blob: cfe40342e3ee4633cc339e927f5336009af45da3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This class keeps track of the currently-active profiles in the runtime.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_metrics.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_shortcut_manager.h"
#include "chrome/common/buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list_observer.h"
class AccountProfileMapper;
class ProfileAttributesStorage;
enum class ProfileKeepAliveOrigin;
class ProfileManagerObserver;
class ScopedKeepAlive;
class ScopedProfileKeepAlive;
// Manages the lifecycle of Profile objects.
// Note that the Profile objects may be destroyed when their last browser window
// is closed. The DestroyProfileOnBrowserClose flag controls this behavior.
class ProfileManager : public Profile::Delegate {
using ProfileLoadedCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(Profile*)>;
explicit ProfileManager(const base::FilePath& user_data_dir);
ProfileManager(const ProfileManager&) = delete;
ProfileManager& operator=(const ProfileManager&) = delete;
~ProfileManager() override;
// Invokes SessionServiceFactory::ShutdownForProfile() for all profiles.
static void ShutdownSessionServices();
// Physically remove deleted profile directories from disk.
static void NukeDeletedProfilesFromDisk();
// Get the Profile last used (the Profile to which owns the most recently
// focused window) with this Chrome build. If no signed profile has been
// stored in Local State, hand back the Default profile.
// If the Profile is going to be used to open a new window then consider using
// GetLastUsedProfileAllowedByPolicy() instead.
// Except in ChromeOS guest sessions, the returned profile is always a regular
// profile (non-OffTheRecord).
// WARNING: if the profile does not exist, this function creates it
// synchronously, causing blocking file I/O. Use GetLastUsedProfileIfLoaded()
// to avoid creating the profile synchronously.
static Profile* GetLastUsedProfile();
// Same as GetLastUsedProfile() but returns nullptr if the profile is not
// loaded. Does not block.
static Profile* GetLastUsedProfileIfLoaded();
// Same as `GetLastUsedProfile()` but returns the incognito `Profile` if
// incognito mode is forced. This should be used if the last used `Profile`
// will be used to open new browser windows.
// WARNING: if the `Profile` does not exist, this function creates it
// synchronously, causing blocking file I/O.
static Profile* GetLastUsedProfileAllowedByPolicy();
// Helper function that returns the OffTheRecord profile if it is forced for
// `profile` (normal mode is not available for browsing).
// Returns nullptr if `profile` is nullptr.
static Profile* MaybeForceOffTheRecordMode(Profile* profile);
// Get the Profiles which are currently open, i.e. have open browsers or were
// open the last time Chrome was running. Profiles that fail to initialize are
// skipped. The Profiles appear in the order they were opened. The last used
// profile will be on the list if it is initialized successfully, but its
// index on the list will depend on when it was opened (it is not necessarily
// the last one).
// Note: The list returned might contain on-the-record irregular profiles
// like the System profile.
static std::vector<Profile*> GetLastOpenedProfiles();
// WARNING: do not use this function on Desktop platforms (Windows, Mac,
// Linux). See for more info.
// TODO( restrict this function to Android and
// ChromeOS.
// Get the profile for the user which created the current session.
// Note that in case of a guest account this will return a 'suitable' profile.
static Profile* GetPrimaryUserProfile();
// WARNING: do not use this function on Desktop platforms (Windows, Mac,
// Linux). See for more info.
// TODO( restrict this function to Android and
// ChromeOS.
// Get the profile for the currently active user.
// Note that in case of a guest account this will return a 'suitable' profile.
static Profile* GetActiveUserProfile();
// Load and return the initial profile for browser. On ChromeOS, this returns
// either the sign-in profile or the active user profile depending on whether
// browser is started normally or is restarted after crash. On other
// platforms, this returns the default profile.
static Profile* CreateInitialProfile();
void AddObserver(ProfileManagerObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(ProfileManagerObserver* observer);
// Returns a profile for a specific profile directory within the user data
// dir. This will return an existing profile it had already been created,
// otherwise it will create and manage it.
// Because this method might synchronously create a new profile, it should
// only be called for the initial profile or in tests, where blocking is
// acceptable. Returns null if creation of the new profile fails.
// TODO(bauerb): Migrate calls from other code to GetProfileByPath(), then
// make this method private.
Profile* GetProfile(const base::FilePath& profile_dir);
// Returns regular or off-the-record profile given its profile key.
static Profile* GetProfileFromProfileKey(ProfileKey* profile_key);
// Returns total number of profiles available on this machine.
size_t GetNumberOfProfiles();
// Asynchronously loads an existing profile given its |profile_base_name|
// (which is the directory name within the user data directory), optionally in
// |incognito| mode. The |callback| will be called with the Profile when it
// has been loaded, or with a nullptr otherwise.
// Should be called on the UI thread.
// Unlike CreateProfileAsync this will not create a profile if one doesn't
// already exist on disk
// Returns true if the profile exists, but the final loaded profile will come
// as part of the callback.
bool LoadProfile(const base::FilePath& profile_base_name,
bool incognito,
ProfileLoadedCallback callback);
bool LoadProfileByPath(const base::FilePath& profile_path,
bool incognito,
ProfileLoadedCallback callback);
// Explicit asynchronous creation of a profile located at |profile_path|.
// Should be called on the UI thread.
// Params:
// - `initialized_callback`: called when profile initialization is done, will
// return nullptr if failed. If the profile has already been fully loaded then
// this callback is called immediately.
// - `created_callback`: called when profile creation is done (default
// implementation to do nothing).
// Note: Refer to `Profile::CreateStatus` for the definition of CREATED and
// INITIALIZED profile creation status.
void CreateProfileAsync(
const base::FilePath& profile_path,
base::OnceCallback<void(Profile*)> initialized_callback,
base::OnceCallback<void(Profile*)> created_callback = {});
// Returns true if the profile pointer is known to point to an existing
// profile.
bool IsValidProfile(const void* profile);
// Returns the directory where the first created profile is stored,
// relative to the user data directory currently in use.
base::FilePath GetInitialProfileDir();
// Get the path of the last used profile, or if that's undefined, the default
// profile.
base::FilePath GetLastUsedProfileDir();
// Returns the path of a profile with the requested account, or the empty
// path if none exists.
base::FilePath GetProfileDirForEmail(const std::string& email);
// Returns created and fully initialized profiles. Notes:
// - profiles order is NOT guaranteed to be related with the creation order.
// - only returns profiles owned by the ProfileManager. In particular, this
// does not return incognito profiles, because they are owned by their
// original profiles.
// - may also return irregular profiles like on-the-record System or Guest
// profiles.
std::vector<Profile*> GetLoadedProfiles() const;
// If a profile with the given path is currently managed by this object and
// fully initialized, return a pointer to the corresponding Profile object;
// otherwise return null.
Profile* GetProfileByPath(const base::FilePath& path) const;
// Asynchronously creates a new profile in the next available multiprofile
// directory. Directories are named "profile_1", "profile_2", etc., in
// sequence of creation. (Because directories can be removed, however, it may
// be the case that at some point the list of numbered profiles is not
// continuous.) If |is_hidden| is true, the new profile
// will be created as ephemeral (removed on the next startup) and omitted (not
// visible in the list of profiles).
// Params:
// - `initialized_callback`: called when profile initialization is done, will
// return nullptr if failed. If the profile has already been fully loaded then
// this callback is called immediately.
// - `created_callback`: called when profile creation is done (default
// implementation to do nothing).
// Note: Refer to `Profile::CreateStatus` for the definition of CREATED and
// INITIALIZED profile creation status.
static void CreateMultiProfileAsync(
const std::u16string& name,
size_t icon_index,
bool is_hidden,
base::OnceCallback<void(Profile*)> initialized_callback,
base::OnceCallback<void(Profile*)> created_callback = {});
// Returns the full path to be used for guest profiles.
static base::FilePath GetGuestProfilePath();
// Returns the full path to be used for system profiles.
static base::FilePath GetSystemProfilePath();
// Returns the full path of the primary profile on lacros.
static base::FilePath GetPrimaryUserProfilePath();
// Get the path of the next profile directory and increment the internal
// count.
// Lack of side effects:
// This function doesn't actually create the directory or touch the file
// system.
base::FilePath GenerateNextProfileDirectoryPath();
// Returns a ProfileAttributesStorage object which can be used to get
// information about profiles without having to load them from disk.
ProfileAttributesStorage& GetProfileAttributesStorage();
// Returns a ProfileShortcut Manager that enables the caller to create
// profile specfic desktop shortcuts.
ProfileShortcutManager* profile_shortcut_manager();
AccountProfileMapper* GetAccountProfileMapper();
// Less strict version of ScheduleProfileForDeletion(), silently exits if
// profile is either scheduling or marked for deletion.
void MaybeScheduleProfileForDeletion(
const base::FilePath& profile_dir,
ProfileLoadedCallback callback,
ProfileMetrics::ProfileDelete deletion_source);
// Schedules the profile at the given path to be deleted on shutdown. If we're
// deleting the last profile, a new one will be created in its place, and in
// that case the callback will be called when profile creation is complete.
void ScheduleProfileForDeletion(const base::FilePath& profile_dir,
ProfileLoadedCallback callback);
// Schedules the ephemeral profile at the given path to be deleted on
// shutdown. New profiles will not be created.
void ScheduleEphemeralProfileForDeletion(const base::FilePath& profile_dir);
// Deletes Guest profile's browsing data.
static void CleanUpGuestProfile();
// Returns if profile is marked for deletion.
static bool IsProfileDirectoryMarkedForDeletion(
const base::FilePath& profile_dir);
// Autoloads profiles if they are running background apps.
void AutoloadProfiles();
// Checks if any ephemeral profiles are left behind (e.g. because of a browser
// crash) and schedule them for deletion.
void CleanUpEphemeralProfiles();
// Checks if files of deleted profiles are left behind (e.g. because of a
// browser crash) and delete them in case they still exist.
void CleanUpDeletedProfiles();
// Initializes user prefs of |profile|. This includes profile name and
// avatar values.
void InitProfileUserPrefs(Profile* profile);
// Register and add testing profile to the ProfileManager. Use ONLY in tests.
// This allows the creation of Profiles outside of the standard creation path
// for testing. If |addToStorage|, adds to ProfileAttributesStorage as well.
// Use ONLY in tests.
void RegisterTestingProfile(std::unique_ptr<Profile> profile,
bool add_to_storage);
const base::FilePath& user_data_dir() const { return user_data_dir_; }
// Profile::Delegate implementation:
void OnProfileCreationStarted(Profile* profile,
Profile::CreateMode create_mode) override;
void OnProfileCreationFinished(Profile* profile,
Profile::CreateMode create_mode,
bool success,
bool is_new_profile) override;
// Used for testing. Returns true if |profile| has at least one ref of type
// |origin|.
bool HasKeepAliveForTesting(const Profile* profile,
ProfileKeepAliveOrigin origin);
// Disables the periodic reporting of profile metrics, as this is causing
// tests to time out.
void DisableProfileMetricsForTesting();
// Returns the number of profiles in a "zombie" state, which means either:
// - this profile was destroyed from memory,
// - this profile has a refcount of 0, meaning it's safe to destroy.
// Looks at the list of profiles that were loaded during this browsing
// session, to determine if they're all still loaded in memory and look at
// their refcount.
// This is used for an A/B test, that measures the impact of the
// DestroyProfileOnBrowserClose variation on memory usage.
size_t GetZombieProfileCount() const;
// Returns ProfileKeepAliveOrigin map for the profile associated with given
// |path|, if the profile is registered. Otherwise returns an empty map.
std::map<ProfileKeepAliveOrigin, int> GetKeepAlivesByPath(
const base::FilePath& path);
// Removes the kWaitingForFirstBrowserWindow keepalive. This allows a
// Profile* to be deleted from now on, even if it never had a visible
// browser window.
void ClearFirstBrowserWindowKeepAlive(const Profile* profile);
// Creates a new profile by calling into the profile's profile creation
// method. Virtual so that unittests can return a TestingProfile instead
// of the Profile's result. Returns null if creation fails.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Profile> CreateProfileHelper(
const base::FilePath& path);
// Creates a new profile asynchronously by calling into the profile's
// asynchronous profile creation method. Virtual so that unittests can return
// a TestingProfile instead of the Profile's result.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Profile> CreateProfileAsyncHelper(
const base::FilePath& path);
void set_do_final_services_init(bool do_final_services_init) {
do_final_services_init_ = do_final_services_init;
void SetAccountProfileMapperForTests(
std::unique_ptr<AccountProfileMapper> mapper);
friend class TestingProfileManager;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ProfileManagerBrowserTest, DeleteAllProfiles);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ProfileManagerBrowserTest, SwitchToProfile);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ProfileManagerTest, ScopedProfileKeepAlive);
// For AddKeepAlive() and RemoveKeepAlive().
friend class ScopedProfileKeepAlive;
// This class contains information about profiles which are being loaded or
// were loaded.
class ProfileInfo {
ProfileInfo(const ProfileInfo&) = delete;
ProfileInfo& operator=(const ProfileInfo&) = delete;
// Returns a non-created ProfileInfo that does not own |profile|.
static std::unique_ptr<ProfileInfo> FromUnownedProfile(Profile* profile);
// Takes ownership of |profile|, so it gets destroyed when this ProfileInfo
// is deleted.
void TakeOwnershipOfProfile(std::unique_ptr<Profile> profile);
// Marks the Profile as created, so GetCreatedProfile() returns non-null.
void MarkProfileAsCreated(Profile* profile);
// Returns the owned Profile, if creation is complete (i.e., prefs are
// loaded). Returns null otherwise.
Profile* GetCreatedProfile() const;
// Returns the Profile, regardless of whether it's owned/unowned or whether
// prefs are loaded.
Profile* GetRawProfile() const;
// TODO(nicolaso): Make |keep_alives| and |callbacks| private with
// accessors.
// Strong references to this Profile (e.g. a Browser object, a
// BackgroundModeManager, ...)
// Initially contains a kWaitingForFirstBrowserWindow entry, which gets
// removed when a kBrowserWindow keepalive is added.
std::map<ProfileKeepAliveOrigin, int> keep_alives;
// List of callbacks to run when profile initialization (success or fail) is
// done. Note, when profile is fully loaded this vector will be empty.
std::vector<base::OnceCallback<void(Profile*)>> init_callbacks;
// List of callbacks to run when profile is created. Note, when
// profile is fully loaded this vector will be empty.
std::vector<base::OnceCallback<void(Profile*)>> created_callbacks;
// Callers should use FromOwned/UnownedProfile() instead.
// The Profile pointed to by this ProfileInfo.
raw_ptr<Profile> unowned_profile_ = nullptr;
// For when the Profile is owned, via FromOwnedProfile() or
// TakeOwnershipOfProfile().
std::unique_ptr<Profile> owned_profile_;
// Whether profile has been fully loaded (created and initialized). See
// MarkProfileAsCreated().
bool created_ = false;
// Increments/decrements the refcount on a |profile|. (it must not be an
// off-the-record profile)
void AddKeepAlive(const Profile* profile, ProfileKeepAliveOrigin origin);
void RemoveKeepAlive(const Profile* profile, ProfileKeepAliveOrigin origin);
void RecordZombieMetrics();
// Helper for RemoveKeepAlive() and ClearFirstBrowserWindowFlag(). If the
// refcount to this Profile is zero, calls RemoveKeepAlive().
void DeleteProfileIfNoKeepAlive(const ProfileInfo* info);
// Does final initial actions.
void DoFinalInit(ProfileInfo* profile_info, bool go_off_the_record);
void DoFinalInitForServices(Profile* profile, bool go_off_the_record);
void DoFinalInitLogging(Profile* profile);
// Returns the profile of the active user and / or the off the record profile
// if needed. This adds the profile to the ProfileManager if it doesn't
// already exist. The method will return NULL if the profile doesn't exist
// and we can't create it.
// The profile used can be overridden by using --login-profile on cros.
Profile* GetActiveUserOrOffTheRecordProfile();
// Adds a pre-existing Profile object to the set managed by this
// ProfileManager.
// The Profile should not already be managed by this ProfileManager.
// Returns true if the profile was added, false otherwise.
bool AddProfile(std::unique_ptr<Profile> profile);
// Removes the Profile at |profile_dir| from the manager and destroys it. If
// it's an ephemeral profile, also nuke the |profile_dir| directory from disk
// afterwards.
void RemoveProfile(const base::FilePath& profile_dir);
// Synchronously creates and returns a profile. This handles both the full
// creation and adds it to the set managed by this ProfileManager. Returns
// null if creation fails.
Profile* CreateAndInitializeProfile(const base::FilePath& profile_dir);
// Continues the scheduled profile deletion after closing all the profile's
// browsers tabs. Creates a new profile if the profile to be deleted is the
// last non-supervised profile. In the Mac, loads the next non-supervised
// profile if the profile to be deleted is the active profile.
void EnsureActiveProfileExistsBeforeDeletion(
ProfileLoadedCallback callback,
const base::FilePath& profile_dir);
// Schedules the profile at the given path to be deleted on shutdown,
// and marks the new profile as active.
void FinishDeletingProfile(const base::FilePath& profile_dir,
const base::FilePath& new_active_profile_dir);
void OnLoadProfileForProfileDeletion(const base::FilePath& profile_dir,
Profile* profile);
// Searches for the latest active profile that respects |predicate|, already
// loaded preferably. Returns nullopt if no existing profile respects all the
// conditions.
absl::optional<base::FilePath> FindLastActiveProfile(
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(ProfileAttributesEntry*)> predicate);
// Registers profile with given info. Returns pointer to created ProfileInfo
// entry.
ProfileInfo* RegisterUnownedProfile(Profile* profile);
ProfileInfo* RegisterOwnedProfile(std::unique_ptr<Profile> profile);
// Returns ProfileInfo associated with given |path|, registered earlier with
// RegisterProfile.
ProfileInfo* GetProfileInfoByPath(const base::FilePath& path) const;
// Returns a registered profile. In contrast to GetProfileByPath(), this will
// also return a profile that is not fully initialized yet, so this method
// should be used carefully.
Profile* GetProfileByPathInternal(const base::FilePath& path) const;
// Returns whether |path| is allowed for profile creation.
bool IsAllowedProfilePath(const base::FilePath& path) const;
// Whether a new profile can be created at |path|.
bool CanCreateProfileAtPath(const base::FilePath& path) const;
// Adds |profile| to the profile attributes storage if it hasn't been added
// yet.
void AddProfileToStorage(Profile* profile);
// Apply settings for profiles created by the system rather than users: The
// (desktop) Guest User profile and (desktop) System Profile.
void SetNonPersonalProfilePrefs(Profile* profile);
// Determines if profile should be OTR.
bool ShouldGoOffTheRecord(Profile* profile);
void SaveActiveProfiles();
void OnBrowserOpened(Browser* browser);
void OnBrowserClosed(Browser* browser);
// Updates the last active user of the current session.
// On Chrome OS updating this user will have no effect since when browser is
// restored after crash there's another preference that is taken into account.
// See kLastActiveUser in UserManagerBase.
void UpdateLastUser(Profile* last_active);
class BrowserListObserver : public ::BrowserListObserver {
explicit BrowserListObserver(ProfileManager* manager);
BrowserListObserver(const BrowserListObserver&) = delete;
BrowserListObserver& operator=(const BrowserListObserver&) = delete;
~BrowserListObserver() override;
// ::BrowserListObserver implementation.
void OnBrowserAdded(Browser* browser) override;
void OnBrowserRemoved(Browser* browser) override;
void OnBrowserSetLastActive(Browser* browser) override;
raw_ptr<ProfileManager> profile_manager_;
// If the `loaded_profile` has been loaded successfully and isn't already
// scheduled for deletion, then finishes adding `profile_to_delete_dir` to the
// queue of profiles to be deleted, and updates the kProfileLastUsed
// preference based on `last_non_supervised_profile_path`. `keep_alive` may be
// null and is used to ensure shutdown does not start.
void OnNewActiveProfileInitialized(
const base::FilePath& profile_to_delete_path,
const base::FilePath& last_non_supervised_profile_path,
ProfileLoadedCallback callback,
std::unique_ptr<ScopedKeepAlive> keep_alive,
Profile* loaded_profile);
void OnClosingAllBrowsersChanged(bool closing);
// Destroy after |profile_attributes_storage_| since Profile destruction may
// trigger some observers to unregister themselves.
base::ObserverList<ProfileManagerObserver, /*check_empty=*/true> observers_;
// Object to cache various information about profiles. Contains information
// about every profile which has been created for this instance of Chrome,
// if it has not been explicitly deleted. It must be destroyed after
// |profiles_info_| because ~ProfileInfo can trigger a chain of events leading
// to an access to this member.
std::unique_ptr<ProfileAttributesStorage> profile_attributes_storage_;
// Object that maintains a mapping between accounts known to the OS and Chrome
// profiles. AccountProfileMapper has dependencies on other members of this
// class. It must be destroyed after `profiles_info_` and before
// `profile_attributes_storage_`.
std::unique_ptr<AccountProfileMapper> account_profile_mapper_;
base::CallbackListSubscription closing_all_browsers_subscription_;
// The path to the user data directory (DIR_USER_DATA).
const base::FilePath user_data_dir_;
// Indicates that a user has logged in and that the profile specified
// in the --login-profile command line argument should be used as the
// default.
bool logged_in_ = false;
BrowserListObserver browser_list_observer_{this};
// Maps profile path to ProfileInfo (if profile has been created). Use
// RegisterProfile() to add into this map. This map owns all loaded profile
// objects in a running instance of Chrome.
using ProfilesInfoMap =
std::map<base::FilePath, std::unique_ptr<ProfileInfo>>;
ProfilesInfoMap profiles_info_;
// Manages the process of creating, deleteing and updating Desktop shortcuts.
std::unique_ptr<ProfileShortcutManager> profile_shortcut_manager_;
// For keeping track of the last active profiles.
std::map<Profile*, int> browser_counts_;
// On startup we launch the active profiles in the order they became active
// during the last run. This is why they are kept in a list, not in a set.
std::vector<Profile*> active_profiles_;
bool closing_all_browsers_ = false;
// Becomes true once the refcount for any profile hits 0. This is used to
// measure how often DestroyProfileOnBrowserClose logic triggers.
bool could_have_destroyed_profile_ = false;
// Set of profile dirs that were loaded during this browsing session at some
// point (or are currently loaded). This is used to measure memory savings
// from DestroyProfileOnBrowserClose.
// Doesn't include the System and Guest profile paths.
std::set<base::FilePath> ever_loaded_profiles_;
// Runs a task every 30 minutes to record the number of zombie & non-zombie
// profiles in memory.
base::RepeatingTimer zombie_metrics_timer_;
// Controls whether to initialize some services. Only disabled for testing.
bool do_final_services_init_ = true;
// TODO(chrome/browser/profiles/OWNERS): Usage of this in
// should likely be turned into DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::UI) for
// consistency with surrounding code in the same file but that wasn't trivial
// enough to do as part of the mass refactor CL which introduced
// |thread_checker_|, ref.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProfileManager> weak_factory_{this};
// Same as the ProfileManager, but doesn't initialize some services of the
// profile. This one is useful in unittests.
class ProfileManagerWithoutInit : public ProfileManager {
explicit ProfileManagerWithoutInit(const base::FilePath& user_data_dir);
ProfileManagerWithoutInit(const ProfileManagerWithoutInit&) = delete;
ProfileManagerWithoutInit& operator=(const ProfileManagerWithoutInit&) =