blob: 22d2f6dc67a2f7bebcdf59fcbce37e6410738af4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/accelerated_widget_mac/surface_handle_types.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
// The type of the handle is stored in the upper 64 bits.
const uint64 kTypeMask = 0xFFFFFFFFull << 32;
const uint64 kTypeIOSurface = 0x01010101ull << 32;
const uint64 kTypeCAContext = 0x02020202ull << 32;
// To make it a bit less likely that we'll just cast off the top bits of the
// handle to get the ID, XOR lower bits with a type-specific mask.
const uint32 kXORMaskIOSurface = 0x01010101;
const uint32 kXORMaskCAContext = 0x02020202;
} // namespace
SurfaceHandleType GetSurfaceHandleType(uint64 surface_handle) {
switch(surface_handle & kTypeMask) {
case kTypeIOSurface:
return kSurfaceHandleTypeIOSurface;
case kTypeCAContext:
return kSurfaceHandleTypeCAContext;
return kSurfaceHandleTypeInvalid;
IOSurfaceID IOSurfaceIDFromSurfaceHandle(uint64 surface_handle) {
DCHECK_EQ(kSurfaceHandleTypeIOSurface, GetSurfaceHandleType(surface_handle));
return static_cast<uint32>(surface_handle) ^ kXORMaskIOSurface;
CAContextID CAContextIDFromSurfaceHandle(uint64 surface_handle) {
DCHECK_EQ(kSurfaceHandleTypeCAContext, GetSurfaceHandleType(surface_handle));
return static_cast<uint32>(surface_handle) ^ kXORMaskCAContext;
uint64 SurfaceHandleFromIOSurfaceID(IOSurfaceID io_surface_id) {
return kTypeIOSurface | (io_surface_id ^ kXORMaskIOSurface);
uint64 SurfaceHandleFromCAContextID(CAContextID ca_context_id) {
return kTypeCAContext | (ca_context_id ^ kXORMaskCAContext);
} // namespace ui