controls use this.
void AppendText(const String& text, LayoutText* layout_text);
// Append a break opportunity; e.g., <wbr> element.
void AppendBreakOpportunity(LayoutObject* layout_object);
// Append a unicode "object replacement character" for an atomic inline,
// signaling the presence of a non-text object to the unicode bidi algorithm.
void AppendAtomicInline(LayoutObject* layout_object);
// Append floats and positioned objects in the same way as atomic inlines.
// Because these objects need positions, they will be handled in
// NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm.
void AppendFloating(LayoutObject* layout_object);
void AppendOutOfFlowPositioned(LayoutObject* layout_object);
// Append a character.
// The character is opaque to space collapsing; i.e., spaces before this
// character and after this character can collapse as if this character does
// not exist.
void AppendOpaque(NGInlineItem::NGInlineItemType,
LayoutObject* = nullptr);
// Append a non-character item that is opaque to space collapsing.
void AppendOpaque(NGInlineItem::NGInlineItemType,
LayoutObject* layout_object);
// Append a Bidi control character, for LTR or RTL depends on the style.
void EnterBidiContext(LayoutObject*,
const ComputedStyle*,
UChar ltr_enter,
UChar rtl_enter,
UChar exit);
void EnterBidiContext(LayoutObject*, UChar enter, UChar exit);
void EnterBlock(const ComputedStyle*);
void ExitBlock();
void EnterInline(LayoutInline*);
void ExitInline(LayoutObject*);
OffsetMappingBuilder& GetOffsetMappingBuilder() { return mapping_builder_; }
void SetIsSymbolMarker(bool b);
bool ShouldAbort() const { return false; }
// Functions change |LayoutObject| states.
void ClearInlineFragment(LayoutObject*);
void ClearNeedsLayout(LayoutObject*);
void UpdateShouldCreateBoxFragment(LayoutInline*);
static bool NeedsBoxInfo();
Vector<NGInlineItem>* items_;
StringBuilder text_;
NGDirtyLines* dirty_lines_;
// |mapping_builder_| builds the whitespace-collapsed offset mapping
// during inline collection. It is updated whenever |text_| is modified or a
// white space is collapsed.
OffsetMappingBuilder mapping_builder_;
// Keep track of inline boxes to compute ShouldCreateBoxFragment.
struct BoxInfo {
unsigned item_index;
bool should_create_box_fragment;
const ComputedStyle& style;
NGLineHeightMetrics text_metrics;
BoxInfo(unsigned item_index, const NGInlineItem& item);
bool ShouldCreateBoxFragmentForChild(const BoxInfo& child) const;
void SetShouldCreateBoxFragment(Vector<NGInlineItem>* items);
Vector<BoxInfo> boxes_;
struct BidiContext {
LayoutObject* node;
UChar enter;
UChar exit;
Vector<BidiContext> bidi_context_;
bool has_bidi_controls_ = false;
bool is_empty_inline_ = true;
bool is_block_level_ = true;
bool changes_may_affect_earlier_lines_ = false;
// Append a character.
// Currently this function is for adding control characters such as
// objectReplacementCharacter, and does not support all space collapsing logic
// as its String version does.
// See the String version for using nullptr for ComputedStyle and
// LayoutObject.
void Append(NGInlineItem::NGInlineItemType,
void AppendCollapseWhitespace(const StringView,
const ComputedStyle*,
void AppendPreserveWhitespace(const String&,
const ComputedStyle*,
void AppendPreserveNewline(const String&, const ComputedStyle*, LayoutText*);
void AppendForcedBreakCollapseWhitespace(LayoutObject*);
void AppendForcedBreak(LayoutObject*);
void RemoveTrailingCollapsibleSpaceIfExists();
void RemoveTrailingCollapsibleSpace(NGInlineItem*);
void RestoreTrailingCollapsibleSpaceIfRemoved();
void RestoreTrailingCollapsibleSpace(NGInlineItem*);
void AppendTextItem(const StringView,
LayoutText* layout_object);
void AppendTextItem(NGInlineItem::NGInlineItemType type,
const StringView,
LayoutText* layout_object);
void AppendEmptyTextItem(LayoutText* layout_object);
void AppendGeneratedBreakOpportunity(LayoutObject*);
void Exit(LayoutObject*);
bool ShouldInsertBreakOpportunityAfterLeadingPreservedSpaces(
const String&,
const ComputedStyle&,
unsigned index = 0) const;
void InsertBreakOpportunityAfterLeadingPreservedSpaces(const String&,
const ComputedStyle&,
unsigned* start);
template <>
const NGInlineNodeData&,
template <>
template <>
template <>
CORE_EXPORT void NGInlineItemsBuilderTemplate<
extern template class CORE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_EXPORT
extern template class CORE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_EXPORT
using NGInlineItemsBuilder =
using NGInlineItemsBuilderForOffsetMapping =
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGInlineItemsBuilder_h