blob: 77c85879b273a9c46d7e52a5cde7c519fbe8f924 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
namespace base {
template <typename T> struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
namespace app_modal {
class AppModalDialog;
// Keeps a queue of AppModalDialogs, making sure only one app modal
// dialog is shown at a time.
// This class is a singleton.
class AppModalDialogQueue {
typedef std::deque<AppModalDialog*>::iterator iterator;
// Returns the singleton instance.
static AppModalDialogQueue* GetInstance();
// Adds a modal dialog to the queue. If there are no other dialogs in the
// queue, the dialog will be shown immediately. Once it is shown, the
// most recently active browser window (or whichever is currently active)
// will be app modal, meaning it will be activated if the user tries to
// activate any other browser windows.
// Note: The AppModalDialog |dialog| must be window modal before it
// can be added as app modal.
void AddDialog(AppModalDialog* dialog);
// Removes the current dialog in the queue (the one that is being shown).
// Shows the next dialog in the queue, if any is present. This does not
// ensure that the currently showing dialog is closed, it just makes it no
// longer app modal.
void ShowNextDialog();
// Activates and shows the current dialog, if the user clicks on one of the
// windows disabled by the presence of an app modal dialog. This forces
// the window to be visible on the display even if desktop manager software
// opened the dialog on another virtual desktop. Assumes there is currently a
// dialog being shown. (Call BrowserList::IsShowingAppModalDialog to test
// this condition).
void ActivateModalDialog();
// Returns true if there is currently an active app modal dialog box.
bool HasActiveDialog() const;
AppModalDialog* active_dialog() { return active_dialog_; }
// Iterators to walk the queue. The queue does not include the currently
// active app modal dialog box.
iterator begin() { return app_modal_dialog_queue_.begin(); }
iterator end() { return app_modal_dialog_queue_.end(); }
friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<AppModalDialogQueue>;
// Shows |dialog| and notifies the BrowserList that a modal dialog is showing.
void ShowModalDialog(AppModalDialog* dialog);
// Returns the next dialog to show. This removes entries from
// app_modal_dialog_queue_ until one is valid or the queue is empty. This
// returns NULL if there are no more dialogs, or all the dialogs in the queue
// are not valid.
AppModalDialog* GetNextDialog();
// Contains all app modal dialogs which are waiting to be shown. The currently
// active modal dialog is not included.
std::deque<AppModalDialog*> app_modal_dialog_queue_;
// The currently active app-modal dialog box's delegate. NULL if there is no
// active app-modal dialog box.
AppModalDialog* active_dialog_;
// Stores if |ShowModalDialog()| is currently being called on an app-modal
// dialog.
bool showing_modal_dialog_;
} // namespace app_modal