blob: a05be8ee7f43a031a9f406ff54c3e219e09e8529 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/flag_descriptions.h"
namespace flag_descriptions {
// Material Design version of chrome://bookmarks
const char kEnableMaterialDesignBookmarksName[] =
"Enable Material Design bookmarks";
const char kEnableMaterialDesignBookmarksDescription[] =
"If enabled, the chrome://bookmarks/ URL loads the Material Design "
"bookmarks page.";
// Material Design version of chrome://policy
const char kEnableMaterialDesignPolicyPageName[] =
"Enable Material Design policy page";
const char kEnableMaterialDesignPolicyPageDescription[] =
"If enabled, the chrome://md-policy URL loads the Material Design "
"policy page.";
// Material Design version of chrome://settings
const char kEnableMaterialDesignSettingsName[] =
"Enable Material Design settings";
const char kEnableMaterialDesignSettingsDescription[] =
"If enabled, the chrome://settings/ URL loads the Material Design "
"settings page.";
// Material Design version of chrome://extensions
const char kEnableMaterialDesignExtensionsName[] =
"Enable Material Design extensions";
const char kEnableMaterialDesignExtensionsDescription[] =
"If enabled, the chrome://extensions/ URL loads the Material Design "
"extensions page.";
// Material Design version of feedback form
const char kEnableMaterialDesignFeedbackName[] =
"Enable Material Design feedback";
const char kEnableMaterialDesignFeedbackDescription[] =
"If enabled, reporting an issue will load the Material Design feedback "
const char kContextualSuggestionsCarouselName[] =
"Enable Contextual Suggestions";
const char kContextualSuggestionsCarouselDescription[] =
"If enabled, shows contextual suggestions in a horizontal carousel in "
"bottom sheet content.";
// Report URL to SafeSearch
const char kSafeSearchUrlReportingName[] = "SafeSearch URLs reporting.";
const char kSafeSearchUrlReportingDescription[] =
"If enabled, inappropriate URLs can be reported back to SafeSearch.";
// Device scale factor change in content
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfName[] =
"Use Blink's zoom for device scale factor.";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfDescription[] =
"If enabled, Blink uses its zooming mechanism to scale content for "
"device scale factor.";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceDefault[] = "Default";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceEnabled[] = "Enabled";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceDisabled[] = "Disabled";
const char kNostatePrefetchName[] = "No-State Prefetch";
const char kNostatePrefetchDescription[] =
R"*("No-State Prefetch" pre-downloads resources to improve load )*"
R"*(times. "Prerender" does a full pre-rendering of the page, to )*"
R"*(improve load times even more. "Simple Load" does nothing and is )*"
R"*(similar to disabling the feature, but collects more metrics for )*"
R"*(comparison purposes.)*";
const char kSpeculativePrefetchName[] = "Speculative Prefetch";
const char kSpeculativePrefetchDescription[] =
R"*("Speculative Prefetch" fetches likely resources early to improve )*"
R"*(load times, based on a local database (see chrome://predictors). )*"
R"*("Learning" means that only the database construction is enabled, )*"
R"*("Prefetching" that learning and prefetching are enabled.)*";
// Force Tablet Mode
const char kForceTabletModeName[] = "Force Tablet Mode";
const char kForceTabletModeDescription[] =
R"*(This flag can be used to force a certain mode on to a chromebook, )*"
R"*(despite its current orientation. "TouchView" means that the )*"
R"*(chromebook will act as if it were in touch view mode. "Clamshell" )*"
R"*(means that the chromebook will act as if it were in clamshell )*"
R"*(mode . "Auto" means that the chromebook will alternate between )*"
R"*(the two, based on its orientation.)*";
const char kForceTabletModeTouchview[] = "TouchView";
const char kForceTabletModeClamshell[] = "Clamshell";
const char kForceTabletModeAuto[] = "Auto (default)";
// Print Preview features
const char kPrintPdfAsImageName[] = "Print Pdf as Image";
const char kPrintPdfAsImageDescription[] =
"If enabled, an option to print PDF files as images will be available "
"in print preview.";
#if !defined(DISABLE_NACL)
const char kNaclName[] = "Native Client";
const char kNaclDescription[] =
"Support Native Client for all web applications, even those that were "
"not installed from the Chrome Web Store.";
const char kNaclDebugName[] = "Native Client GDB-based debugging";
const char kNaclDebugDescription[] =
"Enable GDB debug stub. This will stop a Native Client application on "
"startup and wait for nacl-gdb (from the NaCl SDK) to attach to it.";
const char kPnaclSubzeroName[] = "Force PNaCl Subzero";
const char kPnaclSubzeroDescription[] =
"Force the use of PNaCl's fast Subzero translator for all pexe files.";
const char kNaclDebugMaskName[] =
"Restrict Native Client GDB-based debugging by pattern";
const char kNaclDebugMaskDescription[] =
"Restricts Native Client application GDB-based debugging by URL of "
"manifest file. Native Client GDB-based debugging must be enabled for "
"this option to work.";
const char kNaclDebugMaskChoiceDebugAll[] = "Debug everything.";
const char kNaclDebugMaskChoiceExcludeUtilsPnacl[] =
"Debug everything except secure shell and the PNaCl translator.";
const char kNaclDebugMaskChoiceIncludeDebug[] =
"Debug only if manifest URL ends with debug.nmf.";
const char kEnableHttpFormWarningName[] =
"Show in-form warnings for sensitive fields when the top-level page is "
"not HTTPS";
const char kEnableHttpFormWarningDescription[] =
"Attaches a warning UI to any password or credit card fields detected "
"when the top-level page is not HTTPS";
const char kMarkHttpAsName[] = "Mark non-secure origins as non-secure";
const char kMarkHttpAsDescription[] = "Change the UI treatment for HTTP pages";
const char kMarkHttpAsDangerous[] = "Always mark HTTP as actively dangerous";
// Material design of the Incognito NTP.
extern const char kMaterialDesignIncognitoNTPName[] =
"Material Design Incognito NTP.";
extern const char kMaterialDesignIncognitoNTPDescription[] =
"If enabled, the Incognito New Tab page uses the new material design "
"with a better readable text.";
const char kSavePageAsMhtmlName[] = "Save Page as MHTML";
const char kSavePageAsMhtmlDescription[] =
"Enables saving pages as MHTML: a single text file containing HTML and "
"all sub-resources.";
// Flag and values for MHTML Geenrator options lab.
const char kMhtmlGeneratorOptionName[] = "MHTML Generation Option";
const char kMhtmlGeneratorOptionDescription[] =
"Provides experimental options for MHTML file generator.";
const char kMhtmlSkipNostoreMain[] = "Skips no-store main frame.";
const char kMhtmlSkipNostoreAll[] = "Skips all no-store resources.";
const char kDeviceDiscoveryNotificationsName[] =
"Device Discovery Notifications";
const char kDeviceDiscoveryNotificationsDescription[] =
"Device discovery notifications on local network.";
#if defined(OS_WIN)
const char kCloudPrintXpsName[] = "XPS in Google Cloud Print";
const char kCloudPrintXpsDescription[] =
"XPS enables advanced options for classic printers connected to the "
"Cloud Print with Chrome. Printers must be re-connected after changing "
"this flag.";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
const char kLoadMediaRouterComponentExtensionName[] =
"Load Media Router Component Extension";
const char kLoadMediaRouterComponentExtensionDescription[] =
"Loads the Media Router component extension at startup.";
const char kPrintPreviewRegisterPromosName[] =
"Print Preview Registration Promos";
const char kPrintPreviewRegisterPromosDescription[] =
"Enable registering unregistered cloud printers from print preview.";
const char kScrollPredictionName[] = "Scroll prediction";
const char kTopChromeMd[] = "UI Layout for the browser's top chrome";
const char kTopChromeMdDescription[] =
R"*(Toggles between normal and touch (formerly "hybrid") layouts.)*";
const char kTopChromeMdMaterial[] = "Normal";
const char kTopChromeMdMaterialHybrid[] = "Touch";
const char kSiteDetails[] = "Site Details";
const char kSiteDetailsDescription[] =
"Adds UI in MD Settings to view all content settings for a specific "
const char kSiteSettings[] = "Site settings with All sites and Site details";
const char kSiteSettingsDescription[] =
"Adds new ways of viewing Site settings.";
const char kSecondaryUiMd[] =
"Material Design in the rest of the browser's native UI";
const char kSecondaryUiMdDescription[] =
"Extends the --top-chrome-md setting to secondary UI (bubbles, dialogs, "
"etc.). On Mac, this enables MacViews, which uses toolkit-views for "
"native browser dialogs.";
const char kScrollPredictionDescription[] =
"Predicts the finger's future position during scrolls allowing time to "
"render the frame before the finger is there.";
const char kAddToShelfName[] = "Add to shelf";
const char kAddToShelfDescription[] =
"Enable the display of add to shelf banners, which prompt a user to add "
"a web app to their shelf, or other platform-specific equivalent.";
const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksName[] =
"Bypass user engagement checks";
const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksDescription[] =
"Bypasses user engagement checks for displaying app banners, such as "
"requiring that users have visited the site before and that the banner "
"hasn't been shown recently. This allows developers to test that other "
"eligibility requirements for showing app banners, such as having a "
"manifest, are met.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kAccessibilityTabSwitcherName[] = "Accessibility Tab Switcher";
const char kAccessibilityTabSwitcherDescription[] =
"Enable the accessibility tab switcher for Android.";
const char kAndroidAutofillAccessibilityName[] = "Autofill Accessibility";
const char kAndroidAutofillAccessibilityDescription[] =
"Enable accessibility for autofill popup.";
const char kEnablePhysicalWebName[] = "Enable the Physical Web.";
const char kEnablePhysicalWebDescription[] =
"Enable scanning for URLs from Physical Web objects.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kTouchEventsName[] = "Touch Events API";
const char kTouchEventsDescription[] =
"Force Touch Events API feature detection to always be enabled or "
"disabled, or to be enabled when a touchscreen is detected on startup "
"(Automatic, the default).";
const char kTouchAdjustmentName[] = "Touch adjustment";
const char kTouchAdjustmentDescription[] =
"Refine the position of a touch gesture in order to compensate for "
"touches having poor resolution compared to a mouse.";
const char kCompositedLayerBordersName[] = "Composited render layer borders";
const char kCompositedLayerBordersDescription[] =
"Renders a border around composited Render Layers to help debug and "
"study layer compositing.";
const char kGlCompositedTextureQuadBordersName[] =
"GL composited texture quad borders";
const char kGlCompositedTextureQuadBordersDescription[] =
"Renders a border around GL composited texture quads to help debug and "
"study overlay support.";
const char kShowOverdrawFeedbackName[] = "Show overdraw feedback";
const char kShowOverdrawFeedbackDescription[] =
"Visualize overdraw by color-coding elements based on if they have "
"other elements drawn underneath.";
const char kUiPartialSwapName[] = "Partial swap";
const char kUiPartialSwapDescription[] = "Sets partial swap behavior.";
const char kDebugShortcutsName[] = "Debugging keyboard shortcuts";
const char kIgnoreGpuBlacklistName[] = "Override software rendering list";
const char kIgnoreGpuBlacklistDescription[] =
"Overrides the built-in software rendering list and enables "
"GPU-acceleration on unsupported system configurations.";
const char kInertVisualViewportName[] = "Inert visual viewport.";
const char kInertVisualViewportDescription[] =
"Experiment to have all APIs reflect the layout viewport. This will "
"make window.scroll properties relative to the layout viewport.";
const char kColorCorrectRenderingName[] = "Color correct rendering";
const char kColorCorrectRenderingDescription[] =
"Enables color correct rendering of web content.";
const char kExperimentalCanvasFeaturesName[] = "Experimental canvas features";
const char kExperimentalCanvasFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enables the use of experimental canvas features which are still in "
const char kAccelerated2dCanvasName[] = "Accelerated 2D canvas";
const char kAccelerated2dCanvasDescription[] =
"Enables the use of the GPU to perform 2d canvas rendering instead of "
"using software rendering.";
const char kDisplayList2dCanvasName[] = "Display list 2D canvas";
const char kDisplayList2dCanvasDescription[] =
"Enables the use of display lists to record 2D canvas commands. This "
"allows 2D canvas rasterization to be performed on separate thread.";
const char kEnable2dCanvasDynamicRenderingModeSwitchingName[] =
"Enable 2D canvas dynamic rendering mode switching.";
const char kEnable2dCanvasDynamicRenderingModeSwitchingDescription[] =
"There are multiple implementations of the graphics rendering pipeline "
"for the 2D canvas. These different implementations have different "
"performance characteristics. Turning on this flag allows canvas 2D "
"contexts to switch between these implementations on the fly based on "
"how the canvas is used in order to increase performance. For example, "
"going from an implementation that uses the GPU to one that doesn't.";
const char kExperimentalExtensionApisName[] = "Experimental Extension APIs";
const char kExperimentalExtensionApisDescription[] =
"Enables experimental extension APIs. Note that the extension gallery "
"doesn't allow you to upload extensions that use experimental APIs.";
const char kExtensionsOnChromeUrlsName[] = "Extensions on chrome:// URLs";
const char kExtensionsOnChromeUrlsDescription[] =
"Enables running extensions on chrome:// URLs, where extensions "
"explicitly request this permission.";
const char kFastUnloadName[] = "Fast tab/window close";
const char kFastUnloadDescription[] =
"Enables fast tab/window closing - runs a tab's onunload js handler "
"independently of the GUI.";
const char kUserConsentForExtensionScriptsName[] =
"User consent for extension scripts";
const char kUserConsentForExtensionScriptsDescription[] =
"Require user consent for an extension running a script on the page, if "
"the extension requested permission to run on all urls.";
const char kHistoryRequiresUserGestureName[] =
"New history entries require a user gesture.";
const char kHistoryRequiresUserGestureDescription[] =
"Require a user gesture to add a history entry.";
const char kHyperlinkAuditingName[] = "Hyperlink auditing";
const char kHyperlinkAuditingDescription[] = "Sends hyperlink auditing pings.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kContextualSearchName[] = "Contextual Search";
const char kContextualSearchDescription[] =
"Whether or not Contextual Search is enabled.";
const char kContextualSearchContextualCardsBarIntegration[] =
"Contextual Search - Contextual Cards Integration";
const char kContextualSearchContextualCardsBarIntegrationDescription[] =
"Whether or not integration of Contextual Cards data in the Contextual "
"Search Bar is enabled.";
const char kContextualSearchSingleActionsName[] =
"Contextual Search - Single Actions";
const char kContextualSearchSingleActionsDescription[] =
"Whether or not single actions using Contextual Cards data in the "
"Contextual Search Bar is enabled.";
const char kContextualSearchUrlActionsName[] =
"Contextual Search - URL Actions";
const char kContextualSearchUrlActionsDescription[] =
"Whether or not URL actions using Contextual Cards data in the "
"Contextual Search Bar is enabled.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kSmoothScrollingName[] = "Smooth Scrolling";
const char kSmoothScrollingDescription[] =
"Animate smoothly when scrolling page content.";
const char kOverlayScrollbarsName[] = "Overlay Scrollbars";
const char kOverlayScrollbarsDescription[] =
"Enable the experimental overlay scrollbars implementation. You must "
"also enable threaded compositing to have the scrollbars animate.";
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsName[] = "Show Autofill predictions";
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsDescription[] =
"Annotates web forms with Autofill field type predictions as "
"placeholder text.";
const char kTcpFastOpenName[] = "TCP Fast Open";
const char kTcpFastOpenDescription[] =
"Enable the option to send extra authentication information in the "
"initial SYN packet for a previously connected client, allowing faster "
"data send start.";
const char kTouchDragDropName[] = "Touch initiated drag and drop";
const char kTouchDragDropDescription[] =
"Touch drag and drop can be initiated through long press on a draggable "
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyName[] = "Touch text selection strategy";
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyDescription[] =
"Controls how text selection granularity changes when touch text "
"selection handles are dragged. Non-default behavior is experimental.";
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyCharacter[] = "Character";
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyDirection[] = "Direction";
const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxName[] =
"Use Google Payments sandbox servers";
const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxDescription[] =
"For developers: use the sandbox service for Google Payments API "
const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationName[] = "Overscroll history navigation";
const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationDescription[] =
"Experimental history navigation in response to horizontal overscroll.";
const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationSimpleUi[] = "Simple";
const char kOverscrollStartThresholdName[] = "Overscroll start threshold";
const char kOverscrollStartThresholdDescription[] =
"Changes overscroll start threshold relative to the default value.";
const char kOverscrollStartThreshold133Percent[] = "133%";
const char kOverscrollStartThreshold166Percent[] = "166%";
const char kOverscrollStartThreshold200Percent[] = "200%";
const char kScrollEndEffectName[] = "Scroll end effect";
const char kScrollEndEffectDescription[] =
"Experimental scroll end effect in response to vertical overscroll.";
const char kWebgl2Name[] = "WebGL 2.0";
const char kWebgl2Description[] = "Allow web applications to access WebGL 2.0.";
const char kWebglDraftExtensionsName[] = "WebGL Draft Extensions";
const char kWebglDraftExtensionsDescription[] =
"Enabling this option allows web applications to access the WebGL "
"Extensions that are still in draft status.";
const char kWebrtcHwDecodingName[] = "WebRTC hardware video decoding";
const char kWebrtcHwDecodingDescription[] =
"Support in WebRTC for decoding video streams using platform hardware.";
const char kWebrtcHwEncodingName[] = "WebRTC hardware video encoding";
const char kWebrtcHwEncodingDescription[] =
"Support in WebRTC for encoding video streams using platform hardware.";
const char kWebrtcHwH264EncodingName[] = "WebRTC hardware h264 video encoding";
const char kWebrtcHwH264EncodingDescription[] =
"Support in WebRTC for encoding h264 video streams using platform "
const char kWebrtcHwVP8EncodingName[] = "WebRTC hardware vp8 video encoding";
const char kWebrtcHwVP8EncodingDescription[] =
"Support in WebRTC for encoding vp8 video streams using platform "
const char kWebrtcSrtpAesGcmName[] =
"Negotiation with GCM cipher suites for SRTP in WebRTC";
const char kWebrtcSrtpAesGcmDescription[] =
"When enabled, WebRTC will try to negotiate GCM cipher suites for "
const char kWebrtcStunOriginName[] = "WebRTC Stun origin header";
const char kWebrtcStunOriginDescription[] =
"When enabled, Stun messages generated by WebRTC will contain the "
"Origin header.";
const char kWebrtcEchoCanceller3Name[] = "WebRTC Echo Canceller 3.";
const char kWebrtcEchoCanceller3Description[] =
"Experimental WebRTC echo canceller (AEC3).";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kMediaScreenCaptureName[] = "Experimental ScreenCapture.";
const char kMediaScreenCaptureDescription[] =
"Enable this option for experimental ScreenCapture feature on Android.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kWebrtcH264WithOpenh264FfmpegName[] =
"WebRTC H.264 software video encoder/decoder";
const char kWebrtcH264WithOpenh264FfmpegDescription[] =
"When enabled, an H.264 software video encoder/decoder pair is "
"included. If a hardware encoder/decoder is also available it may be "
"used instead of this encoder/decoder.";
const char kWebvrName[] = "WebVR";
const char kWebvrDescription[] =
"Enabling this option allows web applications to access experimental "
"Virtual Reality APIs.";
const char kWebvrExperimentalRenderingName[] =
"WebVR experimental rendering optimizations";
const char kWebvrExperimentalRenderingDescription[] =
"Enabling this option activates experimental rendering path "
"optimizations for WebVR.";
const char kGamepadExtensionsName[] = "Gamepad Extensions";
const char kGamepadExtensionsDescription[] =
"Enabling this option allows web applications to access experimental "
"extensions to the Gamepad APIs.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kNewPhotoPickerName[] = "Enable new Photopicker";
const char kNewPhotoPickerDescription[] =
"Activates the new picker for selecting photos.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableOskOverscrollName[] = "Enable OSK Overscroll";
const char kEnableOskOverscrollDescription[] =
"Enable OSK overscroll support. With this flag on, the OSK will only "
"resize the visual viewport.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kQuicName[] = "Experimental QUIC protocol";
const char kQuicDescription[] = "Enable experimental QUIC protocol support.";
const char kSslVersionMaxName[] = "Maximum TLS version enabled.";
const char kSslVersionMaxDescription[] = "Set maximum enabled TLS version.";
const char kSslVersionMaxTls12[] = "TLS 1.2";
const char kSslVersionMaxTls13[] = "TLS 1.3";
const char kEnableTokenBindingName[] = "Token Binding.";
const char kEnableTokenBindingDescription[] = "Enable Token Binding support.";
const char kPassiveDocumentEventListenersDescription[] =
"Forces touchstart, and touchmove event listeners on document level "
"targets (which haven't requested otherwise) to be treated as passive.";
const char kPassiveDocumentEventListenersName[] =
"Document Level Event Listeners Passive Default";
const char kPassiveEventListenersDueToFlingDescription[] =
"Forces touchstart, and first touchmove per scroll event listeners "
"during fling to be treated as passive.";
const char kPassiveEventListenersDueToFlingName[] =
"Touch Event Listeners Passive Default During Fling";
const char kPassiveEventListenerTrue[] = "True (when unspecified)";
const char kPassiveEventListenerForceAllTrue[] = "Force All True";
const char kPassiveEventListenerDefaultName[] =
"Passive Event Listener Override";
const char kPassiveEventListenerDefaultDescription[] =
"Forces touchstart, touchmove, mousewheel and wheel event listeners "
"(which haven't requested otherwise) to be treated as passive. This "
"will break touch/wheel behavior on some websites but is useful for "
"demonstrating the potential performance benefits of adopting passive "
"event listeners.";
const char kImportantSitesInCbdName[] =
"Important sites options in clear browsing data dialog";
const char kImportantSitesInCbdDescription[] =
"Include the option to whitelist important sites in the clear browsing "
"data dialog.";
#if defined(USE_ASH)
const char kAshShelfColorName[] = "Shelf color in Chrome OS system UI";
const char kAshShelfColorDescription[] =
"Enables/disables the shelf color to be a derived from the wallpaper. The "
"--ash-shelf-color-scheme flag defines how that color is derived.";
const char kAshShelfColorScheme[] = "Shelf color scheme in Chrome OS System UI";
const char kAshShelfColorSchemeDescription[] =
"Specify how the color is derived from the wallpaper. This flag is only "
"used when the --ash-shelf-color flag is enabled. Defaults to Dark & Muted";
const char kAshShelfColorSchemeLightVibrant[] = "Light & Vibrant";
const char kAshShelfColorSchemeNormalVibrant[] = "Normal & Vibrant";
const char kAshShelfColorSchemeDarkVibrant[] = "Dark & Vibrant";
const char kAshShelfColorSchemeLightMuted[] = "Light & Muted";
const char kAshShelfColorSchemeNormalMuted[] = "Normal & Muted";
const char kAshShelfColorSchemeDarkMuted[] = "Dark & Muted";
const char kAshEnableMirroredScreenName[] = "Enable mirrored screen mode.";
const char kAshEnableMirroredScreenDescription[] =
"Enable the mirrored screen mode. This mode flips the screen image "
const char kAshDisableSmoothScreenRotationName[] =
"Disable smooth rotation animations.";
const char kAshDisableSmoothScreenRotationDescription[] =
"Disable smooth rotation animations.";
const char kMaterialDesignInkDropAnimationFast[] = "Fast";
const char kMaterialDesignInkDropAnimationSlow[] = "Slow";
const char kMaterialDesignInkDropAnimationSpeedName[] =
"Material Design Ink Drop Animation Speed";
const char kMaterialDesignInkDropAnimationSpeedDescription[] =
"Sets the speed of the experimental visual feedback animations for "
"material design.";
const char kUiSlowAnimationsName[] = "Slow UI animations";
const char kUiSlowAnimationsDescription[] = "Makes all UI animations slow.";
const char kUiShowCompositedLayerBordersName[] =
"Show UI composited layer borders";
const char kUiShowCompositedLayerBordersDescription[] =
"Show border around composited layers created by UI.";
const char kUiShowCompositedLayerBordersRenderPass[] = "RenderPass";
const char kUiShowCompositedLayerBordersSurface[] = "Surface";
const char kUiShowCompositedLayerBordersLayer[] = "Layer";
const char kUiShowCompositedLayerBordersAll[] = "All";
#endif // defined(USE_ASH)
const char kJavascriptHarmonyShippingName[] =
"Latest stable JavaScript features";
const char kJavascriptHarmonyShippingDescription[] =
"Some web pages use legacy or non-standard JavaScript extensions that "
"may conflict with the latest JavaScript features. This flag allows "
"disabling support of those features for compatibility with such "
const char kJavascriptHarmonyName[] = "Experimental JavaScript";
const char kJavascriptHarmonyDescription[] =
"Enable web pages to use experimental JavaScript features.";
const char kV8DisableIgnitionTurboName[] =
"Classic JavaScript Compilation Pipeline";
const char kV8DisableIgnitionTurboDescription[] =
"Enables V8's classic compilation pipeline for JavaScript execution "
"(disabling V8's new Ignition interpreter and TurboFan compiler)";
const char kEnableAsmWasmName[] =
"Experimental Validate Asm.js and convert to WebAssembly when valid.";
const char kEnableAsmWasmDescription[] =
R"*(Validate Asm.js when "use asm" is present and then convert to )*"
const char kEnableSharedArrayBufferName[] =
"Experimental enabled SharedArrayBuffer support in JavaScript.";
const char kEnableSharedArrayBufferDescription[] =
"Enable SharedArrayBuffer support in JavaScript.";
const char kEnableWasmName[] = "WebAssembly structured cloning support.";
const char kEnableWasmDescription[] =
"Enable web pages to use WebAssembly structured cloning.";
const char kEnableWasmStreamingName[] =
"WebAssembly streaming compile/instantiate support.";
const char kEnableWasmStreamingDescription[] =
"WebAssembly.{compile|instantiate} taking a Response as parameter.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kMediaDocumentDownloadButtonName[] =
"Download button when opening a page with media url.";
const char kMediaDocumentDownloadButtonDescription[] =
"Allow a download button to show up when opening a page with media "
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kSoftwareRasterizerName[] = "3D software rasterizer";
const char kSoftwareRasterizerDescription[] =
"Fall back to a 3D software rasterizer when the GPU cannot be used.";
const char kGpuRasterizationName[] = "GPU rasterization";
const char kGpuRasterizationDescription[] =
"Use GPU to rasterize web content. Requires impl-side painting.";
const char kForceGpuRasterization[] = "Force-enabled for all layers";
const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountName[] =
"GPU rasterization MSAA sample count.";
const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountDescription[] =
"Specify the number of MSAA samples for GPU rasterization.";
const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountZero[] = "0";
const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountTwo[] = "2";
const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountFour[] = "4";
const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountEight[] = "8";
const char kGpuRasterizationMsaaSampleCountSixteen[] = "16";
const char kSlimmingPaintInvalidationName[] = "Slimming paint invalidation.";
const char kSlimmingPaintInvalidationDescription[] =
"Whether to enable a new paint invalidation system.";
const char kExperimentalSecurityFeaturesName[] =
"Potentially annoying security features";
const char kExperimentalSecurityFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enables several security features that will likely break one or more "
"pages that you visit on a daily basis. Strict mixed content checking, "
"for example. And locking powerful features to secure contexts. This "
"flag will probably annoy you.";
const char kExperimentalWebPlatformFeaturesName[] =
"Experimental Web Platform features";
const char kExperimentalWebPlatformFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enables experimental Web Platform features that are in development.";
const char kExperimentalPointerEventName[] = "Pointer Events";
const char kExperimentalPointerEventDescription[] =
"Enables support for the Pointer Events API. This is intended only for "
"testing by web developers.";
const char kOriginTrialsName[] = "Origin Trials";
const char kOriginTrialsDescription[] =
"Enables origin trials for controlling access to feature/API "
const char kBleAdvertisingInExtensionsName[] = "BLE Advertising in Chrome Apps";
const char kBleAdvertisingInExtensionsDescription[] =
"Enables BLE Advertising in Chrome Apps. BLE Advertising might "
"interfere with regular use of Bluetooth Low Energy features.";
const char kDevtoolsExperimentsName[] = "Developer Tools experiments";
const char kDevtoolsExperimentsDescription[] =
"Enables Developer Tools experiments. Use Settings panel in Developer "
"Tools to toggle individual experiments.";
const char kSilentDebuggerExtensionApiName[] = "Silent Debugging";
const char kSilentDebuggerExtensionApiDescription[] =
"Do not show the infobar when an extension attaches to a page via "
"chrome.debugger API. This is required to debug extension background "
const char kShowTouchHudName[] = "Show HUD for touch points";
const char kShowTouchHudDescription[] =
"Enables a heads-up display at the top-left corner of the screen that "
"lists information about the touch-points on the screen.";
const char kPreferHtmlOverPluginsName[] = "Prefer HTML over Flash";
const char kPreferHtmlOverPluginsDescription[] =
"Prefer HTML content by hiding Flash from the list of plugins.";
const char kAllowNaclSocketApiName[] = "NaCl Socket API.";
const char kAllowNaclSocketApiDescription[] =
"Allows applications to use NaCl Socket API. Use only to test NaCl "
const char kRunAllFlashInAllowModeName[] =
R"*(Run all Flash content when Flash setting is set to "allow")*";
const char kRunAllFlashInAllowModeDescription[] =
R"*(For sites that have been set to "allow" Flash content, run all )*"
R"*(content including any that has been deemed unimportant.)*";
const char kPinchScaleName[] = "Pinch scale";
const char kPinchScaleDescription[] =
"Enables experimental support for scale using pinch.";
const char kReducedReferrerGranularityName[] =
"Reduce default 'referer' header granularity.";
const char kReducedReferrerGranularityDescription[] =
"If a page hasn't set an explicit referrer policy, setting this flag "
"will reduce the amount of information in the 'referer' header for "
"cross-origin requests.";
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kUseMusDescription[] = "Enable the Mojo UI service.";
const char kUseMusName[] = "Mus";
const char kEnableMashDescription[] =
"Mash (UI, Chrome and ash in separate services)";
const char kEnableMusDescription[] =
"Mus (UI in separate service, Chrome and ash in same service)";
const char kAllowTouchpadThreeFingerClickName[] = "Touchpad three-finger-click";
const char kAllowTouchpadThreeFingerClickDescription[] =
"Enables touchpad three-finger-click as middle button.";
const char kAshEnableUnifiedDesktopName[] = "Unified desktop mode";
const char kAshEnableUnifiedDesktopDescription[] =
"Enable unified desktop mode which allows a window to span multiple "
const char kBootAnimationName[] = "Boot animation";
const char kBootAnimationDescription[] =
"Wallpaper boot animation (except for OOBE case).";
const char kTetherName[] = "Instant Tethering";
const char kTetherDescription[] =
"Enables Instant Tethering. Instant Tethering allows your nearby Google "
"phone to share its Internet connection with this device.";
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeName[] = "Hardware-accelerated video decode";
const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeDescription[] =
"Hardware-accelerated video decode where available.";
const char kEnableHDRName[] = "HDR mode";
const char kEnableHDRDescription[] =
"Enables HDR support on compatible displays.";
const char kCloudImportName[] = "Cloud Import";
const char kCloudImportDescription[] = "Allows the cloud-import feature.";
const char kRequestTabletSiteName[] =
"Request tablet site option in the settings menu";
const char kRequestTabletSiteDescription[] =
"Allows the user to request tablet site. Web content is often optimized "
"for tablet devices. When this option is selected the user agent string "
"is changed to indicate a tablet device. Web content optimized for "
"tablets is received there after for the current tab.";
const char kDebugPackedAppName[] = "Debugging for packed apps";
const char kDebugPackedAppDescription[] =
"Enables debugging context menu options such as Inspect Element for "
"packed applications.";
const char kDropSyncCredentialName[] =
"Drop sync credentials from password manager";
const char kDropSyncCredentialDescription[] =
"The password manager will not offer to save the credential used to "
const char kPasswordGenerationName[] = "Password generation";
const char kPasswordGenerationDescription[] =
"Allow the user to have Chrome generate passwords when it detects "
"account creation pages.";
const char kPasswordForceSavingName[] = "Force-saving of passwords";
const char kPasswordForceSavingDescription[] =
"Allow the user to manually enforce password saving instead of relying "
"on password manager's heuristics.";
const char kManualPasswordGenerationName[] = "Manual password generation.";
const char kManualPasswordGenerationDescription[] =
"Show a 'Generate Password' option on the context menu for all password "
const char kShowAutofillSignaturesName[] = "Show autofill signatures.";
const char kShowAutofillSignaturesDescription[] =
"Annotates web forms with Autofill signatures as HTML attributes.";
const char kSuggestionsWithSubStringMatchName[] =
"Substring matching for Autofill suggestions";
const char kSuggestionsWithSubStringMatchDescription[] =
"Match Autofill suggestions based on substrings (token prefixes) rather "
"than just prefixes.";
const char kAffiliationBasedMatchingName[] =
"Affiliation based matching in password manager";
const char kAffiliationBasedMatchingDescription[] =
"Allow credentials stored for Android applications to be filled into "
"corresponding websites.";
const char kProtectSyncCredentialName[] = "Autofill sync credential";
const char kProtectSyncCredentialDescription[] =
"How the password manager handles autofill for the sync credential.";
const char kPasswordImportExportName[] = "Password import and export";
const char kPasswordImportExportDescription[] =
"Import and Export functionality in password settings.";
const char kProtectSyncCredentialOnReauthName[] =
"Autofill sync credential only for transactional reauth pages";
const char kProtectSyncCredentialOnReauthDescription[] =
"How the password manager handles autofill for the sync credential only "
"for transactional reauth pages.";
const char kIconNtpName[] = "Large icons on the New Tab page";
const char kIconNtpDescription[] =
"Enable the experimental New Tab page using large icons.";
const char kPushApiBackgroundModeName[] = "Enable Push API background mode";
const char kPushApiBackgroundModeDescription[] =
"Enable background mode for the Push API. This allows Chrome to "
"continue running after the last window is closed, and to launch at OS "
"startup, if the Push API needs it.";
const char kEnableNavigationTracingName[] = "Enable navigation tracing";
const char kEnableNavigationTracingDescription[] =
"This is to be used in conjunction with the trace-upload-url flag. "
"WARNING: When enabled, Chrome will record performance data for every "
"navigation and upload it to the URL specified by the trace-upload-url "
"flag. The trace may include personally identifiable information (PII) "
"such as the titles and URLs of websites you visit.";
const char kTraceUploadUrlName[] = "Trace label for navigation tracing";
const char kTraceUploadUrlDescription[] =
"This is to be used in conjunction with the enable-navigation-tracing "
"flag. Please select the label that best describes the recorded traces. "
"This will choose the destination the traces are uploaded to. If you "
"are not sure, select other. If left empty, no traces will be "
const char kDisableAudioForDesktopShareName[] =
"Disable Audio For Desktop Share";
const char kDisableAudioForDesktopShareDescription[] =
"With this flag on, desktop share picker window will not let the user "
"choose whether to share audio.";
const char kDisableTabForDesktopShareName[] =
"Disable Desktop Share with tab source";
const char kDisableTabForDesktopShareDescription[] =
"This flag controls whether users can choose a tab for desktop share.";
const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceOther[] = "Other";
const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceEmloading[] = "emloading";
const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceQa[] = "QA";
const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceTesting[] = "Testing";
const char kSupervisedUserManagedBookmarksFolderName[] =
"Managed bookmarks for supervised users";
const char kSupervisedUserManagedBookmarksFolderDescription[] =
"Enable the managed bookmarks folder for supervised users.";
const char kSyncAppListName[] = "App Launcher sync";
const char kSyncAppListDescription[] =
"Enable App Launcher sync. This also enables Folders where available "
"(non OSX).";
const char kDriveSearchInChromeLauncherName[] =
"Drive Search in Chrome App Launcher";
const char kDriveSearchInChromeLauncherDescription[] =
"Files from Drive will show up when searching the Chrome App Launcher.";
const char kV8CacheOptionsName[] = "V8 caching mode.";
const char kV8CacheOptionsDescription[] =
"Caching mode for the V8 JavaScript engine.";
const char kV8CacheOptionsParse[] = "Cache V8 parser data.";
const char kV8CacheOptionsCode[] = "Cache V8 compiler data.";
const char kV8CacheStrategiesForCacheStorageName[] =
"V8 caching strategy for CacheStorage.";
const char kV8CacheStrategiesForCacheStorageDescription[] =
"Caching strategy of scripts in CacheStorage for the V8 JavaScript "
const char kV8CacheStrategiesForCacheStorageNormal[] = "Normal";
const char kV8CacheStrategiesForCacheStorageAggressive[] = "Aggressive";
const char kMemoryCoordinatorName[] = "Memory coordinator";
const char kMemoryCoordinatorDescription[] =
"Enable memory coordinator instead of memory pressure listeners.";
const char kServiceWorkerNavigationPreloadName[] =
"Service worker navigation preload.";
const char kServiceWorkerNavigationPreloadDescription[] =
"Enable web pages to use the experimental service worker navigation "
"preload API.";
// Data Reduction Proxy
const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiName[] = "Data Saver Lo-Fi mode";
const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiDescription[] =
"Forces Data Saver Lo-Fi mode to be always enabled, enabled only on "
"cellular connections, or disabled. Data Saver must be enabled for "
"Lo-Fi mode to be used.";
const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiAlwaysOn[] = "Always on";
const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiCellularOnly[] = "Cellular only";
const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiDisabled[] = "Disable";
const char kDataReductionProxyLoFiSlowConnectionsOnly[] =
"Slow connections only";
const char kEnableDataReductionProxyLitePageName[] =
"Lite pages for Data Saver Lo-Fi mode";
const char kEnableDataReductionProxyLitePageDescription[] =
"Enable lite pages in Data Saver Lo-Fi mode. Previews of pages will be "
"shown instead of image placeholders when Lo-Fi is on. Data Saver and "
"Lo-Fi must be enabled for lite pages to be shown.";
const char kDataReductionProxyCarrierTestName[] =
"Enable a carrier-specific Data Reduction Proxy for testing.";
const char kDataReductionProxyCarrierTestDescription[] =
"Use a carrier-specific Data Reduction Proxy for testing.";
const char kEnableDataReductionProxySavingsPromoName[] =
"Data Saver 1 MB Savings Promo";
const char kEnableDataReductionProxySavingsPromoDescription[] =
"Enable a Data Saver promo for 1 MB of savings. If Data Saver has "
"already saved 1 MB of data, then the promo will not be shown. Data "
"Saver must be enabled for the promo to be shown.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableDataReductionProxyMainMenuName[] =
"Enable Data Saver main menu footer";
const char kEnableDataReductionProxyMainMenuDescription[] =
"Enables the Data Saver footer in the main menu";
const char kEnableDataReductionProxySiteBreakdownName[] =
"Data Saver Site Breakdown";
const char kEnableDataReductionProxySiteBreakdownDescription[] =
"Enable the site breakdown on the Data Saver settings page.";
const char kEnableOfflinePreviewsName[] = "Offline Page Previews";
const char kEnableOfflinePreviewsDescription[] =
"Enable showing offline page previews on slow networks.";
const char kEnableClientLoFiName[] = "Client-side Lo-Fi previews";
const char kEnableClientLoFiDescription[] =
"Enable showing low fidelity images on some pages on slow networks.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kLcdTextName[] = "LCD text antialiasing";
const char kLcdTextDescription[] =
"If disabled, text is rendered with grayscale antialiasing instead of "
"LCD (subpixel) when doing accelerated compositing.";
const char kDistanceFieldTextName[] = "Distance field text";
const char kDistanceFieldTextDescription[] =
"Text is rendered with signed distance fields rather than bitmap alpha "
const char kZeroCopyName[] = "Zero-copy rasterizer";
const char kZeroCopyDescription[] =
"Raster threads write directly to GPU memory associated with tiles.";
const char kHideInactiveStackedTabCloseButtonsName[] =
"Hiding close buttons on inactive tabs when stacked";
const char kHideInactiveStackedTabCloseButtonsDescription[] =
"Hides the close buttons of inactive tabs when the tabstrip is in "
"stacked mode.";
const char kDefaultTileWidthName[] = "Default tile width";
const char kDefaultTileWidthDescription[] = "Specify the default tile width.";
const char kDefaultTileWidthShort[] = "128";
const char kDefaultTileWidthTall[] = "256";
const char kDefaultTileWidthGrande[] = "512";
const char kDefaultTileWidthVenti[] = "1024";
const char kDefaultTileHeightName[] = "Default tile height";
const char kDefaultTileHeightDescription[] = "Specify the default tile height.";
const char kDefaultTileHeightShort[] = "128";
const char kDefaultTileHeightTall[] = "256";
const char kDefaultTileHeightGrande[] = "512";
const char kDefaultTileHeightVenti[] = "1024";
const char kNumRasterThreadsName[] = "Number of raster threads";
const char kNumRasterThreadsDescription[] =
"Specify the number of raster threads.";
const char kNumRasterThreadsOne[] = "1";
const char kNumRasterThreadsTwo[] = "2";
const char kNumRasterThreadsThree[] = "3";
const char kNumRasterThreadsFour[] = "4";
const char kResetAppListInstallStateName[] =
"Reset the App Launcher install state on every restart.";
const char kResetAppListInstallStateDescription[] =
"Reset the App Launcher install state on every restart. While this flag "
"is set, Chrome will forget the launcher has been installed each time "
"it starts. This is used for testing the App Launcher install flow.";
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kFirstRunUiTransitionsName[] =
"Animated transitions in the first-run tutorial";
const char kFirstRunUiTransitionsDescription[] =
"Transitions during first-run tutorial are animated.";
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kNewBookmarkAppsName[] = "The new bookmark app system";
const char kNewBookmarkAppsDescription[] =
"Enables the new system for creating bookmark apps.";
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
const char kHostedAppsInWindowsName[] =
"Allow hosted apps to be opened in windows";
const char kHostedAppsInWindowsDescription[] =
"Allows hosted apps to be opened in windows instead of being limited to "
const char kTabDetachingInFullscreenName[] =
"Allow tab detaching in fullscreen";
const char kTabDetachingInFullscreenDescription[] =
"Allow tabs to detach from the tabstrip when in fullscreen mode on "
const char kFullscreenToolbarRevealName[] =
"Enables the toolbar in fullscreen to reveal itself.";
const char kFullscreenToolbarRevealDescription[] =
"Reveal the toolbar in fullscreen for a short period when the tab strip "
"has changed.";
const char kTabStripKeyboardFocusName[] = "Tab Strip Keyboard Focus";
const char kTabStripKeyboardFocusDescription[] =
"Enable keyboard focus for the tabs in the tab strip.";
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
const char kHostedAppShimCreationName[] =
"Creation of app shims for hosted apps on Mac";
const char kHostedAppShimCreationDescription[] =
"Create app shims on Mac when creating a hosted app.";
const char kHostedAppQuitNotificationName[] =
"Quit notification for hosted apps";
const char kHostedAppQuitNotificationDescription[] =
"Display a notification when quitting Chrome if hosted apps are "
"currently running.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kPullToRefreshEffectName[] = "The pull-to-refresh effect";
const char kPullToRefreshEffectDescription[] =
"Page reloads triggered by vertically overscrolling content.";
const char kTranslateCompactUIName[] = "New Translate Infobar";
const char kTranslateCompactUIDescription[] =
"Enable the new Translate compact infobar UI.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
const char kTranslateNewUxName[] = "New Translate UX";
const char kTranslateNewUxDescription[] =
"Enable the new Translate bubble UX is offered instead of the infobar.";
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
const char kTranslate2016q2UiName[] = "Translate 2016Q2 UI";
const char kTranslate2016q2UiDescription[] =
"Improved triggering logic and look for Translate Bubble UI";
const char kTranslateLanguageByUlpName[] = "Translate Language by ULP";
const char kTranslateLanguageByUlpDescription[] =
"Improved translate target language and triggering logic by considering "
"information from User Language Profile (ULP).";
const char kViewsRectBasedTargetingName[] = "Rect-based targeting in views";
const char kViewsRectBasedTargetingDescription[] =
"Rect-based targeting uses a heuristic to determine the most probable "
"target of a gesture, where the touch region is represented by a "
const char kPermissionActionReportingName[] = "Permission Action Reporting";
const char kPermissionActionReportingDescription[] =
"Enables permission action reporting to Safe Browsing servers for opted "
"in users.";
const char kPermissionsBlacklistName[] = "Permissions Blacklist";
const char kPermissionsBlacklistDescription[] =
"Enables the Permissions Blacklist, which blocks permissions for "
"blacklisted sites for Safe Browsing users.";
const char kThreadedScrollingName[] = "Threaded scrolling";
const char kThreadedScrollingDescription[] =
"Threaded handling of scroll-related input events. Disabling this will "
"force all such scroll events to be handled on the main thread. Note "
"that this can dramatically hurt scrolling performance of most websites "
"and is intended for testing purposes only.";
const char kHarfbuzzRendertextName[] = "HarfBuzz for UI text";
const char kHarfbuzzRendertextDescription[] =
"Enable cross-platform HarfBuzz layout engine for UI text. Doesn't "
"affect web content.";
const char kEmbeddedExtensionOptionsName[] = "Embedded extension options";
const char kEmbeddedExtensionOptionsDescription[] =
"Display extension options as an embedded element in "
"chrome://extensions rather than opening a new tab.";
const char kTabAudioMutingName[] = "Tab audio muting UI control";
const char kTabAudioMutingDescription[] =
"When enabled, the audio indicators in the tab strip double as tab "
"audio mute controls. This also adds commands in the tab context menu "
"for quickly muting multiple selected tabs.";
const char kEasyUnlockBluetoothLowEnergyDiscoveryName[] =
"Smart Lock Bluetooth Low Energy Discovery";
const char kEasyUnlockBluetoothLowEnergyDiscoveryDescription[] =
"Enables a Smart Lock setting that allows Chromebook to discover phones "
"over Bluetooth Low Energy in order to unlock the Chromebook when the "
"phone is in its proximity.";
const char kEasyUnlockProximityDetectionName[] =
"Smart Lock proximity detection";
const char kEasyUnlockProximityDetectionDescription[] =
"Enables a Smart Lock setting that restricts unlocking to only work "
"when your phone is very close to (roughly, within an arm's length of) "
"the Chrome device.";
const char kWifiCredentialSyncName[] = "WiFi credential sync";
const char kWifiCredentialSyncDescription[] =
"Enables synchronizing WiFi network settings across devices. When "
"enabled, the WiFi credential datatype is registered with Chrome Sync, "
"and WiFi credentials are synchronized subject to user preferences. "
"(See also, chrome://settings/syncSetup.)";
const char kSyncSandboxName[] = "Use Chrome Sync sandbox";
const char kSyncSandboxDescription[] =
"Connects to the testing server for Chrome Sync.";
const char kDatasaverPromptName[] = "Cellular Data Saver Prompt";
const char kDatasaverPromptDescription[] =
"Enables a prompt, which appears when a cellular network connection is "
"detected, to take the user to the Data Saver extension page on Chrome "
"Web Store.";
const char kDatasaverPromptDemoMode[] = "Demo mode";
const char kTrySupportedChannelLayoutsName[] =
"Causes audio output streams to check if channel layouts other than the "
"default hardware layout are available.";
const char kTrySupportedChannelLayoutsDescription[] =
"Causes audio output streams to check if channel layouts other than the "
"default hardware layout are available. Turning this on will allow the "
"OS to do stereo to surround expansion if supported. May expose third "
"party driver bugs, use with caution.";
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
const char kAppInfoDialogName[] = "Toolkit-Views App Info Dialog.";
const char kAppInfoDialogDescription[] =
"Makes the Toolkit-Views based App Info dialog accessible from "
"chrome://apps or chrome://extensions in place of the native extension "
"permissions dialog, or the details link (which is a link to the Web "
const char kMacViewsNativeAppWindowsName[] = "Toolkit-Views App Windows.";
const char kMacViewsNativeAppWindowsDescription[] =
"Controls whether to use Toolkit-Views based Chrome App windows.";
const char kMacViewsTaskManagerName[] = "Toolkit-Views Task Manager.";
const char kMacViewsTaskManagerDescription[] =
"Controls whether to use the Toolkit-Views based Task Manager.";
const char kAppWindowCyclingName[] = "Custom Window Cycling for Chrome Apps.";
const char kAppWindowCyclingDescription[] =
"Changes the behavior of Cmd+` when a Chrome App becomes active. When "
"enabled, Chrome Apps will not be cycled when Cmd+` is pressed from a "
"browser window, and browser windows will not be cycled when a Chrome "
"App is active.";
#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX)
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kAcceleratedMjpegDecodeName[] =
"Hardware-accelerated mjpeg decode for captured frame";
const char kAcceleratedMjpegDecodeDescription[] =
"Enable hardware-accelerated mjpeg decode for captured frame where "
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kSimplifiedFullscreenUiName[] =
"Simplified full screen / mouse lock UI.";
const char kSimplifiedFullscreenUiDescription[] =
"A simplified new user experience when entering page-triggered full "
"screen or mouse pointer lock states.";
const char kExperimentalKeyboardLockUiName[] = "Experimental keyboard lock UI.";
const char kExperimentalKeyboardLockUiDescription[] =
"An experimental full screen with keyboard lock mode requiring users to "
"hold Esc to exit.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kProgressBarAnimationName[] =
"Android phone page loading progress bar animation";
const char kProgressBarAnimationDescription[] =
"Configures Android phone page loading progress bar animation.";
const char kProgressBarAnimationLinear[] = "Linear";
const char kProgressBarAnimationSmooth[] = "Smooth";
const char kProgressBarAnimationSmoothIndeterminate[] = "Smooth indeterminate";
const char kProgressBarAnimationFastStart[] = "Fast start";
const char kProgressBarCompletionName[] =
"Android phone page load progress bar completion time.";
const char kProgressBarCompletionDescription[] =
"Configures Android phone page loading progress bar completion time.";
const char kProgressBarCompletionLoadEvent[] =
R"*(Top loading frame's onload event ("everything" is done in the )*"
R"*(page, historical behavior).)*";
const char kProgressBarCompletionResourcesBeforeDcl[] =
"Main frame's domContentLoaded and all resources loads started before "
"domContentLoaded (iframes ignored).";
const char kProgressBarCompletionDomContentLoaded[] =
"Main frame's domContentLoaded (iframes ignored).";
const char kProgressBarCompletionResourcesBeforeDclAndSameOriginIframes[] =
"domContentLoaded and all resources loads started before "
"domContentLoaded (main frame and same origin iframes).";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiName[] =
"Block scripts loaded via document.write";
const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiDescription[] =
"Disallows fetches for third-party parser-blocking scripts inserted "
"into the main frame via document.write.";
#if defined(OS_WIN)
const char kEnableAppcontainerName[] = "Enable AppContainer Lockdown.";
const char kEnableAppcontainerDescription[] =
"Enables the use of an AppContainer on sandboxed processes to improve "
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) || (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS))
const char kShowCertLinkOnPageInfoName[] = "Show certificate link";
const char kShowCertLinkOnPageInfoDescription[] =
"Add a link from the Page Info bubble to the certificate viewer for HTTPS "
#endif // defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) || (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS))
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadName[] =
"Enable offering upload of Autofilled credit cards";
const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadDescription[] =
"Enables a new option to upload credit cards to Google Payments for "
"sync to all Chrome devices.";
#endif // defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kForceUiDirectionName[] = "Force UI direction";
const char kForceUiDirectionDescription[] =
"Explicitly force the UI to left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) "
"mode, overriding the default direction of the UI language.";
const char kForceTextDirectionName[] = "Force text direction";
const char kForceTextDirectionDescription[] =
"Explicitly force the per-character directionality of UI text to "
"left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) mode, overriding the "
"default direction of the character language.";
const char kForceDirectionLtr[] = "Left-to-right";
const char kForceDirectionRtl[] = "Right-to-left";
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX)
const char kEnableInputImeApiName[] = "Enable Input IME API";
const char kEnableInputImeApiDescription[] =
"Enable the use of chrome.input.ime API.";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX)
const char kEnableGroupedHistoryName[] = "Group history by domain";
const char kEnableGroupedHistoryDescription[] =
"Group history by website domain (i.e. on "
const char kSaveasMenuLabelExperimentName[] =
"Switch 'Save as' menu labels to 'Download'";
const char kSaveasMenuLabelExperimentDescription[] =
"Enables an experiment to switch menu labels that use 'Save as...' to "
const char kEnableEnumeratingAudioDevicesName[] =
"Experimentally enable enumerating audio devices.";
const char kEnableEnumeratingAudioDevicesDescription[] =
"Experimentally enable the use of enumerating audio devices.";
const char kNewUsbBackendName[] = "Enable new USB backend";
const char kNewUsbBackendDescription[] =
"Enables the new experimental USB backend for Windows.";
const char kNewOmniboxAnswerTypesName[] =
"New omnibox answers in suggest types";
const char kNewOmniboxAnswerTypesDescription[] =
"Enables new types of answers in the omnibox suggest drop-down: "
"currency conversions, dictionary definitions, sports scores, "
"translations, and when is.";
const char kEnableZeroSuggestRedirectToChromeName[] =
"Experimental contextual omnibox suggestion";
const char kEnableZeroSuggestRedirectToChromeDescription[] =
"Change omnibox contextual suggestions to an experimental source. Note "
"that this is not an on/off switch for contextual omnibox and it only "
"applies to suggestions provided before the user starts typing a URL or "
"a search query (i.e. zero suggest).";
const char kFillOnAccountSelectName[] = "Fill passwords on account selection";
const char kFillOnAccountSelectDescription[] =
"Filling of passwords when an account is explicitly selected by the "
"user rather than autofilling credentials on page load.";
const char kEnableClearBrowsingDataCountersName[] =
"Enable Clear browsing data counters.";
const char kEnableClearBrowsingDataCountersDescription[] =
"Shows data volume counters in the Clear browsing data dialog.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kTabsInCbdName[] = "Enable tabs for the Clear Browsing Data dialog.";
const char kTabsInCbdDescription[] =
"Enables a basic and an advanced tab for the Clear Browsing Data "
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kNotificationsNativeFlagName[] = "Enable native notifications.";
const char kNotificationsNativeFlagDescription[] =
"Enable support for using the native notification toasts and "
"notification center on platforms where these are available.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableAndroidSpellcheckerDescription[] =
"Enables use of the Android spellchecker.";
const char kEnableAndroidSpellcheckerName[] = "Enable spell checking";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableWebNotificationCustomLayoutsName[] =
"Enable custom layouts for Web Notifications.";
const char kEnableWebNotificationCustomLayoutsDescription[] =
"Enable custom layouts for Web Notifications. They will have subtle "
"layout improvements that are otherwise not possible.";
const char kAccountConsistencyName[] =
"Identity consistency between browser and cookie jar";
const char kAccountConsistencyDescription[] =
"When enabled, the browser manages signing in and out of Google "
const char kGoogleProfileInfoName[] = "Google profile name and icon";
const char kGoogleProfileInfoDescription[] =
"Enables using Google information to populate the profile name and icon "
"in the avatar menu.";
const char kOfferStoreUnmaskedWalletCardsName[] =
"Google Payments card saving checkbox";
const char kOfferStoreUnmaskedWalletCardsDescription[] =
"Show the checkbox to offer local saving of a credit card downloaded "
"from the server.";
const char kOfflineAutoReloadName[] = "Offline Auto-Reload Mode";
const char kOfflineAutoReloadDescription[] =
"Pages that fail to load while the browser is offline will be "
"auto-reloaded when the browser is online again.";
const char kOfflineAutoReloadVisibleOnlyName[] =
"Only Auto-Reload Visible Tabs";
const char kOfflineAutoReloadVisibleOnlyDescription[] =
"Pages that fail to load while the browser is offline will only be "
"auto-reloaded if their tab is visible.";
const char kShowSavedCopyName[] = "Show Saved Copy Button";
const char kShowSavedCopyDescription[] =
"When a page fails to load, if a stale copy of the page exists in the "
"browser cache, a button will be presented to allow the user to load "
"that stale copy. The primary enabling choice puts the button in the "
"most salient position on the error page; the secondary enabling choice "
"puts it secondary to the reload button.";
const char kEnableShowSavedCopyPrimary[] = "Enable: Primary";
const char kEnableShowSavedCopySecondary[] = "Enable: Secondary";
const char kDisableShowSavedCopy[] = "Disable";
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kVirtualKeyboardName[] = "Virtual Keyboard";
const char kVirtualKeyboardDescription[] = "Enable virtual keyboard support.";
const char kVirtualKeyboardOverscrollName[] = "Virtual Keyboard Overscroll";
const char kVirtualKeyboardOverscrollDescription[] =
"Enables virtual keyboard overscroll support.";
const char kInputViewName[] = "Input views";
const char kInputViewDescription[] =
"Enable IME extensions to supply custom views for user input such as "
"virtual keyboards.";
const char kNewKoreanImeName[] = "New Korean IME";
const char kNewKoreanImeDescription[] =
"New Korean IME, which is based on Google Input Tools' HMM engine.";
const char kPhysicalKeyboardAutocorrectName[] = "Physical keyboard autocorrect";
const char kPhysicalKeyboardAutocorrectDescription[] =
"Enable physical keyboard autocorrect for US keyboard, which can "
"provide suggestions as typing on physical keyboard.";
const char kVoiceInputName[] = "Voice input on virtual keyboard";
const char kVoiceInputDescription[] =
"Enables voice input on virtual keyboard.";
const char kExperimentalInputViewFeaturesName[] =
"Experimental input view features";
const char kExperimentalInputViewFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enable experimental features for IME input views.";
const char kFloatingVirtualKeyboardName[] = "Floating virtual keyboard.";
const char kFloatingVirtualKeyboardDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable floating virtual keyboard.";
const char kGestureTypingName[] = "Gesture typing for the virtual keyboard.";
const char kGestureTypingDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable gesture typing option in the settings page for the "
"virtual keyboard.";
const char kGestureEditingName[] = "Gesture editing for the virtual keyboard.";
const char kGestureEditingDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable gesture editing option in the settings page for the "
"virtual keyboard.";
const char kCaptivePortalBypassProxyName[] =
"Bypass proxy for Captive Portal Authorization";
const char kCaptivePortalBypassProxyDescription[] =
"If proxy is configured, it usually prevents from authorization on "
"different captive portals. This enables opening captive portal "
"authorization dialog in a separate window, which ignores proxy "
const char kTouchscreenCalibrationName[] =
"Enable/disable touchscreen calibration option in material design "
const char kTouchscreenCalibrationDescription[] =
"If enabled, the user can calibrate the touch screen displays in "
const char kTeamDrivesName[] = "Enable Team Drives Integration";
const char kTeamDrivesDescription[] =
"If enabled, files under Team Drives will appear in the Files app.";
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Strings for controlling credit card assist feature in about:flags.
const char kCreditCardAssistName[] = "Credit Card Assisted Filling";
const char kCreditCardAssistDescription[] =
"Enable assisted credit card filling on certain sites.";
// Strings for controlling credit card scanning feature in about:flags.
// Simple Cache Backend experiment.
const char kSimpleCacheBackendName[] = "Simple Cache for HTTP";
const char kSimpleCacheBackendDescription[] =
"The Simple Cache for HTTP is a new cache. It relies on the filesystem "
"for disk space allocation.";
// Spelling feedback field trial.
const char kSpellingFeedbackFieldTrialName[] = "Spelling Feedback Field Trial";
const char kSpellingFeedbackFieldTrialDescription[] =
"Enable the field trial for sending user feedback to spelling service.";
// Web MIDI API.
const char kWebMidiName[] = "Web MIDI API";
const char kWebMidiDescription[] = "Enable Web MIDI API experimental support.";
// Site per process mode
const char kSitePerProcessName[] = "Strict site isolation";
const char kSitePerProcessDescription[] =
"Highly experimental security mode that ensures each renderer process "
"contains pages from at most one site. In this mode, out-of-process "
"iframes will be used whenever an iframe is cross-site.";
// Top document isolation mode
const char kTopDocumentIsolationName[] = "Top document isolation";
const char kTopDocumentIsolationDescription[] =
"Highly experimental performance mode where cross-site iframes are kept "
"in a separate process from the top document. In this mode, iframes "
"from different third-party sites will be allowed to share a process.";
// Cross process guest frames isolation mode
const char kCrossProcessGuestViewIsolationName[] =
"Cross process frames for guests";
const char kCrossProcessGuestViewIsolationDescription[] =
"Highly experimental where guests such as <webview> are implemented "
"on the out-of-process iframe infrastructure.";
// Task Scheduler
const char kBrowserTaskSchedulerName[] = "Task Scheduler";
const char kBrowserTaskSchedulerDescription[] =
"Enables redirection of some task posting APIs to the task scheduler.";
// Arc authorization
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kArcUseAuthEndpointName[] = "Android apps authorization point";
const char kArcUseAuthEndpointDescription[] =
"Enable Android apps authorization point to automatic sign-in in OptIn "
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Autofill experiment flags
const char kSingleClickAutofillName[] = "Single-click autofill";
const char kSingleClickAutofillDescription[] =
"Make autofill suggestions on initial mouse click on a form element.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kAutofillAccessoryViewName[] =
"Autofill suggestions as keyboard accessory view";
const char kAutofillAccessoryViewDescription[] =
"Shows Autofill suggestions on top of the keyboard rather than in a "
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Reader mode experiment flags
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsName[] = "Reader Mode triggering";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsDescription[] =
"Determines what pages the Reader Mode button is shown on.";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsMarkup[] = "With article structured markup";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAdaboost[] = "Appears to be an article";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAlwaysOff[] = "Never";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAlwaysOn[] = "Always";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Chrome home flags
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kChromeHomeName[] = "Chrome Home";
const char kChromeHomeDescription[] = "Enables Chrome Home on Android.";
const char kChromeHomeExpandButtonName[] = "Chrome Home Expand Button";
const char kChromeHomeExpandButtonDescription[] =
"Enables the expand button for Chrome Home.";
const char kChromeHomeNtpRedesignName[] = "Chrome Home NTP Redesign";
const char kChromeHomeNtpRedesignDescription[] =
"Enables the NTP redesign for Chrome Home.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// In-Product Help flags
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableIphDemoModeName[] = "In-Product Help Demo Mode";
const char kEnableIphDemoModeDescription[] =
"Enables In-Product Help demo mode on Android.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Settings window flags
const char kSettingsWindowName[] = "Show settings in a window";
const char kSettingsWindowDescription[] =
"Settings will be shown in a dedicated window instead of as a browser "
// Mixed content issue workaround flags
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Flag strings for seccomp-bpf sandbox flag.
const char kSeccompFilterSandboxAndroidName[] = "Seccomp-bpf renderer sandbox";
const char kSeccompFilterSandboxAndroidDescription[] =
"Renderers will have a second-layer sandbox provided by seccomp-bpf. "
"This requires kernel features only available on select Android "
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Extension Content Verification
const char kExtensionContentVerificationName[] =
"Extension Content Verification";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationDescription[] =
"This flag can be used to turn on verification that the contents of the "
"files on disk for extensions from the webstore match what they're "
"expected to be. This can be used to turn on this feature if it would "
"not otherwise have been turned on, but cannot be used to turn it off "
"(because this setting can be tampered with by malware).";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationBootstrap[] =
"Bootstrap (get expected hashes, but do not enforce them)";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationEnforce[] =
"Enforce (try to get hashes, and enforce them if successful)";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationEnforceStrict[] =
"Enforce strict (hard fail if we can't get hashes)";
// Built-in hotword detection display strings
const char kExperimentalHotwordHardwareName[] =
"Simulated hardware 'Ok Google' features";
const char kExperimentalHotwordHardwareDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental version of 'Ok Google' hotword detection "
"features that have a hardware dependency.";
// Message center strings
const char kMessageCenterAlwaysScrollUpUponRemovalName[] =
"Experiments that message center always scroll up upon notification "
const char kMessageCenterAlwaysScrollUpUponRemovalDescription[] =
"Enables experiment that message center always scroll up when a "
"notification is removed.";
const char kCastStreamingHwEncodingName[] =
"Cast Streaming hardware video encoding";
const char kCastStreamingHwEncodingDescription[] =
"This option enables support in Cast Streaming for encoding video "
"streams using platform hardware.";
const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostName[] =
"Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost.";
const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostDescription[] =
"Allows requests to localhost over HTTPS even when an invalid "
"certificate is presented.";
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Tab discarding
const char kAutomaticTabDiscardingName[] = "Automatic tab discarding";
const char kAutomaticTabDiscardingDescription[] =
"If enabled, tabs get automatically discarded from memory when the "
"system memory is low. Discarded tabs are still visible on the tab "
"strip and get reloaded when clicked on. Info about discarded tabs can "
"be found at chrome://discards.";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kOfflineBookmarksName[] = "Enable offline bookmarks";
const char kOfflineBookmarksDescription[] =
"Enable saving bookmarked pages for offline viewing.";
const char kNtpOfflinePagesName[] = "Enable NTP offline pages";
const char kNtpOfflinePagesDescription[] =
"Enables badging of offline pages on the New Tab page. Only relevant if "
"offline pages are enabled.";
const char kOfflinePagesAsyncDownloadName[] =
R"*(Enables showing "DOWNLOAD PAGE LATER" button in error pages.)*";
const char kOfflinePagesAsyncDownloadDescription[] =
R"*(Enables showing "DOWNLOAD PAGE LATER" button in error pages such )*"
R"*(that the user can click on it to download the page later.)*";
const char kOfflinePagesSvelteConcurrentLoadingName[] =
"Enables concurrent background loading on svelte.";
const char kOfflinePagesSvelteConcurrentLoadingDescription[] =
"Enables concurrent background loading (or downloading) of pages on "
"Android svelte (512MB RAM) devices. Otherwise, background loading will "
"happen when the svelte device is idle.";
const char kOfflinePagesLoadSignalCollectingName[] =
"Enables collecting load timing data for offline page snapshots.";
const char kOfflinePagesLoadSignalCollectingDescription[] =
"Enables loading completeness data collection while writing an offline "
"page. This data is collected in the snapshotted offline page to allow "
"data analysis to improve deciding when to make the offline snapshot.";
const char kOfflinePagesPrefetchingName[] =
"Enables suggested offline pages to be prefetched.";
const char kOfflinePagesPrefetchingDescription[] =
"Enables suggested offline pages to be prefetched, so useful content is "
"available while offline.";
const char kOfflinePagesSharingName[] = "Enables offline pages to be shared.";
const char kOfflinePagesSharingDescription[] =
"Enables the saved offline pages to be shared via other applications.";
const char kBackgroundLoaderForDownloadsName[] =
"Enables background downloading of pages.";
const char kBackgroundLoaderForDownloadsDescription[] =
"Enables downloading pages in the background in case page is not yet "
"loaded in current tab.";
const char kNewBackgroundLoaderName[] =
"Use background loader instead of prerenderer to load pages.";
const char kNewBackgroundLoaderDescription[] =
"Use background loader instead of prerenderer to asynchronously "
"download pages.";
const char kNtpPopularSitesName[] = "Show popular sites on the New Tab page";
const char kNtpPopularSitesDescription[] =
"Pre-populate the New Tab page with popular sites.";
const char kNtpSwitchToExistingTabName[] =
"Switch to an existing tab for New Tab Page suggestions.";
const char kNtpSwitchToExistingTabDescription[] =
"When opening a suggested webpage from the New Tab Page, if a tab is "
"already open for the suggestion, switch to that one instead of loading "
"the suggestion in the new tab.";
const char kNtpSwitchToExistingTabMatchUrl[] = "Match by URL";
const char kNtpSwitchToExistingTabMatchHost[] = "Match by Hostname";
const char kUseAndroidMidiApiName[] = "Use Android Midi API";
const char kUseAndroidMidiApiDescription[] =
"Use Android Midi API for WebMIDI (effective only with Android M+ "
const char kWebPaymentsModifiersName[] = "Enable web payment modifiers";
const char kWebPaymentsModifiersDescription[] =
"If the website provides modifiers in the payment request, show the "
"custom total for each payment instrument, update the shopping cart "
"when instruments are switched, and send modified payment method "
"specific data to the payment app.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Exporting tracing events to ETW
const char kTraceExportEventsToEtwName[] =
"Enable exporting of tracing events to ETW.";
const char kTraceExportEventsToEtwDesription[] =
"If enabled, trace events will be exported to the Event Tracing for "
"Windows (ETW) and can then be captured by tools such as UIForETW or "
const char kMergeKeyCharEventsName[] =
"Enable or disable merging merging the key event (WM_KEY*) with char "
"event (WM_CHAR).";
const char kMergeKeyCharEventsDescription[] =
"If disabled, Chrome will handle WM_KEY* and WM_CHAR separatedly.";
const char kUseWinrtMidiApiName[] = "Use Windows Runtime MIDI API";
const char kUseWinrtMidiApiDescription[] =
"Use Windows Runtime MIDI API for WebMIDI (effective only on Windows 10 "
"or later).";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Data Use
// Update Menu Item Flags
const char kUpdateMenuItemName[] = "Force show update menu item";
const char kUpdateMenuItemDescription[] =
R"*(When enabled, an "Update Chrome" item will be shown in the app )*"
const char kUpdateMenuItemCustomSummaryDescription[] =
"When this flag and the force show update menu item flag are enabled, a "
"custom summary string will be displayed below the update menu item.";
const char kUpdateMenuItemCustomSummaryName[] =
"Update menu item custom summary";
const char kUpdateMenuBadgeName[] = "Force show update menu badge";
const char kUpdateMenuBadgeDescription[] =
"When enabled, an update badge will be shown on the app menu button.";
const char kSetMarketUrlForTestingName[] = "Set market URL for testing";
const char kSetMarketUrlForTestingDescription[] =
"When enabled, sets the market URL for use in testing the update menu "
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kHerbPrototypeChoicesName[] = "Switch preferred flavor of Herb";
const char kHerbPrototypeChoicesDescription[] =
"Switching this option changes which tab management prototype is being "
const char kHerbPrototypeFlavorElderberry[] =
"ELDERBERRY: All View Intents in CCT v2";
const char kEnableSpecialLocaleName[] =
"Enable custom logic for special locales.";
const char kEnableSpecialLocaleDescription[] =
"Enable custom logic for special locales. In this mode, Chrome might "
"behave differently in some locales.";
// WebApks
const char kEnableWebapk[] = "Enable improved add to Home screen";
const char kEnableWebapkDescription[] =
R"*(Packages "Progressive Web Apps" so that they can integrate more )*"
R"*(deeply with Android. A Chrome server is used to package sites. In )*"
R"*(Chrome Canary and Chrome Dev, this requires “Untrusted )*"
R"*(sources” to be enabled in Android security settings.)*";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableBrotliName[] = "Brotli Content-Encoding.";
const char kEnableBrotliDescription[] =
"Enable Brotli Content-Encoding support.";
const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionName[] =
"New version of User Agent Intervention for WebFonts loading.";
const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionDescription[] =
"Enable New version of User Agent Intervention for WebFonts loading.";
const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionV2ChoiceDefault[] = "Default";
const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionV2ChoiceEnabledWith2g[] = "Enabled: 2G";
const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionV2ChoiceEnabledWith3g[] = "Enabled: 3G";
const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionV2ChoiceEnabledWithSlow2g[] =
"Enabled: Slow 2G";
const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionV2ChoiceDisabled[] = "Disabled";
const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionTriggerName[] =
"Trigger User Agent Intervention for WebFonts loading always.";
const char kEnableWebfontsInterventionTriggerDescription[] =
"Enable to trigger User Agent Intervention for WebFonts loading always. "
"This flag affects only when the intervention is enabled.";
const char kEnableScrollAnchoringName[] = "Scroll Anchoring";
const char kEnableScrollAnchoringDescription[] =
"Adjusts scroll position to prevent visible jumps when offscreen "
"content changes.";
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kDisableNativeCupsName[] = "Native CUPS";
const char kDisableNativeCupsDescription[] =
"Disable the use of the native CUPS printing backend.";
const char kEnableAndroidWallpapersAppName[] = "Android Wallpapers App";
const char kEnableAndroidWallpapersAppDescription[] =
"Enables the Android Wallpapers App as the default Wallpaper App on "
"Chrome OS.";
const char kEnableTouchSupportForScreenMagnifierName[] =
"Touch support for screen magnifier";
const char kEnableTouchSupportForScreenMagnifierDescription[] =
"Enables touch support for screen magnifier";
const char kEnableZipArchiverOnFileManagerName[] =
"ZIP archiver for Drive";
const char kEnableZipArchiverOnFileManagerDescription[] =
"Enable the ability to archive and unpack files on Drive in the Files app";
const char kCrOSComponentName[] = "Chrome OS Component";
const char kCrOSComponentDescription[] =
"Enable the use of Chrome OS Component to download Chrome OS features "
"on-demand as components.";
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kContentSuggestionsCategoryOrderName[] =
"Default content suggestions category order (e.g. on NTP)";
const char kContentSuggestionsCategoryOrderDescription[] =
"Set default order of content suggestion categories (e.g. on the NTP).";
const char kContentSuggestionsCategoryRankerName[] =
"Content suggestions category ranker (e.g. on NTP)";
const char kContentSuggestionsCategoryRankerDescription[] =
"Set category ranker to order categories of content suggestions (e.g. "
"on the NTP).";
const char kEnableNtpSnippetsVisibilityName[] =
"Make New Tab Page Snippets more visible.";
const char kEnableNtpSnippetsVisibilityDescription[] =
"If enabled, the NTP snippets will become more discoverable with a "
"larger portion of the first card above the fold.";
const char kEnableContentSuggestionsNewFaviconServerName[] =
"Get favicons for content suggestions from a new server.";
const char kEnableContentSuggestionsNewFaviconServerDescription[] =
"If enabled, the content suggestions (on the NTP) will get favicons from a "
"new favicon server.";
const char kEnableNtpMostLikelyFaviconsFromServerName[] =
"Download favicons for NTP tiles from Google.";
const char kEnableNtpMostLikelyFaviconsFromServerDescription[] =
"If enabled, missing favicons for NTP tiles get downloaded from Google. "
"This only applies to tiles that originate from synced history.";
const char kEnableContentSuggestionsSettingsName[] =
"Show content suggestions settings.";
const char kEnableContentSuggestionsSettingsDescription[] =
"If enabled, the content suggestions settings will be available from the "
"main settings menu.";
const char kEnableContentSuggestionsShowSummaryName[] =
"Show content suggestions summaries.";
const char kEnableContentSuggestionsShowSummaryDescription[] =
"If enabled, the content suggestions summaries will be shown.";
const char kEnableNtpRemoteSuggestionsName[] =
"Show server-side suggestions on the New Tab page";
const char kEnableNtpRemoteSuggestionsDescription[] =
"If enabled, the list of content suggestions on the New Tab page (see "
"#enable-ntp-snippets) will contain server-side suggestions (e.g., "
"Articles for you). Furthermore, it allows to override the source used "
"to retrieve these server-side suggestions.";
const char kEnableNtpRecentOfflineTabSuggestionsName[] =
"Show recent offline tabs on the New Tab page";
const char kEnableNtpRecentOfflineTabSuggestionsDescription[] =
"If enabled, the list of content suggestions on the New Tab page (see "
"#enable-ntp-snippets) will contain pages that were captured offline "
"during browsing (see #offlining-recent-pages)";
const char kEnableNtpAssetDownloadSuggestionsName[] =
"Show asset downloads on the New Tab page";
const char kEnableNtpAssetDownloadSuggestionsDescription[] =
"If enabled, the list of content suggestions on the New Tab page (see "
"#enable-ntp-snippets) will contain assets (e.g. books, pictures, "
"audio) that the user downloaded for later use.";
const char kEnableNtpOfflinePageDownloadSuggestionsName[] =
"Show offline page downloads on the New Tab page";
const char kEnableNtpOfflinePageDownloadSuggestionsDescription[] =
"If enabled, the list of content suggestions on the New Tab page (see "
"#enable-ntp-snippets) will contain pages that the user downloaded for "
"later use.";
const char kEnableNtpBookmarkSuggestionsName[] =
"Show recently visited bookmarks on the New Tab page";
const char kEnableNtpBookmarkSuggestionsDescription[] =
"If enabled, the list of content suggestions on the New Tab page (see "
"#enable-ntp-snippets) will contain recently visited bookmarks.";
const char kEnableNtpPhysicalWebPageSuggestionsName[] =
"Show Physical Web pages on the New Tab page";
const char kEnableNtpPhysicalWebPageSuggestionsDescription[] =
"If enabled, the list of content suggestions on the New Tab page (see "
"#enable-ntp-snippets) will contain pages that are available through "
"Physical Web (see #enable-physical-web)";
const char kEnableNtpForeignSessionsSuggestionsName[] =
"Show recent foreign tabs on the New Tab page";
const char kEnableNtpForeignSessionsSuggestionsDescription[] =
"If enabled, the list of content suggestions on the New Tab page (see "
"#enable-ntp-snippets) will contain recent foreign tabs.";
const char kEnableNtpSuggestionsNotificationsName[] =
"Notify about new content suggestions available at the New Tab page";
const char kEnableNtpSuggestionsNotificationsDescription[] =
"If enabled, notifications will inform about new content suggestions on "
"the New Tab page (see #enable-ntp-snippets).";
const char kNtpCondensedLayoutName[] = "Condensed NTP layout";
const char kNtpCondensedLayoutDescription[] =
"Show a condensed layout on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpCondensedTileLayoutName[] = "Condensed NTP tile layout";
const char kNtpCondensedTileLayoutDescription[] =
"Show a condensed tile layout on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpGoogleGInOmniboxName[] = "Google G in New Tab Page omnibox";
const char kNtpGoogleGInOmniboxDescription[] =
"Show a Google G in the omnibox on the New Tab Page.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kOffliningRecentPagesName[] =
"Enable offlining of recently visited pages";
const char kOffliningRecentPagesDescription[] =
"Enable storing recently visited pages locally for offline use. "
"Requires Offline Pages to be enabled.";
const char kOfflinePagesCtName[] = "Enable Offline Pages CT features.";
const char kOfflinePagesCtDescription[] = "Enable Offline Pages CT features.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableExpandedAutofillCreditCardPopupLayoutName[] =
"Use expanded autofill credit card popup layout.";
const char kEnableExpandedAutofillCreditCardPopupLayoutDescription[] =
"If enabled, displays autofill credit card popup using expanded "
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardLastUsedDateDisplayName[] =
"Display the last used date of a credit card in autofill.";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardLastUsedDateDisplayDescription[] =
"If enabled, display the last used date of a credit card in autofill.";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardUploadCvcPromptName[] =
"Enable requesting missing CVC during Autofill credit card upload";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardUploadCvcPromptDescription[] =
"If enabled, requests missing CVC when offering to upload credit cards to "
"Google Payments.";
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD)
const char kGoogleBrandedContextMenuName[] =
"Google branding in the context menu";
const char kGoogleBrandedContextMenuDescription[] =
"Shows a Google icon next to context menu items powered by Google "
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID) && defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD)
const char kEnableWebUsbName[] = "WebUSB";
const char kEnableWebUsbDescription[] = "Enable WebUSB support.";
const char kEnableGenericSensorName[] = "Generic Sensor";
const char kEnableGenericSensorDescription[] =
"Enable sensor APIs based on Generic Sensor API.";
const char kFontCacheScalingName[] = "FontCache scaling";
const char kFontCacheScalingDescription[] =
"Reuse a cached font in the renderer to serve different sizes of font "
"for faster layout.";
const char kFramebustingName[] =
"Framebusting requires same-origin or a user gesture";
const char kFramebustingDescription[] =
"Don't permit an iframe to navigate the top level browsing context "
"unless they are same-origin or the iframe is processing a user "
const char kVibrateRequiresUserGestureName[] =
"Requiring user gesture for the Vibration API";
const char kVibrateRequiresUserGestureDescription[] =
"Block the Vibration API if no user gesture has been received on "
"the frame or any embedded frame.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableVrShellName[] = "Enable Chrome VR.";
const char kEnableVrShellDescription[] =
"Allow browsing with a VR headset if available for this device.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Web payments
const char kWebPaymentsName[] = "Web Payments";
const char kWebPaymentsDescription[] =
"Enable Web Payments API integration, a JavaScript API for merchants.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableAndroidPayIntegrationV1Name[] = "Enable Android Pay v1";
const char kEnableAndroidPayIntegrationV1Description[] =
"Enable integration with Android Pay using the first version of the "
const char kEnableAndroidPayIntegrationV2Name[] = "Enable Android Pay v2";
const char kEnableAndroidPayIntegrationV2Description[] =
"Enable integration with Android Pay using the second version of the "
const char kEnableWebPaymentsSingleAppUiSkipName[] =
"Enable Web Payments single app UI skip";
const char kEnableWebPaymentsSingleAppUiSkipDescription[] =
"Enable Web Payments to skip showing its UI if the developer specifies "
"a single app.";
const char kAndroidPaymentAppsName[] = "Android payment apps";
const char kAndroidPaymentAppsDescription[] =
"Enable third party Android apps to integrate as payment apps";
const char kServiceWorkerPaymentAppsName[] = "Service Worker payment apps";
const char kServiceWorkerPaymentAppsDescription[] =
"Enable Service Worker applications to integrate as payment apps";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kFeaturePolicyName[] = "Feature Policy";
const char kFeaturePolicyDescription[] =
"Enables granting and removing access to features through the "
"Feature-Policy HTTP header.";
// Audio rendering mixing experiment strings.
const char kNewAudioRenderingMixingStrategyName[] =
"New audio rendering mixing strategy";
const char kNewAudioRenderingMixingStrategyDescription[] =
"Use the new audio rendering mixing strategy.";
// Background video track disabling experiment strings.
const char kBackgroundVideoTrackOptimizationName[] =
"Optimize background video playback.";
const char kBackgroundVideoTrackOptimizationDescription[] =
"Disable video tracks when the video is played in the background to "
"optimize performance.";
// New remote playback pipeline experiment strings.
const char kNewRemotePlaybackPipelineName[] =
"Enable the new remote playback pipeline.";
const char kNewRemotePlaybackPipelineDescription[] =
"Enable the new pipeline for playing media element remotely via "
"RemotePlayback API or native controls.";
// Video fullscreen with orientation lock experiment strings.
const char kVideoFullscreenOrientationLockName[] =
"Lock screen orientation when playing a video fullscreen.";
const char kVideoFullscreenOrientationLockDescription[] =
"Lock the screen orientation of the device to match video orientation "
"when a video goes fullscreen. Only on phones.";
// Video rotate-to-fullscreen experiment strings.
const char kVideoRotateToFullscreenName[] =
"Rotate-to-fullscreen gesture for videos.";
const char kVideoRotateToFullscreenDescription[] =
"Enter/exit fullscreen when device is rotated to/from the orientation of "
"the video. Only on phones.";
// Expensive background timer throttling flag
const char kExpensiveBackgroundTimerThrottlingName[] =
"Throttle expensive background timers";
const char kExpensiveBackgroundTimerThrottlingDescription[] =
"Enables intervention to limit CPU usage of background timers to 1%.";
// Enable default MediaSession flag
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableAudioFocusName[] = "Manage audio focus across tabs";
const char kEnableAudioFocusDescription[] =
"Manage audio focus across tabs to improve the audio mixing.";
const char kEnableAudioFocusDisabled[] = "Disabled";
const char kEnableAudioFocusEnabled[] = "Enabled";
const char kEnableAudioFocusEnabledDuckFlash[] =
"Enabled (Flash lowers volume when interrupted by other sound, "
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
const char kGdiTextPrinting[] = "GDI Text Printing";
const char kGdiTextPrintingDescription[] =
"Use GDI to print text as simply text";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kModalPermissionPromptsName[] = "Modal Permission Prompts";
const char kModalPermissionPromptsDescription[] =
"Whether to use permission dialogs in place of permission infobars.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
const char kPermissionPromptPersistenceToggleName[] =
"Persistence Toggle in Permission Prompts";
const char kPermissionPromptPersistenceToggleDescription[] =
"Whether to display a persistence toggle in permission prompts.";
#endif // !defined(OS_MACOSX)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kNoCreditCardAbort[] = "No Credit Card Abort";
const char kNoCreditCardAbortDescription[] =
"Whether or not the No Credit Card Abort is enabled.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Consistent omnibox geolocation
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableConsistentOmniboxGeolocationName[] =
"Have consistent omnibox geolocation access.";
const char kEnableConsistentOmniboxGeolocationDescription[] =
"Have consistent geolocation access between the omnibox and default "
"search engine.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Media Remoting chrome://flags strings
const char kMediaRemotingName[] = "Media Remoting during Cast Tab Mirroring";
const char kMediaRemotingDescription[] =
"When Casting a tab to a remote device, enabling this turns on an "
"optimization that forwards the content bitstream directly to the "
"remote device when a video is fullscreened.";
// Play Services LSD permission prompt chrome://flags strings
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kLsdPermissionPromptName[] =
"Location Settings Dialog Permission Prompt";
const char kLsdPermissionPromptDescription[] =
"Whether to use the Google Play Services Location Settings Dialog "
"permission dialog.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Custom draw the Windows 10 titlebar.
const char kWindows10CustomTitlebarName[] = "Custom-drawn Windows 10 Titlebar";
const char kWindows10CustomTitlebarDescription[] =
"If enabled, Chrome will draw the titlebar and caption buttons instead "
"of deferring to Windows.";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
const char kDisablePostscriptPrinting[] = "Disable PostScript Printing";
const char kDisablePostscriptPrintingDescription[] =
"Disables PostScript generation when printing to PostScript capable "
"printers, and uses EMF generation in its place.";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kAiaFetchingName[] = "Intermediate Certificate Fetching";
const char kAiaFetchingDescription[] =
"Enable intermediate certificate fetching when a server does not "
"provide sufficient certificates to build a chain to a trusted root.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Web MIDI supports MIDIManager dynamic instantiation chrome://flags strings
const char kEnableMidiManagerDynamicInstantiationName[] =
"MIDIManager dynamic instantiation for Web MIDI.";
const char kEnableMidiManagerDynamicInstantiationDescription[] =
"Enable MIDIManager dynamic instantiation for Web MIDI.";
// Desktop iOS promotion chrome://flags strings
#if defined(OS_WIN)
const char kEnableDesktopIosPromotionsName[] = "Desktop to iOS promotions.";
const char kEnableDesktopIosPromotionsDescription[] =
"Enable Desktop to iOS promotions, and allow users to see them if they "
"are eligible.";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableCustomFeedbackUiName[] = "Enable Custom Feedback UI";
const char kEnableCustomFeedbackUiDescription[] =
"Enables a custom feedback UI when submitting feedback through Google "
"Feedback. Works with Google Play Services v10.2+";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_MACOSX) || \
const char kOmniboxEntitySuggestionsName[] = "Omnibox entity suggestions";
const char kOmniboxEntitySuggestionsDescription[] =
"Enable receiving entity suggestions in Omnibox.";
const char kPauseBackgroundTabsName[] = "Pause background tabs";
const char kPauseBackgroundTabsDescription[] =
"Pause timers in background tabs after 5 minutes on desktop.";
const char kEnableNewAppMenuIconName[] = "Enable the New App Menu Icon";
const char kEnableNewAppMenuIconDescription[] =
"Use the new app menu icon with update notification animations.";
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_MACOSX) ||
// defined(OS_WIN)
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kEnableChromevoxArcSupportName[] = "ChromeVox ARC support";
const char kEnableChromevoxArcSupportDescription[] =
"Enable ChromeVox screen reader features in ARC";
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kMojoLoadingName[] = "Use Mojo IPC for resource loading";
const char kMojoLoadingDescription[] =
"Use Mojo IPC instead of traditional Chrome IPC for resource loading.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kUseNewDoodleApiName[] = "Use new Doodle API";
const char kUseNewDoodleApiDescription[] =
"Enables the new API to fetch Doodles for the NTP.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kDebugShortcutsDescription[] =
"Enables additional keyboard shortcuts that are useful for debugging "
const char kMemoryAblationName[] = "Memory ablation experiment";
const char kMemoryAblationDescription[] =
"Allocates extra memory in the browser process.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableCustomContextMenuName[] = "Enable custom context menu";
const char kEnableCustomContextMenuDescription[] =
"Enables a new context menu when a link, image, or video is pressed within "
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// File Manager
const char kVideoPlayerChromecastSupportName[] =
"Experimental Chromecast support for Video Player";
const char kVideoPlayerChromecastSupportDescription[] =
"This option enables experimental Chromecast support for Video Player "
"app on ChromeOS.";
const char kNewZipUnpackerName[] = "New ZIP unpacker";
const char kNewZipUnpackerDescription[] =
"New ZIP unpacker flow, based on the File System Provider API.";
const char kShowArcFilesAppName[] = "Show Android Files app";
const char kShowArcFilesAppDescription[] =
"Show Android Files app in Chrome OS launcher. This is only effective "
"on a device with access to Play Store.";
const char kOfficeEditingComponentAppName[] =
"Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides";
const char kOfficeEditingComponentAppDescription[] =
"Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides for testing purposes.";
const char kDisplayColorCalibrationName[] = "Color calibration of the display";
const char kDisplayColorCalibrationDescription[] =
"Allow color calibration of the display if the display supports the "
const char kMemoryPressureThresholdName[] =
"Memory discard strategy for advanced pressure handling";
const char kMemoryPressureThresholdDescription[] =
"Memory discarding strategy to use";
const char kConservativeThresholds[] =
"Conservative memory pressure release strategy";
const char kAggressiveCacheDiscardThresholds[] =
"Aggressive cache release strategy";
const char kAggressiveTabDiscardThresholds[] =
"Aggressive tab release strategy";
const char kAggressiveThresholds[] =
"Aggressive tab and cache release strategy";
const char kWakeOnPacketsName[] = "Wake On Packets";
const char kWakeOnPacketsDescription[] =
"Enables waking the device based on the receipt of some network "
const char kQuickUnlockPinName[] = "Quick Unlock (PIN)";
const char kQuickUnlockPinDescription[] =
"Enabling PIN quick unlock allows you to use a PIN to unlock your ChromeOS "
"device on the lock screen after you have signed into your device.";
const char kQuickUnlockPinSignin[] = "Enable PIN when logging in.";
const char kQuickUnlockPinSigninDescription[] =
"Enabling PIN allows you to use a PIN to sign in and unlock your ChromeOS "
"device. After changing this flag PIN needs to be set up again.";
const char kQuickUnlockFingerprint[] = "Quick Unlock (Fingerprint)";
const char kQuickUnlockFingerprintDescription[] =
"Enabling fingerprint quick unlock allows you to setup and use a "
"fingerprint to unlock your Chromebook on the lock screen after you "
"have signed into your device.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityFeaturesName[] =
"Experimental accessibility features";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enable additional accessibility features in the Settings page.";
const char kDisableSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetectionName[] =
"SystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection policy support";
const char kDisableSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetectionDescription[] =
"Disable system timezone automatic detection device policy.";
const char kEolNotificationName[] = "Disable Device End of Life notification.";
const char kEolNotificationDescription[] =
"Disable Notifcation when Device is End of Life.";
// Stylus strings
const char kForceEnableStylusToolsName[] = "Force enable stylus features";
const char kForceEnableStylusToolsDescription[] =
"Forces display of the stylus tools menu in the shelf and the stylus "
"section in settings, even if there is no attached stylus device.";
// Network portal notification
const char kNetworkPortalNotificationName[] =
"Notifications about captive portals";
const char kNetworkPortalNotificationDescription[] =
"If enabled, notification is displayed when device is connected to a "
"network behind captive portal.";
const char kMtpWriteSupportName[] = "MTP write support";
const char kMtpWriteSupportDescription[] =
"MTP write support in File System API (and file manager). In-place "
"editing operations are not supported.";
const char kCrosRegionsModeName[] = "Cros-regions load mode";
const char kCrosRegionsModeDescription[] =
"This flag controls cros-regions load mode";
const char kCrosRegionsModeDefault[] = "Default";
const char kCrosRegionsModeOverride[] = "Override VPD values.";
const char kCrosRegionsModeHide[] = "Hide VPD values.";
const char kPrinterProviderSearchAppName[] =
"Chrome Web Store Gallery app for printer drivers";
const char kPrinterProviderSearchAppDescription[] =
"Enables Chrome Web Store Gallery app for printer drivers. The app "
"searches Chrome Web Store for extensions that support printing to a "
"USB printer with specific USB ID.";
const char kArcBootCompleted[] = "Load Android apps automatically";
const char kArcBootCompletedDescription[] =
"Allow Android apps to start automatically after signing in.";
const char kEnableImeMenuName[] = "Enable opt-in IME menu";
const char kEnableImeMenuDescription[] =
"Enable access to the new IME menu in the Language Settings page.";
const char kEnableEhvInputName[] =
"Emoji, handwriting and voice input on opt-in IME menu";
const char kEnableEhvInputDescription[] =
"Enable access to emoji, handwriting and voice input form opt-in IME "
const char kEnableEncryptionMigrationName[] =
"Enable encryption migration of user data";
const char kEnableEncryptionMigrationDescription[] =
"If enabled and the device supports ARC, the user will be asked to update "
"the encryption of user data when the user signs in.";
#endif // #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableCopylessPasteName[] = "App Indexing (Copyless Paste)";
const char kEnableCopylessPasteDescription[] =
"Provide suggestions for text input, based on your recent context. For "
"example, if you looked at a restaurant website and switched to the Maps "
"app, the keyboard would offer the name of that restaurant as a suggestion "
"to enter into the search bar. The data is indexed locally, and never sent "
"to the server. It's disabled in incognito mode.";
const char kEnableWebNfcName[] = "WebNFC";
const char kEnableWebNfcDescription[] = "Enable WebNFC support.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableIdleTimeSpellCheckingName[] =
"Enable idle time spell checker";
const char kEnableIdleTimeSpellCheckingDescription[] =
"Make spell-checking code run only when the browser is idle, so that input "
"latency is reduced, especially when editing long articles, emails, etc.";
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kEnableOmniboxClipboardProviderName[] =
"Omnibox clipboard URL suggestions";
const char kEnableOmniboxClipboardProviderDescription[] =
"Provide a suggestion of the URL stored in the clipboard (if any) upon "
"focus in the omnibox.";
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kAutoplayPolicyName[] = "Autoplay policy";
const char kAutoplayPolicyDescription[] =
"Policy used when deciding if audio or video is allowed to autoplay.";
const char kAutoplayPolicyNoUserGestureRequired[] =
"No user gesture is required.";
const char kAutoplayPolicyUserGestureRequired[] = "User gesture is required.";
const char kAutoplayPolicyUserGestureRequiredForCrossOrigin[] =
"User gesture is required for cross-origin iframes.";
const char kOmniboxDisplayTitleForCurrentUrlName[] =
"Include title for the current URL in the omnibox";
const char kOmniboxDisplayTitleForCurrentUrlDescription[] =
"In the event that the omnibox provides suggestions on-focus, the URL of "
"the current page is provided as the first suggestion without a title. "
"Enabling this flag causes the title to be displayed.";
const char kOmniboxUIMaxAutocompleteMatchesName[] =
"Omnibox UI Max Autocomplete Matches";
const char kOmniboxUIMaxAutocompleteMatchesDescription[] =
"Changes the maximum number af autocomplete matches displayed in the "
"Omnibox UI.";
const char kOmniboxUIVerticalMarginName[] = "Omnibox UI Vertical Margin";
const char kOmniboxUIVerticalMarginDescription[] =
"Changes the vertical margin in the Omnibox UI.";
const char kForceEffectiveConnectionTypeName[] =
"Override effective connection type";
const char kForceEffectiveConnectionTypeDescription[] =
"Overrides the effective connection type of the current connection "
"returned by the network quality estimator.";
const char kEffectiveConnectionTypeUnknownDescription[] = "Unknown";
const char kEffectiveConnectionTypeOfflineDescription[] = "Offline";
const char kEffectiveConnectionTypeSlow2GDescription[] = "Slow 2G";
const char kEffectiveConnectionType2GDescription[] = "2G";
const char kEffectiveConnectionType3GDescription[] = "3G";
const char kEffectiveConnectionType4GDescription[] = "4G";
const char kEnableHeapProfilingName[] = "Heap profiling";
const char kEnableHeapProfilingDescription[] = "Enables heap profiling.";
const char kEnableHeapProfilingModePseudo[] = "Enabled (pseudo mode)";
const char kEnableHeapProfilingModeNative[] = "Enabled (native mode)";
const char kEnableHeapProfilingTaskProfiler[] = "Enabled (task mode)";
const char kUseSuggestionsEvenIfFewFeatureName[] =
"Disable minimum for server-side tile suggestions on NTP.";
const char kUseSuggestionsEvenIfFewFeatureDescription[] =
"Request server-side suggestions even if there are only very few of them "
"and use them for tiles on the New Tab Page.";
const char kLocationHardReloadName[] =
"Experimental change for Location.reload() to trigger a hard-reload.";
const char kLocationHardReloadDescription[] =
"Enable an experimental change for Location.reload() to trigger a "
const char kCaptureThumbnailOnLoadFinishedName[] =
"Capture page thumbnail on load finished";
const char kCaptureThumbnailOnLoadFinishedDescription[] =
"Capture a page thumbnail (for use on the New Tab page) when the page load "
"finishes, in addition to other times a thumbnail may be captured.";
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Name and description of the flag that enables D3D v-sync.
const char kEnableD3DVsync[] = "D3D v-sync";
const char kEnableD3DVsyncDescription[] =
"Produces v-sync signal by having D3D wait for vertical blanking interval "
"to occur.";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_IOS)
const char kUseGoogleLocalNtpName[] = "Enable using the Google local NTP";
const char kUseGoogleLocalNtpDescription[] =
"Use the local New Tab page if Google is the default search engine.";
const char kOneGoogleBarOnLocalNtpName[] =
"Enable the OneGoogleBar on the local NTP";
const char kOneGoogleBarOnLocalNtpDescription[] =
"Show a OneGoogleBar on the local New Tab page if Google is the default "
"search engine.";
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_IOS)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
extern const char kMacRTLName[] = "Enable RTL";
extern const char kMacRTLDescription[] =
"Mirrors the UI for RTL language users";
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kDisableNewVirtualKeyboardBehaviorName[] =
"New window behavior for the accessibility keyboard";
const char kDisableNewVirtualKeyboardBehaviorDescription[] =
"Disable new window behavior for the accessibility keyboard "
"in non-sticky mode (do not change work area in non-sticky mode).";
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
} // namespace flag_descriptions