blob: 097d28c19a279e3a43a0af606415d89e207d946a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
class PrefService;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
// This service manages a pref which is used to determine the version of
// Chrome by which the profile was created.
class ChromeVersionService {
ChromeVersionService() = delete;
ChromeVersionService(const ChromeVersionService&) = delete;
ChromeVersionService& operator=(const ChromeVersionService&) = delete;
// Register the user pref we use.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Sets the version string in the pref for the current profile.
static void SetVersion(PrefService* prefs, const std::string& version);
// Returns the version of Chrome which created the profile.
static std::string GetVersion(PrefService* prefs);
// Handles setting the profile.created_by_version Pref
static void OnProfileLoaded(PrefService* prefs, bool is_new_profile);