blob: 854646c13af2c0d99b408af1ba5ca96e631be967 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace web {
class WebFrame;
class WebState;
} // namespace web
namespace autofill {
struct FormActivityParams;
// Interface for observing form activity.
// It is the responsibility of the observer to unregister if the web_state
// becomes invalid.
class FormActivityObserver {
FormActivityObserver() {}
virtual ~FormActivityObserver() {}
// Called when the user is typing on a form field in the main frame or in a
// same-origin iframe. |params.input_missing| is indicating if there is any
// error when parsing the form field information.
// |sender_frame| is the WebFrame that sent the form activity message.
// |sender_frame| can be null if frame messaging is not enabled (see
// web::WebState::ScriptCommandCallback comment for details).
virtual void FormActivityRegistered(web::WebState* web_state,
web::WebFrame* sender_frame,
const FormActivityParams& params) {}
// Called on form submission in the main frame or in a same-origin iframe.
// |has_user_gesture| is true if the user interacted with the page.
// |form_in_main_frame| is true if the submitted form is hosted in the main
// frame.
// |form_data| contains information on the form that has been submitted.
// It is in a JSON format and can be decoded by autofill::ExtractFormsData.
// It is a list (for compatibility reason) containing 0 or 1 dictionary.
// The dictionary has some element containing some form attributes (HTML or
// computed ('name', 'action', 'is_formless_checkout'...) and a 'field'
// element containing a list of dictionaries, each representing a field of the
// form and contianing some attributes ('name', 'type',...).
// |sender_frame| is the WebFrame that sent the form submission message.
// |sender_frame| can be null if frame messaging is not enabled (see
// web::WebState::ScriptCommandCallback comment for details).
// TODO( remove |form_in_main_frame| once frame messaging is
// fully enabled.
// TODO( Update comment once WebFrame cannot be null.
virtual void DocumentSubmitted(web::WebState* web_state,
web::WebFrame* sender_frame,
const std::string& form_name,
const std::string& form_data,
bool has_user_gesture,
bool form_in_main_frame) {}
} // namespace autofill