blob: 6fa43b221fddbf1f1dd5c8cb8f789a85194265b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_data_validation.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_regexes.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_switches.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_util.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/URLConversion.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebString.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebVector.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebElement.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebElementCollection.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFormControlElement.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFormElement.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputElement.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebLabelElement.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebLocalFrame.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebNode.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebOptionElement.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebSelectElement.h"
using blink::WebDocument;
using blink::WebElement;
using blink::WebElementCollection;
using blink::WebFormControlElement;
using blink::WebFormElement;
using blink::WebFrame;
using blink::WebInputElement;
using blink::WebLabelElement;
using blink::WebNode;
using blink::WebOptionElement;
using blink::WebSelectElement;
using blink::WebString;
using blink::WebVector;
namespace autofill {
namespace form_util {
const size_t kMaxParseableFields = 200;
namespace {
// A bit field mask for FillForm functions to not fill some fields.
enum FieldFilterMask {
// Filters non-focusable elements with the exception of select elements, which
// are sometimes made non-focusable because they are present for accessibility
// while a prettier, non-<select> dropdown is shown. We still want to autofill
// the non-focusable <select>.
void TruncateString(base::string16* str, size_t max_length) {
if (str->length() > max_length)
bool IsOptionElement(const WebElement& element) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kOption, ("option"));
return element.hasHTMLTagName(kOption);
bool IsScriptElement(const WebElement& element) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kScript, ("script"));
return element.hasHTMLTagName(kScript);
bool IsNoScriptElement(const WebElement& element) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kNoScript, ("noscript"));
return element.hasHTMLTagName(kNoScript);
bool HasTagName(const WebNode& node, const blink::WebString& tag) {
return node.isElementNode() && node.toConst<WebElement>().hasHTMLTagName(tag);
bool IsAutofillableElement(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
const WebInputElement* input_element = toWebInputElement(&element);
return IsAutofillableInputElement(input_element) ||
IsSelectElement(element) ||
bool IsElementInControlElementSet(
const WebElement& element,
const std::vector<WebFormControlElement>& control_elements) {
if (!element.isFormControlElement())
return false;
const WebFormControlElement form_control_element =
return std::find(control_elements.begin(),
form_control_element) != control_elements.end();
bool IsElementInsideFormOrFieldSet(const WebElement& element) {
for (WebNode parent_node = element.parentNode();
parent_node = parent_node.parentNode()) {
if (!parent_node.isElementNode())
WebElement cur_element =<WebElement>();
if (cur_element.hasHTMLTagName("form") ||
cur_element.hasHTMLTagName("fieldset")) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if |node| is an element and it is a container type that
// InferLabelForElement() can traverse.
bool IsTraversableContainerElement(const WebNode& node) {
if (!node.isElementNode())
return false;
const WebElement element = node.toConst<WebElement>();
return element.hasHTMLTagName("dd") ||
element.hasHTMLTagName("div") ||
element.hasHTMLTagName("fieldset") ||
element.hasHTMLTagName("li") ||
element.hasHTMLTagName("td") ||
// Returns the colspan for a <td> / <th>. Defaults to 1.
size_t CalculateTableCellColumnSpan(const WebElement& element) {
DCHECK(element.hasHTMLTagName("td") || element.hasHTMLTagName("th"));
size_t span = 1;
if (element.hasAttribute("colspan")) {
base::string16 colspan = element.getAttribute("colspan");
// Do not check return value to accept imperfect conversions.
base::StringToSizeT(colspan, &span);
// Handle overflow.
if (span == std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max())
span = 1;
span = std::max(span, static_cast<size_t>(1));
return span;
// Appends |suffix| to |prefix| so that any intermediary whitespace is collapsed
// to a single space. If |force_whitespace| is true, then the resulting string
// is guaranteed to have a space between |prefix| and |suffix|. Otherwise, the
// result includes a space only if |prefix| has trailing whitespace or |suffix|
// has leading whitespace.
// A few examples:
// * CombineAndCollapseWhitespace("foo", "bar", false) -> "foobar"
// * CombineAndCollapseWhitespace("foo", "bar", true) -> "foo bar"
// * CombineAndCollapseWhitespace("foo ", "bar", false) -> "foo bar"
// * CombineAndCollapseWhitespace("foo", " bar", false) -> "foo bar"
// * CombineAndCollapseWhitespace("foo", " bar", true) -> "foo bar"
// * CombineAndCollapseWhitespace("foo ", " bar", false) -> "foo bar"
// * CombineAndCollapseWhitespace(" foo", "bar ", false) -> " foobar "
// * CombineAndCollapseWhitespace(" foo", "bar ", true) -> " foo bar "
const base::string16 CombineAndCollapseWhitespace(
const base::string16& prefix,
const base::string16& suffix,
bool force_whitespace) {
base::string16 prefix_trimmed;
base::TrimPositions prefix_trailing_whitespace =
base::TrimWhitespace(prefix, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &prefix_trimmed);
// Recursively compute the children's text.
base::string16 suffix_trimmed;
base::TrimPositions suffix_leading_whitespace =
base::TrimWhitespace(suffix, base::TRIM_LEADING, &suffix_trimmed);
if (prefix_trailing_whitespace || suffix_leading_whitespace ||
force_whitespace) {
return prefix_trimmed + base::ASCIIToUTF16(" ") + suffix_trimmed;
} else {
return prefix_trimmed + suffix_trimmed;
// This is a helper function for the FindChildText() function (see below).
// Search depth is limited with the |depth| parameter.
// |divs_to_skip| is a list of <div> tags to ignore if encountered.
base::string16 FindChildTextInner(const WebNode& node,
int depth,
const std::set<WebNode>& divs_to_skip) {
if (depth <= 0 || node.isNull())
return base::string16();
// Skip over comments.
if (node.isCommentNode())
return FindChildTextInner(node.nextSibling(), depth - 1, divs_to_skip);
if (!node.isElementNode() && !node.isTextNode())
return base::string16();
// Ignore elements known not to contain inferable labels.
if (node.isElementNode()) {
const WebElement element = node.toConst<WebElement>();
if (IsOptionElement(element) ||
IsScriptElement(element) ||
IsNoScriptElement(element) ||
(element.isFormControlElement() &&
IsAutofillableElement(element.toConst<WebFormControlElement>()))) {
return base::string16();
if (element.hasHTMLTagName("div") && ContainsKey(divs_to_skip, node))
return base::string16();
// Extract the text exactly at this node.
base::string16 node_text = node.nodeValue();
// Recursively compute the children's text.
// Preserve inter-element whitespace separation.
base::string16 child_text =
FindChildTextInner(node.firstChild(), depth - 1, divs_to_skip);
bool add_space = node.isTextNode() && node_text.empty();
node_text = CombineAndCollapseWhitespace(node_text, child_text, add_space);
// Recursively compute the siblings' text.
// Again, preserve inter-element whitespace separation.
base::string16 sibling_text =
FindChildTextInner(node.nextSibling(), depth - 1, divs_to_skip);
add_space = node.isTextNode() && node_text.empty();
node_text = CombineAndCollapseWhitespace(node_text, sibling_text, add_space);
return node_text;
// Same as FindChildText() below, but with a list of div nodes to skip.
// TODO(thestig): See if other FindChildText() callers can benefit from this.
base::string16 FindChildTextWithIgnoreList(
const WebNode& node,
const std::set<WebNode>& divs_to_skip) {
if (node.isTextNode())
return node.nodeValue();
WebNode child = node.firstChild();
const int kChildSearchDepth = 10;
base::string16 node_text =
FindChildTextInner(child, kChildSearchDepth, divs_to_skip);
base::TrimWhitespace(node_text, base::TRIM_ALL, &node_text);
return node_text;
// Returns the aggregated values of the descendants of |element| that are
// non-empty text nodes. This is a faster alternative to |innerText()| for
// performance critical operations. It does a full depth-first search so can be
// used when the structure is not directly known. However, unlike with
// |innerText()|, the search depth and breadth are limited to a fixed threshold.
// Whitespace is trimmed from text accumulated at descendant nodes.
base::string16 FindChildText(const WebNode& node) {
return FindChildTextWithIgnoreList(node, std::set<WebNode>());
// Shared function for InferLabelFromPrevious() and InferLabelFromNext().
base::string16 InferLabelFromSibling(const WebFormControlElement& element,
bool forward) {
base::string16 inferred_label;
WebNode sibling = element;
while (true) {
sibling = forward ? sibling.nextSibling() : sibling.previousSibling();
if (sibling.isNull())
// Skip over comments.
if (sibling.isCommentNode())
// Otherwise, only consider normal HTML elements and their contents.
if (!sibling.isElementNode() && !sibling.isTextNode())
// A label might be split across multiple "lightweight" nodes.
// Coalesce any text contained in multiple consecutive
// (a) plain text nodes or
// (b) inline HTML elements that are essentially equivalent to text nodes.
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kBold, ("b"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kStrong, ("strong"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kSpan, ("span"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kFont, ("font"));
if (sibling.isTextNode() ||
HasTagName(sibling, kBold) || HasTagName(sibling, kStrong) ||
HasTagName(sibling, kSpan) || HasTagName(sibling, kFont)) {
base::string16 value = FindChildText(sibling);
// A text node's value will be empty if it is for a line break.
bool add_space = sibling.isTextNode() && value.empty();
inferred_label =
CombineAndCollapseWhitespace(value, inferred_label, add_space);
// If we have identified a partial label and have reached a non-lightweight
// element, consider the label to be complete.
base::string16 trimmed_label;
base::TrimWhitespace(inferred_label, base::TRIM_ALL, &trimmed_label);
if (!trimmed_label.empty())
// <img> and <br> tags often appear between the input element and its
// label text, so skip over them.
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kImage, ("img"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kBreak, ("br"));
if (HasTagName(sibling, kImage) || HasTagName(sibling, kBreak))
// We only expect <p> and <label> tags to contain the full label text.
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kPage, ("p"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kLabel, ("label"));
if (HasTagName(sibling, kPage) || HasTagName(sibling, kLabel))
inferred_label = FindChildText(sibling);
base::TrimWhitespace(inferred_label, base::TRIM_ALL, &inferred_label);
return inferred_label;
// Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
// a previous sibling of |element|,
// e.g. Some Text <input ...>
// or Some <span>Text</span> <input ...>
// or <p>Some Text</p><input ...>
// or <label>Some Text</label> <input ...>
// or Some Text <img><input ...>
// or <b>Some Text</b><br/> <input ...>.
base::string16 InferLabelFromPrevious(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
return InferLabelFromSibling(element, false /* forward? */);
// Same as InferLabelFromPrevious(), but in the other direction.
// Useful for cases like: <span><input type="checkbox">Label For Checkbox</span>
base::string16 InferLabelFromNext(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
return InferLabelFromSibling(element, true /* forward? */);
// Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
// the placeholder text. e.g. <input placeholder="foo">
base::string16 InferLabelFromPlaceholder(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kPlaceholder, ("placeholder"));
if (element.hasAttribute(kPlaceholder))
return element.getAttribute(kPlaceholder);
return base::string16();
// Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, from
// the value attribute when it is present and user has not typed in (if
// element's value attribute is same as the element's value).
base::string16 InferLabelFromValueAttr(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kValue, ("value"));
if (element.hasAttribute(kValue) && element.getAttribute(kValue) ==
element.value()) {
return element.getAttribute(kValue);
return base::string16();
// Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
// enclosing list item,
// e.g. <li>Some Text<input ...><input ...><input ...></li>
base::string16 InferLabelFromListItem(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
WebNode parent = element.parentNode();
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kListItem, ("li"));
while (!parent.isNull() && parent.isElementNode() &&
!<WebElement>().hasHTMLTagName(kListItem)) {
parent = parent.parentNode();
if (!parent.isNull() && HasTagName(parent, kListItem))
return FindChildText(parent);
return base::string16();
// Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
// enclosing label,
// e.g. <label>Some Text<input ...><input ...><input ...></label>
base::string16 InferLabelFromEnclosingLabel(
const WebFormControlElement& element) {
WebNode parent = element.parentNode();
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kLabel, ("label"));
while (!parent.isNull() && parent.isElementNode() &&
!<WebElement>().hasHTMLTagName(kLabel)) {
parent = parent.parentNode();
if (!parent.isNull() && HasTagName(parent, kLabel))
return FindChildText(parent);
return base::string16();
// Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
// surrounding table structure,
// e.g. <tr><td>Some Text</td><td><input ...></td></tr>
// or <tr><th>Some Text</th><td><input ...></td></tr>
// or <tr><td><b>Some Text</b></td><td><b><input ...></b></td></tr>
// or <tr><th><b>Some Text</b></th><td><b><input ...></b></td></tr>
base::string16 InferLabelFromTableColumn(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kTableCell, ("td"));
WebNode parent = element.parentNode();
while (!parent.isNull() && parent.isElementNode() &&
!<WebElement>().hasHTMLTagName(kTableCell)) {
parent = parent.parentNode();
if (parent.isNull())
return base::string16();
// Check all previous siblings, skipping non-element nodes, until we find a
// non-empty text block.
base::string16 inferred_label;
WebNode previous = parent.previousSibling();
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kTableHeader, ("th"));
while (inferred_label.empty() && !previous.isNull()) {
if (HasTagName(previous, kTableCell) || HasTagName(previous, kTableHeader))
inferred_label = FindChildText(previous);
previous = previous.previousSibling();
return inferred_label;
// Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
// surrounding table structure,
// If there are multiple cells and the row with the input matches up with the
// previous row, then look for a specific cell within the previous row.
// e.g. <tr><td>Input 1 label</td><td>Input 2 label</td></tr>
// <tr><td><input name="input 1"></td><td><input name="input2"></td></tr>
// Otherwise, just look in the entire previous row.
// e.g. <tr><td>Some Text</td></tr><tr><td><input ...></td></tr>
base::string16 InferLabelFromTableRow(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kTableCell, ("td"));
base::string16 inferred_label;
// First find the <td> that contains |element|.
WebNode cell = element.parentNode();
while (!cell.isNull()) {
if (cell.isElementNode() &&<WebElement>().hasHTMLTagName(kTableCell)) {
cell = cell.parentNode();
// Not in a cell - bail out.
if (cell.isNull())
return inferred_label;
// Count the cell holding |element|.
size_t cell_count = CalculateTableCellColumnSpan(<WebElement>());
size_t cell_position = 0;
size_t cell_position_end = cell_count - 1;
// Count cells to the left to figure out |element|'s cell's position.
for (WebNode cell_it = cell.previousSibling();
cell_it = cell_it.previousSibling()) {
if (cell_it.isElementNode() &&<WebElement>().hasHTMLTagName(kTableCell)) {
cell_position += CalculateTableCellColumnSpan(<WebElement>());
// Count cells to the right.
for (WebNode cell_it = cell.nextSibling();
cell_it = cell_it.nextSibling()) {
if (cell_it.isElementNode() &&<WebElement>().hasHTMLTagName(kTableCell)) {
cell_count += CalculateTableCellColumnSpan(<WebElement>());
// Combine left + right.
cell_count += cell_position;
cell_position_end += cell_position;
// Find the current row.
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kTableRow, ("tr"));
WebNode parent = element.parentNode();
while (!parent.isNull() && parent.isElementNode() &&
!<WebElement>().hasHTMLTagName(kTableRow)) {
parent = parent.parentNode();
if (parent.isNull())
return inferred_label;
// Now find the previous row.
WebNode row_it = parent.previousSibling();
while (!row_it.isNull()) {
if (row_it.isElementNode() &&<WebElement>().hasHTMLTagName(kTableRow)) {
row_it = row_it.previousSibling();
// If there exists a previous row, check its cells and size. If they align
// with the current row, infer the label from the cell above.
if (!row_it.isNull()) {
WebNode matching_cell;
size_t prev_row_count = 0;
WebNode prev_row_it = row_it.firstChild();
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kTableHeader, ("th"));
while (!prev_row_it.isNull()) {
if (prev_row_it.isElementNode()) {
WebElement prev_row_element =<WebElement>();
if (prev_row_element.hasHTMLTagName(kTableCell) ||
prev_row_element.hasHTMLTagName(kTableHeader)) {
size_t span = CalculateTableCellColumnSpan(prev_row_element);
size_t prev_row_count_end = prev_row_count + span - 1;
if (prev_row_count == cell_position &&
prev_row_count_end == cell_position_end) {
matching_cell = prev_row_it;
prev_row_count += span;
prev_row_it = prev_row_it.nextSibling();
if ((cell_count == prev_row_count) && !matching_cell.isNull()) {
inferred_label = FindChildText(matching_cell);
if (!inferred_label.empty())
return inferred_label;
// If there is no previous row, or if the previous row and current row do not
// align, check all previous siblings, skipping non-element nodes, until we
// find a non-empty text block.
WebNode previous = parent.previousSibling();
while (inferred_label.empty() && !previous.isNull()) {
if (HasTagName(previous, kTableRow))
inferred_label = FindChildText(previous);
previous = previous.previousSibling();
return inferred_label;
// Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
// a surrounding div table,
// e.g. <div>Some Text<span><input ...></span></div>
// e.g. <div>Some Text</div><div><input ...></div>
// Because this is already traversing the <div> structure, if it finds a <label>
// sibling along the way, infer from that <label>.
base::string16 InferLabelFromDivTable(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
WebNode node = element.parentNode();
bool looking_for_parent = true;
std::set<WebNode> divs_to_skip;
// Search the sibling and parent <div>s until we find a candidate label.
base::string16 inferred_label;
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kDiv, ("div"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kLabel, ("label"));
while (inferred_label.empty() && !node.isNull()) {
if (HasTagName(node, kDiv)) {
if (looking_for_parent)
inferred_label = FindChildTextWithIgnoreList(node, divs_to_skip);
inferred_label = FindChildText(node);
// Avoid sibling DIVs that contain autofillable fields.
if (!looking_for_parent && !inferred_label.empty()) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kSelector,
("input, select, textarea"));
WebElement result_element = node.querySelector(kSelector);
if (!result_element.isNull()) {
looking_for_parent = false;
} else if (!looking_for_parent && HasTagName(node, kLabel)) {
WebLabelElement label_element =<WebLabelElement>();
if (label_element.correspondingControl().isNull())
inferred_label = FindChildText(node);
} else if (looking_for_parent && IsTraversableContainerElement(node)) {
// If the element is in a non-div container, its label most likely is too.
if (node.previousSibling().isNull()) {
// If there are no more siblings, continue walking up the tree.
looking_for_parent = true;
node = looking_for_parent ? node.parentNode() : node.previousSibling();
return inferred_label;
// Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
// a surrounding definition list,
// e.g. <dl><dt>Some Text</dt><dd><input ...></dd></dl>
// e.g. <dl><dt><b>Some Text</b></dt><dd><b><input ...></b></dd></dl>
base::string16 InferLabelFromDefinitionList(
const WebFormControlElement& element) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kDefinitionData, ("dd"));
WebNode parent = element.parentNode();
while (!parent.isNull() && parent.isElementNode() &&
parent = parent.parentNode();
if (parent.isNull() || !HasTagName(parent, kDefinitionData))
return base::string16();
// Skip by any intervening text nodes.
WebNode previous = parent.previousSibling();
while (!previous.isNull() && previous.isTextNode())
previous = previous.previousSibling();
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kDefinitionTag, ("dt"));
if (previous.isNull() || !HasTagName(previous, kDefinitionTag))
return base::string16();
return FindChildText(previous);
// Returns the element type for all ancestor nodes in CAPS, starting with the
// parent node.
std::vector<std::string> AncestorTagNames(
const WebFormControlElement& element) {
std::vector<std::string> tag_names;
for (WebNode parent_node = element.parentNode();
parent_node = parent_node.parentNode()) {
if (!parent_node.isElementNode())
return tag_names;
bool IsLabelValid(base::StringPiece16 inferred_label,
const std::vector<base::char16>& stop_words) {
// If |inferred_label| has any character other than those in |stop_words|.
auto first_non_stop_word = std::find_if(inferred_label.begin(),
inferred_label.end(), [&stop_words](base::char16 c) {
return !ContainsValue(stop_words, c);
return first_non_stop_word != inferred_label.end();
// Infers corresponding label for |element| from surrounding context in the DOM,
// e.g. the contents of the preceding <p> tag or text element.
base::string16 InferLabelForElement(const WebFormControlElement& element,
const std::vector<base::char16>& stop_words) {
base::string16 inferred_label;
if (IsCheckableElement(toWebInputElement(&element))) {
inferred_label = InferLabelFromNext(element);
if (IsLabelValid(inferred_label, stop_words))
return inferred_label;
inferred_label = InferLabelFromPrevious(element);
if (IsLabelValid(inferred_label, stop_words))
return inferred_label;
// If we didn't find a label, check for placeholder text.
inferred_label = InferLabelFromPlaceholder(element);
if (IsLabelValid(inferred_label, stop_words))
return inferred_label;
// For all other searches that involve traversing up the tree, the search
// order is based on which tag is the closest ancestor to |element|.
std::vector<std::string> tag_names = AncestorTagNames(element);
std::set<std::string> seen_tag_names;
for (const std::string& tag_name : tag_names) {
if (ContainsKey(seen_tag_names, tag_name))
if (tag_name == "LABEL") {
inferred_label = InferLabelFromEnclosingLabel(element);
} else if (tag_name == "DIV") {
inferred_label = InferLabelFromDivTable(element);
} else if (tag_name == "TD") {
inferred_label = InferLabelFromTableColumn(element);
if (!IsLabelValid(inferred_label, stop_words))
inferred_label = InferLabelFromTableRow(element);
} else if (tag_name == "DD") {
inferred_label = InferLabelFromDefinitionList(element);
} else if (tag_name == "LI") {
inferred_label = InferLabelFromListItem(element);
} else if (tag_name == "FIELDSET") {
if (IsLabelValid(inferred_label, stop_words))
return inferred_label;
// If we didn't find a label, check the value attr used as the placeholder.
inferred_label = InferLabelFromValueAttr(element);
if (IsLabelValid(inferred_label, stop_words))
return inferred_label;
return base::string16();
// Fills |option_strings| with the values of the <option> elements present in
// |select_element|.
void GetOptionStringsFromElement(const WebSelectElement& select_element,
std::vector<base::string16>* option_values,
std::vector<base::string16>* option_contents) {
WebVector<WebElement> list_items = select_element.listItems();
// Constrain the maximum list length to prevent a malicious site from DOS'ing
// the browser, without entirely breaking autocomplete for some extreme
// legitimate sites: and
if (list_items.size() > kMaxListSize)
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_items.size(); ++i) {
if (IsOptionElement(list_items[i])) {
const WebOptionElement option = list_items[i].toConst<WebOptionElement>();
// The callback type used by |ForEachMatchingFormField()|.
typedef void (*Callback)(const FormFieldData&,
bool, /* is_initiating_element */
void ForEachMatchingFormFieldCommon(
std::vector<WebFormControlElement>* control_elements,
const WebElement& initiating_element,
const FormData& data,
FieldFilterMask filters,
bool force_override,
const Callback& callback) {
if (control_elements->size() != data.fields.size()) {
// This case should be reachable only for pathological websites and tests,
// which add or remove form fields while the user is interacting with the
// Autofill popup.
// It's possible that the site has injected fields into the form after the
// page has loaded, so we can't assert that the size of the cached control
// elements is equal to the size of the fields in |form|. Fortunately, the
// one case in the wild where this happens, signup form, the fields
// are appended to the end of the form and are not visible.
for (size_t i = 0; i < control_elements->size(); ++i) {
WebFormControlElement* element = &(*control_elements)[i];
if (base::string16(element->nameForAutofill()) != data.fields[i].name) {
// This case should be reachable only for pathological websites, which
// rename form fields while the user is interacting with the Autofill
// popup. I (isherman) am not aware of any such websites, and so am
// optimistically including a NOTREACHED(). If you ever trip this check,
// please file a bug against me.
bool is_initiating_element = (*element == initiating_element);
// Only autofill empty fields (or those with the field's default value
// attribute) and the field that initiated the filling, i.e. the field the
// user is currently editing and interacting with.
const WebInputElement* input_element = toWebInputElement(element);
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kValue, ("value"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kPlaceholder, ("placeholder"));
if (!force_override && !is_initiating_element &&
// A text field, with a non-empty value that is NOT the value of the
// input field's "value" or "placeholder" attribute, is skipped.
(IsAutofillableInputElement(input_element) ||
IsTextAreaElement(*element)) &&
!element->value().isEmpty() &&
(!element->hasAttribute(kValue) ||
element->getAttribute(kValue) != element->value()) &&
(!element->hasAttribute(kPlaceholder) ||
element->getAttribute(kPlaceholder) != element->value()))
if (((filters & FILTER_DISABLED_ELEMENTS) && !element->isEnabled()) ||
((filters & FILTER_READONLY_ELEMENTS) && element->isReadOnly()) ||
((filters & FILTER_NON_FOCUSABLE_ELEMENTS) && !element->isFocusable() &&
callback(data.fields[i], is_initiating_element, element);
// For each autofillable field in |data| that matches a field in the |form|,
// the |callback| is invoked with the corresponding |form| field data.
void ForEachMatchingFormField(const WebFormElement& form_element,
const WebElement& initiating_element,
const FormData& data,
FieldFilterMask filters,
bool force_override,
const Callback& callback) {
std::vector<WebFormControlElement> control_elements =
ForEachMatchingFormFieldCommon(&control_elements, initiating_element, data,
filters, force_override, callback);
// For each autofillable field in |data| that matches a field in the set of
// unowned autofillable form fields, the |callback| is invoked with the
// corresponding |data| field.
void ForEachMatchingUnownedFormField(const WebElement& initiating_element,
const FormData& data,
FieldFilterMask filters,
bool force_override,
const Callback& callback) {
if (initiating_element.isNull())
std::vector<WebFormControlElement> control_elements =
initiating_element.document().all(), nullptr);
if (!IsElementInControlElementSet(initiating_element, control_elements))
ForEachMatchingFormFieldCommon(&control_elements, initiating_element, data,
filters, force_override, callback);
// Sets the |field|'s value to the value in |data|.
// Also sets the "autofilled" attribute, causing the background to be yellow.
void FillFormField(const FormFieldData& data,
bool is_initiating_node,
blink::WebFormControlElement* field) {
// Nothing to fill.
if (data.value.empty())
if (!data.is_autofilled)
WebInputElement* input_element = toWebInputElement(field);
if (IsCheckableElement(input_element)) {
input_element->setChecked(data.is_checked, true);
} else {
base::string16 value = data.value;
if (IsTextInput(input_element) || IsMonthInput(input_element)) {
// If the maxlength attribute contains a negative value, maxLength()
// returns the default maxlength value.
TruncateString(&value, input_element->maxLength());
// Setting the form might trigger JavaScript, which is capable of
// destroying the frame.
if (!field->document().frame())
if (is_initiating_node &&
((IsTextInput(input_element) || IsMonthInput(input_element)) ||
IsTextAreaElement(*field))) {
int length = field->value().length();
field->setSelectionRange(length, length);
// Clear the current IME composition (the underline), if there is one.
// Sets the |field|'s "suggested" (non JS visible) value to the value in |data|.
// Also sets the "autofilled" attribute, causing the background to be yellow.
void PreviewFormField(const FormFieldData& data,
bool is_initiating_node,
blink::WebFormControlElement* field) {
// Nothing to preview.
if (data.value.empty())
if (!data.is_autofilled)
// Preview input, textarea and select fields. For input fields, excludes
// checkboxes and radio buttons, as there is no provision for
// setSuggestedCheckedValue in WebInputElement.
WebInputElement* input_element = toWebInputElement(field);
if (IsTextInput(input_element) || IsMonthInput(input_element)) {
// If the maxlength attribute contains a negative value, maxLength()
// returns the default maxlength value.
data.value.substr(0, input_element->maxLength()));
} else if (IsTextAreaElement(*field) || IsSelectElement(*field)) {
if (is_initiating_node &&
(IsTextInput(input_element) || IsTextAreaElement(*field))) {
// Select the part of the text that the user didn't type.
PreviewSuggestion(field->suggestedValue(), field->value(), field);
// Extracts the fields from |control_elements| with |extract_mask| to
// |form_fields|. The extracted fields are also placed in |element_map|.
// |form_fields| and |element_map| should start out empty.
// |fields_extracted| should have as many elements as |control_elements|,
// initialized to false.
// Returns true if the number of fields extracted is within
// [1, kMaxParseableFields].
bool ExtractFieldsFromControlElements(
const WebVector<WebFormControlElement>& control_elements,
ExtractMask extract_mask,
ScopedVector<FormFieldData>* form_fields,
std::vector<bool>* fields_extracted,
std::map<WebFormControlElement, FormFieldData*>* element_map) {
DCHECK_EQ(control_elements.size(), fields_extracted->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < control_elements.size(); ++i) {
const WebFormControlElement& control_element = control_elements[i];
if (!IsAutofillableElement(control_element))
// Create a new FormFieldData, fill it out and map it to the field's name.
FormFieldData* form_field = new FormFieldData;
WebFormControlElementToFormField(control_element, extract_mask, form_field);
(*element_map)[control_element] = form_field;
(*fields_extracted)[i] = true;
// To avoid overly expensive computation, we impose a maximum number of
// allowable fields.
if (form_fields->size() > kMaxParseableFields)
return false;
// Succeeded if fields were extracted.
return !form_fields->empty();
// For each label element, get the corresponding form control element, use the
// form control element's name as a key into the
// <WebFormControlElement, FormFieldData> map to find the previously created
// FormFieldData and set the FormFieldData's label to the
// label.firstChild().nodeValue() of the label element.
void MatchLabelsAndFields(
const WebElementCollection& labels,
std::map<WebFormControlElement, FormFieldData*>* element_map) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kFor, ("for"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kHidden, ("hidden"));
for (WebElement item = labels.firstItem(); !item.isNull();
item = labels.nextItem()) {
WebLabelElement label =<WebLabelElement>();
WebElement control = label.correspondingControl();
FormFieldData* field_data = nullptr;
if (control.isNull()) {
// Sometimes site authors will incorrectly specify the corresponding
// field element's name rather than its id, so we compensate here.
base::string16 element_name = label.getAttribute(kFor);
if (element_name.empty())
// Look through the list for elements with this name. There can actually
// be more than one. In this case, the label may not be particularly
// useful, so just discard it.
for (const auto& iter : *element_map) {
if (iter.second->name == element_name) {
if (field_data) {
field_data = nullptr;
} else {
field_data = iter.second;
} else if (control.isFormControlElement()) {
WebFormControlElement form_control =<WebFormControlElement>();
if (form_control.formControlType() == kHidden)
// Typical case: look up |field_data| in |element_map|.
auto iter = element_map->find(form_control);
if (iter == element_map->end())
field_data = iter->second;
if (!field_data)
base::string16 label_text = FindChildText(label);
// Concatenate labels because some sites might have multiple label
// candidates.
if (!field_data->label.empty() && !label_text.empty())
field_data->label += base::ASCIIToUTF16(" ");
field_data->label += label_text;
// Common function shared by WebFormElementToFormData() and
// UnownedFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(). Either pass in:
// 1) |form_element| and an empty |fieldsets|.
// or
// 2) a NULL |form_element|.
// If |field| is not NULL, then |form_control_element| should be not NULL.
bool FormOrFieldsetsToFormData(
const blink::WebFormElement* form_element,
const blink::WebFormControlElement* form_control_element,
const std::vector<blink::WebElement>& fieldsets,
const WebVector<WebFormControlElement>& control_elements,
ExtractMask extract_mask,
FormData* form,
FormFieldData* field) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kLabel, ("label"));
if (form_element)
if (field)
// A map from a FormFieldData's name to the FormFieldData itself.
std::map<WebFormControlElement, FormFieldData*> element_map;
// The extracted FormFields. We use pointers so we can store them in
// |element_map|.
ScopedVector<FormFieldData> form_fields;
// A vector of bools that indicate whether each field in the form meets the
// requirements and thus will be in the resulting |form|.
std::vector<bool> fields_extracted(control_elements.size(), false);
if (!ExtractFieldsFromControlElements(control_elements, extract_mask,
&form_fields, &fields_extracted,
&element_map)) {
return false;
if (form_element) {
// Loop through the label elements inside the form element. For each label
// element, get the corresponding form control element, use the form control
// element's name as a key into the <name, FormFieldData> map to find the
// previously created FormFieldData and set the FormFieldData's label to the
// label.firstChild().nodeValue() of the label element.
WebElementCollection labels =
MatchLabelsAndFields(labels, &element_map);
} else {
// Same as the if block, but for all the labels in fieldsets.
for (size_t i = 0; i < fieldsets.size(); ++i) {
WebElementCollection labels =
MatchLabelsAndFields(labels, &element_map);
// List of characters a label can't be entirely made of (this list can grow).
// Since the term |stop_words| is a known text processing concept we use here
// it to refer to such characters. They are not to be confused with words.
std::vector<base::char16> stop_words;
stop_words.push_back(static_cast<base::char16>(' '));
// Loop through the form control elements, extracting the label text from
// the DOM. We use the |fields_extracted| vector to make sure we assign the
// extracted label to the correct field, as it's possible |form_fields| will
// not contain all of the elements in |control_elements|.
for (size_t i = 0, field_idx = 0;
i < control_elements.size() && field_idx < form_fields.size(); ++i) {
// This field didn't meet the requirements, so don't try to find a label
// for it.
if (!fields_extracted[i])
const WebFormControlElement& control_element = control_elements[i];
if (form_fields[field_idx]->label.empty()) {
form_fields[field_idx]->label = InferLabelForElement(control_element,
TruncateString(&form_fields[field_idx]->label, kMaxDataLength);
if (field && *form_control_element == control_element)
*field = *form_fields[field_idx];
// Copy the created FormFields into the resulting FormData object.
for (const auto& iter : form_fields)
return true;
bool UnownedFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(
const std::vector<blink::WebElement>& fieldsets,
const std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement>& control_elements,
const blink::WebFormControlElement* element,
const blink::WebDocument& document,
ExtractMask extract_mask,
FormData* form,
FormFieldData* field) {
form->origin = GetCanonicalOriginForDocument(document);
form->is_form_tag = false;
return FormOrFieldsetsToFormData(nullptr, element, fieldsets,
control_elements, extract_mask, form, field);
GURL StripAuthAndParams(const GURL& gurl) {
// We want to keep the path but strip any authentication data, as well as
// query and ref portions of URL, for the form action and form origin.
GURL::Replacements rep;
return gurl.ReplaceComponents(rep);
} // namespace
bool ExtractFormData(const WebFormElement& form_element, FormData* data) {
return WebFormElementToFormData(
form_element, WebFormControlElement(),
static_cast<form_util::ExtractMask>(form_util::EXTRACT_VALUE |
data, NULL);
bool IsFormVisible(blink::WebFrame* frame,
const GURL& canonical_action,
const GURL& canonical_origin,
const FormData& form_data) {
const GURL frame_origin = GetCanonicalOriginForDocument(frame->document());
blink::WebVector<WebFormElement> forms;
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Omitting the action attribute would result in |canonical_origin| for
// hierarchical schemes like http:, and in an empty URL for non-hierarchical
// schemes like about: or data: etc.
const bool action_is_empty = canonical_action.is_empty()
|| canonical_action == canonical_origin;
// Since empty or unspecified action fields are automatically set to page URL,
// action field for forms cannot be used for comparing (all forms with
// empty/unspecified actions have the same value). If an action field is set
// to the page URL, this method checks ALL fields of the form instead (using
// FormData.SameFormAs). This is also true if the action was set to the page
// URL on purpose.
for (const WebFormElement& form : forms) {
if (!AreFormContentsVisible(form))
GURL iter_canonical_action = GetCanonicalActionForForm(form);
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
bool form_action_is_empty = iter_canonical_action.is_empty() ||
iter_canonical_action == frame_origin;
if (action_is_empty != form_action_is_empty)
if (action_is_empty) { // Both actions are empty, compare all fields.
FormData extracted_form_data;
WebFormElementToFormData(form, WebFormControlElement(), EXTRACT_NONE,
&extracted_form_data, nullptr);
if (form_data.SameFormAs(extracted_form_data)) {
return true; // Form still exists.
} else { // Both actions are non-empty, compare actions only.
if (canonical_action == iter_canonical_action) {
return true; // Form still exists.
#else // OS_ANDROID
if (canonical_action == iter_canonical_action) {
return true; // Form still exists.
return false;
bool IsSomeControlElementVisible(
const WebVector<WebFormControlElement>& control_elements) {
for (const WebFormControlElement& control_element : control_elements) {
if (IsWebNodeVisible(control_element))
return true;
return false;
bool AreFormContentsVisible(const WebFormElement& form) {
WebVector<WebFormControlElement> control_elements;
return IsSomeControlElementVisible(control_elements);
GURL GetCanonicalActionForForm(const WebFormElement& form) {
WebString action = form.action();
if (action.isNull())
action = WebString(""); // missing 'action' attribute implies current URL.
GURL full_action(form.document().completeURL(action));
return StripAuthAndParams(full_action);
GURL GetCanonicalOriginForDocument(const WebDocument& document) {
GURL full_origin(document.url());
return StripAuthAndParams(full_origin);
bool IsMonthInput(const WebInputElement* element) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kMonth, ("month"));
return element && !element->isNull() && element->formControlType() == kMonth;
// All text fields, including password fields, should be extracted.
bool IsTextInput(const WebInputElement* element) {
return element && !element->isNull() && element->isTextField();
bool IsSelectElement(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
// Static for improved performance.
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kSelectOne, ("select-one"));
return !element.isNull() && element.formControlType() == kSelectOne;
bool IsTextAreaElement(const WebFormControlElement& element) {
// Static for improved performance.
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kTextArea, ("textarea"));
return !element.isNull() && element.formControlType() == kTextArea;
bool IsCheckableElement(const WebInputElement* element) {
if (!element || element->isNull())
return false;
return element->isCheckbox() || element->isRadioButton();
bool IsAutofillableInputElement(const WebInputElement* element) {
return IsTextInput(element) ||
IsMonthInput(element) ||
const base::string16 GetFormIdentifier(const WebFormElement& form) {
base::string16 identifier =;
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kId, ("id"));
if (identifier.empty())
identifier = form.getAttribute(kId);
return identifier;
bool IsWebNodeVisible(const blink::WebNode& node) {
// TODO(esprehn): This code doesn't really check if the node is visible, just
// if the node takes up space in the layout. Does it want to check opacity,
// transform, and visibility too?
if (!node.isElementNode())
return false;
const WebElement element = node.toConst<WebElement>();
return element.hasNonEmptyLayoutSize();
std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement> ExtractAutofillableElementsFromSet(
const WebVector<WebFormControlElement>& control_elements) {
std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement> autofillable_elements;
for (size_t i = 0; i < control_elements.size(); ++i) {
WebFormControlElement element = control_elements[i];
if (!IsAutofillableElement(element))
return autofillable_elements;
std::vector<WebFormControlElement> ExtractAutofillableElementsInForm(
const WebFormElement& form_element) {
WebVector<WebFormControlElement> control_elements;
return ExtractAutofillableElementsFromSet(control_elements);
void WebFormControlElementToFormField(const WebFormControlElement& element,
ExtractMask extract_mask,
FormFieldData* field) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kAutocomplete, ("autocomplete"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kRole, ("role"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kPlaceholder, ("placeholder"));
// The label is not officially part of a WebFormControlElement; however, the
// labels for all form control elements are scraped from the DOM and set in
// WebFormElementToFormData.
field->name = element.nameForAutofill();
field->form_control_type = element.formControlType().utf8();
field->autocomplete_attribute = element.getAttribute(kAutocomplete).utf8();
if (field->autocomplete_attribute.size() > kMaxDataLength) {
// Discard overly long attribute values to avoid DOS-ing the browser
// process. However, send over a default string to indicate that the
// attribute was present.
field->autocomplete_attribute = "x-max-data-length-exceeded";
if (base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(
base::StringPiece16(element.getAttribute(kRole)), "presentation"))
field->role = FormFieldData::ROLE_ATTRIBUTE_PRESENTATION;
field->placeholder = element.getAttribute(kPlaceholder);
if (!IsAutofillableElement(element))
const WebInputElement* input_element = toWebInputElement(&element);
if (IsAutofillableInputElement(input_element) ||
IsTextAreaElement(element) ||
IsSelectElement(element)) {
field->is_autofilled = element.isAutofilled();
field->is_focusable = element.isFocusable();
field->should_autocomplete = element.autoComplete();
field->text_direction = element.directionForFormData() ==
"rtl" ? base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT : base::i18n::LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
if (IsAutofillableInputElement(input_element)) {
if (IsTextInput(input_element))
field->max_length = input_element->maxLength();
field->is_checkable = IsCheckableElement(input_element);
field->is_checked = input_element->isChecked();
} else if (IsTextAreaElement(element)) {
// Nothing more to do in this case.
} else if (extract_mask & EXTRACT_OPTIONS) {
// Set option strings on the field if available.
const WebSelectElement select_element = element.toConst<WebSelectElement>();
if (!(extract_mask & EXTRACT_VALUE))
base::string16 value = element.value();
if (IsSelectElement(element) && (extract_mask & EXTRACT_OPTION_TEXT)) {
const WebSelectElement select_element = element.toConst<WebSelectElement>();
// Convert the |select_element| value to text if requested.
WebVector<WebElement> list_items = select_element.listItems();
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_items.size(); ++i) {
if (IsOptionElement(list_items[i])) {
const WebOptionElement option_element =
if (option_element.value() == value) {
value = option_element.text();
// Constrain the maximum data length to prevent a malicious site from DOS'ing
// the browser:
TruncateString(&value, kMaxDataLength);
field->value = value;
bool WebFormElementToFormData(
const blink::WebFormElement& form_element,
const blink::WebFormControlElement& form_control_element,
ExtractMask extract_mask,
FormData* form,
FormFieldData* field) {
const WebFrame* frame = form_element.document().frame();
if (!frame)
return false;
form->name = GetFormIdentifier(form_element);
form->origin = GetCanonicalOriginForDocument(frame->document());
form->action = frame->document().completeURL(form_element.action());
// If the completed URL is not valid, just use the action we get from
// WebKit.
if (!form->action.is_valid())
form->action = GURL(blink::WebStringToGURL(form_element.action()));
WebVector<WebFormControlElement> control_elements;
std::vector<blink::WebElement> dummy_fieldset;
return FormOrFieldsetsToFormData(&form_element, &form_control_element,
dummy_fieldset, control_elements,
extract_mask, form, field);
std::vector<WebFormControlElement> GetUnownedFormFieldElements(
const WebElementCollection& elements,
std::vector<WebElement>* fieldsets) {
std::vector<WebFormControlElement> unowned_fieldset_children;
for (WebElement element = elements.firstItem();
element = elements.nextItem()) {
if (element.isFormControlElement()) {
WebFormControlElement control =<WebFormControlElement>();
if (control.form().isNull())
if (fieldsets && element.hasHTMLTagName("fieldset") &&
!IsElementInsideFormOrFieldSet(element)) {
return unowned_fieldset_children;
std::vector<WebFormControlElement> GetUnownedAutofillableFormFieldElements(
const WebElementCollection& elements,
std::vector<WebElement>* fieldsets) {
return ExtractAutofillableElementsFromSet(
GetUnownedFormFieldElements(elements, fieldsets));
bool UnownedCheckoutFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(
const std::vector<blink::WebElement>& fieldsets,
const std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement>& control_elements,
const blink::WebFormControlElement* element,
const blink::WebDocument& document,
ExtractMask extract_mask,
FormData* form,
FormFieldData* field) {
// Only attempt formless Autofill on checkout flows. This avoids the many
// false positives found on the non-checkout web. See
WebElement html_element = document.documentElement();
// For now this restriction only applies to English-language pages, because
// the keywords are not translated. Note that an empty "lang" attribute
// counts as English.
std::string lang;
if (!html_element.isNull())
lang = html_element.getAttribute("lang").utf8();
if (!lang.empty() &&
!base::StartsWith(lang, "en", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) {
return UnownedFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(
fieldsets, control_elements, element, document, extract_mask, form,
// A potential problem is that this only checks document.title(), but should
// actually check the main frame's title. Thus it may make bad decisions for
// iframes.
base::string16 title(base::ToLowerASCII(base::string16(document.title())));
// Don't check the path for url's without a standard format path component,
// such as data:.
std::string path;
GURL url(document.url());
if (url.IsStandard())
path = base::ToLowerASCII(url.path());
const char* const kKeywords[] = {
for (const auto& keyword : kKeywords) {
// Compare char16 elements of |title| with char elements of |keyword| using
// operator==.
auto title_pos = std::search(title.begin(), title.end(),
keyword, keyword + strlen(keyword));
if (title_pos != title.end() ||
path.find(keyword) != std::string::npos) {
form->is_formless_checkout = true;
// Found a keyword: treat this as an unowned form.
return UnownedFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(
fieldsets, control_elements, element, document, extract_mask, form,
// Since it's not a checkout flow, only add fields that have a non-"off"
// autocomplete attribute to the formless autofill.
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kOffAttribute, ("off"));
std::vector<WebFormControlElement> elements_with_autocomplete;
for (const WebFormControlElement& element : control_elements) {
blink::WebString autocomplete = element.getAttribute("autocomplete");
if (autocomplete.length() && autocomplete != kOffAttribute)
if (elements_with_autocomplete.empty())
return false;
return UnownedFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(
fieldsets, elements_with_autocomplete, element, document, extract_mask,
form, field);
bool UnownedPasswordFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(
const std::vector<blink::WebElement>& fieldsets,
const std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement>& control_elements,
const blink::WebFormControlElement* element,
const blink::WebDocument& document,
ExtractMask extract_mask,
FormData* form,
FormFieldData* field) {
return UnownedFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(
fieldsets, control_elements, element, document, extract_mask, form,
bool FindFormAndFieldForFormControlElement(const WebFormControlElement& element,
FormData* form,
FormFieldData* field) {
if (!IsAutofillableElement(element))
return false;
ExtractMask extract_mask =
static_cast<ExtractMask>(EXTRACT_VALUE | EXTRACT_OPTIONS);
const WebFormElement form_element = element.form();
if (form_element.isNull()) {
// No associated form, try the synthetic form for unowned form elements.
WebDocument document = element.document();
std::vector<WebElement> fieldsets;
std::vector<WebFormControlElement> control_elements =
GetUnownedAutofillableFormFieldElements(document.all(), &fieldsets);
return UnownedCheckoutFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(
fieldsets, control_elements, &element, document, extract_mask,
form, field);
return WebFormElementToFormData(form_element,
void FillForm(const FormData& form, const WebFormControlElement& element) {
WebFormElement form_element = element.form();
if (form_element.isNull()) {
false, /* dont force override */
false, /* dont force override */
void FillFormIncludingNonFocusableElements(const FormData& form_data,
const WebFormElement& form_element) {
if (form_element.isNull()) {
FieldFilterMask filter_mask = static_cast<FieldFilterMask>(
true, /* force override */
void PreviewForm(const FormData& form, const WebFormControlElement& element) {
WebFormElement form_element = element.form();
if (form_element.isNull()) {
false, /* dont force override */
false, /* dont force override */
bool ClearPreviewedFormWithElement(const WebFormControlElement& element,
bool was_autofilled) {
WebFormElement form_element = element.form();
std::vector<WebFormControlElement> control_elements;
if (form_element.isNull()) {
control_elements = GetUnownedAutofillableFormFieldElements(
element.document().all(), nullptr);
if (!IsElementInControlElementSet(element, control_elements))
return false;
} else {
control_elements = ExtractAutofillableElementsInForm(form_element);
for (size_t i = 0; i < control_elements.size(); ++i) {
// There might be unrelated elements in this form which have already been
// auto-filled. For example, the user might have already filled the address
// part of a form and now be dealing with the credit card section. We only
// want to reset the auto-filled status for fields that were previewed.
WebFormControlElement control_element = control_elements[i];
// Only text input, textarea and select elements can be previewed.
WebInputElement* input_element = toWebInputElement(&control_element);
if (!IsTextInput(input_element) &&
!IsMonthInput(input_element) &&
!IsTextAreaElement(control_element) &&
// If the element is not auto-filled, we did not preview it,
// so there is nothing to reset.
if (!control_element.isAutofilled())
if ((IsTextInput(input_element) ||
IsMonthInput(input_element) ||
IsTextAreaElement(control_element) ||
IsSelectElement(control_element)) &&
// Clear the suggested value. For the initiating node, also restore the
// original value.
if (IsTextInput(input_element) || IsMonthInput(input_element) ||
IsTextAreaElement(control_element)) {
bool is_initiating_node = (element == control_element);
if (is_initiating_node) {
// Clearing the suggested value in the focused node (above) can cause
// selection to be lost. We force selection range to restore the text
// cursor.
int length = control_element.value().length();
control_element.setSelectionRange(length, length);
} else {
} else if (IsSelectElement(control_element)) {
return true;
bool IsWebpageEmpty(const blink::WebFrame* frame) {
blink::WebDocument document = frame->document();
return IsWebElementEmpty(document.head()) &&
bool IsWebElementEmpty(const blink::WebElement& root) {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kScript, ("script"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kMeta, ("meta"));
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(WebString, kTitle, ("title"));
if (root.isNull())
return true;
for (WebNode child = root.firstChild();
child = child.nextSibling()) {
if (child.isTextNode() &&
return false;
if (!child.isElementNode())
WebElement element =<WebElement>();
if (!element.hasHTMLTagName(kScript) &&
!element.hasHTMLTagName(kMeta) &&
return false;
return true;
void PreviewSuggestion(const base::string16& suggestion,
const base::string16& user_input,
blink::WebFormControlElement* input_element) {
size_t selection_start = user_input.length();
if (IsFeatureSubstringMatchEnabled()) {
size_t offset = GetTextSelectionStart(suggestion, user_input, false);
// Zero selection start is for password manager, which can show usernames
// that do not begin with the user input value.
selection_start = (offset == base::string16::npos) ? 0 : offset;
input_element->setSelectionRange(selection_start, suggestion.length());
} // namespace form_util
} // namespace autofill