blob: 30c8fd70334fa79a2cfba29bf4804f30652b1779 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "base/types/strong_alias.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/webauthn/authenticator_reference.h"
#include "chrome/browser/webauthn/authenticator_transport.h"
#include "chrome/browser/webauthn/observable_authenticator_list.h"
#include "content/public/browser/authenticator_request_client_delegate.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_routing_id.h"
#include "device/fido/cable/v2_constants.h"
#include "device/fido/fido_constants.h"
#include "device/fido/fido_request_handler_base.h"
#include "device/fido/fido_transport_protocol.h"
#include "device/fido/fido_types.h"
#include "device/fido/pin.h"
#include "device/fido/public_key_credential_user_entity.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/variant.h"
namespace content {
class RenderFrameHost;
} // namespace content
namespace device {
class AuthenticatorGetAssertionResponse;
class DiscoverableCredentialMetadata;
namespace gfx {
struct VectorIcon;
// Encapsulates the model behind the Web Authentication request dialog's UX
// flow. This is essentially a state machine going through the states defined in
// the `Step` enumeration.
// Ultimately, this will become an observer of the AuthenticatorRequest, and
// contain the logic to figure out which steps the user needs to take, in which
// order, to complete the authentication flow.
class AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel {
using RequestCallback = device::FidoRequestHandlerBase::RequestCallback;
using TransportAvailabilityInfo =
// Defines the potential steps of the Web Authentication API request UX flow.
enum class Step {
// The UX flow has not started yet, the dialog should still be hidden.
// Conditionally mediated UI. No dialog is shown, instead credentials are
// offered to the user on the password autofill prompt.
// The request errored out before completing. Error will only be sent
// after user interaction.
// The request is already complete, but the error dialog should wait
// until user acknowledgement.
// The request is completed, and the dialog should be closed.
// Universal Serial Bus (USB).
// Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
// Let the user confirm that they want to create a credential in an
// off-the-record browsing context. Used for platform and caBLE credentials,
// where we feel that it's perhaps not obvious that something will be
// recorded.
// Phone as a security key.
// Authenticator Client PIN.
// Authenticator Internal User Verification
// Confirm user consent to create a resident credential. Used prior to
// triggering Windows-native APIs when Windows itself won't show any
// notice about resident credentials.
// Account selection. This occurs prior to performing user verification for
// platform authenticators ("pre-select"), or afterwards for USB security
// keys. In each mode, there are different sheets for confirming a single
// available credential and choosing one from a list of multiple options.
// Attestation permission requests.
// Implemented by the dialog to observe this model and show the UI panels
// appropriate for the current step.
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Called when the user clicks "Try Again" to restart the user flow.
virtual void OnStartOver() {}
// Called just before the model is destructed.
virtual void OnModelDestroyed(AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel* model) = 0;
// Called when the UX flow has navigated to a different step, so the UI
// should update.
virtual void OnStepTransition() {}
// Called when the model corresponding to the current sheet of the UX flow
// was updated, so UI should update.
virtual void OnSheetModelChanged() {}
// Called when the power state of the Bluetooth adapter has changed.
virtual void OnBluetoothPoweredStateChanged() {}
// Called when the user cancelled WebAuthN request by clicking the
// "cancel" button or the back arrow in the UI dialog.
virtual void OnCancelRequest() {}
// Called when the user clicks “Manage Devices” to manage their phones.
virtual void OnManageDevicesClicked() {}
// A Mechanism is a user-visable method of authenticating. It might be a
// transport (such as USB), a platform authenticator, a phone, or even a
// delegation to a platform API. Mechanisms are listed in the UI for the
// user to select between.
struct Mechanism {
// These types describe the type of Mechanism.
using Transport =
base::StrongAlias<class TransportTag, AuthenticatorTransport>;
using WindowsAPI = base::StrongAlias<class WindowsAPITag, absl::monostate>;
using ICloudKeychain =
base::StrongAlias<class iCloudKeychainTag, absl::monostate>;
using Phone = base::StrongAlias<class PhoneTag, std::string>;
using AddPhone = base::StrongAlias<class AddPhoneTag, absl::monostate>;
using Type =
absl::variant<Transport, WindowsAPI, Phone, AddPhone, ICloudKeychain>;
Mechanism(Type type,
std::u16string name,
std::u16string short_name,
const gfx::VectorIcon& icon,
base::RepeatingClosure callback);
Mechanism(const Mechanism&) = delete;
Mechanism& operator=(const Mechanism&) = delete;
const Type type;
const std::u16string name;
const std::u16string short_name;
const raw_ref<const gfx::VectorIcon> icon;
const base::RepeatingClosure callback;
// PairedPhone represents a paired caBLEv2 device.
struct PairedPhone {
PairedPhone() = delete;
PairedPhone(const PairedPhone&);
const std::string& name,
size_t contact_id,
const std::array<uint8_t, device::kP256X962Length> public_key_x962);
PairedPhone& operator=(const PairedPhone&);
static bool CompareByName(const PairedPhone& a, const PairedPhone& b);
// name is the human-friendly name of the phone. It may be unreasonably
// long, however, and should be elided to fit within UIs.
std::string name;
// contact_id is an ID that can be passed to the FidoDiscoveryFactory's
// |get_cable_contact_callback| callback in order to trigger a notification
// to this phone.
size_t contact_id;
// public_key_x962 is the phone's public key.
std::array<uint8_t, device::kP256X962Length> public_key_x962;
// CableUIType enumerates the different types of caBLE UI that we've ended
// up with.
enum class CableUIType {
explicit AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel(
content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host);
AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel(const AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel&) =
AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel& operator=(
const AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel&) = delete;
virtual ~AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel();
Step current_step() const { return current_step_; }
// Hides the dialog. A subsequent call to SetCurrentStep() will unhide it.
void HideDialog();
// Returns whether the UI is in a state at which the |request_| member of
// AuthenticatorImpl has completed processing. Note that the request callback
// is only resolved after the UI is dismissed.
bool is_request_complete() const {
return current_step() == Step::kTimedOut ||
current_step() == Step::kKeyNotRegistered ||
current_step() == Step::kKeyAlreadyRegistered ||
current_step() == Step::kMissingCapability ||
current_step() == Step::kErrorWindowsHelloNotEnabled ||
current_step() == Step::kClosed;
// Returns whether the visible dialog should be closed. This usually means
// that the request has finished, or that we are in a step that does not
// involve showing UI.
bool should_dialog_be_closed() const {
return current_step() == Step::kClosed ||
current_step() == Step::kNotStarted ||
current_step() == Step::kConditionalMediation;
const TransportAvailabilityInfo* transport_availability() const {
return &transport_availability_;
bool ble_adapter_is_powered() const {
return transport_availability()->is_ble_powered;
const absl::optional<std::string>& selected_authenticator_id() const {
return ephemeral_state_.selected_authenticator_id_;
const absl::optional<std::string>& selected_phone_name() const {
return ephemeral_state_.selected_phone_name_;
// Starts the UX flow, by either showing the transport selection screen or
// the guided flow for them most likely transport.
// If |is_conditional_mediation| is true, credentials will be shown on the
// password autofill instead of the full-blown page-modal UI.
// Valid action when at step: kNotStarted.
void StartFlow(TransportAvailabilityInfo trasport_availability,
bool is_conditional_mediation);
// Restarts the UX flow.
void StartOver();
// Starts a modal WebAuthn flow (i.e. what you normally get if you call
// WebAuthn with no mediation parameter) from a conditional request.
// Valid action when at step: kConditionalMediation.
void TransitionToModalWebAuthnRequest();
// Starts the UX flow. Tries to figure out the most likely transport to be
// used, and starts the guided flow for that transport; or shows the manual
// transport selection screen if the transport could not be uniquely
// identified.
// Valid action when at step: kNotStarted.
void StartGuidedFlowForMostLikelyTransportOrShowMechanismSelection();
// Proceeds straight to the platform authenticator prompt. If `type` is
// `nullopt` then it actives the default platform authenticator. Otherwise it
// actives the platform authenticator of the given type.
void HideDialogAndDispatchToPlatformAuthenticator(
absl::optional<device::AuthenticatorType> type = absl::nullopt);
// Called when an attempt to contact a phone failed.
void OnPhoneContactFailed(const std::string& name);
// Called when some caBLE event (e.g. receiving a BLE message, connecting to
// the tunnel server, etc) happens.
void OnCableEvent(device::cablev2::Event event);
// Called when `cable_connecting_sheet_timer_` completes.
void OnCableConnectingTimerComplete();
// StartPhonePairing triggers the display of a QR code for pairing a new
// phone.
void StartPhonePairing();
// Ensures that the Bluetooth adapter is powered before proceeding to |step|.
// -- If the adapter is powered, advanced directly to |step|.
// -- If the adapter is not powered, but Chrome can turn it automatically,
// then advanced to the flow to turn on Bluetooth automatically.
// -- Otherwise advanced to the manual Bluetooth power on flow.
// Valid action when at step: kNotStarted, kMechanismSelection, and steps
// where the other transports menu is shown, namely, kUsbInsertAndActivate,
// kCableActivate.
void EnsureBleAdapterIsPoweredAndContinueWithStep(Step step);
// Continues with the BLE/caBLE flow now that the Bluetooth adapter is
// powered.
// Valid action when at step: kBlePowerOnManual, kBlePowerOnAutomatic.
void ContinueWithFlowAfterBleAdapterPowered();
// Turns on the BLE adapter automatically.
// Valid action when at step: kBlePowerOnAutomatic.
void PowerOnBleAdapter();
// Open the system dialog to grant BLE permission to Chrome.
// Valid action when at step: kBlePermissionMac.
void OpenBlePreferences();
// Tries if a USB device is present -- the user claims they plugged it in.
// Valid action when at step: kUsbInsert.
void TryUsbDevice();
// Tries to dispatch to the platform authenticator -- either because the
// request requires it or because the user told us to. May show an error for
// unrecognized credential, or an Incognito mode interstitial, or proceed
// straight to the platform authenticator prompt.
// Valid action when at all steps.
void StartPlatformAuthenticatorFlow();
// OnOffTheRecordInterstitialAccepted is called when the user accepts the
// interstitial that warns that platform/caBLE authenticators may record
// information even in incognito mode.
void OnOffTheRecordInterstitialAccepted();
// Show guidance about caBLE USB fallback.
void ShowCableUsbFallback();
// Show caBLE activation sheet.
void ShowCable();
// Cancels the flow as a result of the user clicking `Cancel` on the UI.
// Valid action at all steps.
void Cancel();
// Opens a tab to the settings page for managing phones as security keys.
void ManageDevices();
// Called by the AuthenticatorRequestSheetModel subclasses when their state
// changes, which will trigger notifying observers of OnSheetModelChanged.
void OnSheetModelDidChange();
// The |observer| must either outlive the object, or unregister itself on its
// destruction.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// To be called when the Web Authentication request is complete.
void OnRequestComplete();
// To be called when Web Authentication request times-out.
void OnRequestTimeout();
// To be called when the user activates a security key that does not recognize
// any of the allowed credentials (during a GetAssertion request).
void OnActivatedKeyNotRegistered();
// To be called when the user activates a security key that does recognize
// one of excluded credentials (during a MakeCredential request).
void OnActivatedKeyAlreadyRegistered();
// To be called when the selected authenticator cannot currently handle PIN
// requests because it needs a power-cycle due to too many failures.
void OnSoftPINBlock();
// To be called when the selected authenticator must be reset before
// performing any PIN operations because of too many failures.
void OnHardPINBlock();
// To be called when the selected authenticator was removed while
// waiting for a PIN to be entered.
void OnAuthenticatorRemovedDuringPINEntry();
// To be called when the selected authenticator doesn't have the requested
// resident key capability.
void OnAuthenticatorMissingResidentKeys();
// To be called when the selected authenticator doesn't have the requested
// user verification capability.
void OnAuthenticatorMissingUserVerification();
// To be called when the selected authenticator doesn't have the requested
// large blob capability.
void OnAuthenticatorMissingLargeBlob();
// To be called when the selected authenticator doesn't support any of the
// COSEAlgorithmIdentifiers requested by the RP.
void OnNoCommonAlgorithms();
// To be called when the selected authenticator cannot create a resident
// credential because of insufficient storage.
void OnAuthenticatorStorageFull();
// To be called when the user denies consent, e.g. by canceling out of the
// system's platform authenticator prompt.
void OnUserConsentDenied();
// To be called when the user clicks "Cancel" in the native Windows UI.
// Returns true if the event was handled.
bool OnWinUserCancelled();
// To be called when a hybrid connection fails. Returns true if the event
// was handled.
bool OnHybridTransportError();
// To be called when the Bluetooth adapter powered state changes.
void OnBluetoothPoweredStateChanged(bool powered);
void SetRequestCallback(RequestCallback request_callback);
void SetAccountPreselectedCallback(
void SetBluetoothAdapterPowerOnCallback(
base::RepeatingClosure bluetooth_adapter_power_on_callback);
// OnHavePIN is called when the user enters a PIN in the UI.
void OnHavePIN(std::u16string pin);
// Called when the user needs to retry user verification with the number of
// |attempts| remaining.
void OnRetryUserVerification(int attempts);
// OnResidentCredentialConfirmed is called when a user accepts a dialog
// confirming that they're happy to create a resident credential.
void OnResidentCredentialConfirmed();
// OnAttestationPermissionResponse is called when the user either allows or
// disallows an attestation permission request.
void OnAttestationPermissionResponse(bool attestation_permission_granted);
// Adds or removes an authenticator to the list of known authenticators. The
// first authenticator added with transport `kInternal` (or without a
// transport) is considered to be the default platform authenticator.
void AddAuthenticator(const device::FidoAuthenticator& authenticator);
void RemoveAuthenticator(base::StringPiece authenticator_id);
// SelectAccount is called to trigger an account selection dialog.
void SelectAccount(
std::vector<device::AuthenticatorGetAssertionResponse> responses,
// OnAccountSelected is called when one of the accounts from |SelectAccount|
// has been picked. |index| is the index of the selected account in
// |responses()|.
void OnAccountSelected(size_t index);
// OnAccountPreselected is called when the user selects a discoverable
// credential from a platform authenticator prior to providing user
// authentication. `crededential_id` must match one of the credentials in
// `creds()`.
void OnAccountPreselected(const std::vector<uint8_t>& credential_id);
// Like `OnAccountPreselected()`, but this takes an index into `creds()`
// instead of a credential ID.
void OnAccountPreselectedIndex(size_t index);
void SetSelectedAuthenticatorForTesting(AuthenticatorReference authenticator);
virtual base::span<const Mechanism> mechanisms() const;
// current_mechanism returns the index into |mechanisms| of the most recently
// activated mechanism, or nullopt if there isn't one.
absl::optional<size_t> current_mechanism() const;
// Contacts the "priority" paired phone. This is only valid to call when there
// is a single phone paired.
void ContactPriorityPhone();
// ContactPhoneForTesting triggers a contact for a phone with the given name.
// Only for unittests. UI should use |mechanisms()| to enumerate the
// user-visible mechanisms and use the callbacks therein.
void ContactPhoneForTesting(const std::string& name);
// StartTransportFlowForTesting moves the UI to focus on the given transport.
// UI should use |mechanisms()| to enumerate the user-visible mechanisms and
// use the callbacks therein.
void StartTransportFlowForTesting(AuthenticatorTransport transport);
// SetCurrentStepForTesting forces the model to the specified step.
void SetCurrentStepForTesting(Step step);
TransportAvailabilityInfo& transport_availability_for_testing() {
return transport_availability_;
void ReplaceCredListForTesting(
std::vector<device::DiscoverableCredentialMetadata> creds);
ObservableAuthenticatorList& saved_authenticators() {
return ephemeral_state_.saved_authenticators_;
const base::flat_set<AuthenticatorTransport>& available_transports() {
return transport_availability_.available_transports;
const std::string& cable_qr_string() const { return *cable_qr_string_; }
CableUIType cable_ui_type() const { return *cable_ui_type_; }
// cable_should_suggest_usb returns true if the caBLE "v1" UI was triggered by
// a caBLEv2 server-linked request and attaching a USB cable is an option.
bool cable_should_suggest_usb() const;
void CollectPIN(device::pin::PINEntryReason reason,
device::pin::PINEntryError error,
uint32_t min_pin_length,
int attempts,
base::OnceCallback<void(std::u16string)> provide_pin_cb);
void FinishCollectToken();
uint32_t min_pin_length() const { return min_pin_length_; }
device::pin::PINEntryError pin_error() const { return pin_error_; }
absl::optional<int> pin_attempts() const { return pin_attempts_; }
void StartInlineBioEnrollment(base::OnceClosure next_callback);
void OnSampleCollected(int bio_samples_remaining);
void OnBioEnrollmentDone();
absl::optional<int> max_bio_samples() { return max_bio_samples_; }
absl::optional<int> bio_samples_remaining() { return bio_samples_remaining_; }
absl::optional<int> uv_attempts() const { return uv_attempts_; }
void RequestAttestationPermission(bool is_enterprise_attestation,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
const std::vector<device::DiscoverableCredentialMetadata>& creds() {
return ephemeral_state_.creds_;
device::ResidentKeyRequirement resident_key_requirement() const {
return transport_availability_.resident_key_requirement;
void set_cable_transport_info(
absl::optional<bool> extension_is_v2,
std::vector<PairedPhone> paired_phones,
base::RepeatingCallback<void(size_t)> contact_phone_callback,
const absl::optional<std::string>& cable_qr_string);
bool win_native_api_enabled() const {
return transport_availability_.has_win_native_api_authenticator;
// paired_phone_names returns a sorted, unique list of the names of paired
// phones.
std::vector<std::string> paired_phone_names() const;
void set_relying_party_id(const std::string& relying_party_id) {
relying_party_id_ = relying_party_id;
const std::string& relying_party_id() const { return relying_party_id_; }
void set_user_entity(device::PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity user_entity) {
user_entity_ = std::move(user_entity);
const device::PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity& user_entity() const {
return user_entity_;
bool offer_try_again_in_ui() const { return offer_try_again_in_ui_; }
base::WeakPtr<AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel> GetWeakPtr();
// Contains the state that will be reset when calling StartOver(). StartOver()
// might be called at an arbitrary point of execution.
struct EphemeralState {
EphemeralState& operator=(EphemeralState&&);
// Represents the id of the Bluetooth authenticator that the user is trying
// to connect to or conduct WebAuthN request to via the WebAuthN UI.
absl::optional<std::string> selected_authenticator_id_;
// The name of the paired phone that was passed to `ContactPhone()`. It is
// shown on the UI sheet that prompts the user to check their phone for
// a notification.
absl::optional<std::string> selected_phone_name_;
// Stores a list of |AuthenticatorReference| values such that a request can
// be dispatched dispatched after some UI interaction. This is useful for
// platform authenticators (and Windows) where dispatch to the authenticator
// immediately results in modal UI to appear.
ObservableAuthenticatorList saved_authenticators_;
// responses_ contains possible responses to select between after an
// authenticator has responded to a request.
std::vector<device::AuthenticatorGetAssertionResponse> responses_;
// creds_ contains possible credentials to select between before or after an
// authenticator has responded to a request.
std::vector<device::DiscoverableCredentialMetadata> creds_;
void ResetEphemeralState();
// Can return nullptr in tests.
content::WebContents* GetWebContents();
void SetCurrentStep(Step step);
// Requests that the step-by-step wizard flow commence, guiding the user
// through using the Secutity Key with the given |transport|.
// Valid action when at step: kNotStarted. kMechanismSelection, and steps
// where the other transports menu is shown, namely, kUsbInsertAndActivate,
// kCableActivate.
void StartGuidedFlowForTransport(AuthenticatorTransport transport,
size_t mechanism_index);
// Starts the flow for adding an unlisted phone by showing a QR code.
void StartGuidedFlowForAddPhone(size_t mechanism_index);
// Displays a resident-key warning if needed and then calls
// |HideDialogAndDispatchToNativeWindowsApi|.
void StartWinNativeApi(size_t mechanism_index);
void StartICloudKeychain(size_t mechanism_index);
// Contacts a paired phone. The phone is specified by name.
void ContactPhone(const std::string& name, size_t mechanism_index);
void ContactPhoneAfterOffTheRecordInterstitial(std::string name);
void ContactPhoneAfterBleIsPowered(std::string name);
void StartConditionalMediationRequest();
void DispatchRequestAsync(AuthenticatorReference* authenticator);
void ContactNextPhoneByName(const std::string& name);
// PopulateMechanisms fills in |mechanisms_|.
void PopulateMechanisms();
// IndexOfPriorityMechanism returns the index, in |mechanisms_|, of the
// Mechanism that should be triggered immediately, if any.
absl::optional<size_t> IndexOfPriorityMechanism();
// Identifier for the RenderFrameHost of the frame that initiated the current
// request.
content::GlobalRenderFrameHostId frame_host_id_;
EphemeralState ephemeral_state_;
// relying_party_id is the RP ID from Webauthn, essentially a domain name.
std::string relying_party_id_;
// The current step of the request UX flow that is currently shown.
Step current_step_ = Step::kNotStarted;
// started_ records whether |StartFlow| has been called.
bool started_ = false;
// pending_step_ holds requested steps until the UI is shown. The UI is only
// shown once the TransportAvailabilityInfo is available, but authenticators
// may request, e.g., PIN entry prior to that.
absl::optional<Step> pending_step_;
// after_off_the_record_interstitial_ contains the closure to run if the user
// accepts the interstitial that warns that platform/caBLE authenticators may
// record information even in incognito mode.
base::OnceClosure after_off_the_record_interstitial_;
// after_ble_adapter_powered_ contains the closure to run if the user
// accepts the interstitial that requests to turn on the BLE adapter.
base::OnceClosure after_ble_adapter_powered_;
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
// This field is only filled out once the UX flow is started.
TransportAvailabilityInfo transport_availability_;
RequestCallback request_callback_;
base::RepeatingClosure bluetooth_adapter_power_on_callback_;
absl::optional<int> max_bio_samples_;
absl::optional<int> bio_samples_remaining_;
base::OnceClosure bio_enrollment_callback_;
base::OnceCallback<void(std::u16string)> pin_callback_;
uint32_t min_pin_length_ = device::kMinPinLength;
device::pin::PINEntryError pin_error_ = device::pin::PINEntryError::kNoError;
absl::optional<int> pin_attempts_;
absl::optional<int> uv_attempts_;
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> attestation_callback_;
// True if the modal dialog is being shown right now.
bool showing_dialog_ = false;
// True if this request should display credentials on the password autofill
// prompt instead of the page-modal, regular UI.
bool use_conditional_mediation_ = false;
// offer_try_again_in_ui_ indicates whether a button to retry the request
// should be included on the dialog sheet shown when encountering certain
// errors.
bool offer_try_again_in_ui_ = true;
// cable_extension_provided_ indicates whether the request included a caBLE
// extension.
bool cable_extension_provided_ = false;
// have_restarted_due_to_windows_cancel_ is set to true if the request was
// restarted because the UI jumped directly to the Windows UI but the user
// hit cancel.
bool have_restarted_due_to_windows_cancel_ = false;
// mechanisms contains the entries that appear in the "transport" selection
// sheet and the drop-down menu.
std::vector<Mechanism> mechanisms_;
// priority_mechanism_index_ contains an index in `mechanisms_` for the
// mechanism that should immediately be triggered, if any.
absl::optional<size_t> priority_mechanism_index_;
// current_mechanism_ contains the index of the most recently activated
// mechanism.
absl::optional<size_t> current_mechanism_;
// cable_ui_type_ contains the type of UI to display for a caBLE transaction.
absl::optional<CableUIType> cable_ui_type_;
// paired_phones_ contains details of caBLEv2-paired phones from both Sync and
// QR-based pairing. The entries are sorted by name.
std::vector<PairedPhone> paired_phones_;
// paired_phones_contacted_ is the same length as |paired_phones_| and
// contains true whenever the corresponding phone as already been contacted.
std::vector<bool> paired_phones_contacted_;
// contact_phone_callback can be run with a |PairedPhone::contact_id| in order
// to contact the indicated phone.
base::RepeatingCallback<void(size_t)> contact_phone_callback_;
// cable_device_ready_ is true if a CTAP-level request has been sent to a
// caBLE device. At this point we assume that any transport errors are
// cancellations on the device, not networking errors.
bool cable_device_ready_ = false;
// cable_connecting_sheet_timer_ is started when we start displaying
// the "connecting..." sheet for a caBLE connection. To avoid flashing the UI,
// the sheet won't be automatically replaced until it completes.
base::OneShotTimer cable_connecting_sheet_timer_;
// cable_connecting_ready_to_advance_ is set to true if we are ready to
// advance the "connecting" sheet but are waiting for
// `cable_connecting_sheet_timer_` to complete.
bool cable_connecting_ready_to_advance_ = false;
absl::optional<std::string> cable_qr_string_;
// For MakeCredential requests, the PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity associated
// with the request.
device::PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity user_entity_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AuthenticatorRequestDialogModel> weak_factory_{this};