blob: e964b66b1f75987b9933ba6c019ca3127b89dc36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "components/account_id/account_id.h"
// Move-only struct holding the parameters of a profile being added into
// ProfileAttributesStorage.
struct ProfileAttributesInitParams {
// Move operations are allowed.
ProfileAttributesInitParams& operator=(ProfileAttributesInitParams&&);
// Copy operations are forbidden.
ProfileAttributesInitParams(const ProfileAttributesInitParams&) = delete;
ProfileAttributesInitParams& operator=(const ProfileAttributesInitParams&) =
// Full path to the profile.
base::FilePath profile_path;
// Local profile name displayed to the user.
std::u16string profile_name;
// GAIA id of the user signed into the profile. Empty string if the
// user is not signed in.
std::string gaia_id;
// Email address of the user signed into the profile. Empty string if the user
// is not signed in.
std::u16string user_name;
// Whether or not the profile has a primary account with the Sync consent.
bool is_consented_primary_account = false;
// Index of the default avatar icon used by the profile.
size_t icon_index = 0;
// ID of the supervisor user for this profile. Empty string if the profile is
// not supervised.
std::string supervised_user_id;
// `AccountId` of the user of the profile. Empty if the profile doesn't have
// any associated `user_manager::User`.
AccountId account_id{EmptyAccountId()};
// Whether the profile is ephemeral. Ephemeral profiles are cleaned up on
// every Chrome restart.
bool is_ephemeral = false;
// Whether the profile is omitted from all UIs displaying multi-profile
// choice.
bool is_omitted = false;
// Whether the profile was signed in with information from a credential
// provider.
bool is_signed_in_with_credential_provider = false;