blob: f499423ebd29b6f7a46100bd44a99bf1700c31f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/scheduler/scheduler_state_machine.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "base/trace_event/traced_value.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace cc {
namespace {
// Surfaces and CompositorTimingHistory don't support more than 1 pending swap.
const int kMaxPendingSubmitFrames = 1;
} // namespace
SchedulerStateMachine::SchedulerStateMachine(const SchedulerSettings& settings)
: settings_(settings) {}
SchedulerStateMachine::~SchedulerStateMachine() = default;
const char* SchedulerStateMachine::LayerTreeFrameSinkStateToString(
LayerTreeFrameSinkState state) {
switch (state) {
case LayerTreeFrameSinkState::NONE:
return "LayerTreeFrameSinkState::NONE";
case LayerTreeFrameSinkState::ACTIVE:
return "LayerTreeFrameSinkState::ACTIVE";
case LayerTreeFrameSinkState::CREATING:
return "LayerTreeFrameSinkState::CREATING";
case LayerTreeFrameSinkState::WAITING_FOR_FIRST_COMMIT:
return "LayerTreeFrameSinkState::WAITING_FOR_FIRST_COMMIT";
return "LayerTreeFrameSinkState::WAITING_FOR_FIRST_ACTIVATION";
return "???";
const char* SchedulerStateMachine::BeginImplFrameStateToString(
BeginImplFrameState state) {
switch (state) {
case BeginImplFrameState::IDLE:
return "BeginImplFrameState::IDLE";
case BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_BEGIN_FRAME:
return "BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_BEGIN_FRAME";
case BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_DEADLINE:
return "BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_DEADLINE";
return "???";
const char* SchedulerStateMachine::BeginImplFrameDeadlineModeToString(
BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::NONE:
return "BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::NONE";
case BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::IMMEDIATE:
return "BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::IMMEDIATE";
case BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::REGULAR:
return "BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::REGULAR";
case BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::LATE:
return "BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::LATE";
case BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::BLOCKED:
return "BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::BLOCKED";
return "???";
const char* SchedulerStateMachine::BeginMainFrameStateToString(
BeginMainFrameState state) {
switch (state) {
case BeginMainFrameState::IDLE:
return "BeginMainFrameState::IDLE";
case BeginMainFrameState::SENT:
return "BeginMainFrameState::SENT";
case BeginMainFrameState::STARTED:
return "BeginMainFrameState::STARTED";
case BeginMainFrameState::READY_TO_COMMIT:
return "BeginMainFrameState::READY_TO_COMMIT";
return "???";
const char* SchedulerStateMachine::ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutStateToString(
ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState state) {
switch (state) {
case ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::IDLE:
return "ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::IDLE";
case ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_COMMIT:
return "ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_COMMIT";
case ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_ACTIVATION:
return "ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_ACTIVATION";
case ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_DRAW:
return "ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_DRAW";
return "???";
const char* ScrollHandlerStateToString(ScrollHandlerState state) {
switch (state) {
return "???";
const char* SchedulerStateMachine::ActionToString(Action action) {
switch (action) {
case Action::NONE:
return "Action::NONE";
return "Action::SEND_BEGIN_MAIN_FRAME";
case Action::COMMIT:
return "Action::COMMIT";
return "Action::ACTIVATE_SYNC_TREE";
case Action::DRAW_IF_POSSIBLE:
return "Action::DRAW_IF_POSSIBLE";
case Action::DRAW_FORCED:
return "Action::DRAW_FORCED";
case Action::DRAW_ABORT:
return "Action::DRAW_ABORT";
case Action::PREPARE_TILES:
return "Action::PREPARE_TILES";
return "???";
SchedulerStateMachine::AsValue() const {
std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::TracedValue> state(
new base::trace_event::TracedValue());
return std::move(state);
void SchedulerStateMachine::AsValueInto(
base::trace_event::TracedValue* state) const {
state->SetString("next_action", ActionToString(NextAction()));
state->SetInteger("commit_count", commit_count_);
state->SetInteger("current_frame_number", current_frame_number_);
state->SetBoolean("did_draw", did_draw_);
state->SetBoolean("did_commit_during_frame", did_commit_during_frame_);
state->SetBoolean("did_prepare_tiles", did_prepare_tiles_);
state->SetInteger("pending_submit_frames", pending_submit_frames_);
state->SetBoolean("needs_redraw", needs_redraw_);
state->SetBoolean("needs_prepare_tiles", needs_prepare_tiles_);
state->SetBoolean("needs_begin_main_frame", needs_begin_main_frame_);
state->SetBoolean("needs_one_begin_impl_frame", needs_one_begin_impl_frame_);
state->SetBoolean("visible", visible_);
state->SetBoolean("begin_frame_source_paused", begin_frame_source_paused_);
state->SetBoolean("can_draw", can_draw_);
state->SetBoolean("resourceless_draw", resourceless_draw_);
state->SetBoolean("has_pending_tree", has_pending_tree_);
state->SetString("tree_priority", TreePriorityToString(tree_priority_));
state->SetBoolean("video_needs_begin_frames", video_needs_begin_frames_);
state->SetBoolean("defer_commits", defer_commits_);
state->SetBoolean("last_commit_had_no_updates", last_commit_had_no_updates_);
state->SetBoolean("did_draw_in_last_frame", did_draw_in_last_frame_);
state->SetBoolean("did_submit_in_last_frame", did_submit_in_last_frame_);
bool SchedulerStateMachine::PendingDrawsShouldBeAborted() const {
// Normally when |visible_| is false or |begin_frame_source_paused_| is true,
// pending activations will be forced and draws will be aborted. However,
// when the embedder is Android WebView, software draws could be scheduled by
// the Android OS at any time and draws should not be aborted in this case.
bool is_layer_tree_frame_sink_lost =
(layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ == LayerTreeFrameSinkState::NONE);
if (resourceless_draw_)
return is_layer_tree_frame_sink_lost || !can_draw_;
// These are all the cases where we normally cannot or do not want
// to draw but, if |needs_redraw_| is true and we do not draw to
// make forward progress, we might deadlock with the main
// thread. This should be a superset of ShouldAbortCurrentFrame()
// since activation of the pending tree is blocked by drawing of the
// active tree and the main thread might be blocked on activation of
// the most recent commit.
return is_layer_tree_frame_sink_lost || !can_draw_ || !visible_ ||
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldAbortCurrentFrame() const {
// Abort the frame if there is no output surface to trigger our
// activations, avoiding deadlock with the main thread.
if (layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ == LayerTreeFrameSinkState::NONE)
return true;
// If we're not visible, we should just abort the frame. Since we
// set RequiresHighResToDraw when becoming visible, we ensure that
// we don't checkerboard until all visible resources are
// done. Furthermore, if we do keep the pending tree around, when
// becoming visible we might activate prematurely causing
// RequiresHighResToDraw flag to be reset. In all cases, we can
// simply activate on becoming invisible since we don't need to draw
// the active tree when we're in this state.
if (!visible_)
return true;
// Abort the frame when viz::BeginFrameSource is paused to avoid
// deadlocking the main thread.
if (begin_frame_source_paused_)
return true;
return false;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation() const {
if (!visible_)
return false;
// We only want to start output surface initialization after the
// previous commit is complete.
if (begin_main_frame_state_ != BeginMainFrameState::IDLE) {
return false;
// Make sure the BeginImplFrame from any previous LayerTreeFrameSinks
// are complete before creating the new LayerTreeFrameSink.
if (begin_impl_frame_state_ != BeginImplFrameState::IDLE)
return false;
// We want to clear the pipeline of any pending draws and activations
// before starting output surface initialization. This allows us to avoid
// weird corner cases where we abort draws or force activation while we
// are initializing the output surface.
if (active_tree_needs_first_draw_ || has_pending_tree_)
return false;
// We need to create the output surface if we don't have one and we haven't
// started creating one yet.
return layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ == LayerTreeFrameSinkState::NONE;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldDraw() const {
// If we need to abort draws, we should do so ASAP since the draw could
// be blocking other important actions (like output surface initialization),
// from occurring. If we are waiting for the first draw, then perform the
// aborted draw to keep things moving. If we are not waiting for the first
// draw however, we don't want to abort for no reason.
if (PendingDrawsShouldBeAborted())
return active_tree_needs_first_draw_;
// Do not draw more than once in the deadline. Aborted draws are ok because
// those are effectively nops.
if (did_draw_)
return false;
// Don't draw if an early check determined the frame does not have damage.
if (skip_draw_)
return false;
// Don't draw if we are waiting on the first commit after a surface.
if (layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ != LayerTreeFrameSinkState::ACTIVE)
return false;
// Do not queue too many draws.
if (IsDrawThrottled())
return false;
// Except for the cases above, do not draw outside of the BeginImplFrame
// deadline.
if (begin_impl_frame_state_ != BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_DEADLINE)
return false;
// Wait for ready to draw in full-pipeline mode or the browser compositor's
// commit-to-active-tree mode.
if ((settings_.wait_for_all_pipeline_stages_before_draw ||
settings_.commit_to_active_tree) &&
!active_tree_is_ready_to_draw_) {
return false;
// Browser compositor commit steals any resources submitted in draw. Therefore
// drawing while a commit is pending is wasteful.
if (settings_.commit_to_active_tree && CommitPending())
return false;
// Only handle forced redraws due to timeouts on the regular deadline.
if (forced_redraw_state_ == ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_DRAW)
return true;
return needs_redraw_;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldActivateSyncTree() const {
// There is nothing to activate.
if (!has_pending_tree_)
return false;
// We should not activate a second tree before drawing the first one.
// Even if we need to force activation of the pending tree, we should abort
// drawing the active tree first.
if (active_tree_needs_first_draw_)
return false;
if (ShouldAbortCurrentFrame())
return true;
// At this point, only activate if we are ready to activate.
return pending_tree_is_ready_for_activation_;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldNotifyBeginMainFrameNotSent() const {
// This method returns true if most of the conditions for sending a
// BeginMainFrame are met, but one is not actually requested. This gives the
// main thread the chance to do something else.
if (!wants_begin_main_frame_not_expected_)
return false;
// Don't notify if a BeginMainFrame has already been requested or is in
// progress.
if (needs_begin_main_frame_ ||
begin_main_frame_state_ != BeginMainFrameState::IDLE)
return false;
// Only notify when we're visible.
if (!visible_)
return false;
// There are no BeginImplFrames while viz::BeginFrameSource is paused, meaning
// the scheduler should send SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon instead,
// indicating a longer period of inactivity.
if (begin_frame_source_paused_)
return false;
// Do not notify that no BeginMainFrame was sent too many times in a single
// frame.
if (did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_sent_)
return false;
// Do not notify if a commit happened during this frame as the main thread
// will already be active and does not need to be woken up to make further
// actions. (This occurs if the main frame was scheduled but didn't complete
// before the vsync deadline).
if (did_commit_during_frame_)
return false;
return true;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::CouldSendBeginMainFrame() const {
if (!needs_begin_main_frame_)
return false;
// We can not perform commits if we are not visible.
if (!visible_)
return false;
// There are no BeginImplFrames while viz::BeginFrameSource is paused,
// so should also stop BeginMainFrames.
if (begin_frame_source_paused_)
return false;
// Do not make a new commits when it is deferred.
if (defer_commits_)
return false;
return true;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldSendBeginMainFrame() const {
if (!CouldSendBeginMainFrame())
return false;
// Do not send more than one begin main frame in a begin frame.
if (did_send_begin_main_frame_for_current_frame_)
return false;
// Only send BeginMainFrame when there isn't another commit pending already.
// Other parts of the state machine indirectly defer the BeginMainFrame
// by transitioning to WAITING commit states rather than going
// immediately to IDLE.
if (begin_main_frame_state_ != BeginMainFrameState::IDLE)
return false;
// MFBA is disabled and we are waiting for previous activation, or the current
// pending tree is impl-side.
bool can_send_main_frame_with_pending_tree =
settings_.main_frame_before_activation_enabled ||
if (has_pending_tree_ && !can_send_main_frame_with_pending_tree)
return false;
// We are waiting for previous frame to be drawn, submitted and acked.
if (settings_.commit_to_active_tree &&
(active_tree_needs_first_draw_ || IsDrawThrottled())) {
return false;
// Don't send BeginMainFrame early if we are prioritizing the active tree
// because of ImplLatencyTakesPriority.
if (ImplLatencyTakesPriority() &&
(has_pending_tree_ || active_tree_needs_first_draw_)) {
return false;
// We should not send BeginMainFrame while we are in the idle state since we
// might have new user input arriving soon. It's okay to send BeginMainFrame
// for the synchronous compositor because the main thread is always high
// latency in that case.
// TODO(brianderson): Allow sending BeginMainFrame while idle when the main
// thread isn't consuming user input for non-synchronous compositor.
if (!settings_.using_synchronous_renderer_compositor &&
begin_impl_frame_state_ == BeginImplFrameState::IDLE) {
return false;
// We need a new commit for the forced redraw. This honors the
// single commit per interval because the result will be swapped to screen.
if (forced_redraw_state_ == ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_COMMIT)
return true;
// We shouldn't normally accept commits if there isn't a LayerTreeFrameSink.
if (!HasInitializedLayerTreeFrameSink())
return false;
if (!settings_.main_frame_while_submit_frame_throttled_enabled) {
// Throttle the BeginMainFrames on CompositorFrameAck unless we just
// submitted a frame to potentially improve impl-thread latency over
// main-thread throughput.
// TODO(brianderson): Remove this restriction to improve throughput or
// make it conditional on ImplLatencyTakesPriority.
bool just_submitted_in_deadline =
begin_impl_frame_state_ == BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_DEADLINE &&
if (IsDrawThrottled() && !just_submitted_in_deadline)
return false;
if (skip_next_begin_main_frame_to_reduce_latency_)
return false;
return true;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldCommit() const {
if (begin_main_frame_state_ != BeginMainFrameState::READY_TO_COMMIT)
return false;
// We must not finish the commit until the pending tree is free.
if (has_pending_tree_) {
DCHECK(settings_.main_frame_before_activation_enabled ||
return false;
// If we only have an active tree, it is incorrect to replace it before we've
// drawn it.
DCHECK(!settings_.commit_to_active_tree || !active_tree_needs_first_draw_);
// In browser compositor commit reclaims any resources submitted during draw.
DCHECK(!settings_.commit_to_active_tree || !IsDrawThrottled());
return true;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldPrepareTiles() const {
// In full-pipeline mode, we need to prepare tiles ASAP to ensure that we
// don't get stuck.
if (settings_.wait_for_all_pipeline_stages_before_draw)
return needs_prepare_tiles_;
// Do not prepare tiles if we've already done so in commit or impl side
// invalidation.
if (did_prepare_tiles_)
return false;
// Limiting to once per-frame is not enough, since we only want to prepare
// tiles _after_ draws.
if (begin_impl_frame_state_ != BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_DEADLINE)
return false;
return needs_prepare_tiles_;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldInvalidateLayerTreeFrameSink() const {
// Do not invalidate more than once per begin frame.
if (did_invalidate_layer_tree_frame_sink_)
return false;
// Only the synchronous compositor requires invalidations.
if (!settings_.using_synchronous_renderer_compositor)
return false;
// Invalidations are only performed inside a BeginFrame.
if (begin_impl_frame_state_ != BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_BEGIN_FRAME)
return false;
// Don't invalidate if we cannnot draw.
if (PendingDrawsShouldBeAborted())
return false;
// TODO(sunnyps): needs_prepare_tiles_ is needed here because PrepareTiles is
// called only inside the deadline / draw phase. We could remove this if we
// allowed PrepareTiles to happen in OnBeginImplFrame.
return needs_redraw_ || needs_prepare_tiles_;
SchedulerStateMachine::Action SchedulerStateMachine::NextAction() const {
if (ShouldActivateSyncTree())
return Action::ACTIVATE_SYNC_TREE;
if (ShouldCommit())
return Action::COMMIT;
if (ShouldDraw()) {
if (PendingDrawsShouldBeAborted())
return Action::DRAW_ABORT;
else if (forced_redraw_state_ ==
return Action::DRAW_FORCED;
return Action::DRAW_IF_POSSIBLE;
if (ShouldSendBeginMainFrame())
if (ShouldPerformImplSideInvalidation())
if (ShouldPrepareTiles())
return Action::PREPARE_TILES;
if (ShouldInvalidateLayerTreeFrameSink())
if (ShouldBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation())
if (ShouldNotifyBeginMainFrameNotSent())
return Action::NONE;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldPerformImplSideInvalidation() const {
if (begin_frame_is_animate_only_)
return false;
if (!needs_impl_side_invalidation_)
return false;
// Don't invalidate if we've already done so either from the scheduler or as
// part of commit.
if (did_perform_impl_side_invalidation_)
return false;
// No invalidations should be done outside the impl frame.
if (begin_impl_frame_state_ == BeginImplFrameState::IDLE)
return false;
// We need to be able to create a pending tree to perform an invalidation.
if (!CouldCreatePendingTree())
return false;
// Check if we should defer invalidating so we can merge these invalidations
// with the main frame.
if (ShouldDeferInvalidatingForMainFrame())
return false;
// If invalidations go to the active tree and we are waiting for the previous
// frame to be drawn, submitted and acked.
if (settings_.commit_to_active_tree &&
(active_tree_needs_first_draw_ || IsDrawThrottled())) {
return false;
return true;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldDeferInvalidatingForMainFrame() const {
DCHECK_NE(begin_impl_frame_state_, BeginImplFrameState::IDLE);
// If the main thread is ready to commit, the impl-side invalidations will be
// merged with the incoming main frame.
if (begin_main_frame_state_ == BeginMainFrameState::READY_TO_COMMIT)
return true;
// If commits are being aborted (which would be the common case for a
// compositor scroll), don't defer the invalidation.
if (last_frame_events_.commit_had_no_updates || last_commit_had_no_updates_)
return false;
// If we prefer to invalidate over waiting on the main frame, do the
// invalidation now.
if (!should_defer_invalidation_for_fast_main_frame_)
return false;
// If there is a request for a main frame, then this could either be a
// request that we need to respond to in this impl frame or its possible the
// request is for the next frame (a rAF issued at the beginning of the current
// main frame). In either case, defer invalidating so we can merge it with the
// main frame.
if (needs_begin_main_frame_)
return true;
// If the main frame was already sent, wait for the main thread to respond.
if (begin_main_frame_state_ == BeginMainFrameState::SENT ||
begin_main_frame_state_ == BeginMainFrameState::STARTED)
return true;
// If the main thread committed during the last frame, i.e. it was not
// aborted, then we might get another main frame request later in the impl
// frame. This could be the case for a timer based animation running on the
// main thread which doesn't align with our vsync. For such cases,
// conservatively defer invalidating until the deadline.
if (last_frame_events_.did_commit_during_frame)
return true;
// If the main thread is not requesting any frames, perform the invalidation
// at the beginning of the impl frame.
return false;
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillPerformImplSideInvalidation() {
current_pending_tree_is_impl_side_ = true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillPerformImplSideInvalidationInternal() {
needs_impl_side_invalidation_ = false;
has_pending_tree_ = true;
did_perform_impl_side_invalidation_ = true;
pending_tree_needs_first_draw_on_activation_ =
next_invalidation_needs_first_draw_on_activation_ = false;
// TODO(eseckler): Track impl-side invalidations for pending/active tree and
// CompositorFrame freshness computation.
bool SchedulerStateMachine::CouldCreatePendingTree() const {
// Can't create a new pending tree till the current one is activated.
if (has_pending_tree_)
return false;
// Can't make frames while we're invisible.
if (!visible_)
return false;
// If the viz::BeginFrameSource is paused, we will not be able to make any
// impl frames.
if (begin_frame_source_paused_)
return false;
// Don't create a pending tree till a frame sink is initialized.
if (!HasInitializedLayerTreeFrameSink())
return false;
return true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillSendBeginMainFrame() {
DCHECK(!has_pending_tree_ || settings_.main_frame_before_activation_enabled ||
begin_main_frame_state_ = BeginMainFrameState::SENT;
needs_begin_main_frame_ = false;
did_send_begin_main_frame_for_current_frame_ = true;
last_frame_number_begin_main_frame_sent_ = current_frame_number_;
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillNotifyBeginMainFrameNotSent() {
did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_sent_ = true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillCommit(bool commit_has_no_updates) {
bool can_have_pending_tree =
commit_has_no_updates &&
(settings_.main_frame_before_activation_enabled ||
DCHECK(!has_pending_tree_ || can_have_pending_tree);
last_commit_had_no_updates_ = commit_has_no_updates;
begin_main_frame_state_ = BeginMainFrameState::IDLE;
did_commit_during_frame_ = true;
if (!commit_has_no_updates) {
// If there was a commit, the impl-side invalidations will be merged with
// it. We always fill the impl-side invalidation funnel here, even if no
// request was currently pending, to defer creating another pending tree and
// performing PrepareTiles until the next frame, in case the invalidation
// request is received after the commit.
if (needs_impl_side_invalidation_)
did_perform_impl_side_invalidation_ = true;
// We have a new pending tree.
has_pending_tree_ = true;
pending_tree_needs_first_draw_on_activation_ = true;
pending_tree_is_ready_for_activation_ = false;
// Wait for the new pending tree to become ready to draw, which may happen
// before or after activation.
active_tree_is_ready_to_draw_ = false;
// Update state related to forced draws.
if (forced_redraw_state_ == ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_COMMIT) {
forced_redraw_state_ =
has_pending_tree_ ? ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_ACTIVATION
: ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_DRAW;
// Update the output surface state.
if (layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ ==
LayerTreeFrameSinkState::WAITING_FOR_FIRST_COMMIT) {
layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ =
: LayerTreeFrameSinkState::ACTIVE;
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillActivate() {
if (layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ ==
layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ = LayerTreeFrameSinkState::ACTIVE;
if (forced_redraw_state_ ==
forced_redraw_state_ = ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_DRAW;
has_pending_tree_ = false;
pending_tree_is_ready_for_activation_ = false;
active_tree_needs_first_draw_ = pending_tree_needs_first_draw_on_activation_;
pending_tree_needs_first_draw_on_activation_ = false;
needs_redraw_ = true;
previous_pending_tree_was_impl_side_ = current_pending_tree_is_impl_side_;
current_pending_tree_is_impl_side_ = false;
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillDrawInternal() {
// If a new active tree is pending after the one we are about to draw,
// the main thread is in a high latency mode.
// main_thread_missed_last_deadline_ is here in addition to
// OnBeginImplFrameIdle for cases where the scheduler aborts draws outside
// of the deadline.
main_thread_missed_last_deadline_ =
CommitPending() ||
(has_pending_tree_ && !current_pending_tree_is_impl_side_);
// We need to reset needs_redraw_ before we draw since the
// draw itself might request another draw.
needs_redraw_ = false;
did_draw_ = true;
active_tree_needs_first_draw_ = false;
last_frame_number_draw_performed_ = current_frame_number_;
if (forced_redraw_state_ == ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_DRAW)
forced_redraw_state_ = ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::IDLE;
void SchedulerStateMachine::DidDrawInternal(DrawResult draw_result) {
switch (draw_result) {
NOTREACHED() << "Invalid return DrawResult:" << draw_result;
consecutive_checkerboard_animations_ = 0;
forced_redraw_state_ = ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::IDLE;
needs_begin_main_frame_ = true;
needs_redraw_ = true;
if (consecutive_checkerboard_animations_ >=
settings_.maximum_number_of_failed_draws_before_draw_is_forced &&
forced_redraw_state_ == ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::IDLE &&
settings_.timeout_and_draw_when_animation_checkerboards) {
// We need to force a draw, but it doesn't make sense to do this until
// we've committed and have new textures.
forced_redraw_state_ = ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_COMMIT;
// It's not clear whether this missing content is because of missing
// pictures (which requires a commit) or because of memory pressure
// removing textures (which might not). To be safe, request a commit
// anyway.
needs_begin_main_frame_ = true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillDraw() {
// Set this to true to proactively request a new BeginFrame. We can't set this
// in WillDrawInternal because AbortDraw calls WillDrawInternal but shouldn't
// request another frame.
did_draw_in_last_frame_ = true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::DidDraw(DrawResult draw_result) {
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetNeedsImplSideInvalidation(
bool needs_first_draw_on_activation) {
needs_impl_side_invalidation_ = true;
next_invalidation_needs_first_draw_on_activation_ |=
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpectedMessages(
bool new_state) {
wants_begin_main_frame_not_expected_ = new_state;
void SchedulerStateMachine::AbortDraw() {
// Pretend like the draw was successful.
// Note: We may abort at any time and cannot DCHECK that
// we haven't drawn in or swapped in the last frame here.
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillPrepareTiles() {
needs_prepare_tiles_ = false;
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation() {
DCHECK_EQ(layer_tree_frame_sink_state_, LayerTreeFrameSinkState::NONE);
layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ = LayerTreeFrameSinkState::CREATING;
// The following DCHECKs make sure we are in the proper quiescent state.
// The pipeline should be flushed entirely before we start output
// surface creation to avoid complicated corner cases.
DCHECK(begin_main_frame_state_ == BeginMainFrameState::IDLE);
void SchedulerStateMachine::WillInvalidateLayerTreeFrameSink() {
did_invalidate_layer_tree_frame_sink_ = true;
last_frame_number_invalidate_layer_tree_frame_sink_performed_ =
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetSkipNextBeginMainFrameToReduceLatency(
bool skip) {
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("cc", "Scheduler: SkipNextBeginMainFrameToReduceLatency",
skip_next_begin_main_frame_to_reduce_latency_ = skip;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::BeginFrameNeededForVideo() const {
return video_needs_begin_frames_;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::BeginFrameNeeded() const {
// We can't handle BeginFrames when output surface isn't initialized.
// TODO(brianderson): Support output surface creation inside a BeginFrame.
if (!HasInitializedLayerTreeFrameSink())
return false;
// The propagation of the needsBeginFrame signal to viz is inherently racy
// with issuing the next BeginFrame. In full-pipe mode, it is important we
// don't miss a BeginFrame because our needsBeginFrames signal propagated to
// viz too slowly. To avoid the race, we simply always request BeginFrames
// from viz.
if (settings_.wait_for_all_pipeline_stages_before_draw)
return true;
// If we are not visible, we don't need BeginFrame messages.
if (!visible_)
return false;
return BeginFrameRequiredForAction() || BeginFrameNeededForVideo() ||
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetVideoNeedsBeginFrames(
bool video_needs_begin_frames) {
video_needs_begin_frames_ = video_needs_begin_frames;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetDeferCommits(bool defer_commits) {
defer_commits_ = defer_commits;
// These are the cases where we require a BeginFrame message to make progress
// on requested actions.
bool SchedulerStateMachine::BeginFrameRequiredForAction() const {
// The forced draw respects our normal draw scheduling, so we need to
// request a BeginImplFrame for it.
if (forced_redraw_state_ == ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState::WAITING_FOR_DRAW)
return true;
return needs_redraw_ || needs_one_begin_impl_frame_ ||
(needs_begin_main_frame_ && !defer_commits_) ||
// These are cases where we are very likely want a BeginFrame message in the
// near future. Proactively requesting the BeginImplFrame helps hide the round
// trip latency of the SetNeedsBeginFrame request that has to go to the
// Browser.
// This includes things like drawing soon, but might not actually have a new
// frame to draw when we receive the next BeginImplFrame.
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ProactiveBeginFrameWanted() const {
// Do not be proactive when invisible.
if (!visible_)
return false;
// We should proactively request a BeginImplFrame if a commit is pending
// because we will want to draw if the commit completes quickly. Do not
// request frames when commits are disabled, because the frame requests will
// not provide the needed commit (and will wake up the process when it could
// stay idle).
if ((begin_main_frame_state_ != BeginMainFrameState::IDLE) && !defer_commits_)
return true;
// If the pending tree activates quickly, we'll want a BeginImplFrame soon
// to draw the new active tree.
if (has_pending_tree_)
return true;
// Changing priorities may allow us to activate (given the new priorities),
// which may result in a new frame.
if (needs_prepare_tiles_)
return true;
// If we just tried to draw, it's likely that we are going to produce another
// frame soon. This helps avoid negative glitches in our SetNeedsBeginFrame
// requests, which may propagate to the BeginImplFrame provider and get
// sampled at an inopportune time, delaying the next BeginImplFrame.
if (did_draw_in_last_frame_)
return true;
// If the last commit was aborted because of early out (no updates), we should
// still want a begin frame in case there is a commit coming again.
if (last_commit_had_no_updates_)
return true;
return false;
void SchedulerStateMachine::OnBeginImplFrame(uint64_t source_id,
uint64_t sequence_number,
bool animate_only) {
begin_impl_frame_state_ = BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_BEGIN_FRAME;
begin_frame_is_animate_only_ = animate_only;
// Cache the values from the previous impl frame before reseting them for this
// frame.
last_frame_events_.commit_had_no_updates = last_commit_had_no_updates_;
last_frame_events_.did_commit_during_frame = did_commit_during_frame_;
last_commit_had_no_updates_ = false;
did_draw_in_last_frame_ = false;
did_submit_in_last_frame_ = false;
needs_one_begin_impl_frame_ = false;
did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_sent_ = false;
did_send_begin_main_frame_for_current_frame_ = false;
did_commit_during_frame_ = false;
did_invalidate_layer_tree_frame_sink_ = false;
did_perform_impl_side_invalidation_ = false;
void SchedulerStateMachine::OnBeginImplFrameDeadline() {
begin_impl_frame_state_ = BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_DEADLINE;
// Clear funnels for any actions we perform during the deadline.
did_draw_ = false;
void SchedulerStateMachine::OnBeginImplFrameIdle() {
begin_impl_frame_state_ = BeginImplFrameState::IDLE;
// Count any prepare tiles that happens in commits in between frames. We want
// to prevent a prepare tiles during the next frame's deadline in that case.
// This also allows synchronous compositor to do one PrepareTiles per draw.
// This is same as the old prepare tiles funnel behavior.
did_prepare_tiles_ = false;
skip_next_begin_main_frame_to_reduce_latency_ = false;
// If a new or undrawn active tree is pending after the deadline,
// then the main thread is in a high latency mode.
main_thread_missed_last_deadline_ =
CommitPending() || has_pending_tree_ || active_tree_needs_first_draw_;
main_thread_failed_to_respond_last_deadline_ =
begin_main_frame_state_ == BeginMainFrameState::SENT ||
begin_main_frame_state_ == BeginMainFrameState::STARTED;
// If we're entering a state where we won't get BeginFrames set all the
// funnels so that we don't perform any actions that we shouldn't.
if (!BeginFrameNeeded())
did_send_begin_main_frame_for_current_frame_ = true;
SchedulerStateMachine::CurrentBeginImplFrameDeadlineMode() const {
const bool outside_begin_frame =
begin_impl_frame_state_ != BeginImplFrameState::INSIDE_BEGIN_FRAME;
if (settings_.using_synchronous_renderer_compositor || outside_begin_frame) {
// No deadline for synchronous compositor, or when outside the begin frame.
return BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::NONE;
} else if (ShouldBlockDeadlineIndefinitely()) {
// We do not want to wait for a deadline because we're waiting for full
// pipeline to be flushed for headless.
return BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::BLOCKED;
} else if (ShouldTriggerBeginImplFrameDeadlineImmediately()) {
// We are ready to draw a new active tree immediately because there's no
// commit expected or we're prioritizing active tree latency.
return BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::IMMEDIATE;
} else if (needs_redraw_) {
// We have an animation or fast input path on the impl thread that wants
// to draw, so don't wait too long for a new active tree.
return BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::REGULAR;
} else {
// The impl thread doesn't have anything it wants to draw and we are just
// waiting for a new active tree.
return BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode::LATE;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldTriggerBeginImplFrameDeadlineImmediately()
const {
// If we aborted the current frame we should end the deadline right now.
if (ShouldAbortCurrentFrame() && !has_pending_tree_)
return true;
// Throttle the deadline on CompositorFrameAck since we wont draw and submit
// anyway.
if (IsDrawThrottled())
return false;
// In full-pipe mode, we just gave all pipeline stages a chance to contribute.
// We shouldn't wait any longer in any case - even if there are no updates.
if (settings_.wait_for_all_pipeline_stages_before_draw)
return true;
if (active_tree_needs_first_draw_)
return true;
if (!needs_redraw_)
return false;
// This is used to prioritize impl-thread draws when the main thread isn't
// producing anything, e.g., after an aborted commit. We also check that we
// don't have a pending tree -- otherwise we should give it a chance to
// activate.
// TODO(skyostil): Revisit this when we have more accurate deadline estimates.
if (!CommitPending() && !has_pending_tree_)
return true;
// Prioritize impl-thread draws in ImplLatencyTakesPriority mode.
if (ImplLatencyTakesPriority())
return true;
return false;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ShouldBlockDeadlineIndefinitely() const {
if (!settings_.wait_for_all_pipeline_stages_before_draw &&
!settings_.commit_to_active_tree) {
return false;
// Avoid blocking for any reason if we don't have a layer tree frame sink or
// are invisible.
if (layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ == LayerTreeFrameSinkState::NONE)
return false;
if (!visible_)
return false;
// Wait for main frame to be ready for commits if in full-pipe mode, so that
// we ensure we block during renderer initialization. In commit_to_active_tree
// mode, we cannot block for defer_commits_, as this may negatively affect
// animation smoothness during resize or orientation changes.
if (defer_commits_ && settings_.wait_for_all_pipeline_stages_before_draw)
return true;
// Wait for main frame if one is in progress or about to be started.
if (ShouldSendBeginMainFrame())
return true;
if (begin_main_frame_state_ != BeginMainFrameState::IDLE)
return true;
// Wait for tiles and activation.
if (has_pending_tree_)
return true;
// Avoid blocking for draw when we can't draw. We block in the above cases
// even if we cannot draw, because we may still be waiting for the first
// active tree.
if (!can_draw_)
return false;
// Wait for remaining tiles and draw.
if (!active_tree_is_ready_to_draw_)
return true;
return false;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::IsDrawThrottled() const {
return pending_submit_frames_ >= kMaxPendingSubmitFrames;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetVisible(bool visible) {
if (visible_ == visible)
visible_ = visible;
if (visible)
main_thread_missed_last_deadline_ = false;
did_prepare_tiles_ = false;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetBeginFrameSourcePaused(bool paused) {
begin_frame_source_paused_ = paused;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetResourcelessSoftwareDraw(
bool resourceless_draw) {
resourceless_draw_ = resourceless_draw;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetCanDraw(bool can_draw) {
can_draw_ = can_draw;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetSkipDraw(bool skip_draw) {
skip_draw_ = skip_draw;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetNeedsRedraw() {
needs_redraw_ = true;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::OnlyImplSideUpdatesExpected() const {
bool has_impl_updates = needs_redraw_ || needs_one_begin_impl_frame_;
bool main_updates_expected =
needs_begin_main_frame_ ||
begin_main_frame_state_ != BeginMainFrameState::IDLE || has_pending_tree_;
return has_impl_updates && !main_updates_expected;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetNeedsPrepareTiles() {
if (!needs_prepare_tiles_) {
TRACE_EVENT0("cc", "SchedulerStateMachine::SetNeedsPrepareTiles");
needs_prepare_tiles_ = true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::DidSubmitCompositorFrame() {
TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN1("cc", "Scheduler:pending_submit_frames", this,
"pending_frames", pending_submit_frames_);
DCHECK_LT(pending_submit_frames_, kMaxPendingSubmitFrames);
did_submit_in_last_frame_ = true;
last_frame_number_submit_performed_ = current_frame_number_;
void SchedulerStateMachine::DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck() {
TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END1("cc", "Scheduler:pending_submit_frames", this,
"pending_frames", pending_submit_frames_);
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetTreePrioritiesAndScrollState(
TreePriority tree_priority,
ScrollHandlerState scroll_handler_state) {
tree_priority_ = tree_priority;
scroll_handler_state_ = scroll_handler_state;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetCriticalBeginMainFrameToActivateIsFast(
bool is_fast) {
critical_begin_main_frame_to_activate_is_fast_ = is_fast;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::ImplLatencyTakesPriority() const {
// Attempt to synchronize with the main thread if it has a scroll listener
// and is fast.
scroll_handler_state_ &&
return false;
// Don't wait for the main thread if we are prioritizing smoothness.
if (SMOOTHNESS_TAKES_PRIORITY == tree_priority_)
return true;
return false;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetNeedsBeginMainFrame() {
needs_begin_main_frame_ = true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::SetNeedsOneBeginImplFrame() {
needs_one_begin_impl_frame_ = true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::NotifyReadyToCommit() {
DCHECK_EQ(begin_main_frame_state_, BeginMainFrameState::STARTED)
<< AsValue()->ToString();
begin_main_frame_state_ = BeginMainFrameState::READY_TO_COMMIT;
// In commit_to_active_tree mode, commit should happen right after BeginFrame,
// meaning when this function is called, next action should be commit.
if (settings_.commit_to_active_tree)
void SchedulerStateMachine::BeginMainFrameAborted(CommitEarlyOutReason reason) {
DCHECK_EQ(begin_main_frame_state_, BeginMainFrameState::STARTED);
// If the main thread aborted, it doesn't matter if the main thread missed
// the last deadline since it didn't have an update anyway.
main_thread_missed_last_deadline_ = false;
switch (reason) {
case CommitEarlyOutReason::ABORTED_NOT_VISIBLE:
case CommitEarlyOutReason::ABORTED_DEFERRED_COMMIT:
begin_main_frame_state_ = BeginMainFrameState::IDLE;
case CommitEarlyOutReason::FINISHED_NO_UPDATES:
bool commit_has_no_updates = true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::DidPrepareTiles() {
needs_prepare_tiles_ = false;
did_prepare_tiles_ = true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink() {
if (layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ == LayerTreeFrameSinkState::NONE ||
layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ == LayerTreeFrameSinkState::CREATING)
layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ = LayerTreeFrameSinkState::NONE;
needs_redraw_ = false;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::NotifyReadyToActivate() {
if (!has_pending_tree_ || pending_tree_is_ready_for_activation_)
return false;
pending_tree_is_ready_for_activation_ = true;
return true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::NotifyReadyToDraw() {
active_tree_is_ready_to_draw_ = true;
void SchedulerStateMachine::DidCreateAndInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink() {
DCHECK_EQ(layer_tree_frame_sink_state_, LayerTreeFrameSinkState::CREATING);
layer_tree_frame_sink_state_ =
if (did_create_and_initialize_first_layer_tree_frame_sink_) {
// TODO(boliu): See if we can remove this when impl-side painting is always
// on. Does anything on the main thread need to update after recreate?
needs_begin_main_frame_ = true;
did_create_and_initialize_first_layer_tree_frame_sink_ = true;
pending_submit_frames_ = 0;
submit_frames_with_current_layer_tree_frame_sink_ = 0;
main_thread_missed_last_deadline_ = false;
void SchedulerStateMachine::NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted() {
DCHECK_EQ(begin_main_frame_state_, BeginMainFrameState::SENT);
begin_main_frame_state_ = BeginMainFrameState::STARTED;
bool SchedulerStateMachine::HasInitializedLayerTreeFrameSink() const {
switch (layer_tree_frame_sink_state_) {
case LayerTreeFrameSinkState::NONE:
case LayerTreeFrameSinkState::CREATING:
return false;
case LayerTreeFrameSinkState::ACTIVE:
case LayerTreeFrameSinkState::WAITING_FOR_FIRST_COMMIT:
return true;
return false;
} // namespace cc