blob: 26f65635a7f3ec72337affedd9d510e2c41ad5c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/unique_ptr_adapters.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_request_id.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/declarative/rules_registry.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/declarative_webrequest/request_stage.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/web_request/web_request_api_helpers.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/web_request/web_request_permissions.h"
#include "extensions/browser/browser_context_keyed_api_factory.h"
#include "extensions/browser/event_router.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_function.h"
#include "extensions/common/url_pattern_set.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
#include "net/base/auth.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/network_delegate.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/websocket.mojom.h"
class ExtensionWebRequestTimeTracker;
class GURL;
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class RenderFrameHost;
namespace net {
class AuthChallengeInfo;
class AuthCredentials;
class HttpRequestHeaders;
class HttpResponseHeaders;
namespace extensions {
enum class WebRequestResourceType : uint8_t;
class InfoMap;
class WebRequestEventDetails;
struct WebRequestInfo;
class WebRequestRulesRegistry;
// Support class for the WebRequest API. Lives on the UI thread. Most of the
// work is done by ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter below. This class observes
// extensions::EventRouter to deal with event listeners. There is one instance
// per BrowserContext which is shared with incognito.
class WebRequestAPI : public BrowserContextKeyedAPI,
public EventRouter::Observer,
public ExtensionRegistryObserver {
// A callback used to asynchronously respond to an intercepted authentication
// request when the Network Service is enabled. If |should_cancel| is true
// the request will be cancelled. Otherwise any supplied |credentials| will be
// used. If no credentials are supplied, default browser behavior will follow
// (e.g. UI prompt for login).
using AuthRequestCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
const base::Optional<net::AuthCredentials>& credentials,
bool should_cancel)>;
// An interface which is held by ProxySet defined below.
class Proxy {
virtual ~Proxy() {}
// Asks the Proxy to handle an auth request on behalf of one of its known
// in-progress network requests. If the request will *not* be handled by
// the proxy, |callback| should be invoked with |base::nullopt|.
virtual void HandleAuthRequest(
net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info,
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers,
int32_t request_id,
AuthRequestCallback callback);
// A ProxySet is a set of proxies used by WebRequestAPI: It holds Proxy
// instances, and removes all proxies when the ResourceContext it is bound to
// is destroyed.
class ProxySet : public base::SupportsUserData::Data {
~ProxySet() override;
// Gets or creates a ProxySet from the given ResourceContext.
static ProxySet* GetFromResourceContext(
content::ResourceContext* resource_context);
// Add a Proxy.
void AddProxy(std::unique_ptr<Proxy> proxy);
// Remove a Proxy. The removed proxy is deleted upon this call.
void RemoveProxy(Proxy* proxy);
// Associates |proxy| with |id|. |proxy| must already be registered within
// this ProxySet.
// Each Proxy may be responsible for multiple requests, but any given
// request identified by |id| must be associated with only a single proxy.
void AssociateProxyWithRequestId(Proxy* proxy,
const content::GlobalRequestID& id);
// Disassociates |proxy| with |id|. |proxy| must already be registered
// within this ProxySet.
void DisassociateProxyWithRequestId(Proxy* proxy,
const content::GlobalRequestID& id);
Proxy* GetProxyFromRequestId(const content::GlobalRequestID& id);
void MaybeProxyAuthRequest(
net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info,
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers,
const content::GlobalRequestID& request_id,
AuthRequestCallback callback);
// Although these members are initialized on the UI thread, we expect at
// least one memory barrier before actually calling Generate in the IO
// thread, so we don't protect them with a lock.
std::set<std::unique_ptr<Proxy>, base::UniquePtrComparator> proxies_;
// Bi-directional mapping between request ID and Proxy for faster lookup.
std::map<content::GlobalRequestID, Proxy*> request_id_to_proxy_map_;
std::map<Proxy*, std::set<content::GlobalRequestID>>
class RequestIDGenerator
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<RequestIDGenerator> {
RequestIDGenerator() = default;
int64_t Generate() {
return ++id_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<RequestIDGenerator>;
~RequestIDGenerator() {}
// Although this initialization can be done in a thread other than the IO
// thread, we expect at least one memory barrier before actually calling
// Generate in the IO thread, so we don't protect the variable with a lock.
int64_t id_ = 0;
explicit WebRequestAPI(content::BrowserContext* context);
~WebRequestAPI() override;
// BrowserContextKeyedAPI support:
static BrowserContextKeyedAPIFactory<WebRequestAPI>* GetFactoryInstance();
void Shutdown() override;
// EventRouter::Observer overrides:
void OnListenerRemoved(const EventListenerInfo& details) override;
// If any WebRequest event listeners are currently active for this
// BrowserContext, |*factory_request| is swapped out for a new request which
// proxies through an internal URLLoaderFactory. This supports lifetime
// observation and control on behalf of the WebRequest API.
// |frame| and |render_process_id| are the frame and render process id in
// which the URLLoaderFactory will be used. |frame| can be nullptr for
// factories proxied for service worker.
// Returns |true| if the URLLoaderFactory will be proxied; |false| otherwise.
// Only used when the Network Service is enabled.
bool MaybeProxyURLLoaderFactory(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
int render_process_id,
bool is_navigation,
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryRequest* factory_request,
network::mojom::TrustedURLLoaderHeaderClientPtrInfo* header_client);
// Any request which requires authentication to complete will be bounced
// through this method iff Network Service is enabled.
// If this returns |true|, |callback| will eventually be invoked on the UI
// thread.
bool MaybeProxyAuthRequest(
net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info,
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers,
const content::GlobalRequestID& request_id,
bool is_main_frame,
AuthRequestCallback callback);
// If any WebRequest event listeners are currently active for this
// BrowserContext, |*request| is swapped out for a new request which proxies
// through an internal WebSocket implementation. This supports lifetime
// observation and control on behalf of the WebRequest API.
// Only used when the Network Service is enabled.
void MaybeProxyWebSocket(
content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
network::mojom::WebSocketRequest* request,
network::mojom::AuthenticationHandlerPtr* auth_handler);
void ForceProxyForTesting();
friend class BrowserContextKeyedAPIFactory<WebRequestAPI>;
// BrowserContextKeyedAPI support:
static const char* service_name() { return "WebRequestAPI"; }
static const bool kServiceRedirectedInIncognito = true;
static const bool kServiceIsNULLWhileTesting = true;
// Indicates whether or not the WebRequestAPI may have one or more proxies
// installed to support the API with Network Service enabled.
bool MayHaveProxies() const;
// Checks if |MayHaveProxies()| has changed from false to true, and resets
// URLLoaderFactories if so.
void UpdateMayHaveProxies();
// ExtensionRegistryObserver implementation.
void OnExtensionLoaded(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const Extension* extension) override;
void OnExtensionUnloaded(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const Extension* extension,
UnloadedExtensionReason reason) override;
// A count of active extensions for this BrowserContext that use web request
// permissions.
int web_request_extension_count_ = 0;
content::BrowserContext* const browser_context_;
InfoMap* const info_map_;
scoped_refptr<RequestIDGenerator> request_id_generator_;
// Stores the last result of |MayHaveProxies()|, so it can be used in
// |UpdateMayHaveProxies()|.
bool may_have_proxies_;
// This class observes network events and routes them to the appropriate
// extensions listening to those events. All methods must be called on the IO
// thread unless otherwise specified.
class ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter {
struct BlockedRequest;
// The events denoting the lifecycle of a given network request.
enum EventTypes {
kInvalidEvent = 0,
kOnBeforeRequest = 1 << 0,
kOnBeforeSendHeaders = 1 << 1,
kOnSendHeaders = 1 << 2,
kOnHeadersReceived = 1 << 3,
kOnBeforeRedirect = 1 << 4,
kOnAuthRequired = 1 << 5,
kOnResponseStarted = 1 << 6,
kOnErrorOccurred = 1 << 7,
kOnCompleted = 1 << 8,
// Internal representation of the webRequest.RequestFilter type, used to
// filter what network events an extension cares about.
struct RequestFilter {
// TODO(devlin): Make these a move constructor/operator.
RequestFilter(const RequestFilter& other);
RequestFilter& operator=(const RequestFilter& other);
// Returns false if there was an error initializing. If it is a user error,
// an error message is provided, otherwise the error is internal (and
// unexpected).
bool InitFromValue(const base::DictionaryValue& value, std::string* error);
extensions::URLPatternSet urls;
std::vector<WebRequestResourceType> types;
int tab_id;
int window_id;
// Contains an extension's response to a blocking event.
struct EventResponse {
EventResponse(const std::string& extension_id,
const base::Time& extension_install_time);
// ID of the extension that sent this response.
std::string extension_id;
// The time that the extension was installed. Used for deciding order of
// precedence in case multiple extensions respond with conflicting
// decisions.
base::Time extension_install_time;
// Response values. These are mutually exclusive.
bool cancel;
GURL new_url;
std::unique_ptr<net::HttpRequestHeaders> request_headers;
base::Optional<net::AuthCredentials> auth_credentials;
static ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter* GetInstance();
// Registers a rule registry. Pass null for |rules_registry| to unregister
// the rule registry for |browser_context|.
void RegisterRulesRegistry(
void* browser_context,
int rules_registry_id,
scoped_refptr<extensions::WebRequestRulesRegistry> rules_registry);
// Dispatches the OnBeforeRequest event to any extensions whose filters match
// the given request. Returns net::ERR_IO_PENDING if an extension is
// intercepting the request and OK if the request should proceed normally.
// net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT is returned if the request should be blocked. In
// this case, |should_collapse_initiator| might be set to true indicating
// whether the DOM element which initiated the request should be blocked.
int OnBeforeRequest(void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
WebRequestInfo* request,
net::CompletionOnceCallback callback,
GURL* new_url,
bool* should_collapse_initiator);
// Dispatches the onBeforeSendHeaders event. This is fired for HTTP(s)
// requests only, and allows modification of the outgoing request headers.
// Returns net::ERR_IO_PENDING if an extension is intercepting the request, OK
// otherwise.
int OnBeforeSendHeaders(void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
net::CompletionOnceCallback callback,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* headers);
// Dispatches the onSendHeaders event. This is fired for HTTP(s) requests
// only.
void OnSendHeaders(void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
const net::HttpRequestHeaders& headers);
// Dispatches the onHeadersReceived event. This is fired for HTTP(s)
// requests only, and allows modification of incoming response headers.
// Returns net::ERR_IO_PENDING if an extension is intercepting the request,
// OK otherwise. |original_response_headers| is reference counted. |callback|
// |override_response_headers| and |allowed_unsafe_redirect_url| are not owned
// but are guaranteed to be valid until |callback| is called or
// OnRequestWillBeDestroyed is called (whatever comes first).
// Do not modify |original_response_headers| directly but write new ones
// into |override_response_headers|.
int OnHeadersReceived(
void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
net::CompletionOnceCallback callback,
const net::HttpResponseHeaders* original_response_headers,
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders>* override_response_headers,
GURL* allowed_unsafe_redirect_url);
// Dispatches the OnAuthRequired event to any extensions whose filters match
// the given request. If the listener is not registered as "blocking", then
// AUTH_REQUIRED_RESPONSE_OK is returned. Otherwise,
// AUTH_REQUIRED_RESPONSE_IO_PENDING is returned and |callback| will be
// invoked later.
net::NetworkDelegate::AuthRequiredResponse OnAuthRequired(
void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
const net::AuthChallengeInfo& auth_info,
net::NetworkDelegate::AuthCallback callback,
net::AuthCredentials* credentials);
// Dispatches the onBeforeRedirect event. This is fired for HTTP(s) requests
// only.
void OnBeforeRedirect(void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
const GURL& new_location);
// Dispatches the onResponseStarted event indicating that the first bytes of
// the response have arrived.
void OnResponseStarted(void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
int net_error);
// Dispatches the onComplete event.
void OnCompleted(void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
int net_error);
// Dispatches an onErrorOccurred event.
void OnErrorOccurred(void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
bool started,
int net_error);
// Notificaties when |request| is no longer being processed, regardless of
// whether it has gone to completion or merely been cancelled. This is
// guaranteed to be called eventually for any request observed by this object,
// and |*request| will be immintently destroyed after this returns.
void OnRequestWillBeDestroyed(void* browser_context,
const WebRequestInfo* request);
// Called when an event listener handles a blocking event and responds.
void OnEventHandled(void* browser_context,
const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& event_name,
const std::string& sub_event_name,
uint64_t request_id,
EventResponse* response);
// Adds a listener to the given event. |event_name| specifies the event being
// listened to. |sub_event_name| is an internal event uniquely generated in
// the extension process to correspond to the given filter and
// extra_info_spec. It returns true on success, false on failure.
bool AddEventListener(void* browser_context,
const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& extension_name,
events::HistogramValue histogram_value,
const std::string& event_name,
const std::string& sub_event_name,
const RequestFilter& filter,
int extra_info_spec,
int embedder_process_id,
int web_view_instance_id,
base::WeakPtr<IPC::Sender> ipc_sender);
// Removes the listeners for a given <webview>.
void RemoveWebViewEventListeners(
void* browser_context,
int embedder_process_id,
int web_view_instance_id);
// Called when an incognito browser_context is created or destroyed.
void OnOTRBrowserContextCreated(void* original_browser_context,
void* otr_browser_context);
void OnOTRBrowserContextDestroyed(void* original_browser_context,
void* otr_browser_context);
// Registers a |callback| that is executed when the next page load happens.
// The callback is then deleted.
void AddCallbackForPageLoad(const base::Closure& callback);
// Whether there is a listener matching the request that has
// ExtraInfoSpec::EXTRA_HEADERS set.
bool HasExtraHeadersListener(void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const WebRequestInfo* request);
friend class WebRequestAPI;
friend class base::NoDestructor<ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter>;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionWebRequestTest, AccessRequestBodyData);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionWebRequestTest, NoAccessRequestBodyData);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionWebRequestTest, AddAndRemoveListeners);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionWebRequestTest, BlockedRequestsAreRemoved);
struct EventListener {
// An EventListener is uniquely defined by five properties.
// TODO(rdevlin.cronin): There are two types of EventListeners - those
// associated with WebViews and those that are not. The ones associated with
// WebViews are always identified by all five properties. The other ones
// will always have web_view_instance_id = 0. Unfortunately, the
// callbacks/interfaces for these ones don't specify embedder_process_id.
// This is why we need the LooselyMatches method, and the need for a
// |strict| argument on RemoveEventListener.
struct ID {
ID(void* browser_context,
const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& sub_event_name,
int embedder_process_id,
int web_view_instance_id);
// If web_view_instance_id is 0, then ignore embedder_process_id.
// TODO(rdevlin.cronin): In a more sane world, LooselyMatches wouldn't be
// necessary.
bool LooselyMatches(const ID& that) const;
bool operator==(const ID& that) const;
void* browser_context;
std::string extension_id;
std::string sub_event_name;
int embedder_process_id;
int web_view_instance_id;
EventListener(ID id);
const ID id;
std::string extension_name;
events::HistogramValue histogram_value = events::UNKNOWN;
RequestFilter filter;
int extra_info_spec = 0;
base::WeakPtr<IPC::Sender> ipc_sender;
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> blocked_requests;
using RawListeners = std::vector<EventListener*>;
using ListenerIDs = std::vector<EventListener::ID>;
using Listeners = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<EventListener>>;
using ListenerMapForBrowserContext = std::map<std::string, Listeners>;
using ListenerMap = std::map<void*, ListenerMapForBrowserContext>;
using BlockedRequestMap = std::map<uint64_t, BlockedRequest>;
// Map of request_id -> bit vector of EventTypes already signaled
using SignaledRequestMap = std::map<uint64_t, int>;
// For each browser_context: a bool indicating whether it is an incognito
// browser_context, and a pointer to the corresponding (non-)incognito
// browser_context.
using CrossBrowserContextMap = std::map<void*, std::pair<bool, void*>>;
using CallbacksForPageLoad = std::list<base::Closure>;
// This instance is leaked.
~ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter() = delete;
// Returns the EventListener with the given |id|, or nullptr. Must be called
// from the IO thread.
EventListener* FindEventListener(const EventListener::ID& id);
// Returns the EventListener with the given |id| from |listeners|.
EventListener* FindEventListenerInContainer(const EventListener::ID& id,
Listeners& listeners);
// Removes the listener for the given sub-event. Must be called from the IO
// thread.
void RemoveEventListener(const EventListener::ID& id, bool strict);
// Ensures that future callbacks for |request| are ignored so that it can be
// destroyed safely.
void ClearPendingCallbacks(const WebRequestInfo& request);
bool DispatchEvent(void* browser_context,
const InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
const RawListeners& listener_ids,
std::unique_ptr<WebRequestEventDetails> event_details);
void OnFrameDataReceived(
void* browser_context,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
std::unique_ptr<WebRequestEventDetails> event_details,
const InfoMap* extension_info_map,
std::unique_ptr<ListenerIDs> listener_ids,
const ExtensionApiFrameIdMap::FrameData& frame_data);
void DispatchEventToListeners(
void* browser_context,
const InfoMap* extension_info_map,
std::unique_ptr<ListenerIDs> listener_ids,
std::unique_ptr<WebRequestEventDetails> event_details);
// Returns a list of event listeners that care about the given event, based
// on their filter parameters. |extra_info_spec| will contain the combined
// set of extra_info_spec flags that every matching listener asked for.
RawListeners GetMatchingListeners(
void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const std::string& event_name,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
int* extra_info_spec);
// Helper for the above functions. This is called twice: once for the
// browser_context of the event, the next time for the "cross" browser_context
// (i.e. the incognito browser_context if the event is originally for the
// normal browser_context, or vice versa).
void GetMatchingListenersImpl(void* browser_context,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
bool crosses_incognito,
const std::string& event_name,
bool is_request_from_extension,
int* extra_info_spec,
RawListeners* matching_listeners);
// Decrements the count of event handlers blocking the given request. When the
// count reaches 0, we stop blocking the request and proceed it using the
// method requested by the extension with the highest precedence. Precedence
// is decided by extension install time. If |response| is non-NULL, this
// method assumes ownership.
void DecrementBlockCount(void* browser_context,
const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& event_name,
uint64_t request_id,
EventResponse* response,
int extra_info_spec);
// Processes the generated deltas from blocked_requests_ on the specified
// request. If |call_back| is true, the callback registered in
// |blocked_requests_| is called.
// The function returns the error code for the network request. This is
// mostly relevant in case the caller passes |call_callback| = false
// and wants to return the correct network error code himself.
int ExecuteDeltas(void* browser_context,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
bool call_callback);
// Evaluates the rules of the declarative webrequest API and stores
// modifications to the request that result from WebRequestActions as
// deltas in |blocked_requests_|. |original_response_headers| should only be
// set for the OnHeadersReceived stage and NULL otherwise. Returns whether any
// deltas were generated.
bool ProcessDeclarativeRules(
void* browser_context,
const extensions::InfoMap* extension_info_map,
const std::string& event_name,
const WebRequestInfo* request,
extensions::RequestStage request_stage,
const net::HttpResponseHeaders* original_response_headers);
// If the BlockedRequest contains messages_to_extension entries in the event
// deltas, we send them to subscribers of
// chrome.declarativeWebRequest.onMessage.
void SendMessages(void* browser_context,
const BlockedRequest& blocked_request);
// Called when the RulesRegistry is ready to unblock a request that was
// waiting for said event.
void OnRulesRegistryReady(void* browser_context,
const std::string& event_name,
uint64_t request_id,
extensions::RequestStage request_stage);
// Sets the flag that |event_type| has been signaled for |request_id|.
// Returns the value of the flag before setting it.
bool GetAndSetSignaled(uint64_t request_id, EventTypes event_type);
// Clears the flag that |event_type| has been signaled for |request_id|.
void ClearSignaled(uint64_t request_id, EventTypes event_type);
// Returns whether |request| represents a top level window navigation.
bool IsPageLoad(const WebRequestInfo& request) const;
// Called on a page load to process all registered callbacks.
void NotifyPageLoad();
// Returns the matching cross browser_context (the regular browser_context if
// |browser_context| is OTR and vice versa).
void* GetCrossBrowserContext(void* browser_context) const;
// Determines whether the specified browser_context is an incognito
// browser_context (based on the contents of the cross-browser_context table
// and without dereferencing the browser_context pointer).
bool IsIncognitoBrowserContext(void* browser_context) const;
// Returns true if |request| was already signaled to some event handlers.
bool WasSignaled(const WebRequestInfo& request) const;
// Get the number of listeners - for testing only.
size_t GetListenerCountForTesting(void* browser_context,
const std::string& event_name);
// A map for each browser_context that maps an event name to a set of
// extensions that are listening to that event.
ListenerMap listeners_;
// A map of network requests that are waiting for at least one event handler
// to respond.
BlockedRequestMap blocked_requests_;
// A map of request ids to a bitvector indicating which events have been
// signaled and should not be sent again.
SignaledRequestMap signaled_requests_;
// A map of original browser_context -> corresponding incognito
// browser_context (and vice versa).
CrossBrowserContextMap cross_browser_context_map_;
// Keeps track of time spent waiting on extensions using the blocking
// webRequest API.
std::unique_ptr<ExtensionWebRequestTimeTracker> request_time_tracker_;
// The set of requests for which we are querying the frame data over the UI
// thread.
std::set<const WebRequestInfo*> pending_requests_for_frame_data_;
CallbacksForPageLoad callbacks_for_page_load_;
typedef std::pair<void*, int> RulesRegistryKey;
// Maps each browser_context (and OTRBrowserContext) and a webview key to its
// respective rules registry.
scoped_refptr<extensions::WebRequestRulesRegistry> > rules_registries_;
class WebRequestInternalFunction : public IOThreadExtensionFunction {
WebRequestInternalFunction() {}
~WebRequestInternalFunction() override {}
const std::string& extension_id_safe() const {
return extension() ? extension_id() : base::EmptyString();
class WebRequestInternalAddEventListenerFunction
: public WebRequestInternalFunction {
~WebRequestInternalAddEventListenerFunction() override {}
// ExtensionFunction:
ResponseAction Run() override;
class WebRequestInternalEventHandledFunction
: public WebRequestInternalFunction {
~WebRequestInternalEventHandledFunction() override {}
// Unblocks the network request. Use this function when handling incorrect
// requests from the extension that cannot be detected by the schema
// validator.
void OnError(
const std::string& event_name,
const std::string& sub_event_name,
uint64_t request_id,
std::unique_ptr<ExtensionWebRequestEventRouter::EventResponse> response);
// ExtensionFunction:
ResponseAction Run() override;
class WebRequestHandlerBehaviorChangedFunction
: public WebRequestInternalFunction {
~WebRequestHandlerBehaviorChangedFunction() override {}
// ExtensionFunction:
void GetQuotaLimitHeuristics(
extensions::QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics) const override;
// Handle quota exceeded gracefully: Only warn the user but still execute the
// function.
void OnQuotaExceeded(const std::string& error) override;
ResponseAction Run() override;
} // namespace extensions