blob: 80933254a42dd524c3591b60fe53d0539ed773ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/fenced_frame/fenced_frame_config.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/parakeet/ad_request.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/interest_group/interest_group_types.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/big_buffer.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
struct AdKeywordReplacement {
string match;
string replacement;
// Represents which AuctionConfig is getting concrete value filled in after a
// promise param resolved --- either the top-level auction (if `main_auction`)
// or a particular component auction.
union AuctionAdConfigAuctionId {
uint32 main_auction; // value unused.
uint32 component_auction; // value position in component_auctions array.
// Represents which field is getting concrete value provided after the promise
// that was originally passed in resolved.
enum AuctionAdConfigField {
// Represents which field that uses the AuctionAdConfigBuyerTimeouts struct is
// getting a concrete value provided after the promise that was originally
// passed in resolved.
enum AuctionAdConfigBuyerTimeoutField {
// Used to provide a way of aborting a call to AdAuctionService.RunAdAuction
interface AbortableAdAuction {
// These methods should be called to provide a value for part of auction
// configuration that was passed in as a Promise initially. Has no effect
// if the auction has already been cancelled (e.g. due to a different
// promise rejecting).
ResolvedPromiseParam(AuctionAdConfigAuctionId auction,
AuctionAdConfigField field,
string? json_value);
// Used to provide result of resolving a promise specifying
// `per_buyer_signals` field of an AuctionConfig.
AuctionAdConfigAuctionId auction,
map<url.mojom.Origin, string>? per_buyer_signals);
// Used to provide result of resolving a promise specifying
// `per_buyer_timeouts` or `per_buyer_cumulative_timeouts` field of an
// AuctionConfig.
AuctionAdConfigAuctionId auction,
AuctionAdConfigBuyerTimeoutField field,
AuctionAdConfigBuyerTimeouts buyer_timeouts);
// Used to provide result of resolving a promise specifying the
// `per_buyer_currencies` field of an AuctionConfig.
AuctionAdConfigAuctionId auction,
AuctionAdConfigBuyerCurrencies per_buyer_currencies);
// Used to provide result of resolving a promise specifying
// `direct_from_seller_signals` field of an AuctionConfig.
AuctionAdConfigAuctionId auction,
DirectFromSellerSignals? direct_from_seller_signals);
// Aborts the auction for which the receiver for this pipe was passed to
// RunAdAuction(), unless the auction has already finished (with at most
// reporting pending). Either way, the normal callback for RunAdAuction()
// will be invoked.
// Per-frame API to initiate on-device ad auction and add interest groups.
interface AdAuctionService {
// Triggers a request to an enabled PARAKEET service. This request will
// provide any joined interestgroups combined with the provided
// AdRequestConfig. If a successful request is made the set of returned
// ads will be stored and the unique guid to access these ads will be
// returned. If no PARAKEET service is available or no ads are returned
// null will be returned.
CreateAdRequest(AdRequestConfig config) => (string? ads_guid);
// Triggers the ad finalization process for the supplied |ads_guid| set of
// ads. This may involve running seller/buyer specific worklets in a
// sandboxed Javascript process. The result of this process is an URL for
// the winning ad that can be loaded in a frame by the caller. If no ad
// wins, null is returned. This may be called multiple times for a given
// |ads_guid| to satisfy multiple placements on a given page without
// re-requesting a new set of ads.
FinalizeAd(string ads_guid, AuctionAdConfig config)
=> (url.mojom.Url? ad_display_url);
// Triggers the ad auction to run in a sandboxed JavaScript process. The
// auction scripts run in this process come from the `bidding_logic_url`'s of
// the interest groups owned by `interest_group_buyers` and the auction
// config `decision_logic_url`. The result of the auction is a URL for the
// winning ad creative, which the publisher page loads into a page or iframe
// in the owner's domain. This URL is embedded inside `config` below. If no ad
// wins the auction, null is returned. `manually_aborted` is set to true only
// if the auction was manually cancelled successfully via a call to
// `abort_receiver->Abort()`.
RunAdAuction(AuctionAdConfig config,
pending_receiver<AbortableAdAuction>? abort_receiver)
=> (bool manually_aborted, FencedFrameConfig? config);
// Requests that the browser process create or overwrite persisted interest
// group keyed by `group.owner` and `` with information from
// `group`. This method may only be invoked from frames with an HTTPS origin.
// The browser verifies that the frame's origin has permission to join the
// owner origin's interest groups, performing a CORS-enabled .well-known fetch
// if necessary, and invokes the callback on complete.
// `failed_well_known_check` is true if the join failed due to the
// .well-known fetch failing. If it failed for other reasons, such as
// per-site settings blocking joining the IG, it should still be the result
// of the .well-known fetch, to avoid leaking per-site configuration to
// the renderer.
// Neither the result nor the timing may leak anything about what interest
// groups the user belongs to, including whether the user was already a
// member of the specified interest group.
JoinInterestGroup(InterestGroup group) => (bool failed_well_known_check);
// Deletes the interest group stored in the browser as indicated by the
// (`origin`, `name`) tuple. This method may only be invoked from frames with
// an HTTPS origin. `origin` must use HTTPS. Invokes callback on completion.
// The browser verifies that the frame's origin has permission to leave the
// owner origin's interest groups, performing a CORS-enabled .well-known fetch
// if necessary, and invokes the callback on complete.
// `failed_well_known_check` is true if the join failed due to the
// .well-known fetch failing. If it failed for other reasons, such as
// per-site settings blocking joining the IG, it should still be the result
// of the .well-known fetch, to avoid leaking per-site configuration to
// the renderer.
// Neither the result nor the timing may leak anything about what interest
// groups the user belongs to, including whether the user was previously a
// member of the specified interest group.
LeaveInterestGroup(url.mojom.Origin owner, string name)
=> (bool failed_well_known_check);
// Deletes the interest group stored in the browser that created the ad in
// in the current document. It is an error to call this function outside of a
// document whose fenced frame root's src attribute was the result of a
// FLEDGE auction.
// Requests the browser update stored interest groups owned by the current
// frame's origin *only* (interest groups not owned by the frame origin aren't
// modified) using the last `update_url` registered for each owned interest
// group. JSON is downloaded from each interest group's URL, parsed safely
// using //services/data_decoder/public/cpp/data_decoder.h, and the interest
// group store is updated. Unlike the JoinInterestGroup() operation, this
// operation doesn't clear fields that weren't present in the server JSON
// response. The JSON `name`, `owner`, `userBiddingSignals` and other unknown
// fields will be ignored.
// Gets the true URL from a URN returned from RunAdAuction. This function
// will be removed once all FLEDGE auctions switch to using fenced frames.
// Arguments:
// `uuid_url` the URN in the format
// "urn:uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" as per RFC-4122.
// `send_reports` if true, FLEDGE reports are sent as if the URN was loaded
// in an iframe. As with actually loading the URN in a frame, reports are
// only sent if they have not been sent for the URN already, either due
// to an earlier DeprecatedGetURLFromURN() call, or due to navigating a
// frame to the URN.
// TODO( Remove this function when we remove support for
// showing FLEDGE ads in iframes.
DeprecatedGetURLFromURN(url.mojom.Url uuid_url, bool send_reports)
=> (url.mojom.Url? decoded_url);
// Modifies the true URL from a URN returned from RunAdAuction by replacing
// substrings specified as pairs the replacements list. The true URLs for any
// component ads associated with this URN will also have substrings
// substituted. This function will be removed once all FLEDGE auctions switch
// to using fenced frames. `uuid_url` should have the format format
// "urn:uuid:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" as per RFC-4122. The
// replacement strings must start and end with either "${" and "}" or "%%"
// and "%%".
// TODO( Remove this function when we remove support for
// showing FLEDGE ads in iframes.
DeprecatedReplaceInURN(url.mojom.Url uuid_url,
array<AdKeywordReplacement> replacements) => ();
// Gets the ad auction data for running an external auction on a bidding and
// auction server.
// `request_id` is an RFC 4122 UUID encoded using only lowercase hexadecimal
// digits, like "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6".
GetInterestGroupAdAuctionData(url.mojom.Origin seller)
=> (mojo_base.mojom.BigBuffer request, string request_id);