blob: 1e87ef71b0d7140482b4e7e9731024e8b8fc4590 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ash/policy/remote_commands/crd_connection_observer.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace policy {
// Helper class that decides when the admin is locked out from attempting to
// start a remote CRD session.
// This prevents the admin from spamming the host user.
class CrdLockoutStrategy : public CrdConnectionObserver {
CrdLockoutStrategy() = default;
CrdLockoutStrategy(const CrdLockoutStrategy&) = delete;
CrdLockoutStrategy& operator=(const CrdLockoutStrategy&) = delete;
~CrdLockoutStrategy() override = default;
// Returns true if the admin can attempt a CRD command, or false if a timeout
// is in effect.
virtual bool CanAttemptConnection() const = 0;
// Simple lockout strategy that blocks attempts for a fixed time after a
// given number of rejected attempts.
class CrdFixedTimeoutLockoutStrategy : public CrdLockoutStrategy {
constexpr static base::TimeDelta kLockoutDuration =
constexpr static int kNumRejectedAttemptsAllowed = 3;
CrdFixedTimeoutLockoutStrategy() = default;
CrdFixedTimeoutLockoutStrategy(const CrdFixedTimeoutLockoutStrategy&) =
CrdFixedTimeoutLockoutStrategy& operator=(
const CrdFixedTimeoutLockoutStrategy&) = delete;
~CrdFixedTimeoutLockoutStrategy() override = default;
// CrdLockoutStrategy implementation:
void OnConnectionRejected() override;
void OnConnectionEstablished() override;
bool CanAttemptConnection() const override;
int num_rejected_connections_ = 0;
base::Time time_until_which_attempts_are_blocked_ = base::Time::Min();
} // namespace policy