blob: 434773099ebdafc59b1a09e14a8268d02174a21c [file] [log] [blame]
<head><title>Privileged Apis test</title>
<script type='text/javascript' src='chrome_frame_tester_helpers.js'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var testName = 'PrivilegedApis';
function OnNavigationFailed(msg) {
onFailure(testName, 1, 'ChromeFrame Navigation failed: ' + msg);
function OnPrivateMessage() {
onFailure(testName, 1, 'OnPrivateMessage should not execute');
function OnChromeFrameMessage(evt) {
try {
var d = new String(;
appendStatus('Message: ' + d);
if (d == 'succeed') {
onSuccess(testName, 1);
} else {
onFailure(testName, 1, 'unexpected data');
} catch (e) {
onFailure(testName, 1, 'exception in OnChromeFrameMessage');
function tryPrivateMessage() {
var cf = GetChromeFrame();
try {
// Any message received by this listener is a failure.
// This succeeds in FF, but throws an exception in IE.
cf.addEventListener('onprivatemessage', OnPrivateMessage, false);
} catch(e) {
appendStatus('addEventListener onprivatemessage threw exception')
// If this invocation succeeds, then 'fail' is reflected by the frame
// and we fail in the OnChromeFrameMessage handler above.
try {
cf.postPrivateMessage('fail', String(document.location), '*');
onFailure(testName, 1, 'postPrivateMessage should throw');
} catch(e) {
appendStatus('After postPrivateMessage')
function OnChromeFrameLoaded(url) {
// The frame reflects this twice, first to a bogus target
// and again to the default target '*'. We succeed if we
// get the reflected message to OnChromeFrameMessage and not to
// OnPrivateMessage.
var cf = GetChromeFrame();
appendStatus('After cf.postMessage')
function GetChromeFrame() {
return window.document.ChromeFrame;
<div id='statusPanel' style='border: 1px solid red; width: 100%'>
Test running....
<span id='ChromeFrameSpan'></span>
<!-- TODO(siggi): Test setting onprivatemessage in these params -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
{ "src": "privileged_apis_frame.html",
"eventHandlers": {
"onload": "OnChromeFrameLoaded(arguments[0]);",
"onloaderror": "OnNavigationFailed();",
"onmessage": "return OnChromeFrameMessage(arguments[0]);"
"embedAttributes": { "privileged_mode": "1" }
<p>Tests that privileged apis are unavailable from regular pages</p>