blob: 635dfe591b4a10efb1d7cbd697cfaef7f9d66dcb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "components/web_view/public/interfaces/web_view.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace web_view {
class Frame;
class NavigationEntry;
class NavigationControllerDelegate;
enum class ReloadType;
// A NavigationController maintains the back-forward list for a WebView and
// manages all navigation within that list.
// Each NavigationController belongs to one WebContents; each WebContents has
// exactly one NavigationController.
class NavigationController {
explicit NavigationController(NavigationControllerDelegate* delegate);
int GetCurrentEntryIndex() const;
int GetIndexForOffset(int offset) const;
int GetEntryCount() const;
NavigationEntry* GetEntryAtIndex(int index) const;
NavigationEntry* GetEntryAtOffset(int offset) const;
bool CanGoBack() const;
bool CanGoForward() const;
bool CanGoToOffset(int offset) const;
void GoBack();
void GoForward();
void LoadURL(mojo::URLRequestPtr request);
void NavigateToPendingEntry(ReloadType reload_type,
bool update_navigation_start_time);
// Takes ownership of a pending entry, and adds it to the current list.
// TODO(erg): This should eventually own the navigation transition like
// content::NavigationControllerImpl::NavigateToPendingEntry() does.
void SetPendingEntry(scoped_ptr<NavigationEntry> entry);
// Discards only the pending entry. |was_failure| should be set if the pending
// entry is being discarded because it failed to load.
void DiscardPendingEntry(bool was_failure);
// Called when a frame is committed.
void FrameDidCommitProvisionalLoad(Frame* frame);
// Called when a frame navigated by itself. Adds the new url to the
// back/forward stack.
void FrameDidNavigateLocally(Frame* frame, const GURL& url);
using NavigationEntries = ScopedVector<NavigationEntry>;
void ClearForwardEntries();
NavigationEntries entries_;
// An entry we haven't gotten a response for yet. This will be discarded
// when we navigate again. It's used only so we know what the currently
// displayed tab is.
// This may refer to an item in the entries_ list if the pending_entry_index_
// == -1, or it may be its own entry that should be deleted. Be careful with
// the memory management.
NavigationEntry* pending_entry_;
// The index of the currently visible entry.
int last_committed_entry_index_;
// The index of the pending entry if it is in entries_, or -1 if
// pending_entry_ is a new entry (created by LoadURL).
int pending_entry_index_;
NavigationControllerDelegate* delegate_;
} // namespace web_view