blob: 15a9a1c37677c72e1ceb76e9926660917c5777ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/views/view_observer.h"
namespace views {
class View;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class AssistantContainerView;
class AssistantViewDelegate;
// The AssistantContainerViewAnimator is the class responsible for smoothly
// animating bound changes for the AssistantContainerView.
class AssistantContainerViewAnimator : public views::ViewObserver {
~AssistantContainerViewAnimator() override;
// Returns a newly created instance of an AssistantContainerViewAnimator.
static std::unique_ptr<AssistantContainerViewAnimator> Create(
AssistantViewDelegate* delegate,
AssistantContainerView* assistant_container_view);
// Invoked when AssistantContainerView has been fully constructed to give the
// AssistantContainerViewAnimator an opportunity to perform initialization.
virtual void Init();
AssistantViewDelegate* delegate,
AssistantContainerView* assistant_container_view);
// Invoked when AssistantContainerView's bounds have changed.
virtual void OnBoundsChanged();
// Invoked when AssistantContainerView's preferred size has changed.
virtual void OnPreferredSizeChanged();
AssistantViewDelegate* const delegate_;
// Owned by view hierarchy.
AssistantContainerView* const assistant_container_view_;
// views::Observer:
void OnViewBoundsChanged(views::View* view) override;
void OnViewPreferredSizeChanged(views::View* view) override;
// Cached value of AssistantContainerView's last preferred size. We currently
// over-trigger the OnViewPreferredSizeChanged event so this is used to filter
// out superfluous calls.
gfx::Size last_preferred_size_;
} // namespace ash