blob: 7f2742b9467b10d14e73d192dade76c483c0fc7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/layers/layer.h"
namespace cc {
namespace proto {
class LayerNode;
class LayerUpdate;
// A class to faciliate (de)serialization of a Layer tree to protocol buffers.
class CC_EXPORT LayerProtoConverter {
// Starting at |root_layer|, serializes the layer hierarchy into the
// proto::LayerNode.
static void SerializeLayerHierarchy(const scoped_refptr<Layer> root_layer,
proto::LayerNode* root_node);
// Recursively iterate over the given LayerNode proto and read the structure
// into a local Layer structure, re-using existing Layers. returns the new
// root Layer after updating the hierarchy (may be the same as
// |existing_root|).
static scoped_refptr<Layer> DeserializeLayerHierarchy(
const scoped_refptr<Layer> existing_root,
const proto::LayerNode& root_node);
// Starting at |root_layer|, serializes the properties of all the dirty nodes
// in the Layer hierarchy. The proto::LayerUpdate will contain all nodes that
// either are dirty or have dirty descendants. Only nodes that are dirty will
// contain the list of dirty properties.
static void SerializeLayerProperties(Layer* root_layer,
proto::LayerUpdate* layer_update);
// Iterate over all updated layers from the LayerUpdate, and update the
// local Layers.
static void DeserializeLayerProperties(
Layer* existing_root,
const proto::LayerUpdate& layer_update);
// Returns the Layer with as the Layer id, if it exists in
// |layer_id_map|. Otherwise, a new Layer is constructed of the type given
// from proto.type().
static scoped_refptr<Layer> FindOrAllocateAndConstruct(
const proto::LayerNode& proto,
const Layer::LayerIdMap& layer_id_map);
// This method is the inner recursive function for SerializeLayerProperties
// declared above.
static void RecursivelySerializeLayerProperties(
Layer* root_layer,
proto::LayerUpdate* layer_update);
using LayerIdMap = base::hash_map<int, scoped_refptr<Layer>>;
// Start at |layer| and recursively add |layer| and all its children and
// special layers to |layer_id_map|.
static void RecursivelyFindAllLayers(const scoped_refptr<Layer>& layer,
LayerIdMap* layer_id_map);
} // namespace cc