blob: bbde56bc98cabf3fc611df291c22ad76a8351721 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
namespace password_manager {
namespace ui {
// The current state of the password manager's UI.
enum State {
// The password manager has nothing to do with the current site.
// A password has been typed in and submitted successfully. Now we need to
// display an Omnibox icon, and pop up a bubble asking the user whether
// they'd like to save the password.
// A password is pending, but we don't need to pop up a bubble.
// A password has been saved and we wish to display UI confirming the save
// to the user.
// A password has been autofilled, or has just been saved. The icon needs
// to be visible, in the management state.
// The user has blacklisted the site rendered in the current WebContents.
// The icon needs to be visible, in the blacklisted state.
// The site has asked user to choose a credential. Now we need to display an
// Omnibox icon, and pop up a bubble.
// Credentials are pending, but we don't need to pop up a bubble.
// Password manager failed to detect the form, so bubble should be pop upped.
// Password manager failed to detect the form, bubble should outlive next
// navigation.
// "Allow to collect URL?" bubble is showing.
// The position of a password item in a list of credentials.
enum PasswordItemPosition {
// The password item is the first in the list.
// The password item is not the first item in the list.
// Returns true if |state| represents a pending password.
bool IsPendingState(State state);
// Returns true if |state| represents a pending credentials.
bool IsCredentialsState(State state);
// Returns true if this state show cause the bubble to be shown without user
// interaction.
bool IsAutomaticDisplayState(State state);
bool IsAskSubmitURLState(State state);
// Returns the state that the bubble should be in after the automatic display
// occurs.
State GetEndStateForAutomaticState(State state);
} // namespace ui
} // namespace password_manager