blob: 48ae41e6477f4cf596c45bbab4eb1e6e91b3643c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/memory_pressure/direct_memory_pressure_calculator_win.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
namespace memory_pressure {
namespace {
const int kKBperMB = 1024;
} // namespace
// A system is considered 'high memory' if it has more than 1.5GB of system
// memory available for use by the memory manager (not reserved for hardware
// and drivers). This is a fuzzy version of the ~2GB discussed below.
const int DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::kLargeMemoryThresholdMb = 1536;
// These are the default thresholds used for systems with < ~2GB of physical
// memory. Such systems have been observed to always maintain ~100MB of
// available memory, paging until that is the case. To try to avoid paging a
// threshold slightly above this is chosen. The moderate threshold is slightly
// less grounded in reality and chosen as 2.5x critical.
const int
DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::kSmallMemoryDefaultModerateThresholdMb =
const int
DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::kSmallMemoryDefaultCriticalThresholdMb =
// These are the default thresholds used for systems with >= ~2GB of physical
// memory. Such systems have been observed to always maintain ~300MB of
// available memory, paging until that is the case.
const int
DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::kLargeMemoryDefaultModerateThresholdMb =
const int
DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::kLargeMemoryDefaultCriticalThresholdMb =
: moderate_threshold_mb_(0), critical_threshold_mb_(0) {
int moderate_threshold_mb,
int critical_threshold_mb)
: moderate_threshold_mb_(moderate_threshold_mb),
critical_threshold_mb_(critical_threshold_mb) {
DCHECK_GE(moderate_threshold_mb_, critical_threshold_mb_);
DCHECK_LE(0, critical_threshold_mb_);
DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::CalculateCurrentPressureLevel() {
base::SystemMemoryInfoKB mem_info = {};
if (!GetSystemMemoryInfo(&mem_info))
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_NONE;
// How much system memory is actively available for use right now, in MBs.
int phys_free = mem_info.avail_phys / kKBperMB;
// TODO(chrisha): This should eventually care about address space pressure,
// but the browser process (where this is running) effectively never runs out
// of address space. Renderers occasionally do, but it does them no good to
// have the browser process monitor address space pressure. Long term,
// renderers should run their own address space pressure monitors and act
// accordingly, with the browser making cross-process decisions based on
// system memory pressure.
// Determine if the physical memory is under critical memory pressure.
if (phys_free <= critical_threshold_mb_)
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_CRITICAL;
// Determine if the physical memory is under moderate memory pressure.
if (phys_free <= moderate_threshold_mb_)
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_MODERATE;
// No memory pressure was detected.
return MemoryPressureListener::MEMORY_PRESSURE_LEVEL_NONE;
bool DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::GetSystemMemoryInfo(
base::SystemMemoryInfoKB* mem_info) const {
return base::GetSystemMemoryInfo(mem_info);
void DirectMemoryPressureCalculator::InferThresholds() {
// Determine if the memory installed is 'large' or 'small'. Default to 'large'
// on failure, which uses more conservative thresholds.
bool large_memory = true;
base::SystemMemoryInfoKB mem_info = {};
if (GetSystemMemoryInfo(&mem_info)) {
large_memory = / kKBperMB >=
if (large_memory) {
moderate_threshold_mb_ = kLargeMemoryDefaultModerateThresholdMb;
critical_threshold_mb_ = kLargeMemoryDefaultCriticalThresholdMb;
} else {
moderate_threshold_mb_ = kSmallMemoryDefaultModerateThresholdMb;
critical_threshold_mb_ = kSmallMemoryDefaultCriticalThresholdMb;
} // namespace memory_pressure