blob: f5a23fa620af09b5d7f8fa0087bfbcb86e50f5b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_object.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_keyboard_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_menu_source_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/user_activation_notification_type.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/focus_type.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/scroll/scroll_into_view_params.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/aom/accessible_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/aom/accessible_node_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/resolver/style_resolver.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/display_lock/display_lock_utilities.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/dom_node_ids.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/events/simulated_click_options.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/focus_params.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node_computed_style.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/shadow_root.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/slot_assignment_engine.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/editing_utilities.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/events/keyboard_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/settings.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/visual_viewport.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/fullscreen/fullscreen.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/canvas/html_canvas_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/custom/element_internals.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/fenced_frame/html_fenced_frame_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_form_control_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_input_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_opt_group_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_select_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/html_text_area_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/forms/text_control_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_dialog_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_frame_owner_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_head_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_image_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_map_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_script_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_slot_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_style_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_table_cell_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_table_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_table_row_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_table_section_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_title_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/media/html_media_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/html_parser_idioms.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/portal/html_portal_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/shadow/shadow_element_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/input/context_menu_allowed_scope.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/input/event_handler.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/input_type_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_box_model_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_image.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/chrome_client.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/focus_controller.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/page.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/scrolling/top_document_root_scroller_controller.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/scroll/scroll_into_view_util.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/svg_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/svg_g_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/svg_style_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_debug_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_image_map_link.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_inline_text_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_menu_list.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_menu_list_option.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_menu_list_popup.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_object_cache_impl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_selection.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_sparse_attribute_setter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/instrumentation/tracing/trace_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/keyboard_codes.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/language.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/platform_locale.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/std_lib_extras.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/wtf_size_t.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_action_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_common.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_role_properties.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_code.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/keycode_converter.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/transform.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
#if defined(AX_FAIL_FAST_BUILD)
// TODO(accessibility) Move this out of DEBUG by having a new enum in
// ax_enums.mojom, and a matching ToString() in ax_enum_utils, as well as move
// out duplicate code of String IgnoredReasonName(AXIgnoredReason reason) in
String IgnoredReasonName(AXIgnoredReason reason) {
switch (reason) {
case kAXActiveFullscreenElement:
return "activeFullscreenElement";
case kAXActiveModalDialog:
return "activeModalDialog";
case kAXAriaModalDialog:
return "activeAriaModalDialog";
case kAXAriaHiddenElement:
return "ariaHiddenElement";
case kAXAriaHiddenSubtree:
return "ariaHiddenSubtree";
case kAXEmptyAlt:
return "emptyAlt";
case kAXEmptyText:
return "emptyText";
case kAXInertElement:
return "inertElement";
case kAXInertSubtree:
return "inertSubtree";
case kAXLabelContainer:
return "labelContainer";
case kAXLabelFor:
return "labelFor";
case kAXNotRendered:
return "notRendered";
case kAXNotVisible:
return "notVisible";
case kAXPresentational:
return "presentationalRole";
case kAXProbablyPresentational:
return "probablyPresentational";
case kAXUninteresting:
return "uninteresting";
return "";
String GetIgnoredReasonsDebugString(AXObject::IgnoredReasons& reasons) {
if (reasons.size() == 0)
return "";
String string_builder = "(";
for (wtf_size_t count = 0; count < reasons.size(); count++) {
if (count > 0)
string_builder = string_builder + ',';
string_builder = string_builder + IgnoredReasonName(reasons[count].reason);
string_builder = string_builder + ")";
return string_builder;
String GetNodeString(Node* node) {
if (node->IsTextNode()) {
String string_builder = "\"";
string_builder = string_builder + node->nodeValue();
string_builder = string_builder + "\"";
return string_builder;
Element* element = DynamicTo<Element>(node);
if (!element) {
return To<Document>(node)->IsLoadCompleted() ? "#document"
: "#document (loading)";
String string_builder = "<";
string_builder = string_builder + element->tagName().LowerASCII();
// Cannot safely get @class from SVG elements.
if (!element->IsSVGElement() &&
element->FastHasAttribute(html_names::kClassAttr)) {
string_builder = string_builder + "." +
if (element->FastHasAttribute(html_names::kIdAttr)) {
string_builder =
string_builder + "#" + element->FastGetAttribute(html_names::kIdAttr);
return string_builder + ">";
bool IsValidRole(ax::mojom::blink::Role role) {
// Check for illegal roles that should not be assigned in Blink.
switch (role) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCaret:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kClient:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColumn:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDesktop:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kKeyboard:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kImeCandidate:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListGrid:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPane:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPdfActionableHighlight:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPdfRoot:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTableHeaderContainer:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTitleBar:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kWebView:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kWindow:
return false;
return true;
using RoleHashTraits =
EnumHashTraits<ax::mojom::blink::Role, ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown>;
constexpr wtf_size_t kNumRoles =
static_cast<wtf_size_t>(ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMaxValue) + 1;
using ARIARoleMap = HashMap<String,
struct RoleEntry {
const char* role_name;
ax::mojom::blink::Role role;
// Mapping of ARIA role name to internal role name.
// This is used for the following:
// 1. Map from an ARIA role to the internal role when building tree.
// 2. Map from an internal role to an ARIA role name, for debugging, the
// xml-roles object attribute and element.computedRole.
const RoleEntry kAriaRoles[] = {
{"alert", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kAlert},
{"alertdialog", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kAlertDialog},
{"application", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kApplication},
{"article", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kArticle},
{"banner", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kBanner},
{"blockquote", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kBlockquote},
{"button", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kButton},
{"caption", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCaption},
{"cell", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCell},
{"code", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCode},
{"checkbox", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCheckBox},
{"columnheader", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColumnHeader},
{"combobox", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxGrouping},
{"comment", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComment},
{"complementary", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComplementary},
{"contentinfo", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kContentInfo},
{"definition", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDefinition},
{"deletion", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kContentDeletion},
{"dialog", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDialog},
{"directory", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDirectory},
// -------------------------------------------------
// DPub Roles:
{"doc-abstract", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocAbstract},
{"doc-acknowledgments", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocAcknowledgments},
{"doc-afterword", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocAfterword},
{"doc-appendix", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocAppendix},
{"doc-backlink", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocBackLink},
// Deprecated in DPUB-ARIA 1.1. Use a listitem inside of a doc-bibliography.
{"doc-biblioentry", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocBiblioEntry},
{"doc-bibliography", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocBibliography},
{"doc-biblioref", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocBiblioRef},
{"doc-chapter", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocChapter},
{"doc-colophon", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocColophon},
{"doc-conclusion", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocConclusion},
{"doc-cover", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocCover},
{"doc-credit", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocCredit},
{"doc-credits", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocCredits},
{"doc-dedication", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocDedication},
// Deprecated in DPUB-ARIA 1.1. Use a listitem inside of a doc-endnotes.
{"doc-endnote", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocEndnote},
{"doc-endnotes", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocEndnotes},
{"doc-epigraph", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocEpigraph},
{"doc-epilogue", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocEpilogue},
{"doc-errata", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocErrata},
{"doc-example", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocExample},
{"doc-footnote", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocFootnote},
{"doc-foreword", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocForeword},
{"doc-glossary", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocGlossary},
{"doc-glossref", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocGlossRef},
{"doc-index", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocIndex},
{"doc-introduction", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocIntroduction},
{"doc-noteref", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocNoteRef},
{"doc-notice", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocNotice},
{"doc-pagebreak", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPageBreak},
{"doc-pagefooter", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPageFooter},
{"doc-pageheader", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPageHeader},
{"doc-pagelist", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPageList},
{"doc-part", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPart},
{"doc-preface", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPreface},
{"doc-prologue", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPrologue},
{"doc-pullquote", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPullquote},
{"doc-qna", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocQna},
{"doc-subtitle", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocSubtitle},
{"doc-tip", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocTip},
{"doc-toc", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocToc},
// End DPub roles.
// -------------------------------------------------
{"document", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocument},
{"emphasis", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kEmphasis},
{"feed", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFeed},
{"figure", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFigure},
{"form", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kForm},
{"generic", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGenericContainer},
// -------------------------------------------------
// ARIA Graphics module roles:
{"graphics-document", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGraphicsDocument},
{"graphics-object", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGraphicsObject},
{"graphics-symbol", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGraphicsSymbol},
// End ARIA Graphics module roles.
// -------------------------------------------------
{"grid", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGrid},
{"gridcell", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCell},
{"group", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGroup},
{"heading", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kHeading},
{"img", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kImage},
{"insertion", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kContentInsertion},
{"link", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLink},
{"list", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kList},
{"listbox", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListBox},
{"listitem", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListItem},
{"log", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLog},
{"main", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMain},
{"marquee", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMarquee},
{"math", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMath},
{"menu", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenu},
{"menubar", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuBar},
{"menuitem", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItem},
{"menuitemcheckbox", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItemCheckBox},
{"menuitemradio", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItemRadio},
{"mark", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMark},
{"meter", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMeter},
{"navigation", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kNavigation},
// role="presentation" is the same as role="none".
{"presentation", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kNone},
// role="none" is listed after role="presentation", so that it is the
// canonical name in devtools and tests.
{"none", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kNone},
{"note", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kNote},
{"option", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListBoxOption},
{"paragraph", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kParagraph},
{"progressbar", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kProgressIndicator},
{"radio", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRadioButton},
{"radiogroup", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRadioGroup},
{"region", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRegion},
{"row", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRow},
{"rowgroup", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRowGroup},
{"rowheader", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRowHeader},
{"scrollbar", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kScrollBar},
{"search", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSearch},
{"searchbox", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSearchBox},
{"separator", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSplitter},
{"slider", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSlider},
{"spinbutton", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSpinButton},
{"status", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStatus},
{"strong", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStrong},
{"subscript", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSubscript},
{"suggestion", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSuggestion},
{"superscript", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSuperscript},
{"switch", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSwitch},
{"tab", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTab},
{"table", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTable},
{"tablist", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTabList},
{"tabpanel", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTabPanel},
{"term", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTerm},
{"textbox", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextField},
{"time", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTime},
{"timer", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTimer},
{"toolbar", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kToolbar},
{"tooltip", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTooltip},
{"tree", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTree},
{"treegrid", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTreeGrid},
{"treeitem", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTreeItem}};
// More friendly names for debugging. These are roles which don't map from
// the ARIA role name to the internal role when building the tree, but when
// debugging, we want to show the ARIA role name, since it is close in meaning.
const RoleEntry kReverseRoles[] = {
{"banner", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kHeader},
{"button", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kToggleButton},
{"button", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPopUpButton},
{"contentinfo", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFooter},
{"menuitem", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuListOption},
{"combobox", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxMenuButton},
{"combobox", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxSelect},
{"combobox", ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox}};
static ARIARoleMap* CreateARIARoleMap() {
ARIARoleMap* role_map = new ARIARoleMap;
for (auto aria_role : kAriaRoles)
role_map->Set(String(aria_role.role_name), aria_role.role);
return role_map;
// The role name vector contains only ARIA roles, and no internal roles.
static Vector<AtomicString>* CreateARIARoleNameVector() {
Vector<AtomicString>* role_name_vector = new Vector<AtomicString>(kNumRoles);
role_name_vector->Fill(g_null_atom, kNumRoles);
for (auto aria_role : kAriaRoles) {
(*role_name_vector)[static_cast<wtf_size_t>(aria_role.role)] =
for (auto reverse_role : kReverseRoles) {
(*role_name_vector)[static_cast<wtf_size_t>(reverse_role.role)] =
return role_name_vector;
void AddIntListAttributeFromObjects(ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute attr,
const AXObject::AXObjectVector& objects,
ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
std::vector<int32_t> ids;
for (const auto& obj : objects) {
if (!obj->AccessibilityIsIgnored())
if (!ids.empty())
node_data->AddIntListAttribute(attr, ids);
// Max length for attributes such as aria-label.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxStringAttributeLength = 10000;
// Max length for a static text name.
// Length of War and Peace (
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxStaticTextLength = 3227574;
void TruncateAndAddStringAttribute(
ui::AXNodeData* dst,
ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute attribute,
const String& value,
uint32_t max_len = kMaxStringAttributeLength) {
if (value.empty())
std::string value_utf8 = value.Utf8(kStrictUTF8Conversion);
if (value_utf8.size() > max_len) {
std::string truncated;
base::TruncateUTF8ToByteSize(value_utf8, max_len, &truncated);
dst->AddStringAttribute(attribute, truncated);
} else {
dst->AddStringAttribute(attribute, value_utf8);
void AddIntListAttributeFromOffsetVector(
ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute attr,
const Vector<int> offsets,
ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
std::vector<int32_t> offset_values;
for (int offset : offsets)
if (!offset_values.empty())
node_data->AddIntListAttribute(attr, offset_values);
} // namespace
int32_t ToAXMarkerType(DocumentMarker::MarkerType marker_type) {
ax::mojom::blink::MarkerType result;
switch (marker_type) {
case DocumentMarker::kSpelling:
result = ax::mojom::blink::MarkerType::kSpelling;
case DocumentMarker::kGrammar:
result = ax::mojom::blink::MarkerType::kGrammar;
case DocumentMarker::kTextFragment:
case DocumentMarker::kTextMatch:
result = ax::mojom::blink::MarkerType::kTextMatch;
case DocumentMarker::kActiveSuggestion:
result = ax::mojom::blink::MarkerType::kActiveSuggestion;
case DocumentMarker::kSuggestion:
result = ax::mojom::blink::MarkerType::kSuggestion;
case DocumentMarker::kCustomHighlight:
result = ax::mojom::blink::MarkerType::kHighlight;
result = ax::mojom::blink::MarkerType::kNone;
return static_cast<int32_t>(result);
int32_t ToAXHighlightType(const AtomicString& highlight_type) {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, type_highlight, ("highlight"));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, type_spelling_error,
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, type_grammar_error,
ax::mojom::blink::HighlightType result =
if (highlight_type == type_highlight)
result = ax::mojom::blink::HighlightType::kHighlight;
else if (highlight_type == type_spelling_error)
result = ax::mojom::blink::HighlightType::kSpellingError;
else if (highlight_type == type_grammar_error)
result = ax::mojom::blink::HighlightType::kGrammarError;
// Check that |highlight_type| is one of the static AtomicStrings defined
// above or "none", so if there are more HighlightTypes added, they should
// also be taken into account in this function.
DCHECK(result != ax::mojom::blink::HighlightType::kNone ||
highlight_type == "none");
return static_cast<int32_t>(result);
const AXObject* FindAncestorWithAriaHidden(const AXObject* start) {
for (const AXObject* object = start; object && !object->IsWebArea();
object = object->ParentObject()) {
if (object->AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsTrue(AOMBooleanProperty::kHidden))
return object;
return nullptr;
// static
unsigned AXObject::number_of_live_ax_objects_ = 0;
AXObject::AXObject(AXObjectCacheImpl& ax_object_cache)
: id_(0),
ax_object_cache_(&ax_object_cache) {
AXObject::~AXObject() {
void AXObject::SetAncestorsHaveDirtyDescendants() const {
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::AccessibilityEagerAXTreeUpdateEnabled()) {
for (auto* obj = CachedParentObject(); obj; obj = obj->CachedParentObject()) {
// We need to to continue setting bits through AX objects for which
// LastKnownIsIncludedInTreeValue is false, since those objects are omitted
// from the generated tree. However, don't set the bit on unincluded
// objects, during the clearing phase in
// AXObjectCacheImpl::UpdateTreeIfNeededOnce(), only included nodes are
// visited.
if (!obj->LastKnownIsIncludedInTreeValue()) {
if (obj->has_dirty_descendants_) {
obj->has_dirty_descendants_ = true;
// Walk up the tree looking for dirty bits that failed to be set. If any
// are found, this is a bug.
if (!AXObjectCache().UpdatingTree()) {
bool fail = false;
for (auto* obj = CachedParentObject(); obj;
obj = obj->CachedParentObject()) {
if (obj->LastKnownIsIncludedInTreeValue() &&
!obj->has_dirty_descendants_) {
fail = true;
if (fail) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set dirty bits on some objects in the ancestor"
"chain. Bits set: ";
for (auto* obj = this; obj; obj = obj->CachedParentObject()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "* has_dirty_descendants_: "
<< obj->has_dirty_descendants_
<< " object: " << obj->ToString(true, true);
void AXObject::Init(AXObject* parent) {
DCHECK(!parent_) << "Should not already have a cached parent:"
<< "\n* Child = " << GetNode() << " / " << GetLayoutObject()
<< "\n* Parent = " << parent_->ToString(true, true)
<< "\n* Equal to passed-in parent? " << (parent == parent_);
base::AutoReset<bool> reentrancy_protector(&is_initializing_, true);
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
// The role must be determined immediately.
// Note: in order to avoid reentrancy, the role computation cannot use the
// ParentObject(), although it can use the DOM parent.
role_ = DetermineAccessibilityRole();
DCHECK(IsValidRole(role_)) << "Illegal " << role_ << " for\n"
<< GetNode() << '\n'
<< GetLayoutObject();
HTMLOptGroupElement* optgroup = DynamicTo<HTMLOptGroupElement>(GetNode());
if (optgroup && optgroup->OwnerSelectElement()) {
// We do not currently create accessible objects for an <optgroup> inside of
// a <select size=1>.
// TODO(accessibility) Remove this once we refactor HTML <select> to use
// the shadow DOM and AXNodeObject instead of AXMenuList* classes.
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
// Determine the parent as soon as possible.
// Every AXObject must have a parent unless it's the root.
DCHECK(parent_ || IsRoot())
<< "The following node should have a parent: " << GetNode();
// The parent cannot have children. This object must be destroyed.
DCHECK(!parent_ || parent_->CanHaveChildren())
<< "Tried to set a parent that cannot have children:"
<< "\n* Parent = " << parent_->ToString(true, true)
<< "\n* Child = " << ToString(true, true);
// This is one after the role_ is computed, because the role is used to
// determine whether an AXObject can have children.
children_dirty_ = CanHaveChildren();
DCHECK(GetDocument()) << "All AXObjects must have a document: "
<< ToString(true, true);
void AXObject::Detach() {
// Prevents LastKnown*() methods from returning the wrong values.
cached_is_ignored_ = true;
cached_is_ignored_but_included_in_tree_ = false;
if (IsDetached()) {
// Only mock objects can end up being detached twice, because their owner
// may have needed to detach them when they were detached, but couldn't
// remove them from the object cache yet.
DCHECK(IsMockObject()) << "Object detached twice: " << RoleValue();
#if defined(AX_FAIL_FAST_BUILD)
// AXInlineTextBox objects are the only objects that are safe to remove during
// serialization. This occurs when a the serializer reaches a static text
// object and its ignored state changes. Ignored static text boxes should not
// have any inline textbox children, and they are removed by ClearChildren().
SANITIZER_CHECK(!ax_object_cache_->IsFrozen() || IsAXInlineTextBox())
<< "Do not detach children while the tree is frozen, in order to avoid "
"an object detaching itself in the middle of computing its own "
"accessibility properties.";
SANITIZER_CHECK(!is_adding_children_) << ToString(true, true);
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
// Facilitates debugging of detached objects by providing info on what it was.
if (!ax_object_cache_->HasBeenDisposed()) {
detached_object_debug_info_ = ToString(true, true);
// Clear any children and call DetachFromParent() on them so that
// no children are left with dangling pointers to their parent.
parent_ = nullptr;
ax_object_cache_ = nullptr;
children_dirty_ = false;
has_dirty_descendants_ = false;
id_ = 0;
bool AXObject::IsDetached() const {
return !ax_object_cache_;
bool AXObject::IsRoot() const {
return GetNode() && GetNode() == &AXObjectCache().GetDocument();
void AXObject::SetParent(AXObject* new_parent) const {
// TODO( Re-enable DCHECK for all platforms.
if (!new_parent && !IsRoot()) {
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Parent cannot be null, except at the root."
<< "\nParent: " << ToString(true, true)
<< "\nParent chain from DOM, starting at |this|:";
int count = 0;
for (Node* node = GetNode(); node;
node = GetParentNodeForComputeParent(AXObjectCache(), node)) {
message << "\n"
<< (++count) << ". " << node
<< "\n LayoutObject=" << node->GetLayoutObject();
if (AXObject* obj = AXObjectCache().Get(node))
message << "\n " << obj->ToString(true, true);
NOTREACHED() << message.str();
if (new_parent) {
<< "Cannot set parent to a detached object:"
<< "\n* Child: " << ToString(true, true)
<< "\n* New parent: " << new_parent->ToString(true, true);
DCHECK(!IsAXInlineTextBox() ||
<< "Unexpected parent of inline text box: " << new_parent->RoleValue();
// Check to ensure that if the parent is changing from a previous parent,
// that |this| is not still a child of that one.
// This is similar to the IsParentUnignoredOf() check in
// BlinkAXTreeSource, but closer to where the problem would occur.
if (parent_ && new_parent != parent_ && !parent_->NeedsToUpdateChildren() &&
!parent_->IsDetached()) {
for (const auto& child : parent_->ChildrenIncludingIgnored()) {
DCHECK(child != this) << "Previous parent still has |this| child:\n"
<< ToString(true, true) << " should be a child of "
<< new_parent->ToString(true, true) << " not of "
<< parent_->ToString(true, true);
// TODO(accessibility) This should not be reached unless this method is
// called on an AXObject of role kRootWebArea or when the parent's
// children are dirty, aka parent_->NeedsToUpdateChildren());
// Ideally we will also ensure |this| is in the parent's children now, so
// that ClearChildren() can later find the child to detach from the parent.
parent_ = new_parent;
bool AXObject::IsMissingParent() const {
if (!parent_) {
// Do not attempt to repair the ParentObject() of a validation message
// object, because hidden ones are purposely kept around without being in
// the tree, and without a parent, for potential later reuse.
// TODO(accessibility) This is ugly. Consider destroying validation message
// objects between uses instead. See GetOrCreateValidationMessageObject().
return !IsRoot() && !IsValidationMessage();
if (parent_->IsDetached())
return true;
return false;
void AXObject::RepairMissingParent() const {
parent_->RoleValue() != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kIframe ||
RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocument)
<< "An iframe can only have a document child."
<< "\n* Child = " << ToString(true, true)
<< "\n* Parent = " << parent_->ToString(true, true);
// In many cases, ComputeParent() is not called, because the parent adding
// the parent adding the child will pass itself into AXObjectCacheImpl.
// ComputeParent() is still necessary because some parts of the code,
// especially web tests, result in AXObjects being created in the middle of
// the tree before their parents are created.
// TODO(accessibility) Consider forcing all ax objects to be created from
// the top down, eliminating the need for ComputeParent().
AXObject* AXObject::ComputeParent() const {
AXObject* ax_parent = ComputeParentOrNull();
CHECK(!ax_parent || !ax_parent->IsDetached())
<< "Computed parent should never be detached:"
<< "\n* Child: " << GetNode()
<< "\n* Parent: " << ax_parent->ToString(true, true);
return ax_parent;
// Same as ComputeParent, but without the extra check for valid parent in the
// end. This is for use in RestoreParentOrPrune.
AXObject* AXObject::ComputeParentOrNull() const {
#if defined(AX_FAIL_FAST_BUILD)
<< "A mock object must have a parent, and cannot exist without one. "
"The parent is set when the object is constructed.";
SANITIZER_CHECK(GetNode() || GetLayoutObject() || IsVirtualObject())
<< "Can't compute parent on AXObjects without a backing Node "
"LayoutObject, "
" or AccessibleNode. Objects without those must set the "
"parent in Init(), |this| = "
<< RoleValue();
AXObject* ax_parent = nullptr;
if (IsAXInlineTextBox()) {
<< "AXInlineTextBox box tried to compute a new parent, but they are "
"not allowed to exist even temporarily without a parent, as their "
"existence depends on the parent text object. Parent text = "
<< (AXObjectCache().SafeGet(GetNode())
? AXObjectCache().SafeGet(GetNode())->ToString(true, true)
: "");
} else if (AXObjectCache().IsAriaOwned(this)) {
ax_parent = AXObjectCache().ValidatedAriaOwner(this);
} else if (IsVirtualObject()) {
ax_parent =
ComputeAccessibleNodeParent(AXObjectCache(), *GetAccessibleNode());
if (!ax_parent) {
ax_parent = ComputeNonARIAParent(AXObjectCache(), GetNode());
return ax_parent;
// static
Node* AXObject::GetParentNodeForComputeParent(AXObjectCacheImpl& cache,
Node* node) {
if (!node) {
return nullptr;
<< "Should not call with disconnected node: " << node;
// A document's parent should be the page popup owner, if any, otherwise null.
if (auto* document = DynamicTo<Document>(node)) {
LocalFrame* frame = document->GetFrame();
Node* popup_owner = frame->PagePopupOwner();
if (!popup_owner) {
return nullptr;
// TODO(accessibility) Remove this rule once we stop using AXMenuList*.
if (IsA<HTMLSelectElement>(popup_owner) &&
popup_owner->GetLayoutObject())) {
return nullptr;
return popup_owner;
// Use LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal::Parent(), which handles pseudo content.
// This can return nullptr for a node that is never visited by
// LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal's child traversal. For example, while an element
// can be appended as a <textarea>'s child, it is never visited by
// LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal's child traversal. Therefore, returning null in
// this case is appropriate, because that child content is not attached to any
// parent as far as rendering or accessibility are concerned.
// Whenever null is returned from this function, then a parent cannot be
// computed, and when a parent is not provided or computed, the accessible
// object will not be created.
Node* parent = LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal::Parent(*node);
if (!parent) {
return nullptr;
// Descendants of pseudo elements must only be created by walking the tree via
// AXNodeObject::AddChildren(), which already knows the parent. Therefore, the
// parent must not be computed. This helps avoid situations with certain
// elements where there is asymmetry between what considers this a child vs
// what the this considers its parent. An example of this kind of situation is
// a ::first-letter within a ::before.
if (node->GetLayoutObject() && node->GetLayoutObject()->Parent() &&
node->GetLayoutObject()->Parent()->IsPseudoElement()) {
return nullptr;
HTMLMapElement* map_element = DynamicTo<HTMLMapElement>(parent);
if (map_element) {
// For a <map>, return the <img> associated with it. This is necessary
// because the AX tree is flat, adding image map children as children of the
// <img>, whereas in the DOM they are actually children of the <map>.
// Therefore, if a node is a DOM child of a map, its AX parent is the image.
// This code double checks that the image actually uses the map.
HTMLImageElement* image_element = map_element->ImageElement();
return AXObject::GetMapForImage(image_element) == map_element
? image_element
: nullptr;
return CanComputeAsNaturalParent(parent) ? parent : nullptr;
// static
bool AXObject::CanComputeAsNaturalParent(Node* node) {
if (IsA<Document>(node)) {
return true;
DCHECK(IsA<Element>(node)) << "Expected element: " << node;
// When the flag to use AXMenuList in on, a menu list is only allowed to
// parent an AXMenuListPopup, which is added as a child on creation. No other
// children are allowed, and false is returned for anything else where the
// parent would be AXMenuList.
if (AXObjectCacheImpl::ShouldCreateAXMenuListFor(node->GetLayoutObject())) {
return false;
// An image cannot be the natural DOM parent of another AXObject, it can only
// have <area> children, which are from another part of the DOM tree.
if (IsA<HTMLImageElement>(node)) {
return false;
return CanHaveChildren(*To<Element>(node));
// static
bool AXObject::CanHaveChildren(Element& element) {
// Image map parent-child relationships work as follows:
// - The image is the parent
// - The DOM children of the associated <map> are the children
// This is accomplished by having GetParentNodeForComputeParent() return the
// <img> instead of the <map> for the map's children.
if (IsA<HTMLMapElement>(element)) {
return false;
// Placeholder gets exposed as an attribute on the input accessibility node,
// so there's no need to add its text children. Placeholder text is a separate
// node that gets removed when it disappears, so this will only be present if
// the placeholder is visible.
if (element.ShadowPseudoId() ==
shadow_element_names::kPseudoInputPlaceholder) {
return false;
if (IsA<HTMLBRElement>(element)) {
// Normally, a <br> is allowed to have a single inline text box child.
// However, a <br> element that has DOM children can occur only if a script
// adds the children, and Blink will not render those children. This is an
// obscure edge case that should only occur during fuzzing, but to maintain
// tree consistency and prevent DCHECKs, AXObjects for <br> elements are not
// allowed to have children if there are any DOM children at all.
return !element.hasChildren();
if (IsA<HTMLHRElement>(element)) {
return false;
if (auto* input = DynamicTo<HTMLInputElement>(&element)) {
// False for checkbox, radio and range.
return !input->IsCheckable() && input->type() != input_type_names::kRange;
if (IsA<HTMLOptionElement>(element)) {
return false;
if (IsA<HTMLProgressElement>(element)) {
return false;
return true;
// static
AXObject* AXObject::ComputeAccessibleNodeParent(
AXObjectCacheImpl& cache,
AccessibleNode& accessible_node) {
if (AccessibleNode* parent_accessible_node = accessible_node.GetParent()) {
if (AXObject* parent = cache.Get(parent_accessible_node))
return parent;
// Compute grandparent first, since constructing parent AXObject for
// |accessible_node| requires grandparent to be provided.
AXObject* grandparent_object =
AXObject::ComputeAccessibleNodeParent(cache, *parent_accessible_node);
if (grandparent_object)
return cache.GetOrCreate(parent_accessible_node, grandparent_object);
return nullptr;
// static
HTMLMapElement* AXObject::GetMapForImage(Node* image) {
if (!IsA<HTMLImageElement>(image))
return nullptr;
LayoutImage* layout_image = DynamicTo<LayoutImage>(image->GetLayoutObject());
if (!layout_image)
return nullptr;
HTMLMapElement* map_element = layout_image->ImageMap();
if (!map_element)
return nullptr;
// Don't allow images that are actually children of a map, as this could lead
// to an infinite loop, where the descendant image points to the ancestor map,
// yet the descendant image is being returned here as an ancestor.
if (Traversal<HTMLMapElement>::FirstAncestor(*image))
return nullptr;
// The image has an associated <map> and does not have a <map> ancestor.
return map_element;
// static
AXObject* AXObject::ComputeNonARIAParent(AXObjectCacheImpl& cache,
Node* current_node) {
if (!current_node) {
return nullptr;
// For <option> in <select size=1>, return the popup.
if (AXObjectCacheImpl::UseAXMenuList()) {
if (auto* option = DynamicTo<HTMLOptionElement>(current_node)) {
if (AXObject* ax_select =
AXMenuListOption::ComputeParentAXMenuPopupFor(cache, option)) {
return ax_select;
Node* parent_node = GetParentNodeForComputeParent(cache, current_node);
// Will not create an object if no valid parent node is found. This occurs
// when a DOM child isn't visited by LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal, such as an
// element child of a <textarea>, which only supports plain text.
return cache.GetOrCreate(parent_node);
void AXObject::EnsureCorrectParentComputation() {
if (!parent_)
// Don't check the computed parent if the cached parent is a mock object.
// It is expected that a computed parent could never be a mock object,
// which has no backing DOM node or layout object, and therefore cannot be
// found by traversing DOM/layout ancestors.
if (parent_->IsMockObject())
// Cannot compute a parent for an object that has no backing node or layout
// object to start from.
if (!GetNode() || !GetLayoutObject())
// Don't check the computed parent if the cached parent is an image:
// <area> children's location in the DOM and HTML hierarchy does not match.
// TODO(aleventhal) Try to remove this rule, it may be unnecessary now.
if (parent_->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kImage)
// TODO(aleventhal) Different in test fast/css/first-letter-removed-added.html
// when run with --force-renderer-accessibility.
if (GetNode() && GetNode()->IsPseudoElement())
// Verify that the algorithm in ComputeParent() provides same results as
// parents that init their children with themselves as the parent.
// Inconsistency indicates a problem could potentially exist where a child's
// parent does not include the child in its children.
AXObject* computed_parent = ComputeParent();
DCHECK(computed_parent) << "Computed parent was null for " << this
<< ", expected " << parent_;
DCHECK_EQ(computed_parent, parent_)
<< "\n**** ComputeParent should have provided the same result as "
"the known parent.\n**** Computed parent layout object was "
<< computed_parent->GetLayoutObject()
<< "\n**** Actual parent's layout object was "
<< parent_->GetLayoutObject() << "\n**** Child was " << this;
void AXObject::ShowAXTreeForThis() const {
DLOG(INFO) << "\n"
<< TreeToStringWithMarkedObjectHelper(AXObjectCache().Root(),
const AtomicString& AXObject::GetAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(
AOMStringProperty property) const {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return g_null_atom;
return AccessibleNode::GetPropertyOrARIAAttribute(element, property);
Element* AXObject::GetAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(
AOMRelationProperty property) const {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return nullptr;
return AccessibleNode::GetPropertyOrARIAAttribute(element, property);
bool AXObject::HasAOMProperty(AOMRelationListProperty property,
HeapVector<Member<Element>>& result) const {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return false;
return AccessibleNode::GetProperty(element, property, result);
bool AXObject::HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(
AOMRelationListProperty property,
HeapVector<Member<Element>>& result) const {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return false;
return AccessibleNode::GetPropertyOrARIAAttribute(element, property, result);
bool AXObject::HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMBooleanProperty property,
bool& result) const {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return false;
bool is_null = true;
result =
AccessibleNode::GetPropertyOrARIAAttribute(element, property, is_null);
return !is_null;
bool AXObject::AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsTrue(
AOMBooleanProperty property) const {
bool result;
if (HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(property, result))
return result;
return false;
bool AXObject::AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsFalse(
AOMBooleanProperty property) const {
bool result;
if (HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(property, result))
return !result;
return false;
bool AXObject::HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMUIntProperty property,
uint32_t& result) const {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return false;
bool is_null = true;
result =
AccessibleNode::GetPropertyOrARIAAttribute(element, property, is_null);
return !is_null;
bool AXObject::HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMIntProperty property,
int32_t& result) const {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return false;
bool is_null = true;
result =
AccessibleNode::GetPropertyOrARIAAttribute(element, property, is_null);
return !is_null;
bool AXObject::HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMFloatProperty property,
float& result) const {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return false;
bool is_null = true;
result =
AccessibleNode::GetPropertyOrARIAAttribute(element, property, is_null);
return !is_null;
bool AXObject::HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMStringProperty property,
AtomicString& result) const {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return false;
result = AccessibleNode::GetPropertyOrARIAAttribute(element, property);
return !result.IsNull();
AccessibleNode* AXObject::GetAccessibleNode() const {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return nullptr;
return element->ExistingAccessibleNode();
void AXObject::Serialize(ui::AXNodeData* node_data,
ui::AXMode accessibility_mode) {
// Reduce redundant ancestor chain walking for display lock computations.
auto memoization_scope =
node_data->role = ComputeFinalRoleForSerialization();
node_data->id = AXObjectID();
// Serialize a few things that we need even for ignored nodes.
bool is_focusable = CanSetFocusAttribute();
if (is_focusable)
bool is_visible = IsVisible();
if (!is_visible)
if (is_visible || is_focusable) {
// If the author applied the ARIA "textbox" role on something that is not
// (currently) editable, this may be a read-only rich-text object. Or it
// might just be bad authoring. Either way, we want to expose its
// descendants, especially the interactive ones which might gain focus.
bool is_non_atomic_textfield_root = IsARIATextField();
// Preserve continuity in subtrees of richly editable content by including
// richlyEditable state even if ignored.
if (IsEditable()) {
if (!is_non_atomic_textfield_root)
is_non_atomic_textfield_root = IsEditableRoot();
if (IsRichlyEditable())
if (is_non_atomic_textfield_root) {
ax::mojom::blink::BoolAttribute::kNonAtomicTextFieldRoot, true);
if (accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kHTML))
SerializeHTMLTagAndClass(node_data); // Used for test readability.
if (accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kScreenReader))
SerializeColorAttributes(node_data); // Blends using all nodes' values.
if (accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kScreenReader) ||
accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kPDF)) {
SerializeLangAttribute(node_data); // Propagates using all nodes' values.
// Always try to serialize child tree ids.
if (!accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kPDF))
// Return early. The following attributes are unnecessary for ignored nodes.
// Exception: focusable ignored nodes are fully serialized, so that reasonable
// verbalizations can be made if they actually receive focus.
if (AccessibilityIsIgnored()) {
// Early return for ignored, unfocusable nodes, avoiding unnecessary work.
if (!is_focusable &&
!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::AccessibilityExposeIgnoredNodesEnabled()) {
// The name is important for exposing the selection around ignored nodes.
// TODO(accessibility) Remove this and still pass this
// content_browsertest:
// All/DumpAccessibilityTreeTest.AccessibilityIgnoredSelection/blink
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStaticText)
SerializeNameAndDescriptionAttributes(accessibility_mode, node_data);
if (accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kScreenReader))
SerializeUnignoredAttributes(node_data, accessibility_mode);
if (accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kPDF)) {
SerializeNameAndDescriptionAttributes(accessibility_mode, node_data);
// Return early. None of the following attributes are needed for PDFs.
SerializeNameAndDescriptionAttributes(accessibility_mode, node_data);
if (!accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kScreenReader))
if (LiveRegionRoot())
// Return early. The following attributes are unnecessary for ignored nodes.
// Exception: focusable ignored nodes are fully serialized, so that reasonable
// verbalizations can be made if they actually receive focus.
if (AccessibilityIsIgnored() &&
!node_data->HasState(ax::mojom::blink::State::kFocusable)) {
void AXObject::SerializeBoundingBoxAttributes(ui::AXNodeData& dst) const {
bool clips_children = false;
PopulateAXRelativeBounds(dst.relative_bounds, &clips_children);
if (clips_children) {
dst.AddBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::blink::BoolAttribute::kClipsChildren, true);
if (IsLineBreakingObject()) {
AXObjectCache().SetCachedBoundingBox(AXObjectID(), dst.relative_bounds);
static bool AXShouldIncludePageScaleFactorInRoot() {
return true;
return false;
void AXObject::PopulateAXRelativeBounds(ui::AXRelativeBounds& bounds,
bool* clips_children) const {
AXObject* offset_container;
gfx::RectF bounds_in_container;
gfx::Transform container_transform;
GetRelativeBounds(&offset_container, bounds_in_container, container_transform,
bounds.bounds = bounds_in_container;
if (offset_container && !offset_container->IsDetached())
bounds.offset_container_id = offset_container->AXObjectID();
if (AXShouldIncludePageScaleFactorInRoot() && IsRoot()) {
const Page* page = GetDocument()->GetPage();
container_transform.Scale(page->PageScaleFactor(), page->PageScaleFactor());
if (!container_transform.IsIdentity())
bounds.transform = std::make_unique<gfx::Transform>(container_transform);
void AXObject::MarkAllImageAXObjectsDirty() {
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kImage) {
this, ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom::kNone,
for (auto& child : UnignoredChildren())
void AXObject::SerializeActionAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
if (CanSetValueAttribute())
if (IsSlider()) {
if (IsUserScrollable()) {
void AXObject::SerializeChildTreeID(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
// If this is an HTMLFrameOwnerElement (such as an iframe), we may need
// to embed the ID of the child frame.
if (!IsChildTreeOwner()) {
// TODO( Determine why these are firing in the wild and,
// once fixed, turn into a DCHECK.
<< "If this is an iframe, it should also be a child tree owner: "
<< ToString(true, true);
auto* html_frame_owner_element = To<HTMLFrameOwnerElement>(GetElement());
Frame* child_frame = html_frame_owner_element->ContentFrame();
if (!child_frame) {
// TODO( Determine why these are firing in the wild and,
// once fixed, turn into a DCHECK.
SANITIZER_CHECK(IsDisabled()) << ToString(true, true);
absl::optional<base::UnguessableToken> child_token =
if (!child_token)
return; // No child token means that the connection isn't ready yet.
DCHECK_EQ(ChildCountIncludingIgnored(), 0)
<< "Children won't exist until the trees are stitched together in the "
"browser process. A failure means that a child node was incorrectly "
"considered relevant by AXObjectCacheImpl."
<< "\n* Parent: " << ToString(true)
<< "\n* Frame owner: " << IsA<HTMLFrameOwnerElement>(GetNode())
<< "\n* Element src: " << GetAttribute(html_names::kSrcAttr)
<< "\n* First child: " << FirstChildIncludingIgnored()->ToString(true);
ui::AXTreeID child_tree_id = ui::AXTreeID::FromToken(child_token.value());
void AXObject::SerializeChooserPopupAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
AXObject* chooser_popup = ChooserPopup();
if (!chooser_popup)
int32_t chooser_popup_id = chooser_popup->AXObjectID();
auto controls_ids = node_data->GetIntListAttribute(
ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute::kControlsIds, controls_ids);
void AXObject::SerializeColorAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
// Text attributes.
if (RGBA32 bg_color = BackgroundColor()) {
if (RGBA32 color = GetColor())
node_data->AddIntAttribute(ax::mojom::blink::IntAttribute::kColor, color);
void AXObject::SerializeElementAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
if (const AtomicString& class_name = element->GetClassAttribute()) {
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kClassName, class_name);
// Expose StringAttribute::kRole, which is used for the xml-roles object
// attribute. Prefer the raw ARIA role attribute value, otherwise, the ARIA
// equivalent role is used, if it is a role that is exposed in xml-roles.
const AtomicString& role_str =
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kRole, role_str);
void AXObject::SerializeHTMLTagAndClass(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element) {
if (IsA<Document>(GetNode())) {
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kHtmlTag, "#document");
if (const AtomicString& class_name = element->GetClassAttribute()) {
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kClassName, class_name);
void AXObject::SerializeHTMLAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
Element* element = GetElement();
for (const Attribute& attr : element->Attributes()) {
std::string name = attr.LocalName().LowerASCII().Utf8();
if (name == "class") { // class already in kClassName
std::string value = attr.Value().Utf8();
node_data->html_attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(name, value));
// TODO(nektar): Turn off kHTMLAccessibilityMode for automation and Mac
// and remove ifdef.
if (node_data->role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMath ||
node_data->role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLMath) {
element->innerHTML(), kMaxStaticTextLength);
void AXObject::SerializeInlineTextBoxAttributes(
ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const {
DCHECK_EQ(ax::mojom::blink::Role::kInlineTextBox, node_data->role);
Vector<int> character_offsets;
ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute::kCharacterOffsets, character_offsets,
Vector<int> word_starts;
Vector<int> word_ends;
GetWordBoundaries(word_starts, word_ends);
ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute::kWordStarts, word_starts, node_data);
ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute::kWordEnds, word_ends, node_data);
void AXObject::SerializeLangAttribute(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
AXObject* parent = ParentObject();
if (Language().length()) {
// TODO(chrishall): should we still trim redundant languages off here?
if (!parent || parent->Language() != Language()) {
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kLanguage, Language());
void AXObject::SerializeListAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
if (SetSize()) {
if (PosInSet()) {
void AXObject::SerializeListMarkerAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const {
DCHECK_EQ(ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListMarker, node_data->role);
Vector<int> word_starts;
Vector<int> word_ends;
GetWordBoundaries(word_starts, word_ends);
ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute::kWordStarts, word_starts, node_data);
ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute::kWordEnds, word_ends, node_data);
void AXObject::SerializeLiveRegionAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const {
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kLiveRelevant,
// If we are not at the root of an atomic live region.
if (ContainerLiveRegionAtomic() && !LiveRegionRoot()->IsDetached() &&
!LiveRegionAtomic()) {
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kContainerLiveStatus,
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kContainerLiveRelevant,
void AXObject::SerializeNameAndDescriptionAttributes(
ui::AXMode accessibility_mode,
ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const {
ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom name_from;
AXObjectVector name_objects;
String name = GetName(name_from, &name_objects);
if (name_from == ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom::kAttributeExplicitlyEmpty) {
} else if (!name.empty()) {
int max_length = node_data->role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStaticText
? kMaxStaticTextLength
: kMaxStringAttributeLength;
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kName, name, max_length);
ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute::kLabelledbyIds, name_objects,
ax::mojom::blink::DescriptionFrom description_from;
AXObjectVector description_objects;
String description =
Description(name_from, description_from, &description_objects);
if (!description.empty()) {
DCHECK(description_from != ax::mojom::blink::DescriptionFrom::kNone);
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kDescription,
description_objects, node_data);
String title = Title(name_from);
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kTooltip, title);
if (!accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kScreenReader))
String placeholder = Placeholder(name_from);
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kPlaceholder, placeholder);
void AXObject::SerializeScreenReaderAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
if (ui::IsText(RoleValue())) {
// Don't serialize these attributes on text, where it is uninteresting.
String display_style;
if (Node* node = GetNode(); node && !node->IsDocumentNode()) {
if (const ComputedStyle* computed_style = node->GetComputedStyle()) {
display_style = CSSProperty::Get(CSSPropertyID::kDisplay)
*computed_style, /* layout_object */ nullptr,
/* allow_visited_style */ false)
if (!display_style.empty()) {
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kDisplay,
// Whether it has ARIA attributes at all.
if (HasAriaAttribute()) {
ax::mojom::blink::BoolAttribute::kHasAriaAttribute, true);
if (KeyboardShortcut().length() &&
ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kKeyShortcuts)) {
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kKeyShortcuts,
if (AXObject* active_descendant = ActiveDescendant()) {
String AXObject::KeyboardShortcut() const {
const AtomicString& access_key = AccessKey();
if (access_key.IsNull())
return String();
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, modifier_string, ());
if (modifier_string.IsNull()) {
unsigned modifiers = KeyboardEventManager::kAccessKeyModifiers;
// Follow the same order as Mozilla MSAA implementation:
// Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Meta+key. MSDN states that keyboard shortcut strings
// should not be localized and defines the separator as "+".
StringBuilder modifier_string_builder;
if (modifiers & WebInputEvent::kControlKey)
if (modifiers & WebInputEvent::kAltKey)
if (modifiers & WebInputEvent::kShiftKey)
if (modifiers & WebInputEvent::kMetaKey)
modifier_string = modifier_string_builder.ToString();
return String(modifier_string + access_key);
void AXObject::SerializeOtherScreenReaderAttributes(
ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const {
DCHECK_NE(node_data->role, ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown);
DCHECK_NE(node_data->role, ax::mojom::blink::Role::kNone);
if (IsA<Document>(GetNode())) {
if (!IsLoaded()) {
node_data->AddBoolAttribute(ax::mojom::blink::BoolAttribute::kBusy, true);
if (AXObject* parent = ParentObject()) {
DCHECK(parent->ChooserPopup() == this)
<< "ChooserPopup missing for: " << parent->ToString(true);
if (node_data->role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColorWell) {
if (node_data->role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLink) {
AXObject* target = InPageLinkTarget();
if (target) {
int32_t target_id = target->AXObjectID();
ax::mojom::blink::IntAttribute::kInPageLinkTargetId, target_id);
// `ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kLinkTarget` is only valid on <a> and
// <area> elements. <area> elements should link to something in order to be
// considered, see `AXImageMap::Role()`.
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kLinkTarget,
if (node_data->role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRadioButton) {
RadioButtonsInGroup(), node_data);
if (GetAriaCurrentState() != ax::mojom::blink::AriaCurrentState::kNone) {
if (GetInvalidState() != ax::mojom::blink::InvalidState::kNone)
if (CheckedState() != ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState::kNone) {
if (node_data->role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kInlineTextBox) {
if (node_data->role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListMarker) {
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kAccessKey, AccessKey());
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kAutoComplete,
if (Action() != ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kNone) {
if (NextOnLine() && !NextOnLine()->IsDetached()) {
if (PreviousOnLine() && !PreviousOnLine()->IsDetached()) {
if (ErrorMessage() && !ErrorMessage()->IsDetached()) {
if (ui::SupportsHierarchicalLevel(node_data->role) && HierarchicalLevel()) {
if (CanvasHasFallbackContent()) {
ax::mojom::blink::BoolAttribute::kCanvasHasFallback, true);
if (IsRangeValueSupported()) {
float value;
if (ValueForRange(&value)) {
ax::mojom::blink::FloatAttribute::kValueForRange, value);
float max_value;
if (MaxValueForRange(&max_value)) {
ax::mojom::blink::FloatAttribute::kMaxValueForRange, max_value);
float min_value;
if (MinValueForRange(&min_value)) {
ax::mojom::blink::FloatAttribute::kMinValueForRange, min_value);
float step_value;
if (StepValueForRange(&step_value)) {
ax::mojom::blink::FloatAttribute::kStepValueForRange, step_value);
if (ui::IsDialog(node_data->role)) {
// aria-dropeffect is deprecated in WAI-ARIA 1.1.
Vector<ax::mojom::blink::Dropeffect> dropeffects;
if (!dropeffects.empty()) {
for (auto&& dropeffect : dropeffects) {
void AXObject::SerializeScrollAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
// Only mark as scrollable if user has actual scrollbars to use.
// Provide x,y scroll info if scrollable in any way (programmatically or via
// user).
gfx::Point scroll_offset = GetScrollOffset();
gfx::Point min_scroll_offset = MinimumScrollOffset();
gfx::Point max_scroll_offset = MaximumScrollOffset();
void AXObject::SerializeSparseAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
if (IsVirtualObject()) {
AccessibleNode* accessible_node = GetAccessibleNode();
if (accessible_node) {
AXNodeDataAOMPropertyClient property_client(*ax_object_cache_,
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
AXSparseAttributeSetterMap& setter_map = GetAXSparseAttributeSetterMap();
AttributeCollection attributes = element->AttributesWithoutUpdate();
HashSet<QualifiedName> set_attributes;
for (const Attribute& attr : attributes) {
AXSparseSetterFunc callback;
auto it = setter_map.find(attr.GetName());
if (it == setter_map.end())
it->value.Run(this, node_data, attr.Value());
if (!element->DidAttachInternals())
const auto& internals_attributes =
for (const QualifiedName& attr : internals_attributes.Keys()) {
auto it = setter_map.find(attr);
if (set_attributes.Contains(attr) || it == setter_map.end())
it->value.Run(this, node_data,;
void AXObject::SerializeStyleAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
// Only serialize font family if there is one, and it is different from the
// parent. Use the value from computed style first since that is a fast lookup
// and comparison, and serialize the user-friendly name at points in the tree
// where the font family changes between parent/child.
const AtomicString& computed_family = ComputedFontFamily();
if (computed_family.length()) {
AXObject* parent = ParentObjectUnignored();
if (!parent || parent->ComputedFontFamily() != computed_family) {
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kFontFamily,
// Font size is in pixels.
if (FontSize()) {
if (FontWeight()) {
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListItem &&
GetListStyle() != ax::mojom::blink::ListStyle::kNone) {
if (GetTextDirection() != ax::mojom::blink::WritingDirection::kNone) {
if (GetTextPosition() != ax::mojom::blink::TextPosition::kNone) {
int32_t text_style = 0;
ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle text_overline_style;
ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle text_strikethrough_style;
ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle text_underline_style;
GetTextStyleAndTextDecorationStyle(&text_style, &text_overline_style,
if (text_style) {
if (text_overline_style != ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle::kNone) {
if (text_strikethrough_style !=
ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle::kNone) {
if (text_underline_style != ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle::kNone) {
void AXObject::SerializeTableAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
if (ui::IsTableLike(RoleValue())) {
int aria_colcount = AriaColumnCount();
if (aria_colcount) {
ax::mojom::blink::IntAttribute::kAriaColumnCount, aria_colcount);
int aria_rowcount = AriaRowCount();
if (aria_rowcount) {
if (ui::IsTableRow(RoleValue())) {
AXObject* header = HeaderObject();
if (header && !header->IsDetached()) {
// TODO(accessibility): these should be computed by ui::AXTableInfo and
// removed here.
if (ui::IsCellOrTableHeader(RoleValue())) {
ax::mojom::blink::IntAttribute::kTableCellColumnSpan, ColumnSpan());
ax::mojom::blink::IntAttribute::kTableCellRowSpan, RowSpan());
if (ui::IsCellOrTableHeader(RoleValue()) || ui::IsTableRow(RoleValue())) {
// aria-rowindex and aria-colindex are supported on cells, headers and
// rows.
int aria_rowindex = AriaRowIndex();
if (aria_rowindex) {
ax::mojom::blink::IntAttribute::kAriaCellRowIndex, aria_rowindex);
int aria_colindex = AriaColumnIndex();
if (aria_colindex) {
ax::mojom::blink::IntAttribute::kAriaCellColumnIndex, aria_colindex);
if (ui::IsTableHeader(RoleValue()) &&
GetSortDirection() != ax::mojom::blink::SortDirection::kNone) {
// Attributes that don't need to be serialized on ignored nodes.
void AXObject::SerializeUnignoredAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data,
ui::AXMode accessibility_mode) {
AccessibilityExpanded expanded = IsExpanded();
if (expanded) {
if (expanded == kExpandedCollapsed)
else if (expanded == kExpandedExpanded)
ax::mojom::blink::Role role = RoleValue();
if (HasPopup() != ax::mojom::blink::HasPopup::kFalse) {
} else if (role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPopUpButton ||
role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxSelect) {
} else if (ui::IsComboBox(role)) {
if (IsPopup() != ax::mojom::blink::IsPopup::kNone) {
if (IsAutofillAvailable())
if (IsDefault())
// aria-grabbed is deprecated in WAI-ARIA 1.1.
if (IsGrabbed() != kGrabbedStateUndefined) {
IsGrabbed() == kGrabbedStateTrue);
if (IsHovered())
if (IsLinked())
if (IsMultiline())
if (IsMultiSelectable())
if (IsPasswordField())
if (IsRequired())
if (IsSelected() != blink::kSelectedStateUndefined) {
IsSelected() == blink::kSelectedStateTrue);
if (IsNotUserSelectable()) {
ax::mojom::blink::BoolAttribute::kNotUserSelectableStyle, true);
if (IsVisited())
if (Orientation() == kAccessibilityOrientationVertical)
else if (Orientation() == blink::kAccessibilityOrientationHorizontal)
if (GetTextAlign() != ax::mojom::blink::TextAlign::kNone) {
if (GetTextIndent() != 0.0f) {
if (accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kScreenReader) ||
accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kPDF)) {
// The DOMNodeID from Blink. Currently only populated when using
// the accessibility tree for PDF exporting. Warning, this is totally
// unrelated to the accessibility node ID, or the ID attribute for an
// HTML element - it's an ID used to uniquely identify nodes in Blink.
int dom_node_id = GetDOMNodeId();
if (dom_node_id) {
// Heading level.
if (ui::IsHeading(role) && HeadingLevel()) {
ax::mojom::blink::IntAttribute::kHierarchicalLevel, HeadingLevel());
if (accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kPDF)) {
// Return early. None of the following attributes are needed for PDFs.
switch (Restriction()) {
case AXRestriction::kRestrictionReadOnly:
case AXRestriction::kRestrictionDisabled:
case AXRestriction::kRestrictionNone:
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kUrl, Url().GetString());
if (accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kScreenReader)) {
if (Element* element = GetElement()) {
// Do not send the value attribute for non-atomic text fields in order to
// improve the performance of the cross-process communication with the
// browser process, and since it can be easily computed in that process.
if (IsA<HTMLInputElement>(element)) {
String type = element->getAttribute(html_names::kTypeAttr);
if (type.empty()) {
type = "text";
node_data, ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kInputType, type);
if (IsAtomicTextField()) {
// Selection offsets are only used for plain text controls, (input of a
// text field type, and textarea). Rich editable areas, such as
// contenteditables, use AXTreeData.
// TODO(nektar): Remove kTextSelStart and kTextSelEnd from the renderer.
const auto ax_selection =
int start = ax_selection.Base().IsTextPosition()
? ax_selection.Base().TextOffset()
: ax_selection.Base().ChildIndex();
int end = ax_selection.Extent().IsTextPosition()
? ax_selection.Extent().TextOffset()
: ax_selection.Extent().ChildIndex();
// Try to get an aria-controls listbox for an <input role="combobox">.
if (!node_data->HasIntListAttribute(
ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute::kControlsIds)) {
if (AXObject* listbox = GetControlsListboxForTextfieldCombobox()) {
if (IsScrollableContainer())
if (GetElement()) {
if (accessibility_mode.has_mode(ui::AXMode::kHTML)) {
void AXObject::SerializeComputedDetailsRelation(
ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const {
// aria-details was used -- it may have set a relation, unless the attribute
// value did not point to valid elements (e.g aria-details=""). Whether it
// actually set the relation or not, the author's intent in using the
// aria-details attribute is understood to mean that no automatic relation
// should be set.
if (HasAttribute(html_names::kAriaDetailsAttr)) {
// Add details relation to <figure>, pointing at <figcaption>.
if (node_data->role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFigure) {
AXObject* fig_caption = GetChildFigcaption();
if (fig_caption) {
std::vector<int32_t> ids;
ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute::kDetailsIds, ids);
// Add aria-details for a popover invoker.
// TODO( Support this for non-plain hint popovers.
if (AXObject* popover = GetTargetPopoverForInvoker()) {
bool AXObject::IsPlainContent() const {
if (!ui::IsPlainContentElement(role_)) {
return false;
for (const auto& child : ChildrenIncludingIgnored()) {
if (!child->IsPlainContent()) {
return false;
return true;
// Popover invoking elements should have details relationships with their
// target popover, when that popover is a) open, and b) not the next element
// in the DOM (depth first search order).
AXObject* AXObject::GetTargetPopoverForInvoker() const {
auto* form_element = DynamicTo<HTMLFormControlElement>(GetElement());
if (!form_element) {
return nullptr;
HTMLElement* target_popover = form_element->popoverTargetElement().popover;
if (!target_popover || !target_popover->popoverOpen()) {
return nullptr;
if (ElementTraversal::NextSkippingChildren(*form_element) == target_popover) {
// The next element is already the popover.
return nullptr;
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(target_popover);
// Try to get an aria-controls for an <input role="combobox">, because it
// helps identify focusable options in the listbox using activedescendant
// detection, even though the focus is on the textbox and not on the listbox
// ancestor.
AXObject* AXObject::GetControlsListboxForTextfieldCombobox() {
// Only perform work for textfields.
if (!ui::IsTextField(RoleValue()))
return nullptr;
// Authors used to be told to use aria-owns to point from the textfield to the
// listbox. However, the aria-owns on a textfield must be ignored for its
// normal purpose because a textfield cannot have children. This code allows
// the textfield's invalid aria-owns to be remapped to aria-controls.
HeapVector<Member<Element>> owned_elements;
Vector<String> ids;
AXObject* listbox_candidate = nullptr;
if (ElementsFromAttribute(GetElement(), owned_elements,
html_names::kAriaOwnsAttr, ids)) {
listbox_candidate = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(owned_elements[0]);
// Combobox grouping <div role="combobox"><input><div role="listbox"></div>.
if (!listbox_candidate && RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextField &&
ParentObject()->RoleValue() ==
ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxGrouping) {
listbox_candidate = UnignoredNextSibling();
// Heuristic: try the next sibling, but we are very strict about this in
// order to avoid false positives such as an <input> followed by a
// <select>.
if (!listbox_candidate &&
RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox) {
// Require an aria-activedescendant on the <input>.
if (!GetAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMRelationProperty::kActiveDescendant))
return nullptr;
listbox_candidate = UnignoredNextSibling();
if (!listbox_candidate)
return nullptr;
// Require that the next sibling is not a <select>.
if (IsA<HTMLSelectElement>(listbox_candidate->GetNode()))
return nullptr;
// Require an ARIA role on the next sibling.
if (listbox_candidate->AriaRoleAttribute() !=
ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListBox) {
return nullptr;
// Naming a listbox within a composite combobox widget is not part of a
// known/used pattern. If it has a name, it's an indicator that it's
// probably a separate listbox widget.
if (!listbox_candidate->ComputedName().empty())
return nullptr;
if (!listbox_candidate ||
listbox_candidate->RoleValue() != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListBox) {
return nullptr;
return listbox_candidate;
const AtomicString& AXObject::GetRoleAttributeStringForObjectAttribute(
ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
// All ARIA roles are exposed in xml-roles.
if (const AtomicString& role_str =
GetAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMStringProperty::kRole)) {
return role_str;
ax::mojom::blink::Role landmark_role = node_data->role;
if (landmark_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFooter) {
// - Treat <footer> as "contentinfo" in xml-roles object attribute.
landmark_role = ax::mojom::blink::Role::kContentInfo;
} else if (landmark_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kHeader) {
// - Treat <header> as "banner" in xml-roles object attribute.
landmark_role = ax::mojom::blink::Role::kBanner;
} else if (!ui::IsLandmark(node_data->role)) {
// Landmarks are the only roles exposed in xml-roles, matching Firefox.
return g_null_atom;
return ARIARoleName(landmark_role);
void AXObject::SerializeMarkerAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const {
// Implemented in subclasses.
bool AXObject::IsAXNodeObject() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsAXLayoutObject() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsAXInlineTextBox() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsList() const {
return ui::IsList(RoleValue());
bool AXObject::IsAXListBox() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsAXListBoxOption() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsMenuList() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsMenuListOption() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsMenuListPopup() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsMockObject() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsProgressIndicator() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsAXRadioInput() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsSlider() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsValidationMessage() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsVirtualObject() const {
return false;
ax::mojom::blink::Role AXObject::ComputeFinalRoleForSerialization() const {
// An SVG with no accessible children should be exposed as an image rather
// than a document. See
// We do this check here for performance purposes: When
// AXLayoutObject::RoleFromLayoutObjectOrNode is called, that node's
// accessible children have not been calculated. Rather than force calculation
// there, wait until we have the full tree.
if (role_ == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSvgRoot && !UnignoredChildCount()) {
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kImage;
// DPUB ARIA 1.1 deprecated doc-biblioentry and doc-endnote, but it's still
// possible to create these internal roles / platform mappings with a listitem
// (native or ARIA) inside of a doc-bibliography or doc-endnotes section.
if (role_ == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListItem) {
AXObject* ancestor = CachedParentObject();
if (ancestor && ancestor->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kList) {
// Go up to the root, or next list, checking to see if the list item is
// inside an endnote or bibliography section. If it is, remap the role.
// The remapping does not occur for list items multiple levels deep.
while (true) {
ancestor = ancestor->CachedParentObject();
if (!ancestor)
ax::mojom::blink::Role ancestor_role = ancestor->RoleValue();
if (ancestor_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kList)
if (ancestor_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocBibliography)
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocBiblioEntry;
if (ancestor_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocEndnotes)
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocEndnote;
if (role_ == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kHeader) {
if (IsDescendantOfLandmarkDisallowedElement()) {
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kHeaderAsNonLandmark;
if (role_ == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFooter) {
if (IsDescendantOfLandmarkDisallowedElement()) {
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFooterAsNonLandmark;
// An <aside> element should not be considered a landmark region
// if it is a child of a landmark disallowed element, UNLESS it has
// an accessible name.
if (role_ == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComplementary) {
if (IsDescendantOfLandmarkDisallowedElement() &&
!IsNameFromAuthorAttribute()) {
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGenericContainer;
// TODO(accessibility): Consider moving the image vs. image map role logic
// here. Currently it is implemented in AXPlatformNode subclasses and thus
// not available to the InspectorAccessibilityAgent.
return role_;
ax::mojom::blink::Role AXObject::RoleValue() const {
return role_;
bool AXObject::IsARIATextField() const {
if (IsAtomicTextField())
return false; // Native role supercedes the ARIA one.
return AriaRoleAttribute() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextField ||
AriaRoleAttribute() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSearchBox ||
AriaRoleAttribute() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox;
bool AXObject::IsButton() const {
return ui::IsButton(RoleValue());
bool AXObject::IsCanvas() const {
return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCanvas;
bool AXObject::IsColorWell() const {
return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColorWell;
bool AXObject::IsControl() const {
return ui::IsControl(RoleValue());
bool AXObject::IsDefault() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsFieldset() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsHeading() const {
return ui::IsHeading(RoleValue());
bool AXObject::IsImage() const {
// Canvas is not currently included so that it is not exposed unless there is
// a label, fallback content or something to make it accessible. This decision
// may be revisited at a later date.
return ui::IsImage(RoleValue()) &&
RoleValue() != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCanvas;
bool AXObject::IsInputImage() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsLink() const {
return ui::IsLink(RoleValue());
bool AXObject::IsImageMapLink() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsMenu() const {
return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenu;
bool AXObject::IsCheckable() const {
switch (RoleValue()) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCheckBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItemCheckBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItemRadio:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRadioButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSwitch:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kToggleButton:
return true;
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTreeItem:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListBoxOption:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuListOption:
return AriaCheckedIsPresent();
return false;
// Why this is here instead of AXNodeObject:
// Because an AXMenuListOption (<option>) can
// have an ARIA role of menuitemcheckbox/menuitemradio
// yet does not inherit from AXNodeObject
ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState AXObject::CheckedState() const {
if (!IsCheckable())
return ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState::kNone;
// Try ARIA checked/pressed state
const ax::mojom::blink::Role role = RoleValue();
const auto prop = role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kToggleButton
? AOMStringProperty::kPressed
: AOMStringProperty::kChecked;
const AtomicString& checked_attribute = GetAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(prop);
if (checked_attribute) {
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(checked_attribute, "mixed")) {
// Only checkable role that doesn't support mixed is the switch.
if (role != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSwitch)
return ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState::kMixed;
// Anything other than "false" should be treated as "true".
return EqualIgnoringASCIICase(checked_attribute, "false")
? ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState::kFalse
: ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState::kTrue;
// Native checked state
if (role != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kToggleButton) {
const Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node)
return ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState::kNone;
// Expose native checkbox mixed state as accessibility mixed state. However,
// do not expose native radio mixed state as accessibility mixed state.
// This would confuse the JAWS screen reader, which reports a mixed radio as
// both checked and partially checked, but a native mixed native radio
// button simply means no radio buttons have been checked in the group yet.
if (IsNativeCheckboxInMixedState(node))
return ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState::kMixed;
auto* html_input_element = DynamicTo<HTMLInputElement>(node);
if (html_input_element && html_input_element->ShouldAppearChecked()) {
return ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState::kTrue;
return ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState::kFalse;
String AXObject::GetValueForControl() const {
return String();
String AXObject::SlowGetValueForControlIncludingContentEditable() const {
return String();
bool AXObject::IsNativeCheckboxInMixedState(const Node* node) {
const auto* input = DynamicTo<HTMLInputElement>(node);
if (!input)
return false;
const auto inputType = input->type();
if (inputType != input_type_names::kCheckbox)
return false;
return input->ShouldAppearIndeterminate();
bool AXObject::IsMenuRelated() const {
return ui::IsMenuRelated(RoleValue());
bool AXObject::IsMeter() const {
return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMeter;
bool AXObject::IsNativeImage() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsNativeSpinButton() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsAtomicTextField() const {
return blink::IsTextControl(GetNode());
bool AXObject::IsNonAtomicTextField() const {
// Consivably, an <input type=text> or a <textarea> might also have the
// contenteditable attribute applied. In such cases, the <input> or <textarea>
// tags should supercede.
if (IsAtomicTextField())
return false;
return HasContentEditableAttributeSet() || IsARIATextField();
bool AXObject::IsPasswordField() const {
auto* input_element = DynamicTo<HTMLInputElement>(GetNode());
return input_element && input_element->type() == input_type_names::kPassword;
bool AXObject::IsPasswordFieldAndShouldHideValue() const {
if (!IsPasswordField())
return false;
const Settings* settings = GetDocument()->GetSettings();
return settings && !settings->GetAccessibilityPasswordValuesEnabled();
bool AXObject::IsPresentational() const {
return ui::IsPresentational(RoleValue());
bool AXObject::IsTextObject() const {
// Objects with |ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLineBreak| are HTML <br> elements
// and are not backed by DOM text nodes. We can't mark them as text objects
// for that reason.
switch (RoleValue()) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kInlineTextBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStaticText:
return true;
return false;
bool AXObject::IsRangeValueSupported() const {
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSplitter) {
// According to the ARIA spec, role="separator" acts as a splitter only
// when focusable, and supports a range only in that case.
return CanSetFocusAttribute();
return ui::IsRangeValueSupported(RoleValue());
bool AXObject::IsScrollbar() const {
return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kScrollBar;
bool AXObject::IsNativeSlider() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsSpinButton() const {
return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSpinButton;
bool AXObject::IsTabItem() const {
return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTab;
bool AXObject::IsTextField() const {
if (IsDetached())
return false;
return IsAtomicTextField() || IsNonAtomicTextField();
bool AXObject::IsAutofillAvailable() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsClickable() const {
return ui::IsClickable(RoleValue());
AccessibilityExpanded AXObject::IsExpanded() const {
return kExpandedUndefined;
bool AXObject::IsFocused() const {
return false;
AccessibilityGrabbedState AXObject::IsGrabbed() const {
return kGrabbedStateUndefined;
bool AXObject::IsHovered() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsLineBreakingObject() const {
// Not all AXObjects have an associated node or layout object. They could be
// virtual accessibility nodes, for example.
// We assume that most images on the Web are inline.
return !IsImage() && ui::IsStructure(RoleValue());
bool AXObject::IsLinked() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsLoaded() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsMultiSelectable() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsOffScreen() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsRequired() const {
return false;
AccessibilitySelectedState AXObject::IsSelected() const {
return kSelectedStateUndefined;
bool AXObject::IsSelectedFromFocusSupported() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsSelectedFromFocus() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsSelectedOptionActive() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsNotUserSelectable() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsVisited() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::AccessibilityIsIgnored() const {
#if defined(AX_FAIL_FAST_BUILD)
if (!cached_is_ignored_ && IsDetached()) {
<< "A detached node cannot be ignored: " << ToString(true)
<< "\nThe Detach() method sets cached_is_ignored_ to true, but "
"something has recomputed it.";
if (!cached_is_ignored_ && IsA<Document>(GetNode()) && CachedParentObject() &&
CachedParentObject()->IsMenuList()) {
NOTREACHED() << "The menulist popup's document must be ignored.";
return cached_is_ignored_;
bool AXObject::AccessibilityIsIgnoredButIncludedInTree() const {
return cached_is_ignored_but_included_in_tree_;
// AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree should be true for all nodes that should be
// included in the tree, even if they are ignored
bool AXObject::AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree() const {
return !AccessibilityIsIgnored() || AccessibilityIsIgnoredButIncludedInTree();
void AXObject::UpdateCachedAttributeValuesIfNeeded(
bool notify_parent_of_ignored_changes) const {
if (IsDetached()) {
cached_is_ignored_ = true;
cached_is_ignored_but_included_in_tree_ = false;
AXObjectCacheImpl& cache = AXObjectCache();
if (cache.ModificationCount() == last_modification_count_)
last_modification_count_ = cache.ModificationCount();
#if DCHECK_IS_ON() // Required in order to get Lifecycle().ToString()
<< "Updating cached values while computing a role is dangerous as it "
"can lead to code that uses the AXObject before it is ready.";
<< "Reentering UpdateCachedAttributeValuesIfNeeded() on same node: "
<< GetNode();
base::AutoReset<bool> reentrancy_protector(&is_updating_cached_values_, true);
DCHECK(!GetDocument() || GetDocument()->Lifecycle().GetState() >=
<< "Unclean document at lifecycle "
<< GetDocument()->Lifecycle().ToString();
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
if (IsMissingParent())
const ComputedStyle* style = GetComputedStyle();
cached_is_hidden_via_style_ = ComputeIsHiddenViaStyle(style);
// Decisions in what subtree descendants are included (each descendant's
// cached children_) depends on the ARIA hidden state. When it changes,
// the entire subtree needs to recompute descendants.
// In addition, the below computations for is_ignored_but_included_in_tree is
// dependent on having the correct new cached value.
bool is_inert = ComputeIsInertViaStyle(style);
bool is_aria_hidden = ComputeIsAriaHidden();
if (cached_is_inert_ != is_inert ||
cached_is_aria_hidden_ != is_aria_hidden) {
// Update children if not already dirty (e.g. during Init() time.
cached_is_inert_ = is_inert;
cached_is_aria_hidden_ = is_aria_hidden;
cached_is_descendant_of_disabled_node_ = ComputeIsDescendantOfDisabledNode();
bool is_ignored = ComputeAccessibilityIsIgnored();
bool is_ignored_but_included_in_tree =
is_ignored && ComputeAccessibilityIsIgnoredButIncludedInTree();
bool is_included_in_tree = !is_ignored || is_ignored_but_included_in_tree;
bool included_in_tree_changed =
is_included_in_tree != LastKnownIsIncludedInTreeValue();
bool notify_included_in_tree_changed = false;
if (included_in_tree_changed) {
// If the inclusion bit is changing, we need to repair the
// has_dirty_descendants, because it is only set on included nodes.
if (is_included_in_tree) {
// This is being inserted in the hierarchy as an included node: if the
// parent has dirty descendants copy that bit to this as well, so as not
// to interrupt the chain of descendant updates.
if (AXObject* unignored_parent = ParentObjectUnignored()) {
if (unignored_parent->HasDirtyDescendants()) {
has_dirty_descendants_ = true;
} else {
// The has dirty descendant bits will only be cleared on included
// nodes, so it should not be set on nodes that becomes unincluded.
has_dirty_descendants_ = false;
// If the child's "included in tree" state changes, we will be notifying the
// parent to recompute its children.
// Exceptions:
// - Caller passes in |notify_parent_of_ignored_changes = false| -- this
// occurs when this is a new child, or when a parent is in the middle of
// adding this child, and doing this would be redundant.
// - Inline text boxes: their "included in tree" state is entirely dependent
// on their static text parent.
if (notify_parent_of_ignored_changes &&
RoleValue() != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kInlineTextBox) {
notify_included_in_tree_changed = true;
// Presence of inline text children depends on ignored state.
if (is_ignored != LastKnownIsIgnoredValue() &&
ui::CanHaveInlineTextBoxChildren(RoleValue())) {
// Update children if not already dirty (e.g. during Init() time.
// Call children changed on included ancestor.
// This must be called before cached_is_ignored_* are updated, otherwise a
// performance optimization depending on LastKnownIsIncludedInTreeValue()
// may misfire.
if (notify_included_in_tree_changed) {
if (AXObject* parent = CachedParentObject()) {
// Defers a ChildrenChanged() on the first included ancestor.
// Must defer it, otherwise it can cause reentry into
// UpdateCachedAttributeValuesIfNeeded() on |this|.
// ParentObjectUnignored()->SetNeedsToUpdateChildren();
cached_is_ignored_ = is_ignored;
cached_is_ignored_but_included_in_tree_ = is_ignored_but_included_in_tree;
// Compute live region root, which can be from any ARIA live value, including
// "off", or from an automatic ARIA live value, e.g. from role="status".
// TODO(dmazzoni): remove this const_cast.
AtomicString aria_live;
if (GetNode() && IsA<Document>(GetNode())) {
// The document root is never a live region root.
cached_live_region_root_ = nullptr;
} else if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kInlineTextBox) {
// Inline text boxes do not need live region properties.
cached_live_region_root_ = nullptr;
} else if (parent_) {
// Is a live region root if this or an ancestor is a live region.
cached_live_region_root_ = IsLiveRegionRoot() ? const_cast<AXObject*>(this)
: parent_->LiveRegionRoot();
cached_aria_column_index_ = ComputeAriaColumnIndex();
cached_aria_row_index_ = ComputeAriaRowIndex();
if (GetLayoutObject() && GetLayoutObject()->IsText()) {
cached_local_bounding_box_rect_for_accessibility_ =
bool AXObject::ComputeAccessibilityIsIgnored(
IgnoredReasons* ignored_reasons) const {
return ShouldIgnoreForHiddenOrInert(ignored_reasons);
bool AXObject::ShouldIgnoreForHiddenOrInert(
IgnoredReasons* ignored_reasons) const {
DCHECK(AXObjectCache().ModificationCount() == last_modification_count_)
<< "Hidden values must be computed before ignored.";
// All nodes must have an unignored parent within their tree under
// the root node of the web area, so force that node to always be unignored.
if (IsA<Document>(GetNode())) {
return false;
if (cached_is_aria_hidden_) {
// Keep keyboard focusable elements that are aria-hidden in tree, so that
// they can still fire events such as focus and value changes.
if (!IsKeyboardFocusable()) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
if (cached_is_inert_) {
if (ignored_reasons) {
return true;
// aria-hidden=false is meant to override visibility as the determinant in
// AX hierarchy inclusion, but only for the element it is specified, and not
// the entire subtree. See
if (AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsFalse(AOMBooleanProperty::kHidden)) {
return false;
if (cached_is_hidden_via_style_) {
if (ignored_reasons) {
IgnoredReason(GetLayoutObject() ? kAXNotVisible : kAXNotRendered));
return true;
// Hide nodes that are whitespace or are occluded by CSS alt text.
if (!GetLayoutObject() && GetNode() && !IsA<HTMLAreaElement>(GetNode()) &&
!DisplayLockUtilities::IsDisplayLockedPreventingPaint(GetNode()) &&
(!GetElement() || !GetElement()->HasDisplayContentsStyle())) {
if (ignored_reasons) {
return true;
return false;
// Note: do not rely on the value of this inside of display:none.
// In practice, it does not matter because nodes in display:none subtrees are
// marked ignored either way.
bool AXObject::IsInert() const {
return cached_is_inert_;
bool AXObject::ComputeIsInertViaStyle(const ComputedStyle* style,
IgnoredReasons* ignored_reasons) const {
// TODO(szager): This method is n^2 -- it recurses into itself via
// ComputeIsInert(), and InertRoot() does as well.
if (style) {
if (style->IsInert()) {
if (ignored_reasons) {
const AXObject* ax_inert_root = InertRoot();
if (ax_inert_root == this) {
return true;
if (ax_inert_root) {
IgnoredReason(kAXInertSubtree, ax_inert_root));
return true;
// If there is no inert root, inertness must have been set by a modal
// dialog or a fullscreen element (see AdjustStyleForInert).
Document& document = GetNode()->GetDocument();
if (HTMLDialogElement* dialog = document.ActiveModalDialog()) {
if (AXObject* dialog_object = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(dialog)) {
IgnoredReason(kAXActiveModalDialog, dialog_object));
return true;
} else if (Element* fullscreen =
Fullscreen::FullscreenElementFrom(document)) {
if (AXObject* fullscreen_object =
AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(fullscreen)) {
IgnoredReason(kAXActiveFullscreenElement, fullscreen_object));
return true;
return true;
} else if (IsBlockedByAriaModalDialog(ignored_reasons)) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
} else if (const LocalFrame* frame = GetNode()->GetDocument().GetFrame()) {
// Inert frames don't expose the inertness to the style of their contents,
// but accessibility should consider them inert anyways.
if (frame->IsInert()) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
return false;
// Either GetNode() is null, or it's locked by content-visibility, or we
// failed to obtain a ComputedStyle. Make a guess iterating the ancestors.
if (const AXObject* ax_inert_root = InertRoot()) {
if (ignored_reasons) {
if (ax_inert_root == this) {
} else {
IgnoredReason(kAXInertSubtree, ax_inert_root));
return true;
} else if (IsBlockedByAriaModalDialog(ignored_reasons)) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
} else if (GetNode()) {
if (const LocalFrame* frame = GetNode()->GetDocument().GetFrame()) {
// Inert frames don't expose the inertness to the style of their contents,
// but accessibility should consider them inert anyways.
if (frame->IsInert()) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
AXObject* parent = ParentObject();
if (parent && parent->IsInert()) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
return false;
bool AXObject::ComputeIsInert(IgnoredReasons* ignored_reasons) const {
return ComputeIsInertViaStyle(GetComputedStyle(), ignored_reasons);
bool AXObject::IsAriaHidden() const {
return cached_is_aria_hidden_;
bool AXObject::ComputeIsAriaHidden(IgnoredReasons* ignored_reasons) const {
// The root node of a document or popup document cannot be aria-hidden.
if (IsA<Document>(GetNode())) {
return false;
// aria-hidden:true works a bit like display:none.
// * aria-hidden=true affects entire subtree.
// * aria-hidden=false cannot override aria-hidden=true on an ancestor.
// It can only affect elements that are styled as hidden, and only when
// there is no aria-hidden=true in the ancestor chain.
// Therefore aria-hidden=true must be checked on every ancestor.
if (AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsTrue(AOMBooleanProperty::kHidden)) {
if (ignored_reasons)
return true;
if (AXObject* parent = ParentObject()) {
if (parent->IsAriaHidden()) {
if (ignored_reasons) {
IgnoredReason(kAXAriaHiddenSubtree, AriaHiddenRoot()));
return true;
return false;
bool AXObject::IsModal() const {
if (RoleValue() != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDialog &&
RoleValue() != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kAlertDialog)
return false;
bool modal = false;
if (HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMBooleanProperty::kModal, modal)) {
return modal;
if (GetNode() && IsA<HTMLDialogElement>(*GetNode()))
return To<Element>(GetNode())->IsInTopLayer();
return false;
bool AXObject::IsBlockedByAriaModalDialog(
IgnoredReasons* ignored_reasons) const {
AXObject* active_aria_modal_dialog =
// On platforms that don't require manual pruning of the accessibility tree,
// the active aria modal dialog should never be set, so has no effect.
if (!active_aria_modal_dialog)
return false;
if (this == active_aria_modal_dialog ||
return false;
if (ignored_reasons) {
IgnoredReason(kAXAriaModalDialog, active_aria_modal_dialog));
return true;
bool AXObject::IsVisible() const {
// TODO(accessibility) Consider exposing inert objects as visible, since they
// are visible. It should be fine, since the objexcts are ignored.
return !IsAriaHidden() && !IsInert() && !IsHiddenViaStyle();
const AXObject* AXObject::AriaHiddenRoot() const {
return IsAriaHidden() ? FindAncestorWithAriaHidden(this) : nullptr;
const AXObject* AXObject::InertRoot() const {
const AXObject* object = this;
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::InertAttributeEnabled())
return nullptr;
while (object && !object->IsAXNodeObject())
object = object->ParentObject();
Node* node = object->GetNode();
if (!node)
return nullptr;
auto* element = DynamicTo<Element>(node);
if (!element)
element = FlatTreeTraversal::ParentElement(*node);
while (element) {
if (element->IsInertRoot())
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(element);
element = FlatTreeTraversal::ParentElement(*element);
return nullptr;
bool AXObject::DispatchEventToAOMEventListeners(Event& event) {
HeapVector<Member<AccessibleNode>> event_path;
for (AXObject* ancestor = this; ancestor;
ancestor = ancestor->ParentObject()) {
AccessibleNode* ancestor_accessible_node = ancestor->GetAccessibleNode();
if (!ancestor_accessible_node)
if (!ancestor_accessible_node->HasEventListeners(event.type()))
// Short-circuit: if there are no AccessibleNodes attached anywhere
// in the ancestry of this node, exit.
if (!event_path.size())
return false;
// Check if the user has granted permission for this domain to use
// AOM event listeners yet. This may trigger an infobar, but we shouldn't
// block, so whatever decision the user makes will apply to the next
// event received after that.
// Note that we only ask the user about this permission the first
// time an event is received that actually would have triggered an
// event listener. However, if the user grants this permission, it
// persists for this origin from then on.
if (!AXObjectCache().CanCallAOMEventListeners()) {
return false;
// Since we now know the AOM is being used in this document, get the
// AccessibleNode for the target element and create it if necessary -
// otherwise we wouldn't be able to set the event target. However note
// that if it didn't previously exist it won't be part of the event path.
AccessibleNode* target = GetAccessibleNode();
if (!target) {
if (Element* element = GetElement())
target = element->accessibleNode();
if (!target)
return false;
// Capturing phase.
for (int i = static_cast<int>(event_path.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Don't call capturing event listeners on the target. Note that
// the target may not necessarily be in the event path which is why
// we check here.
if (event_path[i] == target)
if (event.PropagationStopped())
return true;
// Targeting phase.
if (event.PropagationStopped())
return true;
// Bubbling phase.
for (wtf_size_t i = 1; i < event_path.size(); i++) {
if (event.PropagationStopped())
return true;
if (event.defaultPrevented())
return true;
return false;
bool AXObject::IsDescendantOfDisabledNode() const {
return cached_is_descendant_of_disabled_node_;
bool AXObject::ComputeIsDescendantOfDisabledNode() const {
if (IsA<Document>(GetNode()))
return false;
bool disabled = false;
if (HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMBooleanProperty::kDisabled, disabled))
return disabled;
if (AXObject* parent = ParentObject()) {
return parent->IsDescendantOfDisabledNode() || parent->IsDisabled();
return false;
bool AXObject::IsExcludedByFormControlsFilter() const {
AXObjectCacheImpl& cache = AXObjectCache();
const ui::AXMode& mode = cache.GetAXMode();
bool filter_to_form_controls =
if (!filter_to_form_controls) {
return false;
// Filter out elements hidden via style.
if (IsHiddenViaStyle()) {
return true;
// Keep control elements.
if (IsControl()) {
return false;
// Keep any relevant contextual labels on form controls.
// TODO (aldietz): this check could have further nuance to filter out
// irrelevant text. Potential future adjustments include: Trim out text nodes
// with length > 40 (or some threshold), as these are likely to be prose. Trim
// out text nodes that would end up as siblings of other text in the reduced
// tree.
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStaticText) {
return false;
// Keep generic container shadow DOM nodes inside text controls like input
// elements.
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGenericContainer &&
EnclosingTextControl(GetNode())) {
return false;
// Keep focusable elements to avoid breaking focus events.
if (CanSetFocusAttribute()) {
return false;
// Keep elements with rich text editing.
// This is an O(1) check that will return true for matching elements and
// avoid the O(n) IsEditable() check below.
// It is unlikely that password managers will need elements within
// the content editable, but if we do then consider adding a check
// for IsEditable(). IsEditable() is O(n) where n is the number of
// ancestors so it should only be added if necessary.
// We may also consider caching IsEditable value so that the
// HasContentEditableAttributeSet call can potentially be folded into a single
// IsEditable call. See crbug/1420757.
if (HasContentEditableAttributeSet()) {
return false;
return true;
bool AXObject::ComputeAccessibilityIsIgnoredButIncludedInTree() const {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::AccessibilityExposeIgnoredNodesEnabled())
return true;
// If an inline text box is ignored, it is never included in the tree.
if (IsAXInlineTextBox()) {
return false;
if (AXObjectCache().IsAriaOwned(this) || HasARIAOwns(GetElement())) {
// Always include an aria-owned object. It must be a child of the
// element with aria-owns.
return true;
const Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node) {
if (GetLayoutObject()) {
// All AXObjects created for anonymous layout objects are included.
// See IsLayoutObjectRelevantForAccessibility() in
// - Visible content, such as text, images and quotes (can't have
// children).
// - Any containers inside of pseudo-elements.
<< "Object has layout object but no node and is not anonymous: "
<< GetLayoutObject();
} else {
// Include ignored mock objects, virtual objects and inline text boxes.
DCHECK(IsMockObject() || IsVirtualObject())
<< "Nodeless, layout-less object found with role " << RoleValue();
// By including all of these objects in the tree, it is ensured that
// ClearChildren() will be able to find these children and detach them
// from their parent.
return true;
// Labels are sometimes marked ignored, to prevent duplication when the AT
// reads the label and the control it labels (see
// AXNodeObject::IsRedundantLabel), but we will need them to calculate the
// name of the control.
if (IsA<HTMLLabelElement>(node)) {
return true;
// Custom elements and their children are included in the tree.
// <slot>s and their children are included in the tree.
// Also children of <label> elements, for accname calculation purposes.
// This checks to see whether this is a child of one of those.
if (Node* parent_node = LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal::Parent(*node)) {
if (parent_node->IsCustomElement() ||
ToHTMLSlotElementIfSupportsAssignmentOrNull(parent_node)) {
return true;
// <span>s are ignored because they are considered uninteresting. Do not add
// them back inside labels.
if (IsA<HTMLLabelElement>(parent_node) && !IsA<HTMLSpanElement>(node)) {
return true;
// Simplify AXNodeObject::AddImageMapChildren() -- it will only need to deal
// with included children.
if (IsA<HTMLMapElement>(parent_node)) {
return true;
// Necessary to calculate the accessible description of a ruby node.
if (IsA<HTMLRTElement>(parent_node)) {
return true;
if (IsExcludedByFormControlsFilter()) {
return false;
// Allow the browser side ax tree to access "visibility: [hidden|collapse]"
// and "display: none" nodes. This is useful for APIs that return the node
// referenced by aria-labeledby and aria-describedby.
// The conditions are oversimplified, we will include more nodes than
// strictly necessary for aria-labelledby and aria-describedby but we
// avoid performing very complicated checks that could impact performance.
// We identify nodes in display none subtrees, or nodes that are display
// locked, because they lack a layout object.
if (!GetLayoutObject()) {
// Datalists and options inside them will never a layout object. They
// match the condition above, but we don't need them for accessible
// naming nor have any other use in the accessibility tree, so we exclude
// them specifically. What's more, including them breaks the browser test
// SelectToSpeakKeystrokeSelectionTest.textFieldWithComboBoxSimple.
// Selection and position code takes into account ignored nodes, and it
// looks like including ignored nodes for datalists and options is totally
// unexpected, making selections misbehave.
if (!IsA<HTMLDataListElement>(node) && !IsA<HTMLOptionElement>(node))
return true;
} else { // GetLayoutObject() != null
// We identify hidden or collapsed nodes by their associated style values.
if (GetLayoutObject()->Style()->Visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible)
return true;
// Allow the browser side ax tree to access "aria-hidden" nodes.
// This is useful for APIs that return the node referenced by
// aria-labeledby and aria-describedby.
if (IsAriaHidden())
return true;
if (const Element* owner = node->OwnerShadowHost()) {
// The ignored state of media controls can change without a layout update.
// Keep them in the tree at all times so that the serializer isn't
// accidentally working with unincluded nodes, which is not allowed.
if (IsA<HTMLMediaElement>(owner))
return true;
// Do not include ignored descendants of an <input type="search"> or
// <input type="number"> because they interfere with AXPosition code that
// assumes a plain input field structure. Specifically, due to the ignored
// node at the end of textfield, end of editable text position will get
// adjusted to past text field or caret moved events will not be emitted for
// the final offset because the associated tree position. In some cases
// platform accessibility code will instead incorrectly emit a caret moved
// event for the AXPosition which follows the input.
if (IsA<HTMLInputElement>(owner) &&
(DynamicTo<HTMLInputElement>(owner)->type() ==
input_type_names::kSearch ||
DynamicTo<HTMLInputElement>(owner)->type() ==
input_type_names::kNumber)) {
return false;
// Portals don't directly expose their contents as the contents are not
// focusable, but they use them to compute a default accessible name.
if (GetDocument()->GetPage() && GetDocument()->GetPage()->InsidePortal())
return true;
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return false;
// Custom elements and their children are included in the tree.
if (element->IsCustomElement())
return true;
// <slot>s and their children are included in the tree.
// Detailed explanation:
// <slot> elements are placeholders marking locations in a shadow tree where
// users of a web component can insert their own custom nodes. Inserted nodes
// (also known as distributed nodes) become children of their respective slots
// in the accessibility tree. In other words, the accessibility tree mirrors
// the flattened DOM tree or the layout tree, not the original DOM tree.
// Distributed nodes still maintain their parent relations and computed style
// information with their original location in the DOM. Therefore, we need to
// ensure that in the accessibility tree no remnant information from the
// unflattened DOM tree remains, such as the cached parent.
if (ToHTMLSlotElementIfSupportsAssignmentOrNull(element))
return true;
// Include all pseudo element content. Any anonymous subtree is included
// from above, in the condition where there is no node.
if (element->IsPseudoElement())
return true;
// Include all parents of ::before/::after/::marker pseudo elements to help
// ClearChildren() find all children, and assist naming computation.
// It is unnecessary to include a rule for other types of pseudo elements:
// Specifically, ::first-letter/::backdrop are not visited by
// LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal, and cannot be in the tree, therefore do not add
// a special rule to include their parents.
if (element->GetPseudoElement(kPseudoIdBefore) ||
element->GetPseudoElement(kPseudoIdAfter) ||
element->GetPseudoElement(kPseudoIdMarker)) {
return true;
// Use a flag to control whether or not the <html> element is included
// in the accessibility tree. Either way it's always marked as "ignored",
// but eventually we want to always include it in the tree to simplify
// some logic.
if (IsA<HTMLHtmlElement>(element))
return RuntimeEnabledFeatures::AccessibilityExposeHTMLElementEnabled();
// Keep the internal accessibility tree consistent for videos which lack
// a player and also inner text.
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kVideo ||
RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kAudio) {
return true;
// Always pass through Line Breaking objects, this is necessary to
// detect paragraph edges, which are defined as hard-line breaks.
if (IsLineBreakingObject())
return true;
// Ruby annotations (i.e. <rt> elements) need to be included because they are
// used for calculating an accessible description for the ruby. We explicitly
// exclude from the tree any <rp> elements, even though they also have the
// kRubyAnnotation role, because such elements provide fallback content for
// browsers that do not support ruby. Hence, their contents should not be
// included in the accessible description, unless another condition in this
// method decides to keep them in the tree for some reason.
if (IsA<HTMLRTElement>(element))
return true;
// Preserve SVG grouping elements.
if (IsA<SVGGElement>(element))
return true;
// Keep table-related elements in the tree, because it's too easy for them
// to in and out of being ignored based on their ancestry, as their role
// can depend on several levels up in the hierarchy.
if (IsA<HTMLTableElement>(element) || IsA<HTMLTableSectionElement>(element) ||
IsA<HTMLTableRowElement>(element) || IsA<HTMLTableCellElement>(element)) {
return true;
// Ensure clean teardown of AXMenuList.
if (auto* option = DynamicTo<HTMLOptionElement>(element)) {
if (option->OwnerSelectElement())
return true;
// Preserve nodes with language attributes.
if (HasAttribute(html_names::kLangAttr))
return true;
return false;
const AXObject* AXObject::GetAtomicTextFieldAncestor(
int max_levels_to_check) const {
if (IsAtomicTextField())
return this;
if (max_levels_to_check == 0)
return nullptr;
if (AXObject* parent = ParentObject())
return parent->GetAtomicTextFieldAncestor(max_levels_to_check - 1);
return nullptr;
const AXObject* AXObject::DatetimeAncestor() const {
ShadowRoot* shadow_root = GetNode()->ContainingShadowRoot();
if (!shadow_root || shadow_root->GetType() != ShadowRootType::kUserAgent) {
return nullptr;
auto* input = DynamicTo<HTMLInputElement>(&shadow_root->host());
if (!input) {
return nullptr;
if (input->type() != input_type_names::kDatetimeLocal &&
input->type() != input_type_names::kDatetime &&
input->type() != input_type_names::kDate &&
input->type() != input_type_names::kTime &&
input->type() != input_type_names::kMonth &&
input->type() != input_type_names::kWeek) {
return nullptr;
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(input);
bool AXObject::LastKnownIsIgnoredValue() const {
DCHECK(cached_is_ignored_ || !IsDetached())
<< "A detached object should always indicate that it is ignored so that "
"it won't ever accidentally be included in the tree.";
return cached_is_ignored_;
bool AXObject::LastKnownIsIgnoredButIncludedInTreeValue() const {
DCHECK(!cached_is_ignored_but_included_in_tree_ || !IsDetached())
<< "A detached object should never be included in the tree.";
return cached_is_ignored_but_included_in_tree_;
bool AXObject::LastKnownIsIncludedInTreeValue() const {
return !LastKnownIsIgnoredValue() ||
ax::mojom::blink::Role AXObject::DetermineAccessibilityRole() {
base::AutoReset<bool> reentrancy_protector(&is_computing_role_, true);
return NativeRoleIgnoringAria();
bool AXObject::CanSetValueAttribute() const {
switch (RoleValue()) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColorWell:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDate:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDateTime:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kInputTime:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kScrollBar:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSearchBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSlider:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSpinButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSplitter:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextField:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox:
return Restriction() == kRestrictionNone;
return false;
bool AXObject::IsFocusableStyleUsingBestAvailableState() const {
auto* element = GetElement();
// If this element's layout tree does not need an update, it means that we can
// rely on Element's IsFocusableStyle directly, which is the best available
// source of information.
// Note that we also allow this to be used if we're in a style recalc, since
// we might get here through layout object attachment. In that case, the dirty
// bits may not have been cleared yet, but all relevant style and layout tree
// should be up to date. Note that this quirk can be fixed by deferring AX
// tree updates to happen after the layout tree attachment has finished.
if (GetDocument()->InStyleRecalc() ||
*element)) {
return element->IsFocusableStyle();
// The best available source of information is now the AX tree, so use that to
// figure out whether we have focusable style.
return element->IsBaseElementFocusableStyle();
bool AXObject::CanSetFocusAttribute() const {
// If we are detached or have no document, then we can't set focus on the
// object. Note that this early out is necessary since we access the cache and
// the document below.
if (IsDetached() || !GetDocument())
return false;
AXObjectCacheImpl& cache = AXObjectCache();
auto* document = GetDocument();
if (document->StyleVersion() != focus_attribute_style_version_ ||
document->DomTreeVersion() != focus_attribute_dom_tree_version_ ||
cache.ModificationCount() != focus_attribute_cache_modification_count_) {
focus_attribute_style_version_ = document->StyleVersion();
focus_attribute_dom_tree_version_ = document->DomTreeVersion();
focus_attribute_cache_modification_count_ = cache.ModificationCount();
cached_can_set_focus_attribute_ = ComputeCanSetFocusAttribute();
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(cached_can_set_focus_attribute_, ComputeCanSetFocusAttribute());
return cached_can_set_focus_attribute_;
// This does not use Element::IsFocusable(), as that can sometimes recalculate
// styles because of IsFocusableStyle() check, resetting the document lifecycle.
bool AXObject::ComputeCanSetFocusAttribute() const {
// Objects within a portal are not focusable.
// Note that they are ignored but can be included in the tree.
bool inside_portal =
GetDocument()->GetPage() && GetDocument()->GetPage()->InsidePortal();
if (inside_portal)
return false;
// The portal itself is focusable. Portals are treated as buttons in platform
// APIs, hiding their subtree.
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPortal)
return true;
// Display-locked nodes that have content-visibility: hidden are not exposed
// to accessibility in any way, so they are not focusable. Note that for
// content-visibility: auto cases, `ShouldIgnoreNodeDueToDisplayLock()` would
// return false, since we're not ignoring the element in that case.
if (GetNode() &&
*GetNode(), DisplayLockActivationReason::kAccessibility)) {
return false;
// Focusable: web area -- this is the only focusable non-element. Web areas
// inside portals are not focusable though (portal contents cannot get focus).
if (IsWebArea())
return true;
// NOT focusable: objects with no DOM node, e.g. extra layout blocks inserted
// as filler, or objects where the node is not an element, such as a text
// node or an HTML comment.
Element* elem = GetElement();
if (!elem)
return false;
// NOT focusable: inert elements. Note we can't just call IsInert() here
// because UpdateCachedAttributeValuesIfNeeded() can end up calling
// CanSetFocusAttribute() again, which will then try to return
// cached_can_set_focus_attribute_, but we haven't set it yet.
bool are_cached_attributes_up_to_date =
AXObjectCache().ModificationCount() == last_modification_count_;
if (are_cached_attributes_up_to_date ? cached_is_inert_ : ComputeIsInert())
return false;
// NOT focusable: child tree owners (it's the content area that will be marked
// focusable in the a11y tree).
if (IsChildTreeOwner())
return false;
// NOT focusable: disabled form controls.
if (IsDisabledFormControl(elem))
return false;
// Option elements do not receive DOM focus but they do receive a11y focus,
// unless they are part of a <datalist>, in which case they can be displayed
// by the browser process, but not the renderer.
// TODO( Address gaps in datalist a11y.
if (auto* option = DynamicTo<HTMLOptionElement>(elem))
return !option->OwnerDataListElement();
// NOT focusable: hidden elements.
// TODO(aleventhal) Consider caching visibility when it's safe to compute.
if (!IsA<HTMLAreaElement>(elem) && !IsFocusableStyleUsingBestAvailableState())
return false;
// Focusable: element supports focus.
if (elem->SupportsFocus())
return true;
// TODO(accessibility) Focusable: scrollable with the keyboard.
// Keyboard-focusable scroll containers feature:
// When adding here, remove similar check from ::SupportsNameFromContents().
// if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled() &&
// IsUserScrollable()) {
// return true;
// }
// NOT focusable: everything else.
return false;
// We can't use `Element::IsKeyboardFocusable()` since the downstream
// `Element::IsFocusableStyle()` call will reset the document lifecycle.
bool AXObject::IsKeyboardFocusable() const {
if (!CanSetFocusAttribute())
return false;
Element* element = GetElement();
DCHECK(element) << "Cannot be focusable without an element: "
<< ToString(true, true);
// TODO(jarhar) Scrollable containers should return true here if
// `RuntimeEnabledFeatures::KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled()`
// is true.
return element->tabIndex() >= 0 || IsRootEditableElement(*element);
bool AXObject::CanSetSelectedAttribute() const {
// Sub-widget elements can be selected if not disabled (native or ARIA)
return IsSubWidget() && Restriction() != kRestrictionDisabled;
bool AXObject::IsSubWidget() const {
switch (RoleValue()) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCell:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColumnHeader:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRowHeader:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColumn:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRow: {
// If it has an explicit ARIA role, it's a subwidget.
// Reasoning:
// Static table cells are not selectable, but ARIA grid cells
// and rows definitely are according to the spec. To support
// ARIA 1.0, it's sufficient to just check if there's any
// ARIA role at all, because if so then it must be a grid-related
// role so it must be selectable.
// TODO(accessibility): an ARIA 1.1+ role of "cell", or a role of "row"
// inside an ARIA 1.1 role of "table", should not be selectable. We may
// need to create separate role enums for grid cells vs table cells
// to implement this.
if (AriaRoleAttribute() != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown)
return true;
// Otherwise it's only a subwidget if it's in a grid or treegrid,
// not in a table.
AncestorsIterator ancestor = base::ranges::find_if(
UnignoredAncestorsBegin(), UnignoredAncestorsEnd(),
return ancestor.current_ &&
(ancestor.current_->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGrid ||
ancestor.current_->RoleValue() ==
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListBoxOption:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuListOption:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTab:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTreeItem:
return true;
return false;
bool AXObject::SupportsARIASetSizeAndPosInSet() const {
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRow) {
AncestorsIterator ancestor = base::ranges::find_if(
UnignoredAncestorsBegin(), UnignoredAncestorsEnd(),
return ancestor.current_ &&
ancestor.current_->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTreeGrid;
return ui::IsSetLike(RoleValue()) || ui::IsItemLike(RoleValue());
bool AXObject::IsProhibited(ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute attribute) const {
// ARIA 1.2 prohibits aria-roledescription on the "generic" role.
if (attribute == ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute::kRoleDescription)
return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGenericContainer;
return false;
bool AXObject::IsProhibited(ax::mojom::blink::IntAttribute attribute) const {
// ARIA 1.2 prohibits exposure of aria-errormessage when aria-invalid is
// false.
if (attribute == ax::mojom::blink::IntAttribute::kErrormessageId)
return GetInvalidState() == ax::mojom::blink::InvalidState::kFalse;
return false;
// Simplify whitespace, but preserve a single leading and trailing whitespace
// character if it's present.
String AXObject::SimplifyName(const String& str) const {
if (str.empty())
return "";
// Do not simplify name for text, unless it is pseudo content.
// TODO(accessibility) There seems to be relatively little value for the
// special pseudo content rule, and that the null check for node can
// probably be removed without harm.
if (GetNode() && ui::IsText(RoleValue()))
return str;
bool has_before_space = IsHTMLSpace<UChar>(str[0]);
bool has_after_space = IsHTMLSpace<UChar>(str[str.length() - 1]);
String simplified = str.SimplifyWhiteSpace(IsHTMLSpace<UChar>);
if (!has_before_space && !has_after_space)
return simplified;
// Preserve a trailing and/or leading space.
StringBuilder result;
if (has_before_space)
result.Append(' ');
if (has_after_space)
result.Append(' ');
return result.ToString();
String AXObject::ComputedName() const {
ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom name_from;
AXObjectVector name_objects;
return GetName(name_from, &name_objects);
String AXObject::GetName(ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom& name_from,
AXObject::AXObjectVector* name_objects) const {
HeapHashSet<Member<const AXObject>> visited;
AXRelatedObjectVector related_objects;
// Initialize |name_from|, as TextAlternative() might never set it in some
// cases.
name_from = ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom::kNone;
String text = TextAlternative(false, nullptr, visited, name_from,
&related_objects, nullptr);
if (name_objects) {
for (NameSourceRelatedObject* related_object : related_objects)
return SimplifyName(text);
String AXObject::GetName(NameSources* name_sources) const {
AXObjectSet visited;
ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom tmp_name_from;
AXRelatedObjectVector tmp_related_objects;
String text = TextAlternative(false, nullptr, visited, tmp_name_from,
&tmp_related_objects, name_sources);
return SimplifyName(text);
String AXObject::RecursiveTextAlternative(
const AXObject& ax_obj,
const AXObject* aria_label_or_description_root,
AXObjectSet& visited) {
ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom tmp_name_from = ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom::kNone;
return RecursiveTextAlternative(ax_obj, aria_label_or_description_root,
visited, tmp_name_from);
String AXObject::RecursiveTextAlternative(
const AXObject& ax_obj,
const AXObject* aria_label_or_description_root,
AXObjectSet& visited,
ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom& name_from) {
if (visited.Contains(&ax_obj) && !aria_label_or_description_root)
return String();
return ax_obj.TextAlternative(true, aria_label_or_description_root, visited,
name_from, nullptr, nullptr);
const ComputedStyle* AXObject::GetComputedStyle() const {
Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node)
return nullptr;
DCHECK(GetDocument()->Lifecycle().GetState() >=
<< "Unclean document at lifecycle "
<< GetDocument()->Lifecycle().ToString();
// content-visibility:hidden or content-visibility: auto.
if (DisplayLockUtilities::IsDisplayLockedPreventingPaint(node))
return nullptr;
// For elements with layout objects we can get their style directly.
if (GetLayoutObject())
return GetLayoutObject()->Style();
return node->GetComputedStyle();
// There are 4 ways to use CSS to hide something:
// * "display: none" is "destroy rendering state and don't do anything in the
// subtree"
// * "visibility: [hidden|collapse]" are "don't visually show things, but still
// keep all of the rendering up to date"
// * "content-visibility: hidden" is "don't show anything, skip all of the
// work, but don't destroy the work that was already there"
// * "content-visibility: auto" is "paint when it's scrolled into the viewport,
// but its layout information is not updated when it isn't"
bool AXObject::ComputeIsHiddenViaStyle(const ComputedStyle* style) const {
// The the parent element of text is hidden, then the text is hidden too.
// This helps provide more consistent results in edge cases, e.g. text inside
// of a <canvas> or display:none content.
if (RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStaticText) {
// TODO(accessibility) All text objects should have a parent, and therefore
// the extra null check should be unnecessary.
if (ParentObject() && ParentObject()->IsHiddenViaStyle()) {
return true;
if (style) {
if (GetLayoutObject())
return style->Visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible;
// TODO( It's not consistent to only check
// IsEnsuredInDisplayNone() on layoutless elements.
return GetNode()->IsElementNode() &&
(style->IsEnsuredInDisplayNone() ||
style->Visibility() != EVisibility::kVisible);
Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node)
return false;
// content-visibility:hidden or content-visibility: auto.
if (DisplayLockUtilities::IsDisplayLockedPreventingPaint(node)) {
// Ensure contents of head, style and script are not exposed when
// display-locked --the only time they are ever exposed is if author
// explicitly makes them visible.
DCHECK(!Traversal<SVGStyleElement>::FirstAncestorOrSelf(*node)) << node;
DCHECK(!Traversal<HTMLHeadElement>::FirstAncestorOrSelf(*node)) << node;
DCHECK(!Traversal<HTMLStyleElement>::FirstAncestorOrSelf(*node)) << node;
DCHECK(!Traversal<HTMLScriptElement>::FirstAncestorOrSelf(*node)) << node;
// content-visibility: hidden subtrees are always hidden.
// content-visibility: auto subtrees are treated as visible, as we must
// make a guess since computed style is not available.
return DisplayLockUtilities::ShouldIgnoreNodeDueToDisplayLock(
*node, DisplayLockActivationReason::kAccessibility);
return node->IsElementNode();
bool AXObject::IsHiddenViaStyle() const {
return cached_is_hidden_via_style_;
// Return true if this should be removed from accessible name computations.
// We must take into account if we are traversing an aria-labelledby or
// describedby relation, because those can use hidden subtrees. When the target
// node of the aria-labelledby or describedby relation is hidden, we contribute
// all its children, because there is no way to know if they are explicitly
// hidden or they inherited the hidden value. See:
bool AXObject::IsHiddenForTextAlternativeCalculation(
const AXObject* aria_label_or_description_root) const {
auto* node = GetNode();
if (!node)
return false;
// Display-locked elements are available for text/name resolution.
if (DisplayLockUtilities::IsDisplayLockedPreventingPaint(node))
return false;
Document* document = GetDocument();
if (!document || !document->GetFrame())
return false;
// Do not contribute <noscript> to text alternative of an ancestor.
if (IsA<HTMLNoScriptElement>(node))
return true;
// Always contribute SVG <title> despite it having a hidden style by default.
if (IsA<SVGTitleElement>(node))
return false;
// Always contribute SVG <desc> despite it having a hidden style by default.
if (IsA<SVGDescElement>(node))
return false;
// Always contribute text nodes, because they don't have display-related
// properties of their own, only their parents do. Parents should have been
// checked for their contribution earlier in the process.
if (IsA<Text>(node))
return false;
// Markers do not contribute to the accessible name.
// TODO(accessibility): Chrome has never included markers, but that's
// actually undefined behavior. We will have to revisit after this is
// settled, see:
if (node->IsMarkerPseudoElement())
return true;
// Step 2A from:
// When traversing an aria-labelledby relation where the targeted node is
// hidden, we must contribute its children. There is no way to know if they
// are explicitly hidden or they inherited the hidden value, so we resort to
// contributing them all. See also:
if (aria_label_or_description_root &&
!aria_label_or_description_root->IsVisible()) {
return false;
// aria-hidden nodes are generally excluded, with the exception:
// when computing name/description through an aria-labelledby/describedby
// relation, if the target of the relation is hidden it will expose the entire
// subtree, including aria-hidden=true nodes. The exception was accounted in
// the previous if block, so we are safe to hide any node with
// aria-hidden=true at this point.
if (AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsTrue(AOMBooleanProperty::kHidden)) {
// We only hide aria-hidden text if the node does not support focus as a
// bad authoring correction.
if (!CanSetFocusAttribute())
return true;
} else {
// When IsAriaHidden() returns false, we only know the node is not in an
// aria-hidden="true" subtree. We need to check for the case where
// aria-hidden="false" specifically.
if (AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsFalse(AOMBooleanProperty::kHidden))
return false;
return IsHiddenViaStyle();
String AXObject::AriaTextAlternative(
bool recursive,
const AXObject* aria_label_or_description_root,
AXObjectSet& visited,
ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom& name_from,
AXRelatedObjectVector* related_objects,
NameSources* name_sources,
bool* found_text_alternative) const {
String text_alternative;
bool already_visited = visited.Contains(this);
// Slots are elements that cannot be named.
if (IsA<HTMLSlotElement>(GetNode())) {
*found_text_alternative = false;
return String();
// Step 2A from:
// If you change this logic, update AXNodeObject::nameFromLabelElement, too.
if (IsHiddenForTextAlternativeCalculation(aria_label_or_description_root)) {
*found_text_alternative = true;
return String();
// Step 2B from:
// If you change this logic, update AXNodeObject::nameFromLabelElement, too.
if (!aria_label_or_description_root && !already_visited) {
name_from = ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom::kRelatedElement;
// Check ARIA attributes.
const QualifiedName& attr =
HasAttribute(html_names::kAriaLabeledbyAttr) &&
? html_names::kAriaLabeledbyAttr
: html_names::kAriaLabelledbyAttr;
if (name_sources) {
name_sources->push_back(NameSource(*found_text_alternative, attr));
name_sources->back().type = name_from;
Element* element = GetElement();
if (element) {
HeapVector<Member<Element>> elements_from_attribute;
Vector<String> ids;
ElementsFromAttribute(element, elements_from_attribute, attr, ids);
const AtomicString& aria_labelledby = GetAttribute(attr);
if (!aria_labelledby.IsNull()) {
if (name_sources)
name_sources->back().attribute_value = aria_labelledby;
// Operate on a copy of |visited| so that if |name_sources| is not
// null, the set of visited objects is preserved unmodified for future
// calculations.
AXObjectSet visited_copy = visited;
text_alternative = TextFromElements(
true, visited_copy, elements_from_attribute, related_objects);
if (!ids.empty())
AXObjectCache().UpdateReverseTextRelations(this, ids);
if (!text_alternative.IsNull()) {
if (name_sources) {
NameSource& source = name_sources->back();
source.type = name_from;
source.related_objects = *related_objects;
source.text = text_alternative;
*found_text_alternative = true;
} else {
*found_text_alternative = true;
return text_alternative;
} else if (name_sources) {
name_sources->back().invalid = true;
// Step 2C from:
// If you change this logic, update AXNodeObject::nameFromLabelElement, too.
name_from = ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom::kAttribute;
if (name_sources) {
NameSource(*found_text_alternative, html_names::kAriaLabelAttr));
name_sources->back().type = name_from;
const AtomicString& aria_label =
if (!aria_label.empty()) {
text_alternative = aria_label;
if (name_sources) {
NameSource& source = name_sources->back();
source.text = text_alternative;
source.attribute_value = aria_label;
*found_text_alternative = true;
} else {
*found_text_alternative = true;
return text_alternative;
return text_alternative;
String AXObject::TextFromElements(
bool in_aria_labelledby_traversal,
AXObjectSet& visited,
HeapVector<Member<Element>>& elements,
AXRelatedObjectVector* related_objects) const {
StringBuilder accumulated_text;
bool found_valid_element = false;
AXRelatedObjectVector local_related_objects;
for (const auto& element : elements) {
AXObject* ax_element = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(element);
if (ax_element) {
found_valid_element = true;
AXObject* aria_labelled_by_node = nullptr;
if (in_aria_labelledby_traversal)
aria_labelled_by_node = ax_element;
String result =
RecursiveTextAlternative(*ax_element, aria_labelled_by_node, visited);
MakeGarbageCollected<NameSourceRelatedObject>(ax_element, result));
if (!result.empty()) {
if (!accumulated_text.empty())
accumulated_text.Append(' ');
if (!found_valid_element)
return String();
if (related_objects)
*related_objects = local_related_objects;
return accumulated_text.ToString();
// static
void AXObject::TokenVectorFromAttribute(Element* element,
Vector<String>& tokens,
const QualifiedName& attribute) {
if (!element)
String attribute_value = element->FastGetAttribute(attribute).GetString();
if (attribute_value.empty())
attribute_value = attribute_value.SimplifyWhiteSpace();
attribute_value.Split(' ', tokens);
// static
bool AXObject::ElementsFromAttribute(Element* from,
HeapVector<Member<Element>>& elements,
const QualifiedName& attribute,
Vector<String>& ids) {
if (!from)
return false;
// We compute the attr-associated elements, which are either explicitly set
// element references set via the IDL, or computed from the content attribute.
TokenVectorFromAttribute(from, ids, attribute);
HeapVector<Member<Element>>* attr_associated_elements =
if (!attr_associated_elements)
return false;
for (const auto& element : *attr_associated_elements)
return elements.size();
// static
bool AXObject::AriaLabelledbyElementVector(
Element* from,
HeapVector<Member<Element>>& elements,
Vector<String>& ids) {
// Try both spellings, but prefer aria-labelledby, which is the official spec.
if (ElementsFromAttribute(from, elements, html_names::kAriaLabelledbyAttr,
ids)) {
return true;
return ElementsFromAttribute(from, elements, html_names::kAriaLabeledbyAttr,
// static
bool AXObject::IsNameFromAriaAttribute(Element* element) {
// TODO(accessibility) Make this work for virtual nodes.
if (!element)
return false;
HeapVector<Member<Element>> elements_from_attribute;
Vector<String> ids;
if (AriaLabelledbyElementVector(element, elements_from_attribute, ids))
return true;
const AtomicString& aria_label = AccessibleNode::GetPropertyOrARIAAttribute(
element, AOMStringProperty::kLabel);
if (!aria_label.empty())
return true;
return false;
bool AXObject::IsNameFromAuthorAttribute() const {
return IsNameFromAriaAttribute(GetElement()) ||
AXObject* AXObject::InPageLinkTarget() const {
return nullptr;
const AtomicString& AXObject::EffectiveTarget() const {
return g_null_atom;
AccessibilityOrientation AXObject::Orientation() const {
// In ARIA 1.1, the default value for aria-orientation changed from
// horizontal to undefined.
return kAccessibilityOrientationUndefined;
AXObject* AXObject::GetChildFigcaption() const { return nullptr; }
bool AXObject::IsDescendantOfLandmarkDisallowedElement() const {
return false;
void AXObject::LoadInlineTextBoxes() {}
void AXObject::ForceAddInlineTextBoxChildren() {}
AXObject* AXObject::NextOnLine() const {
return nullptr;
AXObject* AXObject::PreviousOnLine() const {
return nullptr;
absl::optional<const DocumentMarker::MarkerType>
AXObject::GetAriaSpellingOrGrammarMarker() const {
AtomicString aria_invalid_value;
const AncestorsIterator iter = std::find_if(
UnignoredAncestorsBegin(), UnignoredAncestorsEnd(),
[&aria_invalid_value](const AXObject& ancestor) {
return ancestor.HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(
AOMStringProperty::kInvalid, aria_invalid_value) ||
if (iter == UnignoredAncestorsEnd())
return absl::nullopt;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(aria_invalid_value, "spelling"))
return DocumentMarker::kSpelling;
if (EqualIgnoringASCIICase(aria_invalid_value, "grammar"))
return DocumentMarker::kGrammar;
return absl::nullopt;
void AXObject::TextCharacterOffsets(Vector<int>&) const {}
void AXObject::GetWordBoundaries(Vector<int>& word_starts,
Vector<int>& word_ends) const {}
int AXObject::TextLength() const {
if (IsAtomicTextField())
return GetValueForControl().length();
return 0;
int AXObject::TextOffsetInFormattingContext(int offset) const {
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
return offset;
int AXObject::TextOffsetInContainer(int offset) const {
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
return offset;
ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb AXObject::Action() const {
Element* action_element = ActionElement();
if (!action_element)
return ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kNone;
// TODO(dmazzoni): Ensure that combo box text field is handled here.
if (IsTextField())
return ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kActivate;
if (IsCheckable()) {
return CheckedState() != ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState::kTrue
? ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kCheck
: ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kUncheck;
switch (RoleValue()) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDisclosureTriangle:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kToggleButton:
return ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kPress;
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListBoxOption:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItemRadio:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItem:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuListOption:
return ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kSelect;
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLink:
return ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kJump;
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxMenuButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxSelect:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPopUpButton:
return ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kOpen;
if (action_element == GetNode())
return ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kClick;
return ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb::kClickAncestor;
bool AXObject::AriaPressedIsPresent() const {
AtomicString result;
return HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMStringProperty::kPressed, result);
bool AXObject::AriaCheckedIsPresent() const {
AtomicString result;
return HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMStringProperty::kChecked, result);
bool AXObject::SupportsARIAExpanded() const {
switch (RoleValue()) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kApplication:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCheckBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColumnHeader:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxGrouping:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxMenuButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxSelect:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDisclosureTriangle:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLink:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPopUpButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItem:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItemCheckBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItemRadio:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRow:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRowHeader:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSwitch:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTab:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kToggleButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTreeItem:
return true;
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCell:
// TODO(Accessibility): aria-expanded is supported on grid cells but not
// on cells inside a static table. Consider creating separate internal
// roles so that we can easily distinguish these two types. See also
// IsSubWidget().
return true;
return false;
bool DoesUndoRolePresentation(const AtomicString& name) {
// This is the list of global ARIA properties that force
// role="presentation"/"none" to be exposed, and does not contain ARIA
// properties who's global status is being deprecated.
// clang-format off
HashSet<AtomicString>, aria_global_properties,
AtomicString("ARIA-HIDDEN"), // For aria-hidden=false.
// clang-format on
return aria_global_properties.Contains(name);
bool AXObject::HasAriaAttribute(bool does_undo_role_presentation) const {
auto* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
return false;
// A role is considered an ARIA attribute.
if (!does_undo_role_presentation &&
AriaRoleAttribute() != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown) {
return true;
// Check for any attribute that begins with "aria-".
AttributeCollection attributes = element->AttributesWithoutUpdate();
for (const Attribute& attr : attributes) {
// Attributes cache their uppercase names.
auto name = attr.GetName().LocalNameUpper();
if (name.StartsWith("ARIA-")) {
if (!does_undo_role_presentation || DoesUndoRolePresentation(name))
return true;
return false;
int AXObject::IndexInParent() const {
<< "IndexInParent is only valid when a node is included in the tree";
AXObject* ax_parent_included = ParentObjectIncludedInTree();
if (!ax_parent_included)
return 0;
const AXObjectVector& siblings =
wtf_size_t index = siblings.Find(this);
DCHECK_NE(index, kNotFound)
<< "Could not find child in parent:"
<< "\nChild: " << ToString(true)
<< "\nParent: " << ax_parent_included->ToString(true)
<< " #children=" << siblings.size();
return (index == kNotFound) ? 0 : static_cast<int>(index);
bool AXObject::IsLiveRegionRoot() const {
const AtomicString& live_region = LiveRegionStatus();
return !live_region.empty();
bool AXObject::IsActiveLiveRegionRoot() const {
const AtomicString& live_region = LiveRegionStatus();
return !live_region.empty() && !EqualIgnoringASCIICase(live_region, "off");
const AtomicString& AXObject::LiveRegionStatus() const {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, live_region_status_assertive,
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, live_region_status_polite,
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, live_region_status_off, ("off"));
const AtomicString& live_region_status =
// These roles have implicit live region status.
if (live_region_status.empty()) {
switch (RoleValue()) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kAlert:
return live_region_status_assertive;
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLog:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStatus:
return live_region_status_polite;
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTimer:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMarquee:
return live_region_status_off;
return live_region_status;
const AtomicString& AXObject::LiveRegionRelevant() const {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, default_live_region_relevant,
("additions text"));
const AtomicString& relevant =
// Default aria-relevant = "additions text".
if (relevant.empty())
return default_live_region_relevant;
return relevant;
bool AXObject::IsDisabled() const {
// <embed> or <object> with unsupported plugin, or more iframes than allowed.
if (IsChildTreeOwner()) {
auto* html_frame_owner_element = To<HTMLFrameOwnerElement>(GetElement());
return !html_frame_owner_element->ContentFrame();
Node* node = GetNode();
if (node) {
// Check for HTML form control with the disabled attribute.
if (GetElement() && GetElement()->IsDisabledFormControl()) {
return true;
// This is for complex pickers, such as a date picker.
if (AXObject::IsControl()) {
Element* owner_shadow_host = node->OwnerShadowHost();
if (owner_shadow_host &&
owner_shadow_host->FastHasAttribute(html_names::kDisabledAttr)) {
return true;
// Check aria-disabled. According to ARIA in HTML section 3.1, aria-disabled
// attribute does NOT override the native HTML disabled attribute.
if (AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsTrue(AOMBooleanProperty::kDisabled))
return true;
// A focusable object with a disabled container.
return cached_is_descendant_of_disabled_node_ && CanSetFocusAttribute();
AXRestriction AXObject::Restriction() const {
// According to ARIA, all elements of the base markup can be disabled.
// According to CORE-AAM, any focusable descendant of aria-disabled
// ancestor is also disabled.
if (IsDisabled())
return kRestrictionDisabled;
// Check aria-readonly if supported by current role.
bool is_read_only;
if (SupportsARIAReadOnly() &&
is_read_only)) {
// ARIA overrides other readonly state markup.
return is_read_only ? kRestrictionReadOnly : kRestrictionNone;
// This is a node that is not readonly and not disabled.
return kRestrictionNone;
ax::mojom::blink::Role AXObject::AriaRoleAttribute() const {
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown;
ax::mojom::blink::Role AXObject::RawAriaRole() const {
const AtomicString& aria_role =
if (aria_role.IsNull() || aria_role.empty())
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown;
return AriaRoleStringToRoleEnum(aria_role);
ax::mojom::blink::Role AXObject::DetermineAriaRoleAttribute() const {
ax::mojom::blink::Role role = RawAriaRole();
if (role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRegion && !IsNameFromAuthorAttribute() &&
!HasAttribute(html_names::kAriaRoledescriptionAttr)) {
// Nameless ARIA regions fall back on the native element's role.
// We only check aria-label/aria-labelledby because those are the only
// allowed ways to name an ARIA region.
// TODO(accessibility) The aria-roledescription logic is required, otherwise
// ChromeVox will ignore the aria-roledescription. It only speaks the role
// description on certain roles, and ignores it on the generic role.
// See also
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown;
// ARIA states if an item can get focus, it should not be presentational.
// It also states user agents should ignore the presentational role if
// the element has global ARIA states and properties.
if (ui::IsPresentational(role)) {
if (IsFrame(GetNode()))
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kIframePresentational;
if ((GetElement() && GetElement()->SupportsFocus()) ||
HasAriaAttribute(true /* does_undo_role_presentation */)) {
// Must be exposed with a role if focusable or has a global ARIA property
// that is allowed in this context. See
// for more information about the
// conditions upon which elements with role="none"/"presentation" must be
// included in the tree. Return Role::kUnknown, so that the native HTML
// role is used instead.
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown;
if (role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kButton)
role = ButtonRoleType();
// Distinguish between different uses of the "combobox" role:
// ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxGrouping:
// <div role="combobox"><input></div>
// ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox:
// <input role="combobox">
// ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxMenuButton:
// <div tabindex=0 role="combobox">Select</div>
if (role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxGrouping) {
if (IsAtomicTextField())
role = ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox;
else if (GetElement() && GetElement()->SupportsFocus())
role = ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxMenuButton;
return role;
ax::mojom::blink::HasPopup AXObject::HasPopup() const {
return ax::mojom::blink::HasPopup::kFalse;
ax::mojom::blink::IsPopup AXObject::IsPopup() const {
return ax::mojom::blink::IsPopup::kNone;
bool AXObject::IsEditable() const {
const Node* node = GetNode();
if (IsDetached() || !node)
return false;
#if DCHECK_IS_ON() // Required in order to get Lifecycle().ToString()
<< "Unclean document style at lifecycle state "
<< GetDocument()->Lifecycle().ToString();
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
if (blink::IsEditable(*node))
return true;
// For the purposes of accessibility, atomic text fields i.e. input and
// textarea are editable because the user can potentially enter text in them.
if (IsAtomicTextField())
return true;
return false;
bool AXObject::IsEditableRoot() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::HasContentEditableAttributeSet() const {
return false;
bool AXObject::IsMultiline() const {
if (IsDetached() || !GetNode() || !IsTextField())
return false;
// While the specs don't specify that we can't do <input aria-multiline=true>,
// it is in direct contradiction to the `HTMLInputElement` which is always
// single line. Ensure that we can't make an input report that it's multiline
// by returning early.
if (IsA<HTMLInputElement>(*GetNode()))
return false;
bool is_multiline = false;
if (HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMBooleanProperty::kMultiline,
is_multiline)) {
return is_multiline;
return IsA<HTMLTextAreaElement>(*GetNode()) ||
bool AXObject::IsRichlyEditable() const {
const Node* node = GetNode();
if (IsDetached() || !node)
return false;
return node->IsRichlyEditableForAccessibility();
AXObject* AXObject::LiveRegionRoot() const {
return cached_live_region_root_;
bool AXObject::LiveRegionAtomic() const {
bool atomic = false;
if (HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMBooleanProperty::kAtomic, atomic))
return atomic;
// ARIA roles "alert" and "status" should have an implicit aria-atomic value
// of true.
return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kAlert ||
RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStatus;
const AtomicString& AXObject::ContainerLiveRegionStatus() const {
return cached_live_region_root_ ? cached_live_region_root_->LiveRegionStatus()
: g_null_atom;
const AtomicString& AXObject::ContainerLiveRegionRelevant() const {
return cached_live_region_root_
? cached_live_region_root_->LiveRegionRelevant()
: g_null_atom;
bool AXObject::ContainerLiveRegionAtomic() const {
return cached_live_region_root_ &&
bool AXObject::ContainerLiveRegionBusy() const {
return cached_live_region_root_ &&
AXObject* AXObject::ElementAccessibilityHitTest(const gfx::Point& point) const {
// Check if there are any mock elements that need to be handled.
for (const auto& child : ChildrenIncludingIgnored()) {
if (child->IsMockObject() &&
return child->ElementAccessibilityHitTest(point);
return const_cast<AXObject*>(this);
AXObject::AncestorsIterator AXObject::UnignoredAncestorsBegin() const {
AXObject* parent = ParentObjectUnignored();
if (parent)
return AXObject::AncestorsIterator(*parent);
return UnignoredAncestorsEnd();
AXObject::AncestorsIterator AXObject::UnignoredAncestorsEnd() const {
return AXObject::AncestorsIterator();
int AXObject::ChildCountIncludingIgnored() const {
return static_cast<int>(ChildrenIncludingIgnored().size());
AXObject* AXObject::ChildAtIncludingIgnored(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
DCHECK_LE(index, ChildCountIncludingIgnored());
if (index >= ChildCountIncludingIgnored())
return nullptr;
return ChildrenIncludingIgnored()[index];
const AXObject::AXObjectVector& AXObject::ChildrenIncludingIgnored() const {
return const_cast<AXObject*>(this)->ChildrenIncludingIgnored();
const AXObject::AXObjectVector& AXObject::ChildrenIncludingIgnored() {
return children_;
const AXObject::AXObjectVector AXObject::UnignoredChildren() const {
return const_cast<AXObject*>(this)->UnignoredChildren();
const AXObject::AXObjectVector AXObject::UnignoredChildren() {
if (!AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree()) {
NOTREACHED() << "We don't support finding the unignored children of "
"objects excluded from the accessibility tree: "
<< ToString(true, true);
return {};
// Capture only descendants that are not accessibility ignored, and that are
// one level deeper than the current object after flattening any accessibility
// ignored descendants.
// For example :
// ++A
// ++++B
// ++++C IGNORED
// ++++++F
// ++++D
// ++++++G
// ++++E IGNORED
// ++++++H IGNORED
// ++++++++J
// ++++++I
// Objects [B, F, D, I, J] will be returned, since after flattening all
// ignored objects ,those are the ones that are one level deep.
AXObjectVector unignored_children;
AXObject* child = FirstChildIncludingIgnored();
while (child && child != this) {
if (child->AccessibilityIsIgnored()) {
child = child->NextInPreOrderIncludingIgnored(this);
for (; child != this; child = child->ParentObjectIncludedInTree()) {
if (AXObject* sibling = child->NextSiblingIncludingIgnored()) {
child = sibling;
return unignored_children;
AXObject* AXObject::FirstChildIncludingIgnored() const {
return ChildCountIncludingIgnored() ? *ChildrenIncludingIgnored().begin()
: nullptr;
AXObject* AXObject::LastChildIncludingIgnored() const {
return ChildCountIncludingIgnored() ? *(ChildrenIncludingIgnored().end() - 1)
: nullptr;
AXObject* AXObject::DeepestFirstChildIncludingIgnored() const {
if (IsDetached()) {
return nullptr;
if (!ChildCountIncludingIgnored())
return nullptr;
AXObject* deepest_child = FirstChildIncludingIgnored();
while (deepest_child->ChildCountIncludingIgnored())
deepest_child = deepest_child->FirstChildIncludingIgnored();
return deepest_child;
AXObject* AXObject::DeepestLastChildIncludingIgnored() const {
if (IsDetached()) {
return nullptr;
if (!ChildCountIncludingIgnored())
return nullptr;
AXObject* deepest_child = LastChildIncludingIgnored();
while (deepest_child->ChildCountIncludingIgnored())
deepest_child = deepest_child->LastChildIncludingIgnored();
return deepest_child;
bool AXObject::IsAncestorOf(const AXObject& descendant) const {
return descendant.IsDescendantOf(*this);
bool AXObject::IsDescendantOf(const AXObject& ancestor) const {
const AXObject* parent = ParentObject();
while (parent && parent != &ancestor)
parent = parent->ParentObject();
return !!parent;
AXObject* AXObject::NextSiblingIncludingIgnored() const {
if (!AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree()) {
NOTREACHED() << "We don't support iterating children of objects excluded "
"from the accessibility tree: "
<< ToString(true, true);
return nullptr;
const AXObject* parent_in_tree = ParentObjectIncludedInTree();
if (!parent_in_tree)
return nullptr;
const int index_in_parent = IndexInParent();
if (index_in_parent < parent_in_tree->ChildCountIncludingIgnored() - 1)
return parent_in_tree->ChildAtIncludingIgnored(index_in_parent + 1);
return nullptr;
AXObject* AXObject::PreviousSiblingIncludingIgnored() const {
if (!AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree()) {
NOTREACHED() << "We don't support iterating children of objects excluded "
"from the accessibility tree: "
<< ToString(true, true);
return nullptr;
const AXObject* parent_in_tree = ParentObjectIncludedInTree();
if (!parent_in_tree)
return nullptr;
const int index_in_parent = IndexInParent();
if (index_in_parent > 0)
return parent_in_tree->ChildAtIncludingIgnored(index_in_parent - 1);
return nullptr;
AXObject* AXObject::NextInPreOrderIncludingIgnored(
const AXObject* within) const {
if (!AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree()) {
// TODO( Make sure this no longer fires then turn the
// above into CHECK(AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree());
<< "We don't support iterating children of objects excluded "
"from the accessibility tree: "
<< ToString(true, true);
return nullptr;
if (ChildCountIncludingIgnored())
return FirstChildIncludingIgnored();
if (within == this)
return nullptr;
const AXObject* current = this;
AXObject* next = current->NextSiblingIncludingIgnored();
for (; !next; next = current->NextSiblingIncludingIgnored()) {
current = current->ParentObjectIncludedInTree();
if (!current || within == current)
return nullptr;
return next;
AXObject* AXObject::PreviousInPreOrderIncludingIgnored(
const AXObject* within) const {
if (!AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree()) {
NOTREACHED() << "We don't support iterating children of objects excluded "
"from the accessibility tree: "
<< ToString(true, true);
return nullptr;
if (within == this)
return nullptr;
if (AXObject* sibling = PreviousSiblingIncludingIgnored()) {
if (sibling->ChildCountIncludingIgnored())
return sibling->DeepestLastChildIncludingIgnored();
return sibling;
return ParentObjectIncludedInTree();
AXObject* AXObject::PreviousInPostOrderIncludingIgnored(
const AXObject* within) const {
if (!AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree()) {
NOTREACHED() << "We don't support iterating children of objects excluded "
"from the accessibility tree: "
<< ToString(true, true);
return nullptr;
if (ChildCountIncludingIgnored())
return LastChildIncludingIgnored();
if (within == this)
return nullptr;
const AXObject* current = this;
AXObject* previous = current->PreviousSiblingIncludingIgnored();
for (; !previous; previous = current->PreviousSiblingIncludingIgnored()) {
current = current->ParentObjectIncludedInTree();
if (!current || within == current)
return nullptr;
return previous;
int AXObject::UnignoredChildCount() const {
return static_cast<int>(UnignoredChildren().size());
AXObject* AXObject::UnignoredChildAt(int index) const {
const AXObjectVector unignored_children = UnignoredChildren();
if (index < 0 || index >= static_cast<int>(unignored_children.size()))
return nullptr;
return unignored_children[index];
AXObject* AXObject::UnignoredNextSibling() const {
if (AccessibilityIsIgnored()) {
// TODO( Make sure this no longer fires then turn this
// block into CHECK(!AccessibilityIsIgnored());
<< "We don't support finding unignored siblings for ignored "
"objects because it is not clear whether to search for the "
"sibling in the unignored tree or in the whole tree: "
<< ToString(true, true);
return nullptr;
// Find the next sibling for the same unignored parent object,
// flattening accessibility ignored objects.
// For example :
// ++A
// ++++B
// ++++C IGNORED
// ++++++E
// ++++D
// Objects [B, E, D] will be siblings since C is ignored.
const AXObject* unignored_parent = ParentObjectUnignored();
const AXObject* current_obj = this;
while (current_obj) {
AXObject* sibling = current_obj->NextSiblingIncludingIgnored();
if (sibling) {
// If we found an ignored sibling, walk in next pre-order
// until an unignored object is found, flattening the ignored object.
while (sibling && sibling->AccessibilityIsIgnored()) {
sibling = sibling->NextInPreOrderIncludingIgnored(unignored_parent);
return sibling;
// If a sibling has not been found, try again with the parent object,
// until the unignored parent is reached.
current_obj = current_obj->ParentObjectIncludedInTree();
if (!current_obj || !current_obj->AccessibilityIsIgnored())
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
AXObject* AXObject::UnignoredPreviousSibling() const {
if (AccessibilityIsIgnored()) {
NOTREACHED() << "We don't support finding unignored siblings for ignored "
"objects because it is not clear whether to search for the "
"sibling in the unignored tree or in the whole tree: "
<< ToString(true, true);
return nullptr;
// Find the previous sibling for the same unignored parent object,
// flattening accessibility ignored objects.
// For example :
// ++A
// ++++B
// ++++C IGNORED
// ++++++E
// ++++D
// Objects [B, E, D] will be siblings since C is ignored.
const AXObject* current_obj = this;
while (current_obj) {
AXObject* sibling = current_obj->PreviousSiblingIncludingIgnored();
if (sibling) {
const AXObject* unignored_parent = ParentObjectUnignored();
// If we found an ignored sibling, walk in previous post-order
// until an unignored object is found, flattening the ignored object.
while (sibling && sibling->AccessibilityIsIgnored()) {
sibling =
return sibling;
// If a sibling has not been found, try again with the parent object,
// until the unignored parent is reached.
current_obj = current_obj->ParentObjectIncludedInTree();
if (!current_obj || !current_obj->AccessibilityIsIgnored())
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
AXObject* AXObject::UnignoredNextInPreOrder() const {
AXObject* next = NextInPreOrderIncludingIgnored();
while (next && next->AccessibilityIsIgnored()) {
next = next->NextInPreOrderIncludingIgnored();
return next;
AXObject* AXObject::UnignoredPreviousInPreOrder() const {
AXObject* previous = PreviousInPreOrderIncludingIgnored();
while (previous && previous->AccessibilityIsIgnored()) {
previous = previous->PreviousInPreOrderIncludingIgnored();
return previous;
AXObject* AXObject::ParentObject() const {
if (IsDetached())
return nullptr;
// This can happen when an object in the middle of the tree is suddenly
// detached, but the children still exist. One example of this is when
// a <select size="1"> changes to <select size="2">, where the
// Role::kMenuListPopup is detached.
if (IsMissingParent())
return parent_;
AXObject* AXObject::ParentObjectUnignored() const {
AXObject* parent;
for (parent = ParentObject(); parent && parent->AccessibilityIsIgnored();
parent = parent->ParentObject()) {
return parent;
AXObject* AXObject::ParentObjectIncludedInTree() const {
AXObject* parent;
for (parent = ParentObject();
parent && !parent->AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree();
parent = parent->ParentObject()) {
return parent;
Element* AXObject::GetClosestElement() const {
Element* element = GetElement();
// Certain AXObjects, such as those created from layout tree traversal,
// have null values for `AXObject::GetNode()` and `AXObject::GetElement()`.
// Just look for the closest parent that can handle this request.
if (!element) {
for (AXObject* parent = ParentObject(); parent;
parent = parent->ParentObject()) {
if (parent) {
return parent->GetElement();
return element;
// Container widgets are those that a user tabs into and arrows around
// sub-widgets
bool AXObject::IsContainerWidget() const {
return ui::IsContainerWithSelectableChildren(RoleValue());
AXObject* AXObject::ContainerWidget() const {
AXObject* ancestor = ParentObjectUnignored();
while (ancestor && !ancestor->IsContainerWidget())
ancestor = ancestor->ParentObjectUnignored();
return ancestor;
AXObject* AXObject::ContainerListMarkerIncludingIgnored() const {
AXObject* ancestor = ParentObject();
while (ancestor && (!ancestor->GetLayoutObject() ||
!ancestor->GetLayoutObject()->IsListMarker())) {
ancestor = ancestor->ParentObject();
return ancestor;
// Determine which traversal approach is used to get children of an object.
bool AXObject::ShouldUseLayoutObjectTraversalForChildren() const {
// There are two types of traversal used to find AXObjects:
// 1. LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal, which takes FlatTreeTraversal and adds
// pseudo elements on top of that. This is the usual case. However, while this
// can add pseudo elements it cannot add important content descendants such as
// text and images. For this, LayoutObject traversal (#2) is required.
// 2. LayoutObject traversal, which just uses the children of a LayoutObject.
// Therefore, if the object is a pseudo element or pseudo element descendant,
// use LayoutObject traversal (#2) to find the children.
if (GetNode() && GetNode()->IsPseudoElement())
return true;
// If no node, this is an anonymous layout object. The only way this can be
// reached is inside a pseudo element subtree.
if (!GetNode() && GetLayoutObject()) {
return true;
return false;
void AXObject::UpdateChildrenIfNecessary() {
DCHECK(GetDocument()) << ToString(true, true);
if (!NeedsToUpdateChildren())
// Ensure there are no unexpected, preexisting children, before we add more.
if (IsMenuList()) {
// AXMenuList is special and keeps its popup child, even when cleared.
DCHECK_LE(children_.size(), 1U);
} else {
// Ensure children have been correctly cleared.
DCHECK_EQ(children_.size(), 0U)
<< "\nChildren should have been cleared in SetNeedsToUpdateChildren(): "
<< GetNode() << " with " << children_.size() << " children";
bool AXObject::NeedsToUpdateChildren() const {
DCHECK(!children_dirty_ || CanHaveChildren())
<< "Needs to update children but cannot have children: " << GetNode()
<< " " << GetLayoutObject();
return children_dirty_;
void AXObject::SetNeedsToUpdateChildren() const {
DCHECK(!IsDetached()) << "Cannot update children on a detached node: "
<< ToString(true, true);
if (children_dirty_ || !CanHaveChildren())
children_dirty_ = true;
// static
bool AXObject::CanSafelyUseFlatTreeTraversalNow(Document& document) {
return !document.IsFlatTreeTraversalForbidden() &&
void AXObject::ClearChildren() const {
// No need for additional work here when clearing the entire cache at once.
if (AXObjectCache().HasBeenDisposed()) {
// Detach all weak pointers from immediate children to their parents.
// First check to make sure the child's parent wasn't already reassigned.
// In addition, the immediate children are different from children_, and are
// the objects where the parent_ points to this. For example:
// Parent (this)
// Child not included in tree (immediate child)
// Child included in tree (an item in |children_|)
// These situations only occur for children that were backed by a DOM node.
// Therefore, in addition to looping through |children_|, we must also loop
// through any unincluded children associated with any DOM children;
// TODO(accessibility) Try to remove ugly second loop when we transition to
// AccessibilityExposeIgnoredNodes().
// Loop through AXObject children.
#if defined(AX_FAIL_FAST_BUILD)
<< "Should not attempt to simultaneously add and clear children on: "
<< ToString(true, true);
<< "Should not attempt to simultaneously compute text from descendants "
"and clear children on: "
<< ToString(true, true);
// Detach included children from their parent (this).
for (const auto& child : children_) {
// AXInlineTextBoxes depend on their parent's static text as well is the
// parent's ignored state. Therefore, if something changed in a parent
// static text causing its children to be cleared, remove any
// AXInlineTextBox children from the cache rather than just detaching from
// the parent, so they are not leaked. If the static text needs
// AXInlineTextBoxes again in the future, it will create them based on the
// AbstractInlineTextBoxes present at that time. Other types of objects do
// not need this treatment --they are removed based on signals from Blink.
if (child->IsAXInlineTextBox() && !AXObjectCache().HasBeenDisposed()) {
AXObjectCache().Remove(child, /* notify_parent */ false);
// Check parent first, as the child might be several levels down if there
// are unincluded nodes in between, in which case the cached parent will
// also be a descendant (unlike children_, parent_ does not skip levels).
// Another case where the parent is not the same is when the child has been
// reparented using aria-owns.
if (child->CachedParentObject() == this)
Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node)
if (!CanSafelyUseFlatTreeTraversalNow(*GetDocument())) {
// Cannot use layout tree builder traversal now, will have to rely on
// RepairParent() at a later point.
// <slot> content is always included in the tree, so there is no need to
// iterate through the nodes. This also protects us against slot use "after
// poison", where attempts to access assigned nodes triggers a DCHECK.
// Detailed explanation:
// <slot> elements are placeholders marking locations in a shadow tree where
// users of a web component can insert their own custom nodes. Inserted nodes
// (also known as distributed nodes) become children of their respective slots
// in the accessibility tree. In other words, the accessibility tree mirrors
// the flattened DOM tree or the layout tree, not the original DOM tree.
// Distributed nodes still maintain their parent relations and computed style
// information with their original location in the DOM. Therefore, we need to
// ensure that in the accessibility tree no remnant information from the
// unflattened DOM tree remains, such as the cached parent.
// TODO( Figure out why removing this causes a
// use-after-poison and possibly replace it with a better check.
HTMLSlotElement* slot = ToHTMLSlotElementIfSupportsAssignmentOrNull(node);
if (slot)
Node* map = GetMapForImage(node);
if (map) {
node = map;
// Detach unincluded children from their parent (this).
// These are children that were not cleared from first loop, as well as
// children that will be included once the parent next updates its children.
for (Node* child_node = LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal::FirstChild(*node);
child_node = LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal::NextSibling(*child_node)) {
// Get the child object that should be detached from this parent.
// Do not invalidate from layout, because it may be unsafe to check layout
// at this time. However, do allow invalidations if an object changes its
// display locking (content-visibility: auto) status, as this may be the
// only chance to do that, and it's safe to do now.
AXObject* ax_child_from_node = AXObjectCache().SafeGet(child_node, true);
if (ax_child_from_node &&
ax_child_from_node->CachedParentObject() == this) {
if (map) {
// Children (and other descendants, recursively) of a <map> need to be
// fully removed, because they may no longer have a valid AX parent if
// the image is removed. See HTMLMapElement and HTMLImageElement-related
// code in AXObject::GetParentNodeForComputeParent.
// Since this code only runs when |map| is set, and therefore
// |node| is an image outside the map, this only needs to happen for
// the map descendants, not the image descendants.
} else {
void AXObject::ChildrenChangedWithCleanLayout() {
DCHECK(!IsDetached()) << "Don't call on detached node: "
<< ToString(true, true);
// When children changed on a <map> that means we need to forward the
// children changed to the <img> that parents the <area> elements.
// TODO(accessibility) Consider treating <img usemap> as aria-owns so that
// we get implementation "for free" vai relation cache, etc.
if (HTMLMapElement* map_element = DynamicTo<HTMLMapElement>(GetNode())) {
HTMLImageElement* image_element = map_element->ImageElement();
if (image_element) {
AXObject* ax_image = AXObjectCache().Get(image_element);
if (ax_image) {
// Always invalidate |children_| even if it was invalidated before, because
// now layout is clean.
// Between the time that AXObjectCacheImpl::ChildrenChanged() determines
// which included parent to use and now, it's possible that the parent will
// no longer be ignored. This is rare, but is covered by this test:
// external/wpt/accessibility/crashtests/delayed-ignored-change.html/
// In this case, first ancestor that's still included in the tree will used.
if (!LastKnownIsIncludedInTreeValue()) {
if (AXObject* ax_parent = CachedParentObject()) {
// TODO(accessibility) Move this up.
if (!CanHaveChildren()) {
DCHECK(!IsDetached()) << "None of the above should be able to detach |this|: "
<< ToString(true, true);
// Special case: when the children of a layout inline are changed, it can
// cause whitespace redundancy in the parent object to change as well.
if (IsA<LayoutInline>(GetLayoutObject())) {
if (AXObject* ax_parent = CachedParentObject()) {
if (LayoutBlockFlow* layout_block_flow =
DynamicTo<LayoutBlockFlow>(ax_parent->GetLayoutObject())) {
// When pseudo element layout changes, we need to make sure we clear up all
// descendant objects, because we may not receive ChildrenChanged() calls for
// all of them, and we don't want to leave any parentless objects around. This
// will force re-creation of any AXObjects for this subtree.
if (GetNode() && GetNode()->IsPseudoElement()) {
/* notify_parent */ false);
Node* AXObject::GetNode() const {
return nullptr;
LayoutObject* AXObject::GetLayoutObject() const {
return nullptr;
Element* AXObject::GetElement() const {
return DynamicTo<Element>(GetNode());
AXObject* AXObject::RootScroller() const {
Node* global_root_scroller = GetDocument()
if (!global_root_scroller)
return nullptr;
// Only return the root scroller if it's part of the same document.
if (global_root_scroller->GetDocument() != GetDocument())
return nullptr;
return AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(global_root_scroller);
LocalFrameView* AXObject::DocumentFrameView() const {
if (Document* document = GetDocument())
return document->View();
return nullptr;
AtomicString AXObject::Language() const {
// This method is used when the style engine is either not available on this
// object, e.g. for canvas fallback content, or is unable to determine the
// document's language. We use the following signals to detect the element's
// language, in decreasing priority:
// 1. The [language of a node] as defined in HTML, if known.
// 2. The list of languages the browser sends in the [Accept-Language] header.
// 3. The browser's default language.
const AtomicString& lang = GetAttribute(html_names::kLangAttr);
if (!lang.empty())
return lang;
// Only fallback for the root node, propagating this value down the tree is
// handled browser side within AXNode::GetLanguage.
// TODO(chrishall): Consider moving this to AXNodeObject or AXLayoutObject as
// the web area node is currently an AXLayoutObject.
if (IsWebArea()) {
const Document* document = GetDocument();
if (document) {
// Fall back to the first content language specified in the meta tag.
// This is not part of what the HTML5 Standard suggests but it still
// appears to be necessary.
if (document->ContentLanguage()) {
const String content_languages = document->ContentLanguage();
Vector<String> languages;
content_languages.Split(',', languages);
if (!languages.empty())
return AtomicString(languages[0].StripWhiteSpace());
if (document->GetPage()) {
// Use the first accept language preference if present.
const String accept_languages =
Vector<String> languages;
accept_languages.Split(',', languages);
if (!languages.empty())
return AtomicString(languages[0].StripWhiteSpace());
// As a last resort, return the default language of the browser's UI.
AtomicString default_language = DefaultLanguage();
return default_language;
return g_null_atom;
// Scrollable containers.
bool AXObject::IsScrollableContainer() const {
return !!GetScrollableAreaIfScrollable();
bool AXObject::IsUserScrollable() const {
// TODO(accessibility) Actually expose correct info on whether a doc is
// is scrollable or not. Unfortunately IsScrollableContainer() always returns
// true anyway. For now, just expose as scrollable unless overflow is hidden.
if (IsWebArea()) {
if (!GetScrollableAreaIfScrollable() || !GetLayoutObject())
return false;
const ComputedStyle* style = GetLayoutObject()->Style();
if (!style)
return false;
return style->ScrollsOverflowY() || style->ScrollsOverflowX();
return GetLayoutObject() && GetLayoutObject()->IsBox() &&
gfx::Point AXObject::GetScrollOffset() const {
ScrollableArea* area = GetScrollableAreaIfScrollable();
if (!area)
return gfx::Point();
// TODO( Should this be converted to scroll position, or
// should the result type be gfx::Vector2d?
return gfx::PointAtOffsetFromOrigin(area->ScrollOffsetInt());
gfx::Point AXObject::MinimumScrollOffset() const {
ScrollableArea* area = GetScrollableAreaIfScrollable();
if (!area)
return gfx::Point();
// TODO( Should this be converted to scroll position, or
// should the result type be gfx::Vector2d?
return gfx::PointAtOffsetFromOrigin(area->MinimumScrollOffsetInt());
gfx::Point AXObject::MaximumScrollOffset() const {
ScrollableArea* area = GetScrollableAreaIfScrollable();
if (!area)
return gfx::Point();
// TODO( Should this be converted to scroll position, or
// should the result type be gfx::Vector2d?
return gfx::PointAtOffsetFromOrigin(area->MaximumScrollOffsetInt());
void AXObject::SetScrollOffset(const gfx::Point& offset) const {
ScrollableArea* area = GetScrollableAreaIfScrollable();
if (!area)
// TODO(bokan): This should potentially be a UserScroll.
void AXObject::Scroll(ax::mojom::blink::Action scroll_action) const {
AXObject* offset_container = nullptr;
gfx::RectF bounds;
gfx::Transform container_transform;
GetRelativeBounds(&offset_container, bounds, container_transform);
if (bounds.IsEmpty())
gfx::Point initial = GetScrollOffset();
gfx::Point min = MinimumScrollOffset();
gfx::Point max = MaximumScrollOffset();
// TODO(anastasi): This 4/5ths came from the Android implementation, revisit
// to find the appropriate modifier to keep enough context onscreen after
// scrolling.
int page_x = std::max(base::ClampRound<int>(bounds.width() * 4 / 5), 1);
int page_y = std::max(base::ClampRound<int>(bounds.height() * 4 / 5), 1);
// Forward/backward defaults to down/up unless it can only be scrolled
// horizontally.
if (scroll_action == ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollForward) {
scroll_action = max.y() > min.y() ? ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollDown
: ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollRight;
} else if (scroll_action == ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollBackward) {
scroll_action = max.y() > min.y() ? ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollUp
: ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollLeft;
int x = initial.x();
int y = initial.y();
switch (scroll_action) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollUp:
if (initial.y() == min.y())
y = std::max(initial.y() - page_y, min.y());
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollDown:
if (initial.y() == max.y())
y = std::min(initial.y() + page_y, max.y());
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollLeft:
if (initial.x() == min.x())
x = std::max(initial.x() - page_x, min.x());
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollRight:
if (initial.x() == max.x())
x = std::min(initial.x() + page_x, max.x());
SetScrollOffset(gfx::Point(x, y));
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::
// There are no keys that produce scroll left/right, so we shouldn't
// synthesize any keyboard events for these actions.
if (scroll_action == ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollLeft ||
scroll_action == ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollRight)
LocalDOMWindow* local_dom_window = GetDocument()->domWindow();
DispatchKeyboardEvent(local_dom_window, WebInputEvent::Type::kRawKeyDown,
DispatchKeyboardEvent(local_dom_window, WebInputEvent::Type::kKeyUp,
bool AXObject::IsTableLikeRole() const {
return ui::IsTableLike(RoleValue()) ||
RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLayoutTable;
bool AXObject::IsTableRowLikeRole() const {
return ui::IsTableRow(RoleValue()) ||
RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLayoutTableRow;
bool AXObject::IsTableCellLikeRole() const {
return ui::IsCellOrTableHeader(RoleValue()) ||
RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLayoutTableCell;
unsigned AXObject::ColumnCount() const {
if (!IsTableLikeRole())
return 0;
unsigned max_column_count = 0;
for (const auto& row : TableRowChildren()) {
unsigned column_count = row->TableCellChildren().size();
max_column_count = std::max(column_count, max_column_count);
return max_column_count;
unsigned AXObject::RowCount() const {
if (!IsTableLikeRole())
return 0;
return TableRowChildren().size();
void AXObject::ColumnHeaders(AXObjectVector& headers) const {
if (!IsTableLikeRole())
for (const auto& row : TableRowChildren()) {
for (const auto& cell : row->TableCellChildren()) {
if (cell->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColumnHeader)
void AXObject::RowHeaders(AXObjectVector& headers) const {
if (!IsTableLikeRole())
for (const auto& row : TableRowChildren()) {
for (const auto& cell : row->TableCellChildren()) {
if (cell->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRowHeader)
AXObject* AXObject::CellForColumnAndRow(unsigned target_column_index,
unsigned target_row_index) const {
if (!IsTableLikeRole())
return nullptr;
// Note that this code is only triggered if this is not a LayoutNGTable,
// i.e. it's an ARIA grid/table.
// TODO(dmazzoni): delete this code or rename it "for testing only"
// since it's only needed for Blink web tests and not for production.
unsigned row_index = 0;
for (const auto& row : TableRowChildren()) {
unsigned column_index = 0;
for (const auto& cell : row->TableCellChildren()) {
if (target_column_index == column_index && target_row_index == row_index)
return cell;
return nullptr;
int AXObject::AriaColumnCount() const {
if (!IsTableLikeRole())
return 0;
int32_t col_count;
if (!HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMIntProperty::kColCount, col_count))
return 0;
if (col_count > static_cast<int>(ColumnCount()))
return col_count;
// Spec says that if all of the columns are present in the DOM, it
// is not necessary to set this attribute as the user agent can
// automatically calculate the total number of columns.
// It returns 0 in order not to set this attribute.
if (col_count == static_cast<int>(ColumnCount()) || col_count != -1)
return 0;
return -1;
int AXObject::AriaRowCount() const {
if (!IsTableLikeRole())
return 0;
int32_t row_count;
if (!HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMIntProperty::kRowCount, row_count))
return 0;
if (row_count > static_cast<int>(RowCount()))
return row_count;
// Spec says that if all of the rows are present in the DOM, it is
// not necessary to set this attribute as the user agent can
// automatically calculate the total number of rows.
// It returns 0 in order not to set this attribute.
if (row_count == static_cast<int>(RowCount()) || row_count != -1)
return 0;
// In the spec, -1 explicitly means an unknown number of rows.
return -1;
unsigned AXObject::ColumnIndex() const {
return 0;
unsigned AXObject::RowIndex() const {
return 0;
unsigned AXObject::ColumnSpan() const {
return IsTableCellLikeRole() ? 1 : 0;
unsigned AXObject::RowSpan() const {
return IsTableCellLikeRole() ? 1 : 0;
unsigned AXObject::AriaColumnIndex() const {
return cached_aria_column_index_;
unsigned AXObject::AriaRowIndex() const {
return cached_aria_row_index_;
unsigned AXObject::ComputeAriaColumnIndex() const {
// Return the ARIA column index if it has been set. Otherwise return a default
// value of 0.
uint32_t col_index = 0;
HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMUIntProperty::kColIndex, col_index);
return col_index;
unsigned AXObject::ComputeAriaRowIndex() const {
// Return the ARIA row index if it has been set. Otherwise return a default
// value of 0.
uint32_t row_index = 0;
HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMUIntProperty::kRowIndex, row_index);
return row_index;
AXObject::AXObjectVector AXObject::TableRowChildren() const {
AXObjectVector result;
for (const auto& child : ChildrenIncludingIgnored()) {
if (child->IsTableRowLikeRole())
else if (child->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRowGroup)
return result;
AXObject::AXObjectVector AXObject::TableCellChildren() const {
AXObjectVector result;
for (const auto& child : ChildrenIncludingIgnored()) {
if (child->IsTableCellLikeRole())
else if (child->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGenericContainer)
return result;
const AXObject* AXObject::TableRowParent() const {
const AXObject* row = ParentObjectUnignored();
while (row && !row->IsTableRowLikeRole() &&
row->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGenericContainer)
row = row->ParentObjectUnignored();
return row;
const AXObject* AXObject::TableParent() const {
const AXObject* table = ParentObjectUnignored();
while (table && !table->IsTableLikeRole() &&
table->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGenericContainer)
table = table->ParentObjectUnignored();
return table;
int AXObject::GetDOMNodeId() const {
Node* node = GetNode();
if (node)
return DOMNodeIds::IdForNode(node);
return 0;
void AXObject::GetRelativeBounds(AXObject** out_container,
gfx::RectF& out_bounds_in_container,
gfx::Transform& out_container_transform,
bool* clips_children) const {
*out_container = nullptr;
out_bounds_in_container = gfx::RectF();
// First check if it has explicit bounds, for example if this element is tied
// to a canvas path. When explicit coordinates are provided, the ID of the
// explicit container element that the coordinates are relative to must be
// provided too.
if (!explicit_element_rect_.IsEmpty()) {
*out_container = AXObjectCache().ObjectFromAXID(explicit_container_id_);
if (*out_container) {
out_bounds_in_container = gfx::RectF(explicit_element_rect_);
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object)
if (layout_object->IsFixedPositioned() ||
layout_object->IsStickyPositioned()) {
if (clips_children) {
if (IsA<Document>(GetNode())) {
*clips_children = true;
} else {
*clips_children = layout_object->HasNonVisibleOverflow();
if (IsA<Document>(GetNode())) {
if (LocalFrameView* view = layout_object->GetFrame()->View()) {
// If it's a popup, account for the popup window's offset.
if (view->GetPage()->GetChromeClient().IsPopup()) {
gfx::Rect frame_rect = view->FrameToScreen(view->FrameRect());
LocalFrameView* root_view =
gfx::Rect root_frame_rect =
// Screen coordinates are in DIP without device scale factor applied.
// Accessibility expects device scale factor applied here which is
// unapplied at the destination AXTree.
float scale_factor =
layout_object->GetFrame(), 1.0f);
gfx::PointF(scale_factor * (frame_rect.x() - root_frame_rect.x()),
scale_factor * (frame_rect.y() - root_frame_rect.y())));
// First compute the container. The container must be an ancestor in the
// accessibility tree, and its LayoutObject must be an ancestor in the layout
// tree. Get the first such ancestor that's either scrollable or has a paint
// layer.
AXObject* container = ParentObjectUnignored();
LayoutObject* container_layout_object = nullptr;
if (layout_object->IsFixedPositioned()) {
// If it's a fixed position element, the container should simply be the
// root web area.
container = AXObjectCache().GetOrCreate(GetDocument());
} else {
while (container) {
container_layout_object = container->GetLayoutObject();
if (container_layout_object && container_layout_object->IsBox() &&
layout_object->IsDescendantOf(container_layout_object)) {
if (container->IsScrollableContainer() ||
container_layout_object->HasLayer()) {
if (layout_object->IsAbsolutePositioned()) {
// If it's absolutely positioned, the container must be the
// nearest positioned container, or the root.
if (IsA<LayoutView>(layout_object)) {
if (container_layout_object->IsPositioned())
} else {
container = container->ParentObjectUnignored();
if (!container)
*out_container = container;
out_bounds_in_container =
// Frames need to take their border and padding into account so the
// child element's computed position will be correct.
if (layout_object->IsBox() && layout_object->GetNode() &&
layout_object->GetNode()->IsFrameOwnerElement()) {
out_bounds_in_container =
// If the container has a scroll offset, subtract that out because we want our
// bounds to be relative to the *unscrolled* position of the container object.
if (auto* scrollable_area = container->GetScrollableAreaIfScrollable())
// Compute the transform between the container's coordinate space and this
// object.
gfx::Transform transform = layout_object->LocalToAncestorTransform(
// If the transform is just a simple translation, apply that to the
// bounding box, but if it's a non-trivial transformation like a rotation,
// scaling, etc. then return the full matrix instead.
if (transform.IsIdentityOr2dTranslation()) {
} else {
out_container_transform = transform;
gfx::RectF AXObject::LocalBoundingBoxRectForAccessibility() {
if (!GetLayoutObject())
return gfx::RectF();
return cached_local_bounding_box_rect_for_accessibility_;
LayoutRect AXObject::GetBoundsInFrameCoordinates() const {
AXObject* container = nullptr;
gfx::RectF bounds;
gfx::Transform transform;
GetRelativeBounds(&container, bounds, transform);
gfx::RectF computed_bounds(0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height());
while (container && container != this) {
computed_bounds.Offset(bounds.x(), bounds.y());
if (!container->IsWebArea()) {
computed_bounds = transform.MapRect(computed_bounds);
container->GetRelativeBounds(&container, bounds, transform);
return LayoutRect(computed_bounds);
// Modify or take an action on an object.
bool AXObject::PerformAction(const ui::AXActionData& action_data) {
Document* document = GetDocument();
if (!document) {
return false;
AXObjectCacheImpl& cache = AXObjectCache();
Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node) {
node = GetClosestElement();
// In most cases, UpdateAllLifecyclePhasesExceptPaint() is enough, but if
// the action is part of a display locked node, that will not update the node
// because it's not part of the layout update cycle yet. In that case, calling
// UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeForNode() is also necessary.
node, DocumentUpdateReason::kAccessibility);
// Updating style and layout for the node can cause it to gain layout,
// detaching an AXNodeObject to make room for an AXLayoutObject.
if (IsDetached()) {
AXObject* new_object = cache.GetOrCreate(node);
return new_object ? new_object->PerformAction(action_data) : false;
switch (action_data.action) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kBlur:
return OnNativeBlurAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kClearAccessibilityFocus:
return InternalClearAccessibilityFocusAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kCollapse:
return RequestCollapseAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kDecrement:
return RequestDecrementAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kDoDefault:
return RequestClickAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kExpand:
return RequestExpandAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kFocus:
return RequestFocusAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kIncrement:
return RequestIncrementAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollToPoint:
return RequestScrollToGlobalPointAction(action_data.target_point);
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kSetAccessibilityFocus:
return InternalSetAccessibilityFocusAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kSetScrollOffset:
return true;
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint:
return RequestSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kSetValue:
return RequestSetValueAction(
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kShowContextMenu:
return RequestShowContextMenuAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollToMakeVisible:
return RequestScrollToMakeVisibleAction();
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollBackward:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollDown:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollForward:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollLeft:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollRight:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollUp:
return true;
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kAnnotatePageImages:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kCustomAction:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kGetImageData:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kGetTextLocation:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kHideTooltip:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kHitTest:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kInternalInvalidateTree:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kLoadInlineTextBoxes:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kNone:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kReplaceSelectedText:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kSetSelection:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kShowTooltip:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kSignalEndOfTest:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kResumeMedia:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kStartDuckingMedia:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kStopDuckingMedia:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kSuspendMedia:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kLongClick:
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollToPositionAtRowColumn:
return false;
bool AXObject::RequestDecrementAction() {
Event* event =
if (DispatchEventToAOMEventListeners(*event))
return true;
return OnNativeDecrementAction();
bool AXObject::RequestClickAction() {
Event* event = Event::CreateCancelable(event_type_names::kAccessibleclick);
if (DispatchEventToAOMEventListeners(*event))
return true;
return OnNativeClickAction();
bool AXObject::OnNativeClickAction() {
Document* document = GetDocument();
if (!document)
return false;
if (IsTextField())
return OnNativeFocusAction();
Element* element = GetClosestElement();
if (element) {
// Always set the sequential focus navigation starting point.
// Even if this element isn't focusable, if you press "Tab" it will
// start the search from this element.
// Explicitly focus the element if it's focusable but not currently
// the focused element, to be consistent with
// EventHandler::HandleMousePressEvent.
if (element->IsMouseFocusable() && !element->IsFocusedElementInDocument()) {
Page* const page = GetDocument()->GetPage();
if (page) {
element, GetDocument()->GetFrame(),
mojom::blink::FocusType::kMouse, nullptr));
// For most elements, AccessKeyAction triggers sending a simulated
// click, including simulating the mousedown, mouseup, and click events.
return true;
if (CanSetFocusAttribute())
return OnNativeFocusAction();
return false;
bool AXObject::RequestFocusAction() {
Event* event = Event::CreateCancelable(event_type_names::kAccessiblefocus);
if (DispatchEventToAOMEventListeners(*event))
return true;
return OnNativeFocusAction();
bool AXObject::RequestIncrementAction() {
Event* event =
if (DispatchEventToAOMEventListeners(*event))
return true;
return OnNativeIncrementAction();
bool AXObject::RequestScrollToGlobalPointAction(const gfx::Point& point) {
return OnNativeScrollToGlobalPointAction(point);
bool AXObject::RequestScrollToMakeVisibleAction() {
Event* event =
if (DispatchEventToAOMEventListeners(*event))
return true;
return OnNativeScrollToMakeVisibleAction();
bool AXObject::RequestScrollToMakeVisibleWithSubFocusAction(
const gfx::Rect& subfocus,
blink::mojom::blink::ScrollAlignment horizontal_scroll_alignment,
blink::mojom::blink::ScrollAlignment vertical_scroll_alignment) {
Document* document = GetDocument();
if (!document) {
return false;
AXObjectCacheImpl& cache = AXObjectCache();
Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node) {
node = GetClosestElement();
// In most cases, UpdateAllLifecyclePhasesExceptPaint() is enough, but if
// focus is is moving to a display locked node, that will not update the node
// because it's not part of the layout update cycle yet. In that case, calling
// UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeForNode() is also necessary.
node, DocumentUpdateReason::kAccessibility);
// Updating style and layout for the node can cause it to gain layout,
// detaching an AXNodeObject to make room for an AXLayoutObject.
if (IsDetached()) {
AXObject* new_object = cache.GetOrCreate(node);
return new_object
? new_object->OnNativeScrollToMakeVisibleWithSubFocusAction(
subfocus, horizontal_scroll_alignment,
: false;
return OnNativeScrollToMakeVisibleWithSubFocusAction(
subfocus, horizontal_scroll_alignment, vertical_scroll_alignment);
bool AXObject::RequestSetSelectedAction(bool selected) {
return OnNativeSetSelectedAction(selected);
bool AXObject::RequestSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAction() {
return OnNativeSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAction();
bool AXObject::RequestSetValueAction(const String& value) {
return OnNativeSetValueAction(value);
bool AXObject::RequestShowContextMenuAction() {
Event* event =
if (DispatchEventToAOMEventListeners(*event))
return true;
return OnNativeShowContextMenuAction();
bool AXObject::RequestExpandAction() {
if (ui::SupportsArrowKeysForExpandCollapse(RoleValue())) {
return OnNativeKeyboardAction(ax::mojom::blink::Action::kExpand);
return RequestClickAction();
bool AXObject::RequestCollapseAction() {
if (ui::SupportsArrowKeysForExpandCollapse(RoleValue())) {
return OnNativeKeyboardAction(ax::mojom::blink::Action::kCollapse);
return RequestClickAction();
bool AXObject::OnNativeKeyboardAction(const ax::mojom::Action action) {
LocalDOMWindow* local_dom_window = GetDocument()->domWindow();
DispatchKeyboardEvent(local_dom_window, WebInputEvent::Type::kRawKeyDown,
DispatchKeyboardEvent(local_dom_window, WebInputEvent::Type::kKeyUp, action);
return true;
bool AXObject::InternalSetAccessibilityFocusAction() {
return false;
bool AXObject::InternalClearAccessibilityFocusAction() {
return false;
LayoutObject* AXObject::GetLayoutObjectForNativeScrollAction() const {
Node* node = GetNode();
if (!node || !node->isConnected())
return nullptr;
// Node might not have a LayoutObject due to the fact that it is in a locked
// subtree. Force the update to create the LayoutObject (and update position
// information) for this node.
node, DocumentUpdateReason::kDisplayLock);
return node->GetLayoutObject();
void AXObject::DispatchKeyboardEvent(LocalDOMWindow* local_dom_window,
WebInputEvent::Type type,
ax::mojom::blink::Action action) const {
blink::WebKeyboardEvent key(type,
switch (action) {
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kExpand:
key.dom_key = ui::DomKey::ARROW_RIGHT;
key.dom_code = static_cast<int>(ui::DomCode::ARROW_RIGHT);
key.native_key_code = key.windows_key_code = blink::VKEY_RIGHT;
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kCollapse:
key.dom_key = ui::DomKey::ARROW_LEFT;
key.dom_code = static_cast<int>(ui::DomCode::ARROW_LEFT);
key.native_key_code = key.windows_key_code = blink::VKEY_LEFT;
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kShowContextMenu:
key.dom_key = ui::DomKey::CONTEXT_MENU;
key.dom_code = static_cast<int>(ui::DomCode::CONTEXT_MENU);
key.native_key_code = key.windows_key_code = blink::VKEY_APPS;
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollUp:
key.dom_key = ui::DomKey::PAGE_UP;
key.dom_code = static_cast<int>(ui::DomCode::PAGE_UP);
key.native_key_code = key.windows_key_code = blink::VKEY_PRIOR;
case ax::mojom::blink::Action::kScrollDown:
key.dom_key = ui::DomKey::PAGE_DOWN;
key.dom_code = static_cast<int>(ui::DomCode::PAGE_DOWN);
key.native_key_code = key.windows_key_code = blink::VKEY_NEXT;
*blink::KeyboardEvent::Create(key, local_dom_window, true));
bool AXObject::OnNativeScrollToMakeVisibleAction() const {
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObjectForNativeScrollAction();
if (!layout_object)
return false;
PhysicalRect target_rect(layout_object->AbsoluteBoundingBoxRect());
*layout_object, target_rect,
ScrollAlignment::CenterIfNeeded(), ScrollAlignment::CenterIfNeeded(),
mojom::blink::ScrollType::kProgrammatic, false,
return true;
bool AXObject::OnNativeScrollToMakeVisibleWithSubFocusAction(
const gfx::Rect& rect,
blink::mojom::blink::ScrollAlignment horizontal_scroll_alignment,
blink::mojom::blink::ScrollAlignment vertical_scroll_alignment) const {
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObjectForNativeScrollAction();
if (!layout_object)
return false;
PhysicalRect target_rect =
*layout_object, target_rect,
horizontal_scroll_alignment, vertical_scroll_alignment,
false /* make_visible_in_visual_viewport */,
return true;
bool AXObject::OnNativeScrollToGlobalPointAction(
const gfx::Point& global_point) const {
LayoutObject* layout_object = GetLayoutObjectForNativeScrollAction();
if (!layout_object)
return false;
PhysicalRect target_rect(layout_object->AbsoluteBoundingBoxRect());
*layout_object, target_rect,
ScrollAlignment::LeftAlways(), ScrollAlignment::TopAlways(),
mojom::blink::ScrollType::kProgrammatic, false,
return true;
bool AXObject::OnNativeSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAction() {
// Call it on the nearest ancestor that overrides this with a specific
// implementation.
if (ParentObject()) {
return ParentObject()
return false;
bool AXObject::OnNativeDecrementAction() {
return false;
bool AXObject::OnNativeBlurAction() {
return false;
bool AXObject::OnNativeFocusAction() {
return false;
bool AXObject::OnNativeIncrementAction() {
return false;
bool AXObject::OnNativeSetValueAction(const String&) {
return false;
bool AXObject::OnNativeSetSelectedAction(bool) {
return false;
bool AXObject::OnNativeShowContextMenuAction() {
Element* element = GetElement();
if (!element)
element = ParentObject() ? ParentObject()->GetElement() : nullptr;
if (!element)
return false;
Document* document = GetDocument();
if (!document || !document->GetFrame())
return false;
LocalDOMWindow* local_dom_window = GetDocument()->domWindow();
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::
SynthesizedKeyboardEventsForAccessibilityActionsEnabled()) {
// To make less evident that the events are synthesized, we have to emit
// them in this order: 1) keydown. 2) contextmenu. 3) keyup.
DispatchKeyboardEvent(local_dom_window, WebInputEvent::Type::kRawKeyDown,
ContextMenuAllowedScope scope;
WebInputEventResult result =
element, kMenuSourceKeyboard);
// The node may have ceased to exist due to the event handler actions, so we
// check its detached state. We also check the result of the contextMenu
// event: if it was consumed by the system, executing the default action, we
// don't synthesize the keyup event because it would not be produced normally;
// the system context menu captures it and never reaches the DOM.
if (!IsDetached() && result != WebInputEventResult::kHandledSystem &&
SynthesizedKeyboardEventsForAccessibilityActionsEnabled()) {
DispatchKeyboardEvent(local_dom_window, WebInputEvent::Type::kKeyUp,
return true;
// static
bool AXObject::IsARIAControl(ax::mojom::blink::Role aria_role) {
return IsARIAInput(aria_role) ||
aria_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kButton ||
aria_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxMenuButton ||
aria_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSlider;
// static
bool AXObject::IsARIAInput(ax::mojom::blink::Role aria_role) {
return aria_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRadioButton ||
aria_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCheckBox ||
aria_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextField ||
aria_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSwitch ||
aria_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSearchBox ||
aria_role == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox;
// static
bool AXObject::IsFrame(const Node* node) {
auto* frame_owner = DynamicTo<HTMLFrameOwnerElement>(node);
if (!frame_owner)
return false;
switch (frame_owner->OwnerType()) {
case FrameOwnerElementType::kIframe:
case FrameOwnerElementType::kFrame:
case FrameOwnerElementType::kFencedframe:
return true;
case FrameOwnerElementType::kObject:
case FrameOwnerElementType::kEmbed:
case FrameOwnerElementType::kPortal:
case FrameOwnerElementType::kNone:
return false;
// static
bool AXObject::HasARIAOwns(Element* element) {
if (!element)
return false;
// A LayoutObject is not required, because an invisible object can still
// use aria-owns to point to visible children.
const AtomicString& aria_owns =
// TODO(accessibility): do we need to check !AriaOwnsElements.empty() ? Is
// that fundamentally different from HasExplicitlySetAttrAssociatedElements()?
// And is an element even necessary in the case of virtual nodes?
return !aria_owns.empty() || element->HasExplicitlySetAttrAssociatedElements(
ax::mojom::blink::Role AXObject::AriaRoleStringToRoleEnum(const String& value) {
static const ARIARoleMap* role_map = CreateARIARoleMap();
Vector<String> role_vector;
value.Split(' ', role_vector);
ax::mojom::blink::Role role = ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown;
for (const auto& child : role_vector) {
auto it = role_map->find(child);
if (it != role_map->end())
return it->value;
return role;
bool AXObject::SupportsNameFromContents(bool recursive) const {
// ARIA 1.1, section
bool result = false;
switch (RoleValue()) {
// ----- NameFrom: contents -------------------------
// Get their own name from contents, or contribute to ancestors
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCell:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCheckBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColumnHeader:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxSelect:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocBackLink:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocBiblioRef:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocNoteRef:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocGlossRef:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDisclosureTriangle:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kHeading:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLayoutTableCell:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLineBreak:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLink:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListBoxOption:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMath:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItem:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItemCheckBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuItemRadio:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuListOption:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPopUpButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPortal:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRadioButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRowHeader:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStaticText:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSwitch:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTab:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kToggleButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTreeItem:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTooltip:
result = true;
// ----- No name from contents -------------------------
// These never have or contribute a name from contents, as they are
// containers for many subobjects. Superset of nameFrom:author ARIA roles.
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kAlert:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kAlertDialog:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kApplication:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kAudio:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kArticle:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kBanner:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kBlockquote:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColorWell:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxMenuButton: // Only value from
// content.
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComboBoxGrouping:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComment:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kComplementary:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kContentInfo:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDate:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDateTime:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDialog:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDirectory:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocCover:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocBiblioEntry:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocEndnote:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocFootnote:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPageBreak:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPageFooter:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPageHeader:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocAbstract:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocAcknowledgments:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocAfterword:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocAppendix:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocBibliography:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocChapter:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocColophon:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocConclusion:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocCredit:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocCredits:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocDedication:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocEndnotes:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocEpigraph:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocEpilogue:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocErrata:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocExample:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocForeword:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocGlossary:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocIndex:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocIntroduction:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocNotice:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPageList:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPart:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPreface:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPrologue:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocPullquote:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocQna:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocSubtitle:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocTip:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocToc:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDocument:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kEmbeddedObject:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFeed:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFigure:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kForm:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGraphicsDocument:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGraphicsObject:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGraphicsSymbol:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGrid:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGroup:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kHeader:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kIframePresentational:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kIframe:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kImage:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kInputTime:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLog:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMain:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMarquee:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLFraction:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLIdentifier:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLMath:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLMultiscripts:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLNoneScript:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLNumber:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLOperator:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLOver:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLPrescriptDelimiter:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLRoot:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLRow:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLSquareRoot:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLStringLiteral:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLSub:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLSubSup:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLSup:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLTable:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLTableCell:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLTableRow:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLText:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLUnder:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMathMLUnderOver:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuListPopup:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenu:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMenuBar:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMeter:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kNavigation:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kNote:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPluginObject:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kProgressIndicator:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRadioGroup:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRowGroup:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kScrollBar:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kScrollView:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSearch:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSearchBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSplitter:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSlider:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSpinButton:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStatus:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSuggestion:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSvgRoot:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTable:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTabList:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTabPanel:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTerm:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextField:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTextFieldWithComboBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTimer:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kToolbar:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTree:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTreeGrid:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kVideo:
result = false;
// ----- role="row" -------
// Spec says we should always expose the name on rows,
// but for performance reasons we only do it
// if the row is focusable or is the active descendant of a grid/treegrid.
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRow: {
if (CanSetFocusAttribute())
return true;
AXObject* ancestor = ParentObjectUnignored();
while (ancestor) {
if (ancestor->GetAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(
AOMRelationProperty::kActiveDescendant)) {
return true;
if (ancestor->RoleValue() !=
ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGenericContainer &&
ancestor->RoleValue() != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kNone &&
ancestor->RoleValue() != ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRowGroup) {
// Not inside a grid or a treegrid, or reached the top of one.
return false;
ancestor = ancestor->ParentObjectUnignored();
return false;
// ----- Conditional: contribute to ancestor only, unless focusable -------
// Some objects can contribute their contents to ancestor names, but
// only have their own name if they are focusable
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGenericContainer:
// The <body> and <html> element can pass information up to the the root
// for a portal name.
if (IsA<HTMLBodyElement>(GetNode()) ||
GetNode() == GetDocument()->documentElement()) {
return recursive && GetDocument()->GetPage() &&
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kAbbr:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCanvas:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCaption:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCode:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kContentDeletion:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kContentInsertion:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDefinition:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDescriptionListDetail:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDescriptionList:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDescriptionListTerm:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDetails:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kEmphasis:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFigcaption:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFooter:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kFooterAsNonLandmark:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kHeaderAsNonLandmark:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kInlineTextBox:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLabelText:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLayoutTable:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLayoutTableRow:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kLegend:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kList:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListItem:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListMarker:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kMark:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kNone:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kParagraph:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPre:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRegion:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRuby:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSection:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kStrong:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSubscript:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kSuperscript:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTime:
if (recursive) {
// Use contents if part of a recursive name computation.
result = true;
} else {
// Use contents if tabbable, so that there is a name in the case
// where the author mistakenly forgot to provide one.
// Exceptions:
// 1.Elements with contenteditable, where using the contents as a name
// would cause them to be double-announced.
// 2.Containers with aria-activedescendant, where the focus is being
// forwarded somewhere else.
// TODO(accessibility) Scrollables are currently allowed here in order
// to keep the current behavior. In the future, this can be removed
// because this code will be handled in IsFocusable(), once
// KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled is permanently enabled.
// Note: this uses the same scrollable check that uses.
result = false;
if (!IsEditable() && !GetAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(
AOMRelationProperty::kActiveDescendant)) {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled() &&
IsUserScrollable()) {
return true;
if (!GetElement() || !GetDocument())
return false;
int tab_index = GetElement()->tabIndex();
bool is_focused = GetElement() == GetDocument()->FocusedElement();
bool is_in_tab_order_or_focused = tab_index >= 0 || is_focused;
// Don't repair name from contents to focusable elements unless
// tabbable or focused, because providing a repaired accessible name
// often leads to redundant verbalizations.
return is_in_tab_order_or_focused && CanSetFocusAttribute();
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRubyAnnotation:
// Ruby annotations are removed from accessible names and instead used
// as a description of the parent Role::kRuby object. The benefit is that
// announcement of the description can be toggled on/off per user choice.
// In this way, ruby annotations are treated like other annotations, e.g.
// <mark aria-description="annotation">base text</mark>.
// In order to achieve the above:
// * When recursive is true:
// Return false, so that the ruby annotation text does not contribute to
// the name of the parent Role::kRuby, since it will also be in the
// description of that object.
// * When recursive is false:
// Return true, so that text is generated for the object. This text will
// be assigned as the description of he parent Role::kRuby object.
return !recursive;
// A root web area normally only computes its name from the document title,
// but a root web area inside a portal's main frame should compute its name
// from its contents. This name is used by the portal element that hosts
// this portal.
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRootWebArea: {
const Document& document = GetNode()->GetDocument();
bool is_portal_main_frame =
document.GetFrame() && document.GetFrame()->IsMainFrame() &&
!document.GetFrame()->IsFencedFrameRoot() && document.GetPage() &&
return is_portal_main_frame;
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kCaret:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kClient:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kColumn:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kDesktop:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kKeyboard:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kImeCandidate:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kListGrid:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPane:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPdfActionableHighlight:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPdfRoot:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTableHeaderContainer:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTitleBar:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kUnknown:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kWebView:
case ax::mojom::blink::Role::kWindow:
NOTREACHED() << "Role shouldn't occur in Blink: " << ToString(true, true);
return result;
bool AXObject::SupportsARIAReadOnly() const {
if (ui::IsReadOnlySupported(RoleValue()))
return true;
if (ui::IsCellOrTableHeader(RoleValue())) {
// For cells and row/column headers, readonly is supported within a grid.
AncestorsIterator ancestor = base::ranges::find_if(
UnignoredAncestorsBegin(), UnignoredAncestorsEnd(),
return ancestor.current_ &&
(ancestor.current_->RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kGrid ||
ancestor.current_->RoleValue() ==
return false;
ax::mojom::blink::Role AXObject::ButtonRoleType() const {
// If aria-pressed is present, then it should be exposed as a toggle button.
if (AriaPressedIsPresent())
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kToggleButton;
// If aria-haspopup is present and is not "dialog", expose as a popup button,
// which is exposed in MSAA/IA2 with a role of button menu. Note that this is
// not done for dialog because screen readers use the button menu role as a
// tip to turn off the virtual buffer mode.
// Here is the GitHub issue -- ARIA WG is working to update the spec to match.
if (HasPopup() != ax::mojom::blink::HasPopup::kFalse &&
HasPopup() != ax::mojom::blink::HasPopup::kDialog) {
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kPopUpButton;
return ax::mojom::blink::Role::kButton;
// static
const AtomicString& AXObject::ARIARoleName(ax::mojom::blink::Role role) {
static const Vector<AtomicString>* aria_role_name_vector =
return aria_role_name_vector->at(static_cast<wtf_size_t>(role));
const String AXObject::InternalRoleName(ax::mojom::blink::Role role) {
std::ostringstream role_name;
role_name << role;
// Convert from std::ostringstream to std::string, while removing "k" prefix.
// For example, kStaticText becomes StaticText.
// Many conversions, but this isn't used in performance-sensitive code.
std::string role_name_std = role_name.str().substr(1, std::string::npos);
String role_name_wtf_string = role_name_std.c_str();
return role_name_wtf_string;
// static
const String AXObject::RoleName(ax::mojom::blink::Role role,
bool* is_internal) {
if (is_internal)
*is_internal = false;
if (const auto& role_name = ARIARoleName(role))
return role_name.GetString();
if (is_internal)
*is_internal = true;
return InternalRoleName(role);
// static
const AXObject* AXObject::LowestCommonAncestor(const AXObject& first,
const AXObject& second,
int* index_in_ancestor1,
int* index_in_ancestor2) {
*index_in_ancestor1 = -1;
*index_in_ancestor2 = -1;
if (first.IsDetached() || second.IsDetached())
return nullptr;
if (first == second)
return &first;
HeapVector<Member<const AXObject>> ancestors1;
while (ancestors1.back())
HeapVector<Member<const AXObject>> ancestors2;
while (ancestors2.back())
const AXObject* common_ancestor = nullptr;
while (!ancestors1.empty() && !ancestors2.empty() &&
ancestors1.back() == ancestors2.back()) {
common_ancestor = ancestors1.back();
if (common_ancestor) {
if (!ancestors1.empty())
*index_in_ancestor1 = ancestors1.back()->IndexInParent();
if (!ancestors2.empty())
*index_in_ancestor2 = ancestors2.back()->IndexInParent();
return common_ancestor;
void AXObject::PreSerializationConsistencyCheck() {
#if defined(AX_FAIL_FAST_BUILD)
DCHECK(!IsDetached()) << "Do not serialize detached nodes: "
<< ToString(true, true);
<< "Do not serialize unincluded nodes: " << ToString(true, true);
// Extra checks that only occur during serialization.
SANITIZER_CHECK_EQ(IsAriaHidden(), !!FindAncestorWithAriaHidden(this))
<< "IsAriaHidden() doesn't match existence of an aria-hidden ancestor: "
<< ToString(true);
String AXObject::ToString(bool verbose, bool cached_values_only) const {
// Build a friendly name for debugging the object.
// If verbose, build a longer name name in the form of:
// CheckBox axid#28 <input.someClass#cbox1> name="checkbox"
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
if (IsDetached() && verbose) {
return "(detached) " + detached_object_debug_info_;
String string_builder = InternalRoleName(RoleValue()).EncodeForDebugging();
if (IsDetached()) {
return string_builder + " (detached)";
if (AXObjectCache().HasBeenDisposed()) {
return string_builder + " (doc shutdown) #" + String::Number(AXObjectID());
if (verbose) {
string_builder = string_builder + " axid#" + String::Number(AXObjectID());
// Add useful HTML element info, like <div.myClass#myId>.
if (GetNode()) {
string_builder = string_builder + " " + GetNodeString(GetNode());
if (IsA<Document>(GetNode())) {
if (IsRoot())
string_builder = string_builder + " isRoot";
if (GetDocument()->GetFrame() &&
GetDocument()->GetFrame()->PagePopupOwner()) {
string_builder = string_builder + " isPopup";
if (!GetDocument())
string_builder = string_builder + " missingDocument";
// Add properties of interest that often contribute to errors:
if (HasARIAOwns(GetElement())) {
string_builder =
string_builder + " aria-owns=" +
if (GetAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMRelationProperty::kActiveDescendant)) {
string_builder =
string_builder + " aria-activedescendant=" +
if (IsFocused())
string_builder = string_builder + " focused";
if (!IsDetached() && AXObjectCache().IsAriaOwned(this))
string_builder = string_builder + " isAriaOwned";
if (cached_values_only ? LastKnownIsIgnoredValue()
: AccessibilityIsIgnored()) {
string_builder = string_builder + " isIgnored";
#if defined(AX_FAIL_FAST_BUILD)
// TODO(accessibility) Move this out of AX_FAIL_FAST_BUILD by having a new
// ax_enum, and a ToString() in ax_enum_utils, as well as move out of
// String IgnoredReasonName(AXIgnoredReason reason) in
if (!cached_values_only && !IsDetached()) {
AXObject::IgnoredReasons reasons;
string_builder = string_builder + GetIgnoredReasonsDebugString(reasons);
if (cached_values_only ? !LastKnownIsIncludedInTreeValue()
: !AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree())
string_builder = string_builder + " isRemovedFromTree";
if (GetNode() && GetDocument()->Lifecycle().GetState() >=
DocumentLifecycle::kLayoutClean) {
if (GetNode()->OwnerShadowHost()) {
string_builder = string_builder + (GetNode()->IsInUserAgentShadowRoot()
? " inUserAgentShadowRoot:"
: " inShadowRoot:");
string_builder = string_builder + "<" +
GetNode()->OwnerShadowHost()->tagName().LowerASCII() +
if (GetNode()->GetShadowRoot()) {
string_builder = string_builder + " hasShadowRoot";
if (DisplayLockUtilities::ShouldIgnoreNodeDueToDisplayLock(
*GetNode(), DisplayLockActivationReason::kAccessibility)) {
string_builder = string_builder + " isDisplayLocked";
if (cached_values_only) {
if (cached_is_aria_hidden_)
string_builder = string_builder + " ariaHidden";
} else if (IsAriaHidden()) {
const AXObject* aria_hidden_root = AriaHiddenRoot();
if (aria_hidden_root) {
string_builder = string_builder + " ariaHiddenRoot";
if (aria_hidden_root != this) {
string_builder =
string_builder + GetNodeString(aria_hidden_root->GetNode());
} else {
string_builder = string_builder + " ariaHiddenRootMissing";
} else if (AriaHiddenRoot()) {
string_builder = string_builder + " ariaHiddenRootExtra";
if (cached_values_only ? cached_is_hidden_via_style_ : IsHiddenViaStyle()) {
string_builder = string_builder + " isHiddenViaCSS";
if (cached_values_only ? cached_is_inert_ : IsInert())
string_builder = string_builder + " isInert";
if (IsMissingParent())
string_builder = string_builder + " isMissingParent";
if (children_dirty_) {
string_builder = string_builder + " needsToUpdateChildren";
} else if (!children_.empty()) {
string_builder = string_builder + " #children=";
string_builder = string_builder + String::Number(children_.size());
if (!GetLayoutObject())
string_builder = string_builder + " missingLayout";
if (!cached_values_only)
string_builder = string_builder + " name=";
} else {
string_builder = string_builder + ": ";
// Append name last, in case it is long.
if (!cached_values_only)
string_builder = string_builder + ComputedName().EncodeForDebugging();
return string_builder;
bool operator==(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second) {
if (first.IsDetached() || second.IsDetached())
return false;
if (&first == &second) {
DCHECK_EQ(first.AXObjectID(), second.AXObjectID());
return true;
return false;
bool operator!=(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second) {
return !(first == second);
bool operator<(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second) {
if (first.IsDetached() || second.IsDetached())
return false;
int index_in_ancestor1, index_in_ancestor2;
const AXObject* ancestor = AXObject::LowestCommonAncestor(
first, second, &index_in_ancestor1, &index_in_ancestor2);
DCHECK_GE(index_in_ancestor1, -1);
DCHECK_GE(index_in_ancestor2, -1);
if (!ancestor)
return false;
return index_in_ancestor1 < index_in_ancestor2;
bool operator<=(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second) {
return first == second || first < second;
bool operator>(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second) {
if (first.IsDetached() || second.IsDetached())
return false;
int index_in_ancestor1, index_in_ancestor2;
const AXObject* ancestor = AXObject::LowestCommonAncestor(
first, second, &index_in_ancestor1, &index_in_ancestor2);
DCHECK_GE(index_in_ancestor1, -1);
DCHECK_GE(index_in_ancestor2, -1);
if (!ancestor)
return false;
return index_in_ancestor1 > index_in_ancestor2;
bool operator>=(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second) {
return first == second || first > second;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const AXObject* obj) {
if (obj)
return stream << obj->ToString(true).Utf8();
return stream << "<AXObject nullptr>";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const AXObject& obj) {
return stream << obj.ToString(true).Utf8();
void AXObject::Trace(Visitor* visitor) const {
} // namespace blink