blob: 1632bb9111750b9224de7ede981c68f8775f1ef9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/trust_tokens.mojom-forward.h"
namespace network {
class TrustTokenKeyCommitmentGetter;
// Class `AttributionVerificationMediator` handles a single report verification
// operation
// (
// it generates a blind message using an underlying cryptographic library, asks
// a private state token issuer to sign the blind message to obtain a blind
// token, verifies and unblinds it using the cryptographic library to obtain a
// token which is returned.
class AttributionVerificationMediator {
using Message = std::string;
using BlindedMessage = std::string;
using BlindedToken = std::string;
using Token = std::string;
// Represents the status/outcome of the execution of
// `GetHeadersForVerification`. These values are persisted to logs.
enum class GetHeadersStatus {
kSuccess = 0,
kIssuerOriginNotSuitable = 1,
kIssuerNotRegistered = 2,
kUnableToInitializeCryptographer = 3,
kUnableToAddKeysOnCryptographer = 4,
kUnableToBlindMessage = 5,
kMaxValue = kUnableToBlindMessage,
// Represents the status/outcome of the execution of
// `ProcessVerificationToGetTokens`. These values are persisted to logs.
enum class ProcessVerificationStatus {
kSuccess = 0,
kNoSignatureReceivedFromIssuer = 1,
kUnableToUnblindSignature = 2,
kTooManySignaturesReceivedFromIssuer = 3,
kBadSignaturesHeaderReceivedFromIssuer = 4,
kMaxValue = kBadSignaturesHeaderReceivedFromIssuer,
// Describe the ordered steps associated to completing a verification
// operation.
enum class Step {
kGetKeyCommitment = 0,
kInitializeCryptographer = 1,
kBlindMessage = 2,
kSignBlindMessage = 3,
kUnblindMessage = 4,
class Cryptographer {
virtual ~Cryptographer() = default;
// Initializes the Cryptographer. `issuer_configured_version` must be the
// "protocol_version" value from the issuer's key commitment.
// Returns true on success and false if an internal error occurred in the
// underlying cryptographic library.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool Initialize(
mojom::TrustTokenProtocolVersion issuer_configured_version) = 0;
// Stores a Private State Tokens issuance verification key for a subsequent
// use verifying a blind token in `ConfirmIssuanceAndBeginRedemption`. May
// be called multiple times to add multiple keys permissible for use during
// this issuance.
// Returns true on success and false if the key is malformed or if an
// internal error occurred in the underlying cryptographic library. Does not
// forbid adding duplicates; however, duplicates might contribute to an
// overall limit on the number of permitted keys, so the caller may wish to
// ensure this is called at most once per distinct key.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool AddKey(base::StringPiece key) = 0;
// On success, returns a base64-encoded string representing the blinded
// `message`. on error, returns nullopt.
// `message` is a string representing the data that we want
// to attest to. We "blind" it as part of the blind signature protocol
// before sending it to the issuer for signature.
[[nodiscard]] virtual absl::optional<std::string> BeginIssuance(
base::StringPiece message) = 0;
// Given a base64-encoded issuance `response header`, attempts to unblind a
// blind token represented by the header using the keys previously added by
// AddKey. If successful, it returns a token suitable for attachment in the
// Sec-Attribution-Reporting-Private-State-Token header. On error, it
// returns nullopt.
[[nodiscard]] virtual absl::optional<std::string>
ConfirmIssuanceAndBeginRedemption(base::StringPiece response_header) = 0;
class MetricsRecorder {
virtual ~MetricsRecorder() = default;
virtual void Start() = 0;
virtual void Complete(Step step) = 0;
virtual void FinishGetHeadersWith(GetHeadersStatus status) = 0;
virtual void FinishProcessVerificationWith(
ProcessVerificationStatus status) = 0;
static constexpr char kReportVerificationHeader[] =
const TrustTokenKeyCommitmentGetter* key_commitment_getter,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Cryptographer>> cryptographers,
std::unique_ptr<MetricsRecorder> metrics_recorder);
AttributionVerificationMediator(const AttributionVerificationMediator&) =
AttributionVerificationMediator& operator=(
const AttributionVerificationMediator&) = delete;
// Returns headers used for report verification if the `url`'s origin is
// configured as a private state tokens issuer.
// 1. Get the issuer's key commitment; if unavailable or unsuccessful, returns
// no headers
// 2. Blind the messages received; if unsuccessful, returns no headers
// 3. Returns two headers;
// * Sec-Attribution-Reporting-Private-State-Token: with blinded messages
// serialized as a structured header list of string:
// * Sec-Private-State-Token-Crypto-Version: with the protocol version
// configured in the issuers' key commitments
// `messages` is a vector of strings representing the data that we want to
// attest to. Each message in `messages` will be blinded before being sent to
// the issuer.
// Later, when receiving the data with a token, the issuer will need to
// re-generate the message based on the data received to verify the token.
void GetHeadersForVerification(
const GURL& url,
base::OnceCallback<void(net::HttpRequestHeaders)> done);
// Process headers from a verification response; if present and valid,
// generates and returns tokens that can be used for redemption.
// 1. Checks `response_headers` for a verification response header.
// 2. If the header is present, strips it from `response_headers`, parses it
// as a structured header list of strings to obtain blind tokens. The
// number of blind tokens received can be smaller than the number of blind
// messages sent for signature. However, the order in which they are
// received must match the order in which they were sent.
// 3. Each blind token is sent to an underlying cryptographic library which
// parses, validates and unblind the token. If any blind-token fails
// redemption, no tokens are returned.
// If all three steps are successful, returns tokens that can be sent to and
// verified by the issuer that signed the blind messages. Otherwise, returns
// an empty array.
void ProcessVerificationToGetTokens(
net::HttpResponseHeaders& response_headers,
base::OnceCallback<void(std::vector<Token>)> done);
struct CryptographersAndTokens;
struct CryptographersAndBlindedMessages;
static CryptographersAndBlindedMessages BeginIssuances(
const std::vector<Message>&);
static CryptographersAndTokens ConfirmIssuancesAndBeginRedemptions(
static std::string SerializeBlindedMessages(
const std::vector<BlindedMessage>&);
static std::vector<BlindedMessage> DeserializeBlindedTokens(
const std::string& blind_tokens_header);
// Continuation of `GetHeadersForVerification` after asynchronous key
// commitment fetching concludes. `done` is `GetHeadersForVerification`'s
// parameter, passed on to the continuation; `commitment_result` is the result
// of the key commitment fetch.
void OnGotKeyCommitment(
base::OnceCallback<void(net::HttpRequestHeaders)> done,
mojom::TrustTokenKeyCommitmentResultPtr commitment_result);
// Continuation of `GetHeadersForVerification` after an off-thread execution
// of issuance operation (`Cryptographer::BeginIssuance`).`protocol_version`
// is the private state issuer configured protocol versions; `done` is
// `GetHeadersForVerification`'s parameter, passed on to the continuation.
// Receives ownership of the cryptographer back from the asynchronous callback
// and stores it back in `cryptographers_` to reuse during
// `ProcessVerificationToGetTokens`.
void OnDoneBeginIssuance(
mojom::TrustTokenProtocolVersion protocol_version,
base::OnceCallback<void(net::HttpRequestHeaders)> done,
// Continuation of `ProcessVerificationToGetTokens` after an off-thread
// execution to complete the issuance
// (`Cryptographer::ConfirmIssuanceAndBeginRedemption`). `done` is
// `ProcessVerificationToGetTokens`'s parameter, passed on to the
// continuation. Receives ownership of the cryptographer back from the
// asynchronous callback.
void OnDoneProcessingIssuanceResponse(
base::OnceCallback<void(std::vector<Token>)> done,
// `messages_` will be empty until it gets initialized in
// `GetHeadersForVerification`. Once filled, it will never be mutated over the
// course of the operation's execution.
std::vector<Message> messages_;
// The key_commitment_getter_ instance is a singleton owned by NetworkService,
// it will always outlive this.
const raw_ptr<const TrustTokenKeyCommitmentGetter, DanglingUntriaged>
// Relinquishes ownership during posted tasks for the potentially
// computationally intensive cryptographic operations
// (Cryptographer::BeginIssuance,
// Cryptographer::ConfirmIssuanceAndBeginRedemption); repopulated when
// regaining ownership upon receiving each operation's results.
// A Cryptographer does not support concurrent issuance requests. When
// `GetHeadersForVerification` is called with multiple messages, we need to
// start an issuance per message. As a result, the number of cryptographers
// must match the number of messages received.
// TODO( use batch issuance instead of N
// cryptographers when BorringSSL adds support for it.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Cryptographer>> cryptographers_;
// The metrics recorder will be defined for the full lifecycle of this.
std::unique_ptr<MetricsRecorder> metrics_recorder_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AttributionVerificationMediator> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace network