blob: 416b1dfa79c7b1fccb0d9add8cf078a6bf24797c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGLayoutResult_h
#define NGLayoutResult_h
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/serialization/serialized_script_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/exclusions/ng_exclusion_space.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_bfc_offset.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_margin_strut.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/list/ng_unpositioned_list_marker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_block_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_break_appeal.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_early_break.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_floats_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_link.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_physical_container_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style_constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
class NGBoxFragmentBuilder;
class NGContainerFragmentBuilder;
class NGExclusionSpace;
class NGLineBoxFragmentBuilder;
// The NGLayoutResult stores the resulting data from layout. This includes
// geometry information in form of a NGPhysicalFragment, which is kept around
// for painting, hit testing, etc., as well as additional data which is only
// necessary during layout and stored on this object.
// Layout code should access the NGPhysicalFragment through the wrappers in
// NGFragment et al.
class CORE_EXPORT NGLayoutResult : public RefCounted<NGLayoutResult> {
enum EStatus {
kSuccess = 0,
kBfcBlockOffsetResolved = 1,
kNeedsEarlierBreak = 2,
// When adding new values, make sure the bit size of |Bitfields::status| is
// large enough to store.
// Create a copy of NGLayoutResult with |BfcBlockOffset| replaced by the given
// parameter. Note, when |bfc_block_offset| is |nullopt|, |BfcBlockOffset| is
// still replaced with |nullopt|.
NGLayoutResult(const NGLayoutResult& other,
const NGConstraintSpace& new_space,
const NGMarginStrut& new_end_margin_strut,
LayoutUnit bfc_line_offset,
base::Optional<LayoutUnit> bfc_block_offset,
LayoutUnit block_offset_delta);
const NGPhysicalContainerFragment& PhysicalFragment() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kSuccess, Status());
return *physical_fragment_;
LogicalOffset OutOfFlowPositionedOffset() const {
return HasRareData() ? rare_data_->oof_positioned_offset
: oof_positioned_offset_;
const NGUnpositionedListMarker UnpositionedListMarker() const {
return HasRareData() ? rare_data_->unpositioned_list_marker
: NGUnpositionedListMarker();
// Get the column spanner (if any) that interrupted column layout.
NGBlockNode ColumnSpanner() const {
return HasRareData() ? rare_data_->column_spanner : NGBlockNode(nullptr);
scoped_refptr<const NGEarlyBreak> GetEarlyBreak() const {
if (!HasRareData())
return nullptr;
return rare_data_->early_break;
// Return the appeal of the best breakpoint (if any) we found inside the node.
NGBreakAppeal EarlyBreakAppeal() const {
if (HasRareData())
return static_cast<NGBreakAppeal>(rare_data_->early_break_appeal);
return kBreakAppealLastResort;
const NGExclusionSpace& ExclusionSpace() const {
if (bitfields_.has_rare_data_exclusion_space) {
return rare_data_->exclusion_space;
return space_.ExclusionSpace();
EStatus Status() const { return static_cast<EStatus>(bitfields_.status); }
LayoutUnit BfcLineOffset() const {
if (HasRareData())
return rare_data_->bfc_line_offset;
if (bitfields_.has_oof_positioned_offset) {
return LayoutUnit();
return bfc_offset_.line_offset;
const base::Optional<LayoutUnit> BfcBlockOffset() const {
if (HasRareData())
return rare_data_->bfc_block_offset;
if (bitfields_.has_oof_positioned_offset) {
return LayoutUnit();
if (bitfields_.is_bfc_block_offset_nullopt)
return base::nullopt;
return bfc_offset_.block_offset;
const NGMarginStrut EndMarginStrut() const {
return HasRareData() ? rare_data_->end_margin_strut : NGMarginStrut();
const LayoutUnit IntrinsicBlockSize() const {
DCHECK(physical_fragment_->Type() == NGPhysicalFragment::kFragmentBox ||
physical_fragment_->Type() ==
return intrinsic_block_size_;
LayoutUnit MinimalSpaceShortage() const {
return HasRareData() ? rare_data_->minimal_space_shortage
: LayoutUnit::Max();
SerializedScriptValue* CustomLayoutData() const {
return HasRareData() ? rare_data_->custom_layout_data.get() : nullptr;
// The break-before value on the first child needs to be propagated to the
// container, in search of a valid class A break point.
EBreakBetween InitialBreakBefore() const {
return static_cast<EBreakBetween>(bitfields_.initial_break_before);
// The break-after value on the last child needs to be propagated to the
// container, in search of a valid class A break point.
EBreakBetween FinalBreakAfter() const {
return static_cast<EBreakBetween>(bitfields_.final_break_after);
// Return true if the fragment broke because a forced break before a child.
bool HasForcedBreak() const { return bitfields_.has_forced_break; }
// Returns true if the fragment should be considered empty for margin
// collapsing purposes (e.g. margins "collapse through").
bool IsSelfCollapsing() const { return bitfields_.is_self_collapsing; }
// Return true if this fragment got its block offset increased by the presence
// of floats.
bool IsPushedByFloats() const { return bitfields_.is_pushed_by_floats; }
// Returns the types of preceding adjoining objects.
// See |NGAdjoiningObjectTypes|.
// Adjoining floats should be treated differently when calculating clearance
// on a block with adjoining block-start margin (in such cases we will know
// up front that the block will need clearance, since, if it doesn't, the
// float will be pulled along with the block, and the block will fail to
// clear).
NGAdjoiningObjectTypes AdjoiningObjectTypes() const {
return bitfields_.adjoining_object_types;
// Returns true if the initial (pre-layout) block-size of this fragment was
// indefinite. (e.g. it has "height: auto").
bool IsInitialBlockSizeIndefinite() const {
return bitfields_.is_initial_block_size_indefinite;
// Returns true if there is a descendant that depends on percentage
// resolution block-size changes.
// Some layout modes (flex-items, table-cells) have more complex child
// percentage sizing behaviour (typically when their parent layout forces a
// block-size on them).
bool HasDescendantThatDependsOnPercentageBlockSize() const {
return bitfields_.has_descendant_that_depends_on_percentage_block_size;
// Returns true if this subtree modified the incoming margin-strut (i.e.
// appended a non-zero margin).
bool SubtreeModifiedMarginStrut() const {
return bitfields_.subtree_modified_margin_strut;
// Returns the space which generated this object for caching purposes.
const NGConstraintSpace& GetConstraintSpaceForCaching() const {
return space_;
// This exposes a mutable part of the layout result just for the
// |NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart|.
class MutableForOutOfFlow final {
friend class NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart;
void SetOutOfFlowPositionedOffset(const LogicalOffset& offset) {
// OOF-positioned nodes *must* always have an initial BFC-offset.
DCHECK_EQ(layout_result_->BfcLineOffset(), LayoutUnit());
layout_result_->bitfields_.has_oof_positioned_offset = true;
if (layout_result_->HasRareData())
layout_result_->rare_data_->oof_positioned_offset = offset;
layout_result_->oof_positioned_offset_ = offset;
friend class NGLayoutResult;
MutableForOutOfFlow(const NGLayoutResult* layout_result)
: layout_result_(const_cast<NGLayoutResult*>(layout_result)) {}
NGLayoutResult* layout_result_;
MutableForOutOfFlow GetMutableForOutOfFlow() const {
return MutableForOutOfFlow(this);
void CheckSameForSimplifiedLayout(const NGLayoutResult&,
bool check_same_block_size = true) const;
friend class NGBoxFragmentBuilder;
friend class NGLineBoxFragmentBuilder;
friend class MutableForOutOfFlow;
// This constructor requires a non-null fragment and sets a success status.
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalContainerFragment> physical_fragment,
// This constructor requires a non-null fragment and sets a success status.
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalContainerFragment> physical_fragment,
// This constructor is for a non-success status.
NGLayoutResult(EStatus, NGBoxFragmentBuilder*);
// We don't need the copy constructor, move constructor, copy
// assigmnment-operator, or move assignment-operator today.
// Delete these to clarify that they will not work because a |RefCounted|
// object can't be copied directly.
// If at some point we do need these constructors particular care will need
// to be taken with the |rare_data_| field which is manually memory managed.
NGLayoutResult(const NGLayoutResult&) = delete;
NGLayoutResult(NGLayoutResult&&) = delete;
NGLayoutResult& operator=(const NGLayoutResult& other) = delete;
NGLayoutResult& operator=(NGLayoutResult&& other) = delete;
NGLayoutResult() = delete;
// Delegate constructor that sets up what it can, based on the builder.
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalContainerFragment> physical_fragment,
NGContainerFragmentBuilder* builder);
static NGExclusionSpace MergeExclusionSpaces(
const NGLayoutResult& other,
const NGExclusionSpace& new_input_exclusion_space,
LayoutUnit bfc_line_offset,
LayoutUnit block_offset_delta);
struct RareData {
RareData(LayoutUnit bfc_line_offset,
base::Optional<LayoutUnit> bfc_block_offset)
: bfc_line_offset(bfc_line_offset),
bfc_block_offset(bfc_block_offset) {}
LayoutUnit bfc_line_offset;
base::Optional<LayoutUnit> bfc_block_offset;
scoped_refptr<const NGEarlyBreak> early_break;
NGBreakAppeal early_break_appeal = kBreakAppealLastResort;
LogicalOffset oof_positioned_offset;
NGMarginStrut end_margin_strut;
NGUnpositionedListMarker unpositioned_list_marker;
NGBlockNode column_spanner = nullptr;
LayoutUnit minimal_space_shortage = LayoutUnit::Max();
NGExclusionSpace exclusion_space;
scoped_refptr<SerializedScriptValue> custom_layout_data;
bool HasRareData() const { return bitfields_.has_rare_data; }
RareData* EnsureRareData();
struct Bitfields {
// We define the default constructor so that the |has_rare_data| bit is
// never uninitialized (potentially allowing a dangling pointer).
: Bitfields(
/* is_self_collapsing */ false,
/* is_pushed_by_floats */ false,
/* adjoining_object_types */ kAdjoiningNone,
/* has_descendant_that_depends_on_percentage_block_size */
false) {}
Bitfields(bool is_self_collapsing,
bool is_pushed_by_floats,
NGAdjoiningObjectTypes adjoining_object_types,
bool has_descendant_that_depends_on_percentage_block_size)
: has_rare_data(false),
status(static_cast<unsigned>(kSuccess)) {}
unsigned has_rare_data : 1;
unsigned has_rare_data_exclusion_space : 1;
unsigned has_oof_positioned_offset : 1;
unsigned is_bfc_block_offset_nullopt : 1;
unsigned has_forced_break : 1;
unsigned is_self_collapsing : 1;
unsigned is_pushed_by_floats : 1;
unsigned adjoining_object_types : 3; // NGAdjoiningObjectTypes
unsigned is_initial_block_size_indefinite : 1;
unsigned has_descendant_that_depends_on_percentage_block_size : 1;
unsigned subtree_modified_margin_strut : 1;
unsigned initial_break_before : 4; // EBreakBetween
unsigned final_break_after : 4; // EBreakBetween
unsigned status : 2; // EStatus
// The constraint space which generated this layout result, may not be valid
// as indicated by |has_valid_space_|.
const NGConstraintSpace space_;
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalContainerFragment> physical_fragment_;
// To save space, we union these fields.
// - |rare_data_| is valid if the |Bitfields::has_rare_data| bit is set.
// |bfc_offset_| and |oof_positioned_offset_| are stored within the
// |RareData| object for this case.
// - |oof_positioned_offset_| is valid if the
// |Bitfields::has_oof_positioned_offset| bit is set. As the node is
// OOF-positioned the |bfc_offset_| is *always* the initial value.
// - Otherwise |bfc_offset_| is valid.
union {
NGBfcOffset bfc_offset_;
// This is the final position of an OOF-positioned object in its parent's
// writing-mode. This is set by the |NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart| while
// generating this layout result.
LogicalOffset oof_positioned_offset_;
RareData* rare_data_;
LayoutUnit intrinsic_block_size_;
Bitfields bitfields_;
bool has_valid_space_ = false;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGLayoutResult_h