blob: 30769149fc1f632d50051993fa360acc903a27ea [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import unittest
from blinkpy.common.host_mock import MockHost
from blinkpy.web_tests.models.test_expectations import TestExpectations
from blinkpy.web_tests.port.factory_mock import MockPortFactory
from blinkpy.w3c.wpt_metadata_builder import WPTMetadataBuilder
def _make_expectation(port, test_name, test_statuses):
"""Creates an expectation object for a single test.
port: the port to run against
test_name: the name of the test
test_status: the statuses of the test
An expectation object with the given test and statuses.
expectation_dict = OrderedDict()
expectation_dict["expectations"] = "Bug(test) %s [ %s ]" % (test_name, test_statuses)
return TestExpectations(port, tests=[test_name], expectations_dict=expectation_dict)
class WPTMetadataBuilderTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.num = 2 = MockHost() = MockPortFactory(
self.port =
def test_skipped_test(self):
"""A skipped WPT test should get a test-specific metadata file."""
test_name = "external/wpt/test.html"
expectations = _make_expectation(self.port, test_name, "SKIP")
metadata_builder = WPTMetadataBuilder(expectations)
filename, contents = metadata_builder.get_metadata_filename_and_contents(test_name)
self.assertEqual("test.html.ini", filename)
self.assertEqual("[test.html]\n disabled:", contents)
def test_skipped_directory(self):
"""A skipped WPT directory should get a dir-wide metadata file."""
test_name = "external/wpt/test_dir/"
expectations = _make_expectation(self.port, test_name, "SKIP")
metadata_builder = WPTMetadataBuilder(expectations)
filename, contents = metadata_builder.get_metadata_filename_and_contents(test_name)
self.assertEqual(os.path.join("test_dir", "__dir__.ini"), filename)
self.assertEqual("disabled:", contents)
def test_non_wpt_test(self):
"""A non-WPT test should not get any metadata."""
test_name = "some/other/test.html"
expectations = _make_expectation(self.port, test_name, "SKIP")
metadata_builder = WPTMetadataBuilder(expectations)
filename, contents = metadata_builder.get_metadata_filename_and_contents(test_name)
def test_wpt_test_not_skipped(self):
"""A WPT test that is not skipped should not get any metadata."""
test_name = "external/wpt/test.html"
expectations = _make_expectation(self.port, test_name, "TIMEOUT")
metadata_builder = WPTMetadataBuilder(expectations)
test_names = metadata_builder.get_test_names_for_metadata()