blob: 76da2a1bb91aa973628186f47115973600bca647 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/wm/workspace/two_step_edge_cycler.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace ash {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// We cycle to the second mode if any of the following happens while the mouse
// is on the edge of the workspace:
// . The user stops moving the mouse for |kMaxDelay| and then moves the mouse
// again.
// . The mouse moves |kMaxPixels| horizontal pixels.
// . The mouse is moved |kMaxMoves| times.
const int kMaxDelay = 500;
const int kMaxPixels = 100;
const int kMaxMoves = 25;
} // namespace
TwoStepEdgeCycler::TwoStepEdgeCycler(const gfx::Point& start)
: second_mode_(false),
start_x_(start.x()) {
TwoStepEdgeCycler::~TwoStepEdgeCycler() {
void TwoStepEdgeCycler::OnMove(const gfx::Point& location) {
if (second_mode_)
second_mode_ =
(base::TimeTicks::Now() - time_last_move_).InMilliseconds() >
kMaxDelay ||
std::abs(location.x() - start_x_) >= kMaxPixels ||
num_moves_ >= kMaxMoves;
time_last_move_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace ash