| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include <string> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "base/files/file_path.h" |
| #include "base/files/file_util.h" |
| #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h" |
| #include "base/path_service.h" |
| #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/importer/imported_bookmark_entry.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/importer/importer_data_types.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/importer/importer_url_row.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/importer/mock_importer_bridge.h" |
| #include "chrome/utility/importer/firefox_importer.h" |
| #include "chrome/utility/importer/firefox_importer_unittest_utils.h" |
| #include "chrome/utility/importer/nss_decryptor.h" |
| #include "components/favicon_base/favicon_usage_data.h" |
| #include "sql/connection.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // Imports bookmarks from Firefox profile files into |bookmarks| and |favicons| |
| // containers. |firefox_version| must match the name of subdirectory where test |
| // files are stored. |
| void ImportBookmarksFromVersion(base::StringPiece firefox_version, |
| std::vector<ImportedBookmarkEntry>* bookmarks, |
| favicon_base::FaviconUsageDataList* favicons) { |
| using ::testing::_; |
| base::FilePath places_path; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &places_path)); |
| places_path = |
| places_path.AppendASCII("import").AppendASCII("firefox").AppendASCII( |
| firefox_version); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::DirectoryExists(places_path)); |
| scoped_refptr<FirefoxImporter> importer = new FirefoxImporter; |
| importer::SourceProfile profile; |
| profile.source_path = places_path; |
| scoped_refptr<MockImporterBridge> bridge = new MockImporterBridge; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, NotifyStarted()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, NotifyItemStarted(importer::FAVORITES)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, AddBookmarks(_, _)) |
| .WillOnce(::testing::SaveArg<0>(bookmarks)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, SetFavicons(_)) |
| .WillOnce(::testing::SaveArg<0>(favicons)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, NotifyItemEnded(importer::FAVORITES)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, NotifyEnded()); |
| importer->StartImport(profile, importer::FAVORITES, bridge.get()); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // TODO(jschuh): Disabled on Win64 build. http://crbug.com/179688 |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) && defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64) |
| #define MAYBE_NSS(x) DISABLED_##x |
| #else |
| #define MAYBE_NSS(x) x |
| #endif |
| |
| // The following test requires the use of the NSSDecryptor, on OSX this needs |
| // to run in a separate process, so we use a proxy object so we can share the |
| // same test between platforms. |
| TEST(FirefoxImporterTest, MAYBE_NSS(Firefox3NSS3Decryptor)) { |
| base::FilePath nss_path; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &nss_path)); |
| #if defined(OS_MACOSX) |
| nss_path = nss_path.AppendASCII("firefox3_nss_mac"); |
| #else |
| nss_path = nss_path.AppendASCII("firefox3_nss"); |
| #endif // !OS_MACOSX |
| base::FilePath db_path; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &db_path)); |
| db_path = db_path.AppendASCII("firefox3_profile"); |
| |
| FFUnitTestDecryptorProxy decryptor_proxy; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(decryptor_proxy.Setup(nss_path)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(decryptor_proxy.DecryptorInit(nss_path, db_path)); |
| base::ASCIIToUTF16("hello"), |
| "jtRg4qFSHBAhv9luFkXgDJA==")); |
| // Test UTF-16 encoding. |
| base::WideToUTF16(L"\x4E2D"), |
| "qqiccfQHWBAie74hxnULxlw==")); |
| |
| // Test empty string edge case. |
| EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), decryptor_proxy.Decrypt(std::string())); |
| |
| // Test invalid base64. |
| EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), decryptor_proxy.Decrypt("Not! Valid! Base64!")); |
| } |
| |
| // The following test verifies proper detection of authentication scheme in |
| // firefox's signons db. We insert two entries into moz_logins table. The first |
| // has httpRealm column filled with non-empty string, therefore resulting |
| // PasswordForm should have SCHEME_BASIC in scheme. The second entry has NULL |
| // httpRealm, so it should produce a SCHEME_HTML PasswordForm. |
| TEST(FirefoxImporterTest, MAYBE_NSS(FirefoxNSSDecryptorDeduceAuthScheme)) { |
| base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir()); |
| base::FilePath signons_path = |
| temp_dir.GetPath().AppendASCII("signons.sqlite"); |
| sql::Connection db_conn; |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(db_conn.Open(signons_path)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(db_conn.Execute( |
| "CREATE TABLE moz_logins (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hostname TEXT NOT " |
| "NULL, httpRealm TEXT, formSubmitURL TEXT, usernameField TEXT NOT NULL," |
| "passwordField TEXT NOT NULL, encryptedUsername TEXT NOT NULL," |
| "encryptedPassword TEXT NOT NULL, guid TEXT, encType INTEGER," |
| "timeCreated INTEGER, timeLastUsed INTEGER, timePasswordChanged " |
| "INTEGER, timesUsed INTEGER)")); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(db_conn.Execute( |
| "CREATE TABLE moz_disabledHosts (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hostname TEXT " |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(db_conn.Execute( |
| "INSERT INTO 'moz_logins' VALUES(1,'http://server.com:1234'," |
| "'http_realm',NULL,'','','','','{bfa37106-a4dc-0a47-abb4-dafd507bf2db}'," |
| "1,1401883410959,1401883410959,1401883410959,1)")); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(db_conn.Execute( |
| "INSERT INTO 'moz_logins' VALUES(2,'http://server.com:1234',NULL," |
| "'http://test2.server.com:1234/action','username','password','',''," |
| "'{71ad64fa-b5d4-cf4d-b390-2e4d56fe2aff}',1,1401883939239," |
| "1401883939239, 1401883939239,1)")); |
| |
| db_conn.Close(); |
| |
| base::FilePath nss_path; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &nss_path)); |
| #if defined(OS_MACOSX) |
| nss_path = nss_path.AppendASCII("firefox3_nss_mac"); |
| #else |
| nss_path = nss_path.AppendASCII("firefox3_nss"); |
| #endif // !OS_MACOSX |
| base::FilePath db_path; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &db_path)); |
| db_path = db_path.AppendASCII("firefox3_profile"); |
| |
| FFUnitTestDecryptorProxy decryptor_proxy; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(decryptor_proxy.Setup(nss_path)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(decryptor_proxy.DecryptorInit(nss_path, db_path)); |
| std::vector<autofill::PasswordForm> forms = |
| decryptor_proxy.ParseSignons(signons_path); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, forms.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(autofill::PasswordForm::SCHEME_BASIC, forms[0].scheme); |
| EXPECT_EQ(autofill::PasswordForm::SCHEME_HTML, forms[1].scheme); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(FirefoxImporterTest, ImportBookmarks_Firefox48) { |
| std::vector<ImportedBookmarkEntry> bookmarks; |
| favicon_base::FaviconUsageDataList favicons; |
| ImportBookmarksFromVersion("48.0.2", &bookmarks, &favicons); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(6u, bookmarks.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/central/", |
| bookmarks[0].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/help/", |
| bookmarks[1].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/customize/", |
| bookmarks[2].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/contribute/", |
| bookmarks[3].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/", bookmarks[4].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.google.com/", bookmarks[5].url.spec()); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(5u, favicons.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.mozilla.org/2005/made-up-favicon/0-1473403921346", |
| favicons[0].favicon_url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.mozilla.org/2005/made-up-favicon/1-1473403921347", |
| favicons[1].favicon_url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.mozilla.org/2005/made-up-favicon/2-1473403921348", |
| favicons[2].favicon_url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.mozilla.org/2005/made-up-favicon/3-1473403921349", |
| favicons[3].favicon_url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.mozilla.org/2005/made-up-favicon/4-1473403921349", |
| favicons[4].favicon_url.spec()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(FirefoxImporterTest, ImportBookmarks_Firefox57) { |
| std::vector<ImportedBookmarkEntry> bookmarks; |
| favicon_base::FaviconUsageDataList favicons; |
| ImportBookmarksFromVersion("57.0.1", &bookmarks, &favicons); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(6u, bookmarks.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/central/", |
| bookmarks[0].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/products/firefox", |
| bookmarks[1].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/customize/", |
| bookmarks[2].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/contribute/", |
| bookmarks[3].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/", bookmarks[4].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.google.com/", bookmarks[5].url.spec()); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(4u, favicons.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.mozilla.org/2005/made-up-favicon/0-1513248843421", |
| favicons[0].favicon_url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.mozilla.org/2005/made-up-favicon/1-1513248843424", |
| favicons[1].favicon_url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.mozilla.org/2005/made-up-favicon/3-1513248843427", |
| favicons[2].favicon_url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.mozilla.org/2005/made-up-favicon/4-1513248843429", |
| favicons[3].favicon_url.spec()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST(FirefoxImporterTest, ImportHistorySchema) { |
| using ::testing::_; |
| base::FilePath places_path; |
| ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &places_path)); |
| places_path = |
| places_path.AppendASCII("import").AppendASCII("firefox").AppendASCII( |
| "48.0.2"); |
| scoped_refptr<FirefoxImporter> ff_importer = new FirefoxImporter; |
| importer::SourceProfile profile; |
| profile.source_path = places_path; |
| scoped_refptr<MockImporterBridge> bridge = new MockImporterBridge; |
| std::vector<ImporterURLRow> history; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, NotifyStarted()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, NotifyItemStarted(importer::HISTORY)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, SetHistoryItems(_, _)) |
| .WillOnce(::testing::SaveArg<0>(&history)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, NotifyItemEnded(importer::HISTORY)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*bridge, NotifyEnded()); |
| ff_importer->StartImport(profile, importer::HISTORY, bridge.get()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, history.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/48.0.2/firstrun/learnmore/", |
| history[0].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/48.0.2/firstrun/", |
| history[1].url.spec()); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://google.com/", history[2].url.spec()); |
| } |