blob: c34d35d964ec7842ffb483ab83d4916bdeaa799b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/web_package/signed_exchange_request_matcher.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "net/base/mime_util.h"
#include "net/http/http_util.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
constexpr char kVariantsHeader[] = "variants-04";
constexpr char kVariantKeyHeader[] = "variant-key-04";
constexpr char kIdentity[] = "identity";
class ContentNegotiationAlgorithm {
virtual ~ContentNegotiationAlgorithm() = default;
// Returns items from |available_values| that satisfy the request, in
// preference order. Each subclass should implement the algorithm defined by
// content negotiation mechanism.
virtual std::vector<std::string> run(
base::span<const std::string> available_values,
base::Optional<std::string> request_header_value) = 0;
struct WeightedValue {
std::string value;
double weight;
bool operator<(const WeightedValue& other) const {
return weight > other.weight; // Descending order
// Parses an Accept (Section 5.3.2 of [RFC7231]), an Accept-Encoding (Section
// 5.3.3 of [RFC7231]), or an Accept-Language (Section 5.3.5 of [RFC7231]).
// Returns items sorted by descending order of their weight, omitting items
// with weight of 0.
std::vector<WeightedValue> ParseRequestHeaderValue(
const base::Optional<std::string>& request_header_value) {
std::vector<WeightedValue> items;
if (!request_header_value)
return items;
// Value can start with '*', so it cannot be parsed by
// http_structured_header::ParseParameterisedList.
net::HttpUtil::ValuesIterator values(request_header_value->begin(),
request_header_value->end(), ',');
while (values.GetNext()) {
net::HttpUtil::NameValuePairsIterator name_value_pairs(
values.value_begin(), values.value_end(), ';',
if (!name_value_pairs.GetNext())
WeightedValue item;
item.value =;
item.weight = 1.0;
while (name_value_pairs.GetNext()) {
if (base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(, "q")) {
if (auto value = GetQValue(name_value_pairs.value()))
item.weight = *value;
} else {
// Parameters except for "q" are included in the output.
item.value +=
';' + + '=' + name_value_pairs.value();
if (item.weight != 0.0)
std::stable_sort(items.begin(), items.end());
return items;
base::Optional<double> GetQValue(const std::string& str) {
// TODO(ksakamoto): Validate the syntax per Section 5.3.1 of [RFC7231],
// by factoring out the logic in HttpUtil::ParseAcceptEncoding().
double val;
if (!base::StringToDouble(str, &val))
return base::nullopt;
if (val < 0.0 || val > 1.0)
return base::nullopt;
return val;
class ContentTypeNegotiation final : public ContentNegotiationAlgorithm {
std::vector<std::string> run(
base::span<const std::string> available_values,
base::Optional<std::string> request_header_value) override {
// Step 1. Let preferred-available be an empty list. [spec text]
std::vector<std::string> preferred_available;
// Step 2. Let preferred-types be a list of the types in the request-value
// (or the empty list if request-value is null), ordered by their weight,
// highest to lowest, as per Section 5.3.2 of [RFC7231] (omitting any coding
// with a weight of 0). If a type lacks an explicit weight, an
// implementation MAY assign one.
std::vector<WeightedValue> preferred_types =
// Step 3. For each preferred-type in preferred-types: [spec text]
for (const WeightedValue& preferred_type : preferred_types) {
// 3.1. If any member of available-values matches preferred-type, using
// the media-range matching mechanism specified in Section 5.3.2 of
// [RFC7231] (which is case-insensitive), append those members of
// available-values to preferred-available (preserving the precedence
// order implied by the media ranges' specificity).
for (const std::string& available : available_values) {
if (net::MatchesMimeType(preferred_type.value, available))
// Step 4. If preferred-available is empty, append the first member of
// available-values to preferred-available. This makes the first
// available-value the default when none of the client's preferences are
// available. [spec text]
if (preferred_available.empty() && !available_values.empty())
// Step 5. Return preferred-available. [spec text]
return preferred_available;
class AcceptEncodingNegotiation final : public ContentNegotiationAlgorithm {
std::vector<std::string> run(
base::span<const std::string> available_values,
base::Optional<std::string> request_header_value) override {
// Step 1. Let preferred-available be an empty list. [spec text]
std::vector<std::string> preferred_available;
// Step 2. Let preferred-codings be a list of the codings in the
// request-value (or the empty list if request-value is null), ordered by
// their weight, highest to lowest, as per Section 5.3.1 of [RFC7231]
// (omitting any coding with a weight of 0). If a coding lacks an explicit
// weight, an implementation MAY assign one. [spec text]
std::vector<WeightedValue> preferred_codings =
// Step 3. If "identity" is not a member of preferred-codings, append
// "identity". [spec text]
if (!std::any_of(
preferred_codings.begin(), preferred_codings.end(),
[](const WeightedValue& p) { return p.value == kIdentity; })) {
preferred_codings.push_back({kIdentity, 0.0});
// Step 4. Append "identity" to available-values. [spec text]
// Instead, we explicitly check "identity" in Step 5.1 below.
// Step 5. For each preferred-coding in preferred-codings: [spec text]
for (const WeightedValue& preferred_coding : preferred_codings) {
// Step 5.1. If there is a case-insensitive, character-for-character match
// for preferred-coding in available-values, append that member of
// available-values to preferred-available. [spec text]
if (preferred_coding.value == kIdentity) {
for (const std::string& available : available_values) {
if (base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(preferred_coding.value,
available)) {
// Step 6. Return preferred-available. [spec text]
return preferred_available;
class AcceptLanguageNegotiation final : public ContentNegotiationAlgorithm {
std::vector<std::string> run(
base::span<const std::string> available_values,
base::Optional<std::string> request_header_value) override {
// Step 1. Let preferred-available be an empty list. [spec text]
std::vector<std::string> preferred_available;
// Step 2. Let preferred-langs be a list of the language-ranges in the
// request-value (or the empty list if request-value is null), ordered by
// their weight, highest to lowest, as per Section 5.3.1 of [RFC7231]
// (omitting any language-range with a weight of 0). If a language-range
// lacks a weight, an implementation MAY assign one. [spec text]
std::vector<WeightedValue> preferred_langs =
// Step 3. For each preferred-lang in preferred-langs: [spec text]
for (const WeightedValue& preferred_lang : preferred_langs) {
// Step 3.1. If any member of available-values matches preferred-lang,
// using either the Basic or Extended Filtering scheme defined in
// Section 3.3 of [RFC4647], append those members of available-values to
// preferred-available (preserving their order). [spec text]
AppendMatchedLanguages(available_values, preferred_lang.value,
// Step 4. If preferred-available is empty, append the first member of
// available-values to preferred-available. This makes the first
// available-value the default when none of the client's preferences are
// available. [spec text]
if (preferred_available.empty() && !available_values.empty())
// Step 5. Return preferred-available. [spec text]
return preferred_available;
// Performs the Basic Filtering (Section 3.3.1 of [RFC4647]).
void AppendMatchedLanguages(base::span<const std::string> available_values,
const std::string& preferred_lang,
std::vector<std::string>* output) {
if (preferred_lang == "*") {
std::copy(available_values.begin(), available_values.end(),
const std::string prefix = preferred_lang + '-';
for (const std::string& available : available_values) {
if (base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(preferred_lang, available) ||
base::StartsWith(available, prefix,
base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) {
std::unique_ptr<ContentNegotiationAlgorithm> GetContentNegotiationAlgorithm(
const std::string& field_name) {
if (field_name == "accept")
return std::make_unique<ContentTypeNegotiation>();
if (field_name == "accept-encoding")
return std::make_unique<AcceptEncodingNegotiation>();
if (field_name == "accept-language")
return std::make_unique<AcceptLanguageNegotiation>();
return nullptr;
base::Optional<http_structured_header::ListOfLists> ParseVariantKey(
const base::StringPiece& str,
size_t num_variant_axes) {
base::Optional<http_structured_header::ListOfLists> parsed =
if (!parsed)
return parsed;
// Each inner-list MUST have the same number of list-members as there are
// variant-axes in the representation's Variants header field. If not, the
// client MUST treat the representation as having no Variant-Key header field.
// [spec text]
for (const auto& inner_list : *parsed) {
if (inner_list.size() != num_variant_axes)
return base::nullopt;
return parsed;
} // namespace
// Implements "Cache Behaviour" [1] when "stored-responses" is a singleton list
// containing a response that has "Variants" header whose value is |variants|.
// [1]
const http_structured_header::ListOfLists& variants,
const SignedExchangeRequestMatcher::HeaderMap& request_headers) {
// Step 1. If stored-responses is empty, return an empty list. [spec text]
// The size of stored-responses is always 1.
// Step 2. Order stored-responses by the "Date" header field, most recent to
// least recent. [spec text]
// This is no-op because stored-responses is a single-element list.
// Step 3. Let sorted-variants be an empty list. [spec text]
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> sorted_variants;
// Step 4. If the freshest member of stored-responses (as per [RFC7234],
// Section 4.2) has one or more "Variants" header field(s) that successfully
// parse according to Section 2: [spec text]
// Step 4.1. Select one member of stored-responses with a "Variants" header
// field-value(s) that successfully parses according to Section 2 and let
// variants-header be this parsed value. This SHOULD be the most recent
// response, but MAY be from an older one as long as it is still fresh.
// [spec text]
// |variants| is the parsed "Variants" header field value.
// Step 4.2. For each variant-axis in variants-header: [spec text]
for (const std::vector<std::string>& variant_axis : variants) {
// Step 4.2.1. If variant-axis' field-name corresponds to the request header
// field identified by a content negotiation mechanism that the
// implementation supports: [spec text]
std::string field_name = base::ToLowerASCII(variant_axis[0]);
std::unique_ptr<ContentNegotiationAlgorithm> negotiation_algorithm =
if (negotiation_algorithm) {
// Step Let request-value be the field-value associated with
// field-name in incoming-request (after being combined as allowed by
// Section 3.2.2 of [RFC7230]), or null if field-name is not in
// incoming-request. [spec text]
base::Optional<std::string> request_value;
auto found = request_headers.find(field_name);
if (found != request_headers.end())
request_value = found->second;
// Step Let sorted-values be the result of running the algorithm
// defined by the content negotiation mechanism with request-value and
// variant-axis' available-values. [spec text]
std::vector<std::string> sorted_values = negotiation_algorithm->run(
base::make_span(variant_axis).subspan(1), request_value);
// Step Append sorted-values to sorted-variants. [spec text]
// At this point, sorted-variants will be a list of lists, each member of the
// top-level list corresponding to a variant-axis in the Variants header
// field-value, containing zero or more items indicating available-values
// that are acceptable to the client, in order of preference, greatest to
// least. [spec text]
// Step 5. Return result of running Compute Possible Keys (Section 4.1) on
// sorted-variants, an empty list and an empty list. [spec text]
// Instead of computing the cross product of sorted_variants, this
// implementation just returns sorted_variants.
return sorted_variants;
// Implements step 3- of
bool SignedExchangeRequestMatcher::MatchRequest(
const SignedExchangeRequestMatcher::HeaderMap& request_headers,
const SignedExchangeRequestMatcher::HeaderMap& response_headers) {
auto variants_found = response_headers.find(kVariantsHeader);
auto variant_key_found = response_headers.find(kVariantKeyHeader);
// Step 3. If storedExchange's response's header list contains:
// - Neither a `Variants` nor a `Variant-Key` header
// Return "match". [spec text]
if (variants_found == response_headers.end() &&
variant_key_found == response_headers.end()) {
return true;
// - A `Variant-Key` header but no `Variants` header
// Return "mismatch". [spec text]
if (variants_found == response_headers.end())
return false;
// - A `Variants` header but no `Variant-Key` header
// Return "mismatch". [spec text]
if (variant_key_found == response_headers.end())
return false;
// - Both a `Variants` and a `Variant-Key` header
// Proceed to the following steps. [spec text]
// Step 4. If getting `Variants` from storedExchange's response's header list
// returns a value that fails to parse according to the instructions for the
// Variants Header Field, return "mismatch". [spec text]
auto parsed_variants =
if (!parsed_variants)
return false;
// Step 5. Let acceptableVariantKeys be the result of running the Variants
// Cache Behavior on an incoming-request of browserRequest and
// stored-responses of a list containing storedExchange's response.
// [spec text]
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> sorted_variants =
CacheBehavior(*parsed_variants, request_headers);
// This happens when `Variant` has unknown field names. In such cases,
// this algorithm never returns "match", so we do an early return.
if (sorted_variants.size() != parsed_variants->size())
return false;
// Step 6. Let variantKeys be the result of getting `Variant-Key` from
// storedExchange's response's header list, and parsing it into a list of
// lists as described in Variant-Key Header Field. [spec text]
auto parsed_variant_key =
ParseVariantKey(variant_key_found->second, parsed_variants->size());
// Step 7. If parsing variantKeys failed, return "mismatch". [spec text]
if (!parsed_variant_key)
return false;
// Step 8. If the intersection of acceptableVariantKeys and variantKeys is
// empty, return "mismatch". [spec text]
// Step 9. Return "match". [spec text]
// AcceptableVariantKeys is the cross product of sorted_variants. Instead of
// computing AcceptableVariantKeys and taking the intersection of it and
// variantKeys, we check its equivalent, i.e.: Return "match" if there is a vk
// in variantKeys such that for all i, vk[i] is in sorted_variants[i].
for (const std::vector<std::string>& vk : *parsed_variant_key) {
DCHECK_EQ(vk.size(), sorted_variants.size());
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < sorted_variants.size(); ++i) {
auto found = std::find(sorted_variants[i].begin(),
sorted_variants[i].end(), vk[i]);
if (found == sorted_variants[i].end())
if (i == sorted_variants.size())
return true;
// Otherwise return "mismatch".
return false;
} // namespace content