blob: f6fffd395f32b7593329d4858a454bed4c0c7b17 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
mojom("mojom") {
generate_java = true
sources = [
public_deps = [
buffer_types_shared_cpp_typemap = {
types = [
mojom = "gfx.mojom.BufferFormat"
cpp = "::gfx::BufferFormat"
mojom = "gfx.mojom.BufferUsage"
cpp = "::gfx::BufferUsage"
mojom = "gfx.mojom.BufferUsageAndFormat"
cpp = "::gfx::BufferUsageAndFormat"
mojom = "gfx.mojom.GpuMemoryBufferHandle"
cpp = "::gfx::GpuMemoryBufferHandle"
move_only = true
nullable_is_same_type = true
mojom = "gfx.mojom.GpuMemoryBufferId"
cpp = "::gfx::GpuMemoryBufferId"
copyable_pass_by_value = true
mojom = "gfx.mojom.GpuMemoryBufferType"
cpp = "::gfx::GpuMemoryBufferType"
traits_headers = [ "buffer_types_mojom_traits.h" ]
traits_public_deps = [ ":shared_mojom_traits" ]
cpp_typemaps = [ buffer_types_shared_cpp_typemap ]
blink_cpp_typemaps = [ buffer_types_shared_cpp_typemap ]
mojom("native_handle_types") {
sources = [ "native_handle_types.mojom" ]
if (is_linux || use_ozone) {
enabled_features = [ "supports_native_pixmap" ]
public_deps = [ "//mojo/public/mojom/base" ]
generate_java = true
shared_cpp_typemap = {
types = [
mojom = "gfx.mojom.NativePixmapHandle"
cpp = "::gfx::NativePixmapHandle"
move_only = true
mojom = "gfx.mojom.NativePixmapPlane"
cpp = "::gfx::NativePixmapPlane"
move_only = true
traits_headers = [ "native_handle_types_mojom_traits.h" ]
traits_public_deps = [ ":native_handle_types_mojom_traits" ]
cpp_typemaps = [ shared_cpp_typemap ]
blink_cpp_typemaps = [ shared_cpp_typemap ]
mojom("test_interfaces") {
sources = [ "traits_test_service.mojom" ]
public_deps = [ ":mojom" ]
component("color_space_mojom_support") {
sources = [
public_deps = [
component("native_handle_types_mojom_traits") {
output_name = "gfx_native_types_shared_mojom_traits"
sources = [
public_deps = [
component("shared_mojom_traits") {
output_name = "gfx_shared_mojom_traits"
sources = [
public_deps = [