blob: a47181c0239d660a98d05b68c627c1f9908ae166 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is a vpython "spec" file that documents dependencies needed
# to run the python scripts in this directory.
# Read more about `vpython` and how to modify this file here:
# This specifies the platforms to be checked when verifying the validity of the
# dependencies listed in this file. This verification happens during presubmit.
verify_pep425_tag: [
{python: "cp38", abi: "cp38", platform: "macosx_11_0_intel"},
{python: "cp38", abi: "cp38", platform: "macosx_11_0_arm64"}
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/psutil/${vpython_platform}"
version: "version:5.8.0.chromium.3"
# requests and its transitive dependencies
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/requests-py3"
version: "version:2.31.0"
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/charset_normalizer-py3"
version: "version:2.0.4"
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/idna-py2_py3"
version: "version:2.10"
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/urllib3-py2_py3"
version: "version:1.26.6"
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/certifi-py2_py3"
version: "version:2021.5.30"
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/grpcio/${vpython_platform}"
version: "version:1.44.0"
wheel <
name: "infra/python/wheels/six-py2_py3"
version: "version:1.15.0"
wheel: <
name: "infra/python/wheels/protobuf-py3"
version: "version:3.20.0"