blob: b90bafab86e50552dce6c13693e796870d893e76 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004-2009, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <iterator>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/text.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/line/line_box_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/text_run_constructor.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/length_functions.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/forward.h"
namespace blink {
class AbstractInlineTextBox;
class InlineTextBox;
class NGOffsetMapping;
enum class OnlyWhitespaceOrNbsp : unsigned { kUnknown = 0, kNo = 1, kYes = 2 };
// LayoutText is the root class for anything that represents
// a text node (see core/dom/Text.h).
// This is a common node in the tree so to the limit memory overhead,
// this class inherits directly from LayoutObject.
// Also this class is used by both CSS and SVG layouts so LayoutObject
// was a natural choice.
// The actual layout of text is handled by the containing inline
// (LayoutInline) or block (LayoutBlockFlow). They will invoke the Unicode
// Bidirectional Algorithm to break the text into actual lines.
// The result of layout is the line box tree, which represents lines
// on the screen. It is stored into m_firstTextBox and m_lastTextBox.
// To understand how lines are broken by the bidi algorithm, read e.g.
// LayoutBlockFlow::layoutInlineChildren.
// InlineTextBox in text_boxes_ are not owned by LayoutText
// but are pointers into the enclosing inline / block (see LayoutInline's
// and LayoutBlockFlow's m_lineBoxes).
// This class implements the preferred logical widths computation
// for its underlying text. The widths are stored into m_minWidth
// and m_maxWidth. They are computed lazily based on
// m_preferredLogicalWidthsDirty.
// The previous comment applies also for painting. See e.g.
// BlockFlowPainter::paintContents in particular the use of LineBoxListPainter.
class CORE_EXPORT LayoutText : public LayoutObject {
// FIXME: If the node argument is not a Text node or the string argument is
// not the content of the Text node, updating text-transform property
// doesn't re-transform the string.
LayoutText(Node*, scoped_refptr<StringImpl>);
static LayoutText* CreateEmptyAnonymous(Document&);
const char* GetName() const override { return "LayoutText"; }
virtual bool IsTextFragment() const;
virtual bool IsWordBreak() const;
virtual scoped_refptr<StringImpl> OriginalText() const;
void ExtractTextBox(InlineTextBox*);
void AttachTextBox(InlineTextBox*);
void RemoveTextBox(InlineTextBox*);
const String& GetText() const { return text_; }
virtual unsigned TextStartOffset() const { return 0; }
String PlainText() const;
InlineTextBox* CreateInlineTextBox(int start, unsigned short length);
void DirtyOrDeleteLineBoxesIfNeeded(bool full_layout);
void DirtyLineBoxes();
void AbsoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>&,
const LayoutPoint& accumulated_offset) const final;
void AbsoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>&,
MapCoordinatesFlags mode = 0) const final;
void AbsoluteQuadsForRange(Vector<FloatQuad>&,
unsigned start_offset = 0,
unsigned end_offset = INT_MAX) const;
FloatRect LocalBoundingBoxRectForAccessibility() const final;
enum ClippingOption { kNoClipping, kClipToEllipsis };
enum LocalOrAbsoluteOption { kLocalQuads, kAbsoluteQuads };
void Quads(Vector<FloatQuad>&,
ClippingOption = kNoClipping,
LocalOrAbsoluteOption = kAbsoluteQuads,
MapCoordinatesFlags mode = 0) const;
PositionWithAffinity PositionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&) const override;
bool Is8Bit() const { return text_.Is8Bit(); }
const LChar* Characters8() const { return text_.Impl()->Characters8(); }
const UChar* Characters16() const { return text_.Impl()->Characters16(); }
bool HasEmptyText() const { return text_.IsEmpty(); }
UChar CharacterAt(unsigned) const;
UChar UncheckedCharacterAt(unsigned) const;
UChar operator[](unsigned i) const { return UncheckedCharacterAt(i); }
UChar32 CodepointAt(unsigned) const;
unsigned TextLength() const {
return text_.length();
} // non virtual implementation of length()
bool ContainsOnlyWhitespace(unsigned from, unsigned len) const;
// Get characters after whitespace collapsing was applied. Returns 0 if there
// were no characters left. If whitespace collapsing is disabled (i.e.
// white-space: pre), returns characters without whitespace collapsing.
UChar32 FirstCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing() const;
UChar32 LastCharacterAfterWhitespaceCollapsing() const;
void PositionLineBox(InlineBox*);
virtual float Width(unsigned from,
unsigned len,
const Font&,
LayoutUnit x_pos,
HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallback_fonts = nullptr,
FloatRect* glyph_bounds = nullptr,
float expansion = 0) const;
virtual float Width(unsigned from,
unsigned len,
LayoutUnit x_pos,
bool first_line = false,
HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallback_fonts = nullptr,
FloatRect* glyph_bounds = nullptr,
float expansion = 0) const;
float MinLogicalWidth() const;
float MaxLogicalWidth() const;
void TrimmedPrefWidths(LayoutUnit lead_width,
LayoutUnit& first_line_min_width,
bool& has_breakable_start,
LayoutUnit& last_line_min_width,
bool& has_breakable_end,
bool& has_breakable_char,
bool& has_break,
LayoutUnit& first_line_max_width,
LayoutUnit& last_line_max_width,
LayoutUnit& min_width,
LayoutUnit& max_width,
bool& strip_front_spaces,
virtual LayoutRect LinesBoundingBox() const;
// Returns the bounding box of visual overflow rects of all line boxes.
LayoutRect VisualOverflowRect() const;
FloatPoint FirstRunOrigin() const;
float FirstRunX() const;
float FirstRunY() const;
virtual void SetText(scoped_refptr<StringImpl>, bool force = false);
void SetTextWithOffset(scoped_refptr<StringImpl>,
unsigned offset,
unsigned len,
bool force = false);
// TODO(kojii): setTextInternal() is temporarily public for NGInlineNode.
// This will be back to protected when NGInlineNode can paint directly.
virtual void SetTextInternal(scoped_refptr<StringImpl>);
virtual void TransformText();
LayoutRect LocalSelectionRect() const final;
LayoutRect LocalCaretRect(
const InlineBox*,
int caret_offset,
LayoutUnit* extra_width_to_end_of_line = nullptr) const override;
const InlineTextBoxList& TextBoxes() const { return text_boxes_; }
InlineTextBox* FirstTextBox() const { return text_boxes_.First(); }
InlineTextBox* LastTextBox() const { return text_boxes_.Last(); }
// Returns upper left corner point in local physical coordinates with flipped
// block-flow direction if this object has rendered text.
Optional<FloatPoint> GetUpperLeftCorner() const;
// True if we have inline text box children which implies rendered text (or
// whitespace) output.
bool HasTextBoxes() const;
// TODO(layoutng) Legacy-only implementation of HasTextBoxes.
// All callers should call HasTextBoxes instead, and take NG into account.
bool HasLegacyTextBoxes() const { return FirstTextBox(); }
// Returns the Position in DOM that corresponds to the given offset in the
// |text_| string.
// TODO(layout-dev): Fix it when text-transform changes text length.
virtual Position PositionForCaretOffset(unsigned) const;
// Returns the offset in the |text_| string that corresponds to the given
// position in DOM; Returns nullopt is the position is not in this LayoutText.
// TODO(layout-dev): Fix it when text-transform changes text length.
virtual Optional<unsigned> CaretOffsetForPosition(const Position&) const;
// Returns true if the offset (0-based in the |text_| string) is next to a
// non-collapsed non-linebreak character, or before a forced linebreak (<br>,
// or segment break in node with style white-space: pre/pre-line/pre-wrap).
// TODO(editing-dev): The behavior is introduced by in
// InlineTextBox::ContainsCaretOffset(). Try to understand it.
bool ContainsCaretOffset(int) const;
// Return true if the offset (0-based in the |text_| string) is before/after a
// non-collapsed character in this LayoutText, respectively.
bool IsBeforeNonCollapsedCharacter(unsigned) const;
bool IsAfterNonCollapsedCharacter(unsigned) const;
int CaretMinOffset() const override;
int CaretMaxOffset() const override;
unsigned ResolvedTextLength() const;
// True if any character remains after CSS white-space collapsing.
bool HasNonCollapsedText() const;
bool ContainsReversedText() const { return contains_reversed_text_; }
bool IsSecure() const {
return Style()->TextSecurity() != ETextSecurity::kNone;
void MomentarilyRevealLastTypedCharacter(
unsigned last_typed_character_offset);
bool IsAllCollapsibleWhitespace() const;
void RemoveAndDestroyTextBoxes();
scoped_refptr<AbstractInlineTextBox> FirstAbstractInlineTextBox();
float HyphenWidth(const Font&, TextDirection);
LayoutRect DebugRect() const override;
void AutosizingMultiplerChanged() {
known_to_have_no_overflow_and_no_fallback_fonts_ = false;
OnlyWhitespaceOrNbsp ContainsOnlyWhitespaceOrNbsp() const;
virtual UChar PreviousCharacter() const;
// Returns the NGOffsetMapping object when the current text is laid out with
// LayoutNG.
// Note that the text can be in legacy layout even when LayoutNG is enabled,
// so we can't simply check the RuntimeEnabledFeature.
const NGOffsetMapping* GetNGOffsetMapping() const;
// Map DOM offset to LayoutNG text content offset.
// Returns false if all characters in this LayoutText are collapsed.
bool MapDOMOffsetToTextContentOffset(const NGOffsetMapping&,
unsigned* start,
unsigned* end) const;
void WillBeDestroyed() override;
void StyleWillChange(StyleDifference, const ComputedStyle&) final {}
void StyleDidChange(StyleDifference, const ComputedStyle* old_style) override;
void AddLayerHitTestRects(
const PaintLayer* current_layer,
const LayoutPoint& layer_offset,
TouchAction supported_fast_actions,
const LayoutRect& container_rect,
TouchAction container_whitelisted_touch_action) const override;
virtual InlineTextBox* CreateTextBox(
int start,
unsigned short length); // Subclassed by SVG.
void InvalidateDisplayItemClients(PaintInvalidationReason) const override;
bool CanBeSelectionLeafInternal() const final { return true; }
void AccumlateQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>&,
const IntRect& ellipsis_rect,
MapCoordinatesFlags mode,
const LayoutRect&) const;
void ComputePreferredLogicalWidths(float lead_width);
void ComputePreferredLogicalWidths(
float lead_width,
HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>& fallback_fonts,
FloatRect& glyph_bounds);
// Make length() private so that callers that have a LayoutText*
// will use the more efficient textLength() instead, while
// callers with a LayoutObject* can continue to use length().
unsigned length() const final { return TextLength(); }
// See the class comment as to why we shouldn't call this function directly.
void Paint(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) const final { NOTREACHED(); }
void UpdateLayout() final { NOTREACHED(); }
bool NodeAtPoint(HitTestResult&,
const HitTestLocation&,
const LayoutPoint&,
HitTestAction) final {
return false;
void DeleteTextBoxes();
float WidthFromFont(const Font&,
int start,
int len,
float lead_width,
float text_width_so_far,
HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallback_fonts,
FloatRect* glyph_bounds_accumulation,
float expansion = 0) const;
void SecureText(UChar mask);
bool IsText() const =
delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
LayoutRect LocalVisualRectIgnoringVisibility() const final;
// We put the bitfield first to minimize padding on 64-bit.
// Whether or not we can be broken into multiple lines.
unsigned has_breakable_char_ : 1;
// Whether or not we have a hard break (e.g., <pre> with '\n').
unsigned has_break_ : 1;
// Whether or not we have a variable width tab character (e.g., <pre> with
// '\t').
unsigned has_tab_ : 1;
unsigned has_breakable_start_ : 1;
unsigned has_breakable_end_ : 1;
unsigned has_end_white_space_ : 1;
// This bit indicates that the text run has already dirtied specific line
// boxes, and this hint will enable layoutInlineChildren to avoid just
// dirtying everything when character data is modified (e.g., appended/
// inserted or removed).
unsigned lines_dirty_ : 1;
unsigned contains_reversed_text_ : 1;
mutable unsigned known_to_have_no_overflow_and_no_fallback_fonts_ : 1;
unsigned contains_only_whitespace_or_nbsp_ : 2;
float min_width_;
float max_width_;
float first_line_min_width_;
float last_line_line_min_width_;
String text_;
// The line boxes associated with this object.
// Read the LINE BOXES OWNERSHIP section in the class header comment.
InlineTextBoxList text_boxes_;
inline UChar LayoutText::UncheckedCharacterAt(unsigned i) const {
SECURITY_DCHECK(i < TextLength());
return Is8Bit() ? Characters8()[i] : Characters16()[i];
inline UChar LayoutText::CharacterAt(unsigned i) const {
if (i >= TextLength())
return 0;
return UncheckedCharacterAt(i);
inline UChar32 LayoutText::CodepointAt(unsigned i) const {
if (i >= TextLength())
return 0;
if (Is8Bit())
return Characters8()[i];
UChar32 c;
U16_GET(Characters16(), 0, i, TextLength(), c);
return c;
inline float LayoutText::HyphenWidth(const Font& font,
TextDirection direction) {
const ComputedStyle& style = StyleRef();
return font.Width(ConstructTextRun(font, style.HyphenString().GetString(),
style, direction));
inline LayoutText* Text::GetLayoutObject() const {
return ToLayoutText(CharacterData::GetLayoutObject());
void ApplyTextTransform(const ComputedStyle*, String&, UChar);
} // namespace blink