blob: 38890f07f4629ba4bfee06148bd1e839442a2a91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/memory_pressure/memory_pressure_calculator.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace base {
class TickClock;
} // namespace base
namespace memory_pressure {
// A utility class that provides rate-limiting and hysteresis on raw memory
// pressure calculations. This is identical across all platforms, but only used
// on those that do not have native memory pressure signals.
class FilteredMemoryPressureCalculator : public MemoryPressureCalculator {
// The minimum time that must pass between successive polls. This enforces an
// upper bound on the rate of calls to the contained MemoryPressureCalculator.
static const int kMinimumTimeBetweenSamplesMs;
// The cooldown period when transitioning from critical to moderate/no memory
// pressure, or from moderate to none.
static const int kCriticalPressureCooldownPeriodMs;
static const int kModeratePressureCooldownPeriodMs;
// The provided |pressure_calculator| and |tick_clock| must outlive this
// object.
MemoryPressureCalculator* pressure_calculator,
base::TickClock* tick_clock);
~FilteredMemoryPressureCalculator() override;
// Calculates the current pressure level.
MemoryPressureLevel CalculateCurrentPressureLevel() override;
// Accessors for unittesting.
bool cooldown_in_progress() const { return cooldown_in_progress_; }
base::TimeTicks cooldown_start_time() const { return cooldown_start_time_; }
MemoryPressureLevel cooldown_high_tide() const { return cooldown_high_tide_; }
friend class TestFilteredMemoryPressureCalculator;
// The delegate pressure calculator. Provided by the constructor.
MemoryPressureCalculator* pressure_calculator_;
// The delegate tick clock. Provided by the constructor.
base::TickClock* tick_clock_;
// The memory pressure currently being reported.
MemoryPressureLevel current_pressure_level_;
// The last time a sample was taken.
bool samples_taken_;
base::TimeTicks last_sample_time_;
// State of an ongoing cooldown period, if any. The high-tide line indicates
// the highest memory pressure level (*below* the current one) that was
// encountered during the cooldown period. This allows a cooldown to
// transition directly from critical to none if *no* moderate pressure signals
// were seen during the period, otherwise it forces it to pass through a
// moderate cooldown as well.
bool cooldown_in_progress_;
base::TimeTicks cooldown_start_time_;
MemoryPressureLevel cooldown_high_tide_;
} // namespace memory_pressure