blob: e7ebe2345e7a7983821628831ccb1eeac3d4229d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/browser/cookie_settings.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/gaia_cookie_manager_service.h"
#include "components/signin/ios/browser/active_state_manager.h"
#import "components/signin/ios/browser/manage_accounts_delegate.h"
#import "services/identity/public/cpp/identity_manager.h"
namespace web {
class BrowserState;
class WebState;
class WebStatePolicyDecider;
class AccountReconcilor;
class SigninClient;
@class AccountConsistencyNavigationDelegate;
@class WKWebView;
// Handles actions necessary for Account Consistency to work on iOS. This
// includes setting the Account Consistency cookie (informing Gaia that the
// Account Consistency is on).
// This is currently only used when WKWebView is enabled.
class AccountConsistencyService : public KeyedService,
public GaiaCookieManagerService::Observer,
public identity::IdentityManager::Observer,
public ActiveStateManager::Observer {
// Name of the preference property that persists the domains that have a
// CHROME_CONNECTED cookie set by this service.
static const char kDomainsWithCookiePref[];
web::BrowserState* browser_state,
AccountReconcilor* account_reconcilor,
scoped_refptr<content_settings::CookieSettings> cookie_settings,
GaiaCookieManagerService* gaia_cookie_manager_service,
SigninClient* signin_client,
identity::IdentityManager* identity_manager);
~AccountConsistencyService() override;
// Registers the preferences used by AccountConsistencyService.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Sets the handler for |web_state| that reacts on Gaia responses with the
// X-Chrome-Manage-Accounts header and notifies |delegate|.
void SetWebStateHandler(web::WebState* web_state,
id<ManageAccountsDelegate> delegate);
// Removes the handler associated with |web_state|.
void RemoveWebStateHandler(web::WebState* web_state);
// Removes CHROME_CONNECTED cookies on all the Google domains where it was
// set. Calls callback once all cookies were removed.
void RemoveChromeConnectedCookies(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Enqueues a request to add the CHROME_CONNECTED cookie to |domain|. If the
// cookie is already on |domain|, this function will do nothing unless
// |force_update_if_too_old| is true. In this case, the cookie will be
// refreshed if it is considered too old.
void AddChromeConnectedCookieToDomain(const std::string& domain,
bool force_update_if_too_old);
// Enqueues a request to remove the CHROME_CONNECTED cookie to |domain|.
// Does nothing if the cookie is not set on |domain|.
void RemoveChromeConnectedCookieFromDomain(const std::string& domain,
base::OnceClosure callback);
// Notifies the AccountConsistencyService that browsing data has been removed
// for any time period.
void OnBrowsingDataRemoved();
friend class AccountConsistencyServiceTest;
// The type of a cookie request.
enum CookieRequestType {
// A CHROME_CONNECTED cookie request to be applied by the
// AccountConsistencyService.
struct CookieRequest {
static CookieRequest CreateAddCookieRequest(const std::string& domain);
static CookieRequest CreateRemoveCookieRequest(const std::string& domain,
base::OnceClosure callback);
// Movable, not copyable.
CookieRequest& operator=(CookieRequest&&) = default;
CookieRequest(const CookieRequest&) = delete;
CookieRequest& operator=(const CookieRequest&) = delete;
CookieRequestType request_type;
std::string domain;
base::OnceClosure callback;
// Loads the domains with a CHROME_CONNECTED cookie from the prefs.
void LoadFromPrefs();
// KeyedService implementation.
void Shutdown() override;
// Applies the pending CHROME_CONNECTED cookie requests one by one.
void ApplyCookieRequests();
// Called when the current CHROME_CONNECTED cookie request is done.
void FinishedApplyingCookieRequest(bool success);
// Returns the cached WKWebView if it exists, or creates one if necessary.
// Can return nil if the browser state is not active.
WKWebView* GetWKWebView();
// Actually creates a WKWebView. Virtual for testing.
virtual WKWebView* BuildWKWebView();
// Stops any page loading in the WKWebView currently in use and releases it.
void ResetWKWebView();
// Returns whether the CHROME_CONNECTED cookie should be added to |domain|.
// If the cookie is already on |domain|, this function will return false
// unless |force_update_if_too_old| is true. In this case, it will return true
// if the cookie is considered to be too old.
bool ShouldAddChromeConnectedCookieToDomain(const std::string& domain,
bool force_update_if_too_old);
// Adds CHROME_CONNECTED cookies on all the main Google domains.
void AddChromeConnectedCookies();
// GaiaCookieManagerService::Observer implementation.
void OnAddAccountToCookieCompleted(
const std::string& account_id,
const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) override;
void OnGaiaAccountsInCookieUpdated(
const std::vector<gaia::ListedAccount>& accounts,
const std::vector<gaia::ListedAccount>& signed_out_accounts,
const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) override;
// IdentityManager::Observer implementation.
void OnPrimaryAccountSet(const AccountInfo& account_info) override;
void OnPrimaryAccountCleared(
const AccountInfo& previous_account_info) override;
// ActiveStateManager::Observer implementation.
void OnActive() override;
void OnInactive() override;
// Browser state associated with the service, used to create WKWebViews.
web::BrowserState* browser_state_;
// Service managing accounts reconciliation, notified of GAIA responses with
// the X-Chrome-Manage-Accounts header
AccountReconcilor* account_reconcilor_;
// Cookie settings currently in use for |browser_state_|, used to check if
// setting CHROME_CONNECTED cookies is valid.
scoped_refptr<content_settings::CookieSettings> cookie_settings_;
// Service managing the Gaia cookies, observed to be notified of the state of
// reconciliation.
GaiaCookieManagerService* gaia_cookie_manager_service_;
// Signin client, used to access prefs.
SigninClient* signin_client_;
// Identity manager, observed to be notified of primary account signin and
// signout events.
identity::IdentityManager* identity_manager_;
// Whether a CHROME_CONNECTED cookie request is currently being applied.
bool applying_cookie_requests_;
// The queue of CHROME_CONNECTED cookie requests to be applied.
base::circular_deque<CookieRequest> cookie_requests_;
// The map between domains where a CHROME_CONNECTED cookie is present and
// the time when the cookie was last updated.
std::map<std::string, base::Time> last_cookie_update_map_;
// Web view used to apply the CHROME_CONNECTED cookie requests.
__strong WKWebView* web_view_;
// Navigation delegate of |web_view_| that informs the service when a cookie
// request has been applied.
AccountConsistencyNavigationDelegate* navigation_delegate_;
// Handlers reacting on GAIA responses with the X-Chrome-Manage-Accounts
// header set.
std::map<web::WebState*, std::unique_ptr<web::WebStatePolicyDecider>>