blob: 723d0624080104ab7f18940aa5defff7f2687bf8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/icc_profile.h"
#include <list>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/mru_cache.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorSpaceXform.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkICC.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_color_space_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/switches.h"
namespace gfx {
const uint64_t ICCProfile::test_id_adobe_rgb_ = 1;
const uint64_t ICCProfile::test_id_color_spin_ = 2;
const uint64_t ICCProfile::test_id_generic_rgb_ = 3;
const uint64_t ICCProfile::test_id_srgb_ = 4;
const uint64_t ICCProfile::test_id_no_analytic_tr_fn_ = 5;
const uint64_t ICCProfile::test_id_a2b_only_ = 6;
const uint64_t ICCProfile::test_id_overshoot_ = 7;
namespace {
// Allow keeping around a maximum of 8 cached ICC profiles. Beware that
// we will do a linear search thorugh currently-cached ICC profiles,
// when creating a new ICC profile.
const size_t kMaxCachedICCProfiles = 8;
struct Cache {
Cache() : id_to_icc_profile_mru(kMaxCachedICCProfiles) {}
~Cache() {}
// Start from-ICC-data IDs at the end of the hard-coded test id list above.
uint64_t next_unused_id = 10;
base::MRUCache<uint64_t, ICCProfile> id_to_icc_profile_mru;
base::Lock lock;
static base::LazyInstance<Cache>::DestructorAtExit g_cache =
} // namespace
ICCProfile::ICCProfile() = default;
ICCProfile::ICCProfile(ICCProfile&& other) = default;
ICCProfile::ICCProfile(const ICCProfile& other) = default;
ICCProfile& ICCProfile::operator=(ICCProfile&& other) = default;
ICCProfile& ICCProfile::operator=(const ICCProfile& other) = default;
ICCProfile::~ICCProfile() = default;
bool ICCProfile::operator==(const ICCProfile& other) const {
return data_ == other.data_;
bool ICCProfile::operator!=(const ICCProfile& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool ICCProfile::IsValid() const {
return successfully_parsed_by_sk_icc_;
// static
ICCProfile ICCProfile::FromData(const void* data, size_t size) {
return FromDataWithId(data, size, 0);
// static
ICCProfile ICCProfile::FromDataWithId(const void* data,
size_t size,
uint64_t new_profile_id) {
if (!size)
return ICCProfile();
const char* data_as_char = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data);
// Linearly search the cached ICC profiles to find one with the same data.
// If it exists, re-use its id and touch it in the cache.
Cache& cache = g_cache.Get();
base::AutoLock lock(cache.lock);
for (auto iter = cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.begin();
iter != cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.end(); ++iter) {
const std::vector<char>& iter_data = iter->second.data_;
if (iter_data.size() != size || memcmp(data,, size))
auto found = cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.Get(iter->second.id_);
return found->second;
if (!new_profile_id)
new_profile_id = cache.next_unused_id++;
// Create a new cached id and add it to the cache.
ICCProfile icc_profile;
icc_profile.id_ = new_profile_id;
icc_profile.data_.insert(icc_profile.data_.begin(), data_as_char,
data_as_char + size);
return icc_profile;
#if !defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(USE_X11)
// static
ICCProfile ICCProfile::FromBestMonitor() {
if (HasForcedProfile())
return GetForcedProfile();
return ICCProfile();
// static
bool ICCProfile::HasForcedProfile() {
return base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
// static
ICCProfile ICCProfile::GetForcedProfile() {
ICCProfile icc_profile;
std::string value =
if (value == "srgb") {
} else if (value == "generic-rgb") {
ColorSpace generic_rgb_color_space(ColorSpace::PrimaryID::APPLE_GENERIC_RGB,
} else if (value == "color-spin-gamma24") {
ColorSpace color_spin_color_space(
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid forced color profile";
return icc_profile;
// static
const std::vector<char>& ICCProfile::GetData() const {
return data_;
const ColorSpace& ICCProfile::GetColorSpace() const {
// Move this ICC profile to the most recently used end of the cache,
// inserting if needed.
if (id_) {
Cache& cache = g_cache.Get();
base::AutoLock lock(cache.lock);
auto found = cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.Get(id_);
if (found == cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.end())
found = cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.Put(id_, *this);
return color_space_;
const ColorSpace& ICCProfile::GetParametricColorSpace() const {
// Move this ICC profile to the most recently used end of the cache,
// inserting if needed.
if (id_) {
Cache& cache = g_cache.Get();
base::AutoLock lock(cache.lock);
auto found = cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.Get(id_);
if (found == cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.end())
found = cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.Put(id_, *this);
return parametric_color_space_;
// static
bool ICCProfile::FromId(uint64_t id,
ICCProfile* icc_profile) {
if (!id)
return false;
Cache& cache = g_cache.Get();
base::AutoLock lock(cache.lock);
auto found = cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.Get(id);
if (found == cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.end())
return false;
*icc_profile = found->second;
return true;
void ICCProfile::ComputeColorSpaceAndCache() {
if (!id_)
// If this already exists in the cache, just update its |color_space_|.
Cache& cache = g_cache.Get();
base::AutoLock lock(cache.lock);
auto found = cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.Get(id_);
if (found != cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.end()) {
color_space_ = found->second.color_space_;
parametric_color_space_ = found->second.parametric_color_space_;
successfully_parsed_by_sk_icc_ =
// Parse the profile and attempt to create a SkColorSpaceXform out of it.
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> sk_srgb_color_space = SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB();
sk_sp<SkICC> sk_icc = SkICC::Make(, data_.size());
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> sk_icc_color_space;
std::unique_ptr<SkColorSpaceXform> sk_color_space_xform;
if (sk_icc)
sk_icc_color_space = SkColorSpace::MakeICC(, data_.size());
if (sk_icc_color_space) {
sk_color_space_xform = SkColorSpaceXform::New(sk_srgb_color_space.get(),
// Attempt to extract a parametric represetation for this space.
if (sk_color_space_xform) {
bool parametric_color_space_is_accurate = false;
successfully_parsed_by_sk_icc_ = true;
// Populate |parametric_color_space_| as a primary matrix and analytic
// transfer function, if possible.
SkMatrix44 to_XYZD50_matrix;
if (sk_icc->toXYZD50(&to_XYZD50_matrix)) {
SkColorSpaceTransferFn fn;
// First try to get a numerical transfer function from the profile.
if (sk_icc->isNumericalTransferFn(&fn)) {
parametric_color_space_is_accurate = true;
} else {
// If that fails, try to approximate the transfer function.
float fn_max_error = 0;
bool got_approximate_fn =
SkApproximateTransferFn(sk_icc, &fn_max_error, &fn);
if (got_approximate_fn) {
float kMaxError = 2.f / 256.f;
if (fn_max_error < kMaxError) {
parametric_color_space_is_accurate = true;
} else {
DLOG(ERROR) << "ICCProfile transfer function approximation "
<< "inexact, error: " << 256.f * fn_max_error << "/256";
} else {
// And if that fails, just say that the transfer function was sRGB.
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to approximate ICCProfile transfer function.";
parametric_color_space_ =
gfx::ColorSpace::CreateCustom(to_XYZD50_matrix, fn);
} else {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extract ICCProfile primary matrix.";
// TODO(ccameron): Get an approximate gamut for rasterization.
parametric_color_space_ = gfx::ColorSpace::CreateSRGB();
// If the approximation is accurate, then set |parametric_color_space_| and
// |color_space_| to the same value, and link them to |this|. Otherwise, set
// them separately, and do not link |parametric_color_space_| to |this|.
if (parametric_color_space_is_accurate) {
parametric_color_space_.icc_profile_id_ = id_;
color_space_ = parametric_color_space_;
} else {
color_space_ = ColorSpace(ColorSpace::PrimaryID::ICC_BASED,
color_space_.icc_profile_id_ = id_;
color_space_.icc_profile_sk_color_space_ = sk_icc_color_space;
} else if (sk_icc_color_space) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Parsed ICCProfile, but unable to create an "
"SkColorSpaceXform from it.";
successfully_parsed_by_sk_icc_ = false;
} else {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse ICCProfile.";
successfully_parsed_by_sk_icc_ = false;
// Add to the cache.
Cache& cache = g_cache.Get();
base::AutoLock lock(cache.lock);
cache.id_to_icc_profile_mru.Put(id_, *this);
} // namespace gfx