blob: a2e727697801f4c29fdc88596c28f6bc33758c21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/layout/animating_layout_manager.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/animation_container.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/slide_animation.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/animation_delegate_views.h"
#include "ui/views/layout/normalized_geometry.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace views {
namespace {
// Returns the ChildLayout data for the child view in the proposed layout, or
// nullptr if not found.
const ChildLayout* FindChildViewInLayout(const ProposedLayout& layout,
const View* view) {
if (!view)
return nullptr;
// The number of children should be small enough that this is more efficient
// than caching a lookup set.
for (auto& child_layout : layout.child_layouts) {
if (child_layout.child_view == view)
return &child_layout;
return nullptr;
ChildLayout* FindChildViewInLayout(ProposedLayout* layout, const View* view) {
return const_cast<ChildLayout*>(FindChildViewInLayout(*layout, view));
// Describes the type of fade, used by LayoutFadeInfo (see below).
enum class LayoutFadeType {
// This view is fading in as part of the current animation.
// This view is fading out as part of the current animation.
// This view was fading as part of a previous animation that was interrupted
// and redirected. No child views in the current animation should base their
// position off of it.
} // namespace
// Holds data about a view that is fading in or out as part of an animation.
struct AnimatingLayoutManager::LayoutFadeInfo {
// How the child view is fading.
LayoutFadeType fade_type;
// The child view which is fading.
View* child_view = nullptr;
// The view previous (leading side) to the fading view which is in both the
// starting and target layout, or null if none.
View* prev_view = nullptr;
// The view next (trailing side) to the fading view which is in both the
// starting and target layout, or null if none.
View* next_view = nullptr;
// The full-size bounds, normalized to the orientation of the layout manaer,
// that |child_view| starts with, if fading out, or ends with, if fading in.
NormalizedRect reference_bounds;
// The offset from the end of |prev_view| and the start of |next_view|. Insets
// may be negative if the views overlap.
Inset1D offsets;
// Manages the animation and various callbacks from the animation system that
// are required to update the layout during animations.
class AnimatingLayoutManager::AnimationDelegate
: public AnimationDelegateViews {
explicit AnimationDelegate(AnimatingLayoutManager* layout_manager);
~AnimationDelegate() override = default;
// Returns true after the host view is added to a widget or animation has been
// enabled by a unit test.
// Before that, animation is not possible, so all changes to the host view
// should result in the host view's layout being snapped directly to the
// target layout.
bool ready_to_animate() const { return ready_to_animate_; }
// Pushes animation configuration (tween type, duration) through to the
// animation itself.
void UpdateAnimationParameters();
// Starts the animation.
void Animate();
// Cancels and resets the current animation (if any).
void Reset();
// If the current layout is not yet ready to animate, transitions into the
// ready-to-animate state, possibly resetting the current layout and
// invalidating the host to make sure the layout is up to date.
void MakeReadyForAnimation();
// Observer used to watch for the host view being parented to a widget.
class ViewWidgetObserver : public ViewObserver {
explicit ViewWidgetObserver(AnimationDelegate* animation_delegate)
: animation_delegate_(animation_delegate) {}
void OnViewAddedToWidget(View* observed_view) override {
void OnViewIsDeleting(View* observed_view) override {
if (animation_delegate_->scoped_observer_.IsObserving(observed_view))
AnimationDelegate* const animation_delegate_;
friend class Observer;
// AnimationDelegateViews:
void AnimationProgressed(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void AnimationCanceled(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void AnimationEnded(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
bool ready_to_animate_ = false;
bool resetting_animation_ = false;
AnimatingLayoutManager* const target_layout_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<gfx::SlideAnimation> animation_;
ViewWidgetObserver view_widget_observer_{this};
ScopedObserver<View, ViewObserver> scoped_observer_{&view_widget_observer_};
AnimatingLayoutManager* layout_manager)
: AnimationDelegateViews(layout_manager->host_view()),
animation_(std::make_unique<gfx::SlideAnimation>(this)) {
animation_->SetContainer(new gfx::AnimationContainer());
View* const host_view = layout_manager->host_view();
if (host_view->GetWidget())
void AnimatingLayoutManager::AnimationDelegate::UpdateAnimationParameters() {
void AnimatingLayoutManager::AnimationDelegate::Animate() {
void AnimatingLayoutManager::AnimationDelegate::Reset() {
if (!ready_to_animate_)
base::AutoReset<bool> setter(&resetting_animation_, true);
void AnimatingLayoutManager::AnimationDelegate::MakeReadyForAnimation() {
if (!ready_to_animate_) {
ready_to_animate_ = true;
if (scoped_observer_.IsObserving(target_layout_manager_->host_view()))
void AnimatingLayoutManager::AnimationDelegate::AnimationProgressed(
const gfx::Animation* animation) {
DCHECK(animation_.get() == animation);
void AnimatingLayoutManager::AnimationDelegate::AnimationCanceled(
const gfx::Animation* animation) {
void AnimatingLayoutManager::AnimationDelegate::AnimationEnded(
const gfx::Animation* animation) {
if (resetting_animation_)
DCHECK(animation_.get() == animation);
// AnimatingLayoutManager:
AnimatingLayoutManager::AnimatingLayoutManager() = default;
AnimatingLayoutManager::~AnimatingLayoutManager() = default;
AnimatingLayoutManager& AnimatingLayoutManager::SetShouldAnimateBounds(
bool should_animate_bounds) {
if (should_animate_bounds_ != should_animate_bounds) {
should_animate_bounds_ = should_animate_bounds;
return *this;
AnimatingLayoutManager& AnimatingLayoutManager::SetAnimationDuration(
base::TimeDelta animation_duration) {
DCHECK_GE(animation_duration, base::TimeDelta());
animation_duration_ = animation_duration;
if (animation_delegate_)
return *this;
AnimatingLayoutManager& AnimatingLayoutManager::SetTweenType(
gfx::Tween::Type tween_type) {
tween_type_ = tween_type;
if (animation_delegate_)
return *this;
AnimatingLayoutManager& AnimatingLayoutManager::SetOrientation(
LayoutOrientation orientation) {
if (orientation_ != orientation) {
orientation_ = orientation;
return *this;
AnimatingLayoutManager& AnimatingLayoutManager::SetDefaultFadeMode(
FadeInOutMode default_fade_mode) {
default_fade_mode_ = default_fade_mode;
return *this;
void AnimatingLayoutManager::ResetLayout() {
if (!target_layout_manager())
void AnimatingLayoutManager::FadeOut(View* child_view) {
DCHECK_EQ(host_view(), child_view->parent());
// If the view in question is already incapable of being visible, either:
// 1. the view wasn't capable of being visible in the first place
// 2. the view is already invisible because the layout has chosen to hide it
// In either case, it is generally useful to recalculate the layout just in
// case the caller has made other changes that won't directly cause a layout -
// for example, the user has changed a layout-affecting class property. Worst
// case this ends up being a slightly costly no-op but we don't expect this
// method to be called very often.
if (!CanBeVisible(child_view)) {
// Indicate that the view should become hidden in the layout without
// immediately changing its visibility. Instead, this triggers an animation
// which results in the view being hidden.
// This method is typically only called from View and has a private final
// implementation in LayoutManagerBase so we have to cast to call it.
host_view(), child_view, child_view->GetVisible(), false);
void AnimatingLayoutManager::FadeIn(View* child_view) {
DCHECK_EQ(host_view(), child_view->parent());
// If the view in question is already capable of being visible, either:
// 1. the view is already visible so this is a no-op
// 2. the view is not visible because the target layout has chosen to hide it
// In either case, it is generally useful to recalculate the layout just in
// case the caller has made other changes that won't directly cause a layout -
// for example, the user has changed a layout-affecting class property. Worst
// case this ends up being a slightly costly no-op but we don't expect this
// method to be called very often.
if (CanBeVisible(child_view)) {
// Indicate that the view should become visible in the layout without
// immediately changing its visibility. Instead, this triggers an animation
// which results in the view being shown.
// This method is typically only called from View and has a private final
// implementation in LayoutManagerBase so we have to cast to call it.
host_view(), child_view, child_view->GetVisible(), true);
void AnimatingLayoutManager::AddObserver(Observer* observer) {
if (!observers_.HasObserver(observer))
void AnimatingLayoutManager::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) {
if (observers_.HasObserver(observer))
bool AnimatingLayoutManager::HasObserver(Observer* observer) const {
return observers_.HasObserver(observer);
gfx::Size AnimatingLayoutManager::GetPreferredSize(const View* host) const {
if (!target_layout_manager())
return gfx::Size();
return should_animate_bounds_
? current_layout_.host_size
: target_layout_manager()->GetPreferredSize(host);
gfx::Size AnimatingLayoutManager::GetMinimumSize(const View* host) const {
if (!target_layout_manager())
return gfx::Size();
// TODO(dfried): consider cases where the minimum size might not be just the
// minimum size of the embedded layout.
gfx::Size minimum_size = target_layout_manager()->GetMinimumSize(host);
if (should_animate_bounds_)
return minimum_size;
int AnimatingLayoutManager::GetPreferredHeightForWidth(const View* host,
int width) const {
if (!target_layout_manager())
return 0;
// TODO(dfried): revisit this computation.
return should_animate_bounds_
? current_layout_.host_size.height()
: target_layout_manager()->GetPreferredHeightForWidth(host, width);
std::vector<View*> AnimatingLayoutManager::GetChildViewsInPaintOrder(
const View* host) const {
DCHECK_EQ(host_view(), host);
if (!is_animating())
return LayoutManagerBase::GetChildViewsInPaintOrder(host);
std::vector<View*> result;
std::set<View*> fading;
// Put all fading views to the front of the list (back of the Z-order).
for (const LayoutFadeInfo& fade_info : fade_infos_) {
// Add the result of the views.
for (View* child : host->children()) {
if (!base::Contains(fading, child))
return result;
bool AnimatingLayoutManager::OnViewRemoved(View* host, View* view) {
// Remove any fade infos corresponding to the removed view.
base::EraseIf(fade_infos_, [view](const LayoutFadeInfo& fade_info) {
return fade_info.child_view == view;
// Remove any elements in the current layout corresponding to the removed
// view.
[view](const ChildLayout& child_layout) {
return child_layout.child_view == view;
return LayoutManagerBase::OnViewRemoved(host, view);
void AnimatingLayoutManager::PostOrQueueAction(base::OnceClosure action) {
if (!is_animating())
FlexRule AnimatingLayoutManager::GetDefaultFlexRule() const {
return base::BindRepeating(&AnimatingLayoutManager::DefaultFlexRuleImpl,
AnimatingLayoutManager::GetAnimationContainerForTesting() {
return animation_delegate_->container();
void AnimatingLayoutManager::EnableAnimationForTesting() {
ProposedLayout AnimatingLayoutManager::CalculateProposedLayout(
const SizeBounds& size_bounds) const {
// This class directly overrides Layout() so GetProposedLayout() and
// CalculateProposedLayout() are not called.
return ProposedLayout();
void AnimatingLayoutManager::OnInstalled(View* host) {
animation_delegate_ = std::make_unique<AnimationDelegate>(this);
void AnimatingLayoutManager::OnLayoutChanged() {
// This replaces the normal behavior of clearing cached layouts.
void AnimatingLayoutManager::LayoutImpl() {
// Changing the size of a view directly will lead to a layout call rather
// than an invalidation. This should reset the layout (but see the note in
// RecalculateTarget() below).
const gfx::Size host_size = host_view()->size();
if (should_animate_bounds_) {
// Reset the layout immediately if the current or target layout exceeds the
// host size or the available space.
const SizeBounds available_size = GetAvailableHostSize();
const base::Optional<int> bounds_main =
GetMainAxis(orientation(), available_size);
const int host_main = GetMainAxis(orientation(), host_size);
const int current_main =
GetMainAxis(orientation(), current_layout_.host_size);
if (current_main > host_main ||
(bounds_main && current_main > *bounds_main)) {
last_available_host_size_ = available_size;
} else if (available_size != last_available_host_size_) {
// May need to re-trigger animation if our bounds were relaxed; let us
// expand into the new available space.
// Verify that the last available size has been updated.
DCHECK_EQ(available_size, last_available_host_size_);
} else if (!cached_layout_size() || host_size != *cached_layout_size()) {
// Host size changed, so reset the layout.
// Send animating stopped events on layout so the current layout during the
// event represents the final state instead of an intermediate state.
if (is_animating_ && current_offset_ == 1.0)
void AnimatingLayoutManager::OnAnimationEnded() {
is_animating_ = false;
void AnimatingLayoutManager::ResetLayoutToTargetSize() {
void AnimatingLayoutManager::ResetLayoutToSize(const gfx::Size& target_size) {
if (animation_delegate_)
target_layout_ = target_layout_manager()->GetProposedLayout(target_size);
current_layout_ = target_layout_;
starting_layout_ = current_layout_;
current_offset_ = 1.0;
if (is_animating_)
bool AnimatingLayoutManager::RecalculateTarget() {
constexpr double kResetAnimationThreshold = 0.8;
if (!target_layout_manager())
return false;
if (!cached_layout_size() || !animation_delegate_ ||
!animation_delegate_->ready_to_animate()) {
return true;
const gfx::Size target_size = GetAvailableTargetLayoutSize();
// For layouts that are confined to available space, changing the available
// space causes a fresh layout, not an animation.
// TODO(dfried): define a way for views to animate into and out of empty
// space as adjacent child views appear/disappear. This will be useful in
// animating tab titles, which currently slide over when the favicon
// disappears.
if (!should_animate_bounds_ && *cached_layout_size() != target_size) {
return true;
// If there has been no appreciable change in layout, there's no reason to
// start or update an animation.
const ProposedLayout proposed_layout =
if (target_layout_ == proposed_layout)
return false;
target_layout_ = proposed_layout;
if (current_offset_ > kResetAnimationThreshold) {
starting_layout_ = current_layout_;
starting_offset_ = 0.0;
current_offset_ = 0.0;
if (!is_animating_) {
is_animating_ = true;
} else if (current_offset_ > starting_offset_) {
// Only update the starting layout if the animation has progressed. This has
// the effect of "batching up" changes that all happen on the same frame,
// keeping the same starting point. (A common example of this is multiple
// child views' visibility changing.)
starting_layout_ = current_layout_;
starting_offset_ = current_offset_;
return true;
void AnimatingLayoutManager::AnimateTo(double value) {
DCHECK_GE(value, 0.0);
DCHECK_LE(value, 1.0);
DCHECK_GE(value, starting_offset_);
DCHECK_GE(value, current_offset_);
if (current_offset_ == value)
current_offset_ = value;
const double percent =
(current_offset_ - starting_offset_) / (1.0 - starting_offset_);
void AnimatingLayoutManager::NotifyIsAnimatingChanged() {
for (auto& observer : observers_)
observer.OnLayoutIsAnimatingChanged(this, is_animating());
void AnimatingLayoutManager::RunQueuedActions() {
run_queued_actions_is_pending_ = false;
std::vector<base::OnceClosure> actions = std::move(queued_actions_to_run_);
for (auto& action : actions)
void AnimatingLayoutManager::PostQueuedActions() {
// Move queued actions over to actions that should run during the next
// PostTask(). This prevents a race between old PostTask() calls and new
// delayed actions. See the header for more detail.
for (auto& action : queued_actions_)
// Early return to prevent multiple RunQueuedAction() tasks.
if (run_queued_actions_is_pending_)
// Post to self (instead of posting the queued actions directly) which lets
// us:
// * Keep "AnimatingLayoutManager::RunDelayedActions" in the stack frame.
// * Tie the task lifetimes to AnimatingLayoutManager.
run_queued_actions_is_pending_ =
FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&AnimatingLayoutManager::RunQueuedActions,
void AnimatingLayoutManager::UpdateCurrentLayout(double percent) {
// This drops out any child view elements that don't exist in the target
// layout. We'll add them back in later.
current_layout_ =
ProposedLayoutBetween(percent, starting_layout_, target_layout_);
for (const LayoutFadeInfo& fade_info : fade_infos_) {
// This shouldn't happen but we should ensure that with a check.
DCHECK_NE(-1, host_view()->GetIndexOf(fade_info.child_view));
// Views that were previously fading are animated as normal, so nothing to
// do here.
if (fade_info.fade_type == LayoutFadeType::kContinuingFade)
ChildLayout child_layout;
if (percent == 1.0) {
// At the end of the animation snap to the final state of the child view.
child_layout.child_view = fade_info.child_view;
switch (fade_info.fade_type) {
case LayoutFadeType::kFadingIn:
child_layout.visible = true;
child_layout.bounds =
Denormalize(orientation(), fade_info.reference_bounds);
case LayoutFadeType::kFadingOut:
child_layout.visible = false;
case LayoutFadeType::kContinuingFade:
} else if (default_fade_mode_ == FadeInOutMode::kHide) {
child_layout.child_view = fade_info.child_view;
child_layout.visible = false;
} else {
const double scale_percent =
fade_info.fade_type == LayoutFadeType::kFadingIn ? percent
: 1.0 - percent;
switch (default_fade_mode_) {
case FadeInOutMode::kHide:
case FadeInOutMode::kScaleFromMinimum:
child_layout = CalculateScaleFade(fade_info, scale_percent,
/* scale_from_zero */ false);
case FadeInOutMode::kScaleFromZero:
child_layout = CalculateScaleFade(fade_info, scale_percent,
/* scale_from_zero */ true);
case FadeInOutMode::kSlideFromLeadingEdge:
child_layout = CalculateSlideFade(fade_info, scale_percent,
/* slide_from_leading */ true);
case FadeInOutMode::kSlideFromTrailingEdge:
child_layout = CalculateSlideFade(fade_info, scale_percent,
/* slide_from_leading */ false);
ChildLayout* const to_overwrite =
FindChildViewInLayout(&current_layout_, fade_info.child_view);
if (to_overwrite)
*to_overwrite = child_layout;
void AnimatingLayoutManager::CalculateFadeInfos() {
// Save any views that were previously fading so we don't try to key off of
// them when calculating leading/trailing edge.
std::set<const View*> previously_fading;
for (const auto& fade_info : fade_infos_)
struct ChildInfo {
base::Optional<size_t> start;
NormalizedRect start_bounds;
bool start_visible = false;
base::Optional<size_t> target;
NormalizedRect target_bounds;
bool target_visible = false;
std::map<View*, ChildInfo> child_to_info;
std::map<int, View*> start_leading_edges;
std::map<int, View*> target_leading_edges;
// Collect some bookkeping info to prevent linear searches later.
for (View* child : host_view()->children()) {
if (IsChildIncludedInLayout(child, /* include hidden */ true))
child_to_info.emplace(child, ChildInfo());
for (size_t i = 0; i < starting_layout_.child_layouts.size(); ++i) {
const auto& child_layout = starting_layout_.child_layouts[i];
auto it = child_to_info.find(child_layout.child_view);
if (it != child_to_info.end()) {
it->second.start = i;
it->second.start_bounds = Normalize(orientation(), child_layout.bounds);
it->second.start_visible = child_layout.visible;
for (size_t i = 0; i < target_layout_.child_layouts.size(); ++i) {
const auto& child_layout = target_layout_.child_layouts[i];
auto it = child_to_info.find(child_layout.child_view);
if (it != child_to_info.end()) {
it-> = i;
it->second.target_bounds = Normalize(orientation(), child_layout.bounds);
it->second.target_visible = child_layout.visible;
for (View* child : host_view()->children()) {
const auto& index = child_to_info[child];
if (index.start_visible && index.target_visible &&
!base::Contains(previously_fading, child)) {
start_leading_edges.emplace(index.start_bounds.origin_main(), child);
target_leading_edges.emplace(index.target_bounds.origin_main(), child);
// Build the LayoutFadeInfo data.
const NormalizedSize start_host_size =
Normalize(orientation(), starting_layout_.host_size);
const NormalizedSize target_host_size =
Normalize(orientation(), target_layout_.host_size);
for (View* child : host_view()->children()) {
const auto& current = child_to_info[child];
if (current.start_visible && !current.target_visible) {
LayoutFadeInfo fade_info;
fade_info.fade_type = LayoutFadeType::kFadingOut;
fade_info.child_view = child;
fade_info.reference_bounds = current.start_bounds;
auto next =
if (next == start_leading_edges.end()) {
fade_info.next_view = nullptr;
fade_info.offsets.set_trailing(start_host_size.main() -
} else {
fade_info.next_view = next->second;
fade_info.offsets.set_trailing(next->first -
if (next == start_leading_edges.begin()) {
fade_info.prev_view = nullptr;
} else {
auto prev = next;
const auto& prev_info = child_to_info[prev->second];
fade_info.prev_view = prev->second;
fade_info.offsets.set_leading(current.start_bounds.origin_main() -
} else if (!current.start_visible && current.target_visible) {
LayoutFadeInfo fade_info;
fade_info.fade_type = LayoutFadeType::kFadingIn;
fade_info.child_view = child;
fade_info.reference_bounds = current.target_bounds;
auto next =
if (next == target_leading_edges.end()) {
fade_info.next_view = nullptr;
fade_info.offsets.set_trailing(target_host_size.main() -
} else {
fade_info.next_view = next->second;
fade_info.offsets.set_trailing(next->first -
if (next == target_leading_edges.begin()) {
fade_info.prev_view = nullptr;
} else {
auto prev = next;
const auto& prev_info = child_to_info[prev->second];
fade_info.prev_view = prev->second;
fade_info.offsets.set_leading(current.target_bounds.origin_main() -
} else if (base::Contains(previously_fading, child)) {
// Capture the fact that this view was fading as part of an animation that
// was interrupted. (It is therefore technically still fading.) This
// status goes away when the animation ends.
LayoutFadeInfo fade_info;
fade_info.fade_type = LayoutFadeType::kContinuingFade;
fade_info.child_view = child;
// No reference bounds or offsets since we'll use the normal animation
// pathway for this view.
void AnimatingLayoutManager::ResolveFades() {
// Views that need faded out are views which were were fading out previously
// because they were set to not be visible, either by calling SetVisible() or
// FadeOut(). Those views will not be included in the new layout but may not
// have been allowed to become invisible yet because of the fade-out
// animation. Even in the case of FadeInOutMode::kHide, if no frames of the
// animation have run, the relevant view may still be visible.
for (const LayoutFadeInfo& fade_info : fade_infos_) {
View* const child = fade_info.child_view;
if (fade_info.fade_type == LayoutFadeType::kFadingOut &&
host_view()->GetIndexOf(child) >= 0 &&
!IsChildViewIgnoredByLayout(child) && !IsChildIncludedInLayout(child)) {
SetViewVisibility(child, false);
ChildLayout AnimatingLayoutManager::CalculateScaleFade(
const LayoutFadeInfo& fade_info,
double scale_percent,
bool scale_from_zero) const {
ChildLayout child_layout;
int leading_reference_point = 0;
if (fade_info.prev_view) {
// Since prev/next view is always a view in the start and target layouts, it
// should also be in the current layout. Therefore this should never return
// null.
const ChildLayout* const prev_layout =
FindChildViewInLayout(current_layout_, fade_info.prev_view);
leading_reference_point =
Normalize(orientation(), prev_layout->bounds).max_main();
leading_reference_point += fade_info.offsets.leading();
int trailing_reference_point;
if (fade_info.next_view) {
// Since prev/next view is always a view in the start and target layouts, it
// should also be in the current layout. Therefore this should never return
// null.
const ChildLayout* const next_layout =
FindChildViewInLayout(current_layout_, fade_info.next_view);
trailing_reference_point =
Normalize(orientation(), next_layout->bounds).origin_main();
} else {
trailing_reference_point =
Normalize(orientation(), current_layout_.host_size).main();
trailing_reference_point -= fade_info.offsets.trailing();
const int new_size =
std::min(int{scale_percent * fade_info.reference_bounds.size_main()},
trailing_reference_point - leading_reference_point);
child_layout.child_view = fade_info.child_view;
if (new_size > 0 &&
(scale_from_zero ||
new_size >=
Normalize(orientation(), fade_info.child_view->GetMinimumSize())
.main())) {
child_layout.visible = true;
NormalizedRect new_bounds = fade_info.reference_bounds;
switch (fade_info.fade_type) {
case LayoutFadeType::kFadingIn:
case LayoutFadeType::kFadingOut:
new_bounds.set_origin_main(trailing_reference_point - new_size);
case LayoutFadeType::kContinuingFade:
child_layout.bounds = Denormalize(orientation(), new_bounds);
return child_layout;
ChildLayout AnimatingLayoutManager::CalculateSlideFade(
const LayoutFadeInfo& fade_info,
double scale_percent,
bool slide_from_leading) const {
// Fall back to kScaleFromMinimum if there is no edge to slide out from.
if (!fade_info.prev_view && !fade_info.next_view)
return CalculateScaleFade(fade_info, scale_percent, false);
// Slide from the other direction if against the edge of the host view.
if (slide_from_leading && !fade_info.prev_view)
slide_from_leading = false;
else if (!slide_from_leading && !fade_info.next_view)
slide_from_leading = true;
NormalizedRect new_bounds = fade_info.reference_bounds;
// Determine which layout the sliding view will be completely faded in.
const ProposedLayout* fully_faded_layout;
switch (fade_info.fade_type) {
case LayoutFadeType::kFadingIn:
fully_faded_layout = &starting_layout_;
case LayoutFadeType::kFadingOut:
fully_faded_layout = &target_layout_;
case LayoutFadeType::kContinuingFade:
if (slide_from_leading) {
// Get the layout info for the leading child.
const ChildLayout* const leading_child =
FindChildViewInLayout(*fully_faded_layout, fade_info.prev_view);
// This is the right side of the leading control that will eclipse the
// sliding view at the start/end of the animation.
const int initial_trailing =
Normalize(orientation(), leading_child->bounds).max_main();
// Interpolate between initial and final trailing edge.
const int new_trailing = gfx::Tween::IntValueBetween(
scale_percent, initial_trailing, new_bounds.max_main());
// Adjust the bounding rectangle of the view.
new_bounds.Offset(new_trailing - new_bounds.max_main(), 0);
} else {
// Get the layout info for the trailing child.
const ChildLayout* const trailing_child =
FindChildViewInLayout(*fully_faded_layout, fade_info.next_view);
// This is the left side of the trailing control that will eclipse the
// sliding view at the start/end of the animation.
const int initial_leading =
Normalize(orientation(), trailing_child->bounds).origin_main();
// Interpolate between initial and final leading edge.
const int new_leading = gfx::Tween::IntValueBetween(
scale_percent, initial_leading, new_bounds.origin_main());
// Adjust the bounding rectangle of the view.
new_bounds.Offset(new_leading - new_bounds.origin_main(), 0);
// Actual bounds are a linear interpolation between starting and reference
// bounds.
ChildLayout child_layout;
child_layout.child_view = fade_info.child_view;
child_layout.visible = true;
child_layout.bounds = Denormalize(orientation(), new_bounds);
return child_layout;
// Returns the space in which to calculate the target layout.
gfx::Size AnimatingLayoutManager::GetAvailableTargetLayoutSize() {
if (!should_animate_bounds_)
return host_view()->size();
const SizeBounds bounds = GetAvailableHostSize();
last_available_host_size_ = bounds;
const gfx::Size preferred_size =
if (!bounds.width() || *bounds.width() > preferred_size.width()) {
return gfx::Size(preferred_size.width(),
? std::min(preferred_size.height(), *bounds.height())
: preferred_size.height());
const int height = target_layout_manager()->GetPreferredHeightForWidth(
host_view(), *bounds.width());
return gfx::Size(*bounds.width(), bounds.height()
? std::min(height, *bounds.height())
: height);
// static
gfx::Size AnimatingLayoutManager::DefaultFlexRuleImpl(
const AnimatingLayoutManager* animating_layout,
const View* view,
const SizeBounds& size_bounds) {
DCHECK_EQ(view->GetLayoutManager(), animating_layout);
// This is the current preferred size, which takes animation into account.
const gfx::Size preferred_size = animating_layout->GetPreferredSize(view);
// Does the preferred size fit in the bounds? If so, return the preferred
// size. Note that the *target* size might not fit in the bounds, but we'll
// recalculate that the next time we lay out.
if (CanFitInBounds(preferred_size, size_bounds))
return preferred_size;
// Special case - if we're being asked for a zero-size layout we'll return the
// minimum size of the layout. This is because we're being probed for how
// small we can get, not being asked for an actual size.
const base::Optional<int> bounds_main =
GetMainAxis(animating_layout->orientation(), size_bounds);
if (bounds_main && *bounds_main <= 0)
return animating_layout->GetMinimumSize(view);
// We know our current size does not fit into the bounds being given to us.
// This is going to force a snap to a new size, which will be the ideal size
// of the target layout in the provided space.
const LayoutManagerBase* const target_layout =
// Easiest case is that the target layout's preferred size *does* fit, in
// which case we can use that.
const gfx::Size target_preferred = target_layout->GetPreferredSize(view);
if (CanFitInBounds(target_preferred, size_bounds))
return target_preferred;
// We know that at least one of the width and height are constrained, so we
// need to ask the target layout how large it wants to be in the space
// provided.
gfx::Size size;
if (size_bounds.width() && size_bounds.height()) {
// Both width and height are specified. Constraining the width may change
// the desired height, so we can't just blindly return the minimum in both
// dimensions. Instead, query the target layout in the constrained space
// and return its size.
size = gfx::Size(*size_bounds.width(), *size_bounds.height());
} else if (size_bounds.width()) {
// The width is specified and too small. Use the height-for-width
// calculation.
// TODO(dfried): This should be rare, but it is also inefficient. See if we
// can't add an alternative to GetPreferredHeightForWidth() that actually
// calculates the layout in this space so we don't have to do it twice.
const int width = *size_bounds.width();
size = gfx::Size(width,
target_layout->GetPreferredHeightForWidth(view, width));
} else {
// The height is specified and too small. Fortunately the height of a
// layout can't (shouldn't?) affect its width.
size = gfx::Size(target_preferred.width(), *size_bounds.height());
return target_layout->GetProposedLayout(size).host_size;
} // namespace views