blob: 1ccaca71b902cf4b923df04f34f10b82cc9c0f62 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates cross-language style definitions from json5 files. The output files
# will go under the generated file directory tree with the same path as each
# input file.
# For input format examples, see the *_test.json5 files which contain
# illustrations of each feature, as well as expected outputs in the
# corresponding *_test_expected.* files.
# Other targets should depend on one of these generated targets (where "foo"
# is the target name):
# foo_css
# CSS Variables
# foo_views
# Views generation for use with AshColorProvider
# foo_proto
# Protobuf message schema generation
# foo_protojson
# Protobuf JSON value format, contains actual color information
template("style_variable_generator") {
script_file = "//tools/style_variable_generator/"
original_target_name = target_name
common_inputs = [
action("${target_name}_css") {
script = script_file
inputs = common_inputs + [
out_file = "$target_gen_dir/${original_target_name}.css"
outputs = [ out_file ]
args = [
rebase_path("$out_file", root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
action("${target_name}_views_generator") {
script = script_file
inputs = common_inputs + [
out_file = "$target_gen_dir/${original_target_name}.h"
outputs = [ out_file ]
args = [
rebase_path("$out_file", root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
source_set("${target_name}_views") {
sources = [ "$target_gen_dir/${original_target_name}.h" ]
deps = [ ":${original_target_name}_views_generator" ]
action("${target_name}_proto") {
script = script_file
inputs = common_inputs + [
out_file = "$target_gen_dir/${original_target_name}.proto"
outputs = [ out_file ]
args = [
rebase_path("$out_file", root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
action("${target_name}_protojson") {
script = script_file
inputs = common_inputs + [
out_file = "$target_gen_dir/${original_target_name}.protojson"
outputs = [ out_file ]
args = [
rebase_path("$out_file", root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)