blob: 7e76fefd2ff106e587adf3deed4569010ad5db4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/ui_util.h"
// UI Util containing functions that require UIKit.
// Utility function to set the |element|'s accessibility label to the localized
// message corresponding to |idsAccessibilityLabel| and its accessibility
// identifier to |englishUiAutomationName|.
// Call SetA11yLabelAndUiAutomationName() if |element| is accessible and its
// a11y label should be localized.
// By convention |englishUiAutomationName| must be equal to the English
// localized string corresponding to |idsAccessibilityLabel|.
// |englishUiAutomationName| is the name used in JavaScript UI Automation test
// scripts to identify the |element|.
void SetA11yLabelAndUiAutomationName(UIView* element,
int idsAccessibilityLabel,
NSString* englishUiAutomationName);
// Sets the given |button|'s width to exactly fit its image and text. Does not
// modify the button's height.
void GetSizeButtonWidthToFit(UIButton* button);
// Translates the given |view|'s frame. Sets a new frame instead of applying a
// transform to the existing frame.
void TranslateFrame(UIView* view, UIOffset offset);
// Returns a UIFont. |fontFace| is one of the defined enumerated values
// to avoid spelling mistakes.
UIFont* GetUIFont(int fontFace, bool isBold, CGFloat fontSize);
// Adds a border shadow around |view|.
void AddBorderShadow(UIView* view, CGFloat offset, UIColor* color);
// Adds a rounded-rectangle border shadow around a view.
void AddRoundedBorderShadow(UIView* view, CGFloat radius, UIColor* color);
enum CaptureViewOption {
kNoCaptureOption, // Equivalent to calling CaptureView without options.
kAfterScreenUpdate, // Require a synchronization with CA process which can
// have side effects.
kClientSideRendering, // Triggers a client side compositing, very slow.
// Captures and returns an autoreleased rendering of the |view|.
// The |view| is assumed to be opaque and the returned image does
// not have an alpha channel. The scale parameter is used as a scale factor
// for the rendering context. Using 0.0 as scale will result in the device's
// main screen scale to be used.
// The CaptureViewWithOption function can be used with the |option|
// parameter set to kAfterScreenUpdate if some changes performed in the view
// and/or it's subtree that have not yet been part of a committed implicit
// transaction must be reflected in the snapshot.
// For example, it should be used if you just performed changes in the view or
// its subviews before calling that function and wants those changes to be
// reflected in the snapshot.
// Calling CaptureView without option gives the best performances. If you only
// need to hide subviews consider selectively rendering subviews in a bitmap
// context using drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates:NO.
// The kClientSideRendering option can be used to directly re-render the view
// client side instead of reusing the core animation layer's backing store, this
// is slow.
// On iOS < 9 this function is slow and always behave as if the option was set
// to kClientSideRendering.
UIImage* CaptureViewWithOption(UIView* view,
CGFloat scale,
CaptureViewOption option);
UIImage* CaptureView(UIView* view, CGFloat scale);
// Converts input image and returns a grey scaled version.
UIImage* GreyImage(UIImage* image);
// Returns the color that should be used for the background of all Settings
// pages.
UIColor* GetSettingsBackgroundColor();
// Returns the color used as the main color for primary action buttons.
UIColor* GetPrimaryActionButtonColor();
// Returns an UIColor with |rgb| and |alpha|. The caller should pass the RGB
// value in hexadecimal as this is the typical way they are provided by UX.
// For example a call to |UIColorFromRGB(0xFF7D40, 1.0)| returns an orange
// UIColor object.
inline UIColor* UIColorFromRGB(int rgb, CGFloat alpha = 1.0) {
return [UIColor colorWithRed:((CGFloat)((rgb & 0xFF0000) >> 16)) / 255.0
green:((CGFloat)((rgb & 0x00FF00) >> 8)) / 255.0
blue:((CGFloat)(rgb & 0x0000FF)) / 255.0
// Returns whether an image contains an alpha channel. If yes, displaying the
// image will require blending.
// Intended for use in debug.
BOOL ImageHasAlphaChannel(UIImage* image);
// Returns the image from the shared resource bundle with the image id
// |imageID|. If |reversable| is YES and RTL layout is in use, the image
// will be flipped for RTL.
UIImage* NativeReversableImage(int imageID, BOOL reversable);
// Convenience version of NativeReversableImage for images that are never
// reversable; equivalent to NativeReversableImage(imageID, NO).
UIImage* NativeImage(int imageID);
// Returns an image resized to |targetSize|. It first calculate the projection
// by calling CalculateProjection() and then create a new image of the desired
// size and project the correct subset of the original image onto it.
// The resulting image will have an alpha channel.
// Image interpolation level for resizing is set to kCGInterpolationDefault.
// The resize always preserves the scale of the original image.
UIImage* ResizeImage(UIImage* image,
CGSize targetSize,
ProjectionMode projectionMode);
// Returns an image resized to |targetSize|. It first calculate the projection
// by calling CalculateProjection() and then create a new image of the desired
// size and project the correct subset of the original image onto it.
// |opaque| determine whether resulting image should have an alpha channel.
// Prefer setting |opaque| to YES for better performances.
// Image interpolation level for resizing is set to kCGInterpolationDefault.
// The resize always preserves the scale of the original image.
UIImage* ResizeImage(UIImage* image,
CGSize targetSize,
ProjectionMode projectionMode,
BOOL opaque);
// Returns a slightly blurred image darkened enough to provide contrast for
// white text to be readable.
UIImage* DarkenImage(UIImage* image);
// Applies various effects to an image. This method can apply a blur over a
// |radius|, superimpose a |tintColor| (an alpha of 0.6 on the color is a good
// approximation to look like iOS tint colors) or saturate the image colors by
// applying a |saturationDeltaFactor| (negative to desaturate, positive to
// saturate). The optional |maskImage| is used to limit the effect of the blur
// and/or saturation to a portion of the image.
UIImage* BlurImage(UIImage* image,
CGFloat blurRadius,
UIColor* tintColor,
CGFloat saturationDeltaFactor,
UIImage* maskImage);
// Returns an output image where each pixel has RGB values equal to a color and
// the alpha value sampled from the given image. The RGB values of the image are
// ignored. If the color has alpha value of less than one, then the entire
// output image's alpha is scaled by the color's alpha value.
UIImage* TintImage(UIImage* image, UIColor* color);
// Returns a cropped image using |cropRect| on |image|.
UIImage* CropImage(UIImage* image, const CGRect& cropRect);
// Returns the interface orientation of the app.
UIInterfaceOrientation GetInterfaceOrientation();
// Returns the height of the keyboard in the current orientation.
CGFloat CurrentKeyboardHeight(NSValue* keyboardFrameValue);
// Create 1x1px image from |color|.
UIImage* ImageWithColor(UIColor* color);
// Returns a circular image of width |width| based on |image| scaled up or
// down. If the source image is not square, the image is first cropped.
UIImage* CircularImageFromImage(UIImage* image, CGFloat width);
// Returns the linear interpolated color from |firstColor| to |secondColor| by
// the given |fraction|. Requires that both colors are in RGB or monochrome
// color space. |fraction| is a decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0.
UIColor* InterpolateFromColorToColor(UIColor* firstColor,
UIColor* secondColor,
CGFloat fraction);
// General note on the following constraint utility functions:
// Directly adding constraints to views has been deprecated in favor of just
// activating constrainst since iOS8. All of these methods now use
// [NSLayoutConstraint activateConstraints:] for efficiency. The superview
// arguments are thus superfluous, but the methods that use them are retained
// here for backwards compatibility until all downstream code can be updated.
// Applies all |constraints| to views in |subviewsDictionary|.
void ApplyVisualConstraints(NSArray* constraints,
NSDictionary* subviewsDictionary);
// Deprecated version:
void ApplyVisualConstraints(NSArray* constraints,
NSDictionary* subviewsDictionary,
UIView* unused_parentView);
// Applies all |constraints| with |options| to views in |subviewsDictionary|.
void ApplyVisualConstraintsWithOptions(NSArray* constraints,
NSDictionary* subviewsDictionary,
NSLayoutFormatOptions options);
// Deprecated version:
void ApplyVisualConstraintsWithOptions(NSArray* constraints,
NSDictionary* subviewsDictionary,
NSLayoutFormatOptions options,
UIView* unused_parentView);
// Applies all |constraints| with |metrics| to views in |subviewsDictionary|.
void ApplyVisualConstraintsWithMetrics(NSArray* constraints,
NSDictionary* subviewsDictionary,
NSDictionary* metrics);
// Deprecated version:
void ApplyVisualConstraintsWithMetrics(NSArray* constraints,
NSDictionary* subviewsDictionary,
NSDictionary* metrics,
UIView* unused_parentView);
// Applies all |constraints| with |metrics| and |options| to views in
// |subviewsDictionary|.
void ApplyVisualConstraintsWithMetricsAndOptions(
NSArray* constraints,
NSDictionary* subviewsDictionary,
NSDictionary* metrics,
NSLayoutFormatOptions options);
// Deprecated version:
void ApplyVisualConstraintsWithMetricsAndOptions(
NSArray* constraints,
NSDictionary* subviewsDictionary,
NSDictionary* metrics,
NSLayoutFormatOptions options,
UIView* unused_parentView);
// Adds a constraint that |view1| and |view2| are center-aligned horizontally
// and vertically.
void AddSameCenterConstraints(UIView* view1, UIView* view2);
// Adds a constraint that |view1| and |view2| are center-aligned horizontally.
// |view1| and |view2| must be in the same view hierarchy.
void AddSameCenterXConstraint(UIView* view1, UIView* view2);
// Deprecated version:
void AddSameCenterXConstraint(UIView* unused_parentView,
UIView* subview1,
UIView* subview2);
// Adds a constraint that |view1| and |view2| are center-aligned vertically.
// |view1| and |view2| must be in the same view hierarchy.
void AddSameCenterYConstraint(UIView* view1, UIView* view2);
// Deprecated version:
void AddSameCenterYConstraint(UIView* unused_parentView,
UIView* subview1,
UIView* subview2);
// Adds constraints to make two views' sizes equal by pinning leading, trailing,
// top and bottom anchors.
void AddSameSizeConstraint(UIView* view1, UIView* view2);
// Whether the |environment| has a compact horizontal size class.
bool IsCompact(id<UITraitEnvironment> environment);
// Whether the main application window's rootViewController has a compact
// horizontal size class.
bool IsCompact();
// Whether the |environment| has a compact iPad horizontal size class.
bool IsCompactTablet(id<UITraitEnvironment> environment);
// Whether the main application window's rootViewController has a compact
// iPad horizontal size class.
bool IsCompactTablet();
// Returns the current first responder.
UIResponder* GetFirstResponder();
// On iOS10 and above, trigger a haptic vibration for various types of
// actions. This is a no-op for devices that do not support haptic feedback.
void TriggerHapticFeedbackForAction();
void TriggerHapticFeedbackForSelectionChange();
void TriggerHapticFeedbackForNotification(UINotificationFeedbackType type);